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Releases: WRI-Cities/static-GTFS-manager


09 May 08:48
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  • One bugfix for an issue in Schedules page that was preventing creating new trips for new routes.
  • Few improvements in frontend.
  • Linked to demo videos made.

All changes in v1.4.3 listed here

Windows standalone version attached in zip file with this release.

Note: Issue found with windows version in a win10 machine. It may not work on windows 10 OS as of now. Will try making a workaround soon. See #78 for details. Replaced a DLL and have put up a .zip that should work on windows 7 and 10 also now.

v1.4.2 windows binary and some small updates

25 Apr 09:41
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The major updates are same as in v1.4.0 . Did some rework on the Windows standalone version, and on the frontend introduced a new logo.
README has been updated with instructions for Windows users.

v1.4.0 bug-fixes and some much-needed structuring

24 Apr 20:30
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  • Solves the bugs and enhancements filed under Milestone v1.4.0.
  • Many bugs found in new data creation (routes, trips) are resolved.
  • Routes page restructured to separate Routes and Sequence in tabs.
  • New route, trip creation is now more structured.
  • Dropdown options brought in table editing where the column references values from another GTFS table.
  • Basically, we're keeping a tighter ship now.
  • Detailed instructions have been put on each page.

Windows version released

  • Note: this is for 64-bit windows systems, which is most machines since Win7.
  • Download the and unzip it on your system. Get into the folder made.
  • Double-click on the shortcut "GTFS-Manager".
  • A dos box should open up giving status messages, and after a few seconds a new tab should open in your system's default web browser.
  • In case the browser that opened is Internet Explorer, please copy-paste the URL to Chrome or similar modern browser. There may be some compatibility issues with IE.
  • We need feedback of how the program runs on different Windows systems. If you experience problems, please file an issue with details of your OS (windows version, bit etc)
  • To know more about how this windows version was created, see #63

v1.3.0 some bugfixes and enhancements

15 Apr 17:00
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Issues and enhancements under milestone v1.3.0 resolved.

EDIT: Many bugs found in this release, fixes underway, kindly wait for v1.4.0!


14 Apr 04:12
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fixed #22


13 Apr 08:58
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Fixed #6

v1.0.0 first release

11 Apr 18:04
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This is the first release at which the lead programmer is comfortable to say that a static GTFS feed of a small transit agency can be managed using this program at the basic levels required. Data can be added, edited and deleted. A GTFS feed can be imported and tweaked and exported again. A completely fresh GTFS feed can also be started from scratch (Blank Slate). Much of the data is adequately interlinked and the linkages are taken care of by the frontend interface at a fairly competent level, so changing at one stage is not expected to cause many problems at other stages.

And at this point the program is moving from private single-person development by the lead developer to being shared open source and inviting collaborations.