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622 lines (518 loc) · 73.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, though this project doesn't succeed in adhering to Semantic Versioning.

Particular thanks go to outside contributor @seanchayes.

Fixes and minor improvements

Potentially-breaking changes

Developer-facing improvements

Fixes and minor improvements

  • Updates largo_home_single_top function to get homepage_feature_term and top_story_term values from slug instead of by name. If these prominence names were updated to anything else, homepage_feature_term and top_story_term would be false and fallback to __('Homepage Featured', 'largo'). Pull request #1709 for issue #1445.
  • Removes separator <span> on search results page; puts the search result url on a new line instead of next to the date. Also adds a overflow-wrap: breakword; style to the search-result URL to make sure it doesn't overflow the result container. Pull request #1710 for issue #1509.
  • Fixes a ReferenceError in navigation menu JavaScript. Pull request #1715 for issue #1714.
  • Fixes an undefined variable error in certain edge cases of the site og:description and description meta tags. Pull request #1724 for issue #1721.
  • Co-Authors Plus profile field descriptions no longer contain escaped HTML. Pull request #1726 for issue #1720.
  • Added box-sizing: border-box; style attribute to figcaption and .wp-caption-text elements to prevent caption text from overflowing from the parent container. Also modified Gutenberg block image caption styling to be consistent with the classic image caption styling when the image is expanded into a lightbox. Pull request #1711 for issue #1702.
  • Fixes multiple Undefined variable: post errors in homepage/templates/top-stories.php. Pull request #1728 for issue #1723.
  • Fixes an issue where the widget title wasn't displaying in the Largo Image Widget, due to trying to use the $title variable which was removed when we stopped using extract in pull request #1565. Pull request #1736 for issue #1717.
  • Added support for wp_body_open hook below opening body tag. Pull request #1735 for issue #1698.
  • Added font-display: block to fontello font family. Pull request #1742 for issue #1686.
  • Replaced image settings in the Largo Series Posts widget to mirror the image settings in the Largo Recent Posts widget. Pull request #1734 for issue #1727.
  • Adds a temporary shim to fix left/right aligned images not being correctly aligned with paragraphs. Pull request #1747 for issue #1731.
  • Fixed an issue where the Largo specific media credit caption and url was not being output in Gutenberg image blocks. Pull request #1733 for issue #1683.
  • Updated pull quote block styles so they can be easily differentiated from regular block quote blocks. Pull request #1746 for issue #1699.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on an image in an open slideshow modal resulted in the image having a different width once the modal was closed. Pull request #1743 for issue #1700.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the sticky navigation to show at the top of the page didn't output the expected result. Pull reques #1662 for issue #1660.

Fixes and minor improvements

This release brings improved compatibility with the WordPress Block Editor. The CSS class names type-pull-quote, type-aside, alignleft, alignright, aligncenter and half provided by Largo's "Module Wrapper" function in the Classic Editor are now supported on blocks via the "Additional CSS Classes" control, enabling improved pull quote display.

This release removes support for Google Plus, which shut down on April 2, 2019.

This release also contains a number of bug fixes and minor updates.

Particular thanks go to outside contributors @seanchayes and @megabulk.

Feature updates

  • Adds support for responsive embedded content, which is most noticeable with video content set to full width. Pull request #1689 for issue #1688.
  • Image and embed blocks aligned left/right, on viewports that are too small to display them reasonably in the indicated position, become 100% width of the column and lose their alignment. Pull request #1630 by @seanchayes for issue #1611.
  • Matches the default styles for Gutenberg's Pull Quote block with Largo's styles for <blockquote>. Adds styles for <cite> elements. Pull Request #1687 for issue #1682.
  • Ensures that the CSS classes used by Largo's Classic Editor plugin "Module Wrapper" can be used on pull quotes. Pull Request #1687 for issue #1682. If you'd like to make use of these classes by adding them to a Pull Quote block in the "Additional CSS Class" control of the "Advanced" section of the pull quote's block settings, the list of classes is as follows:
    • type-pull-quote: appears larger in the story, with a slightly fancier presentation
    • type-aside: appears smaller, without decoration
    • alignleft: block is aligned left. This class may make it impossible to select the block in the editor with your mouse, requiring use of the keyboard to move the cursor into the block.
    • alignright: block is aligned right. This class may make it impossible to select the block in the editor with your mouse, requiring use of the keyboard to move the cursor into the block.
    • aligncenter: block is aligned center.
    • half: Block is half the width of the column at all but the smallest screen widths.
  • Removed all Google+ profile fields in the admin interface and buttons on the front-end due to Google+ being shut down on April 2, 2019. Pull request #1667 for issue #1546.
  • Prevents search engine indexing on 404 and search results pages. This change is to keep up with SEO best practices, to preserve your crawl budget with Google, and to prevent a SEO hijacking attack whereby spammers search for their URL on your site, then get the resulting search query result page listed in search engines using your site's reputation. Pull request #1674 for issue #1615.
  • Updates INN's logos in the img/ folder. If your child theme redefines the function inn_logo(), please update that function to reference the new SVG image locations in img/. Pull request #1633 for issue #1621

Function updates

  • Adds the term's taxonomy slug and term slug in the format taxonomy-term as a class on the term in the output of largo_top_term(), largo_category_and_tags(), and largo_maybe_top_term(). Pull request for issue #1646.
  • The arguments set on largo_byline() are now passed to the largo_byline filter as an array of argument name => argument value. Pull request #1657 for issue #1646.
  • Makes the function largo_get_term_meta_post() pluggable. Pull request #1666 by GitHub user @megabulk.
  • Widget area name is now output as an HTML comment on many sidebars, to ease debugging widget presentations. Pull request #1632 by @seanchayes for issue #1492.
  • Added note to category.php template explaining how to modify displaying the featured posts on category pages. Pull request #1676 for issue #1595.
  • Upgrades ReadTheDocs build process. Pull request #1680 for issues #1616 and #1456.
  • If Co-Authors Plus is active, and if a post has an author term, but the term has no corresponding guest-author post, when running largo_byline(), the byline will now contain an HTML comment informing why the byline is empty. If the WP_DEBUG or LARGO_DEBUG constants are true, Largo will add a message to the server's error log of the form "post 123 should have at least one co-author, but has none!" Pull request #1607 for Automattic/Co-Authors-Plus#637 and as part of the general cleanup ticket #1492.

Fixes and minor improvements

  • Defines a new image size 96x96 for use on avatars and small square listing images. This is a bug fix; Largo has referred to such an image size for a long time but never made sure that such images existed. Sites worried about this issue may want to regenerate thumbnail images. Pull request #1672 for issue #1619.
  • Increases contrast of the floating social button icons against the background, to improve accessibility. Pull request #1635.
  • Fixes issue where floating social buttons were not clickable, because of z-index ordering. Pull request #1635 for issue #1576.
  • Fixes links in social media buttons not respecting the blog's character set. Pull request #1635 for issue #1283.
  • Fixes issue where [module]content[/module] was not rendering content in the output of the largo_module_shortcode() function. Pull request #1645 for issue #1639.
  • Function largo_post_social_links now respects the blog character set option. Pull request #1635 for issue #1283.
  • Fixes PHP notices in class Bootstrap_Walker_Nav_Menu. Pull request #1624 and #1625 for issue #1623 as part of issue #1492.
  • Fixes a regression in the behavior of the Largo Follow widget in Largo 0.6. Pull request #1600 for issue #1599.
  • Fixes issue where post excerpt and featured media were not being used for open graph tags on post types that are is_singular() but not is_single(). Pull request #1604 for issue #1602.
  • Prevents largo_top_term() from calling largo_category_and_tags() when the post ID argument passed to largo_top_term() does not match get_the_ID's post ID, because there is presently no way to pass that ID to largo_category_and_tags(). Pull request #1648 for issue #1647.
  • Fixes improper post ID argument passed to largo_top_term() in the homepage featured stories zone. Pull request #1648.
  • Removes duplicate site title in opengraph tags for non-archive, non-is_front_page(), non-is_singular() URLs. Pull request #1604 for issue #1602.
  • Removes search form from global nav bar when on the search page, so that there's only one search form. Pull request #1604.
  • Cleans up the search page when no query has been entered. Pull request #1604 for issue #1603.
  • Defines the index 'class' in partials/widget-content.php when using a large image. Pull request #1606 for issues #1605 and #1492.
  • Fix for posts with "Featured in category" selected not displaying on category RSS feeds. Pull request #1668 for issue #1598.
  • Fixes issue where prominence terms were not saving with the Block Editor, because the "Post Prominence" metabox was output twice. Pull request #1655 for issue #1654.
  • Fixes issue where the header ad widget area and before-footer widget area could extend beyond the viewport, causing horizontal scrolling on narrower screens. Pull request #1673 for issue #1670.
  • Uses validate_file() when using require_once. Pull request #1589 for issue #1494.
  • Added display: block; style attribute to .navis-slideshow.navis-full to prevent full size images from not displaying properly due to the display: table; attribute on all .wp-block-image alignment classes. Pull request #1675 for issue #1664.
  • Fixed issue with display of slideshows within column blocks. Pull request #1658 for issue #1681.
  • Overrides some default Gutenberg block styles to fit Largo styling better since they were not breaking properly between 781px and 600px. Pull request #1679 for issue #1658.
  • Removes a doubled </a> tag from menu dropdown parents. Pull request 1684 by @megabulk.
  • Adds an empty() check to largo_maybe_top_term() to better check for the lack of a top term on a post when deciding whether to output top term markup. Pull request #1613
  • Further cleans up undefined variables.

Upgrade notices

  • If your child theme redefines the function inn_logo(), please update that function to reference the new INN logo SVG image locations in img/.
  • If you have a custom partials/nav-global.php you may want to copy the if ( ! is_search() ) { ... } logic from pull request #1604 to reduce user confusion about which search form to use.
  • If your site has replaced or modified Largo's navigation.js, you may want to reassess that in light of the changes made in #1544.

This release contains bug fixes for Largo 0.6.


  • Uses filemtime() as the version number for more enqueued assets, meaning that cachebusting will be handled by file modification time and not by Largo version. Pull Request #1575 for issue #1550.
  • For many assets where no version number was provided for enqueued assets, largo_version() is now used. Pull Request #1575 for issue #1550.
  • Removes the list of recommended plugins displayed on new installations of Largo. Pull Request #1580 for issue #1570.
  • Adds a rect_thumb_half image size of 400x300, cropped, for use in areas where the fixed aspect ratio of rect_thumb is desired, but rect_thumb is too big. PR #1584.


Documentation and administrative improvements

Special thanks to our community contributors:

  • Mike Schinkel for his work on pull request #1469 at WordCamp for Publishers 2017's Contributor Day
  • GitHub user fenriz07 for their work in PR #1541 on updating links in our documentation

New Features

  • Adds Gutenberg support, with
    • editor styles
    • support for the .alignwide and .alignfull CSS classes and their use in blocks
    • pullquote styles


  • Fixes numerous undefined variable errors, as part of issue #1492.
  • Users who have the capability to edit a given post will see the edit link on the frontend, where before users with the capability to edit published posts in general saw the link to edit the post in the frontend. PR #1559 for issue #1543.
  • Largo now uses WordPress' title-tag support for <title> tag output, which means that site title tags shoud now be modifiable by plugins. PR #1566 for issue #1470.
  • If the Yoast SEO plugin is active, Largo's default Open Graph Protocol and Twitter Cards tags will not be output. PR #1567 for issues #1437 and #1470
  • Adds support for WordPress' .screen-reader-text CSS class. PR #1530 for issue #1528 as part of issue #844.
  • Updates .visuallyhidden CSS styles in accordance with the latest recommended technique. PR #1530 for issue #1528 as part of issue #844.
  • Thins the homepage stylesheets with LESS (reference) imports. PR #1530 for issue #1528 as part of issue #844.
  • Adds a text domain to style.css. PR #1527 as part of issue #844.
  • Fixes a "WP_Admin_Bar::add_node was called incorrectly" warning message. PR #1504 for issue #1349.
  • Modernizes Travis CI configuration to cover PHP 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1, and WordPress 4.6 through 5.0. Drops support for PHP 5.5 and earlier and WordPress 4.5 and earlier. PR #1503 and #1554.
  • Where largo_remove_hero() removed duplicate hero images from the top of the_content(), the funciton no longer outputs empty paragraph tags, and now works on img tags without src="" attributes. PR #1503 for issue #1404.
  • Alphabetizes the contributor list in


  • Deprecates largo_fb_user_is_followable(), because Facebook changed their API.
  • Removes the default inclusion of Google Analytics with INN's Largo Project IDs. PR #1502 as part of issue #1495, and by request.
  • Removes the INN Member RSS widget, because the RSS feed it draws from is no longer supported or maintained by INN. Because the RSS feed was occasionally empty, the widget would result in 500 errors. RP #1535 for issue #1511 and #893.
  • Removes lingering traces of the Largo Featured Widget. PR #1563 and #1469 for issue #1467, from Github user mikeschinkel.
  • Removes many uses of extract() in widgets and theme functions, and improves code quality in widgets.
  • Removes uses of screen_icon() and get_screen_icon(), deprecated in WordPress 4.8. PR #1523 for issue #1523 as part of issue #844.
  • Removes the <title> element from header.php, since Largo declares title-tag theme support. PR #1566 for issue #1470.
  • Removes two remaining PHP short tags. PR #1525 for issue #844.
  • Removes some deprecated style.css metadata tags. PR #1524 for issue #844.
  • Removes Hipchat support from .travis.yml. PR #1503.

Upgrade notices

  • If your child theme has significant custom styling, or has custom post templates, your theme may need to provide additional styles to ensure Gutenberg compatibility.
  • A future version of Largo will require the third parameter of largo_byline() to be specified in all calls. PR #1561 for issue #1517 adds code that, in testing environments with WP_DEBUG or LARGO_DEBUG set to true, will result in server log messages. This is necessary to prevent mismatches between the Loop's global $post and the desired byline output. The third parameter of largo_byline() may be a WP_Post instance or a post ID. Example call: largo_byline( true, false, get_the_ID() );.

This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes for v0.5.5.

This release breaks compatibility with PHP versions before 5.5: If you are still using PHP 5.5 or earlier, please be warned that they no longer receive security patches:

  • Updates some minor documentation
  • Fixes a bug where using an image gallery on a post caused the post to scroll to the gallery upon page load (
  • Fixes a bug where the current post was included in a list of related posts for the current post (#1403)
  • Fixes an undefined warning regarding meta boxes (#1408 for #1406)
  • Fixes several undefined notices in featured media functionality (#1350)
  • Cleans up inc/helpers.php (#1407)
  • Reorders the featured media dialog's UI from "Embed, Video, Image, Gallery" to "Image, Gallery, Video, Embed" (#1408)

Maintenance release containing bug fixes for v0.5.5


  • Removed a MySQL query that was causing unnecessary server load.
  • Removed var_log() function calls creating errors
  • Updated Largo update notification to rely on the update_themes capability
  • Added thumbnail to featured image meta box on post edit screen
  • Show byline separator on single post pages
  • Retain sort order when opening featured media gallery modal window
  • Added the lightbox view to single images
  • Made the gallery/grid-view setup more user-friendly and consistent

Maintenance release containing bug fixes for v0.5.5


  • Removed a MySQL query that was causing unnecessary server load.

Maintenance release containing bug fixes for v0.5.5



The project website ( is now the home for user-facing and admin-facing docs. Developer-facing docs remain at


  • Set Featured Media Button has moved from above the post editor to a new metabox (#1323 and #1285 for #698)
  • Adds support for TinyMCE’s underlining and text color buttons, while removing Heading 1 (#1295 for #790, #1296 for #670)
  • A new design for the gallery slider (#1307)
  • Enable displaying the sticky nav on all pages (#1262, #1266, and #1269 for, #1286)
  • Improvements to search pages including cleaner styles, shorter excerpts, the publish date and the URL of the post, and new actions in Google Custom Search Engine and non-GCSE searches. (#1167 for, #1177, #1237 for #1235)
  • Improvements to 404 pages, now including the query string that resulted in the 404 to aid in searching. (#1168 for #692)
  • Adds “Job Title” to the list of fields that Co-Authors Plus allows guest authors to have (#1098 for #1097)
  • Adds job title to the output of largo_byline() with and without Co-Authors plus enabled, but does not link it to the author’s byline page (#1098 for #1097)
  • Adds the option to hide the email address of a Co-Authors Plus guest author in the author bio partial, which is used in the Largo Author Bio widget and the posts-by-author archive. (#1098 for #1097)
  • A number of changes to the Largo Related Posts widget, including removing the option for placing the image before or after the headline and making the “Show byline” checkbox work (#1243 for #1242)
  • A revised Largo Taxonomy List widget, including the ability to exclude terms, limiting output of related terms to 5 or fewer, making the “taxonomy” chooser into a <select> box, and adding the ability to sort alphabetically by term name or by newest term first (to fix a performance issue where it was outputting infinite terms) (#1187)
  • Supports a “None” option for top term, allowing posts to have no top term set (#1090 for #1082, #1094)
  • Posts that have been updated now display the updated date/time at the top of the post. This creates a new function largo_edited_date() which displays either the time since updated or the date of update. (#1343 for #1341)
  • Adds the Largo post-type taxonomy to the list of taxomomies that can be chosen for a post’s Top Term. (#1086 for #1084)
  • Ads are now horizontally centered within ad zones (#1093)
  • Improved Homepage Alert widget styles (#1095)
  • Adds Instagram and Pinterest as supported social networks (#1099)
  • Largo’s Floating Social Buttons are now enabled in the two-column post template and in custom templates for single posts (#1102)
  • Add a option to the Largo Recent Posts widget to toggle the presence of the publish date in the byline (#1364)
  • Add a new widget area “Header Widget” in the header, floated to the right and limited to 320px wide. This is controlled by a checkbox in Theme Options > Advanced, and is best used for a newsletter signup or a donation call-to-action. (#1114 for #1038)
  • Improved support for Link Roundups in archives of posts (#1122)
  • Adds support for Largo-style featured media to the two-column classical layout (#1140 for #934)
  • Removes the WordPress custom image sizes options page, because Largo forces these image sizes and the settings page has no meaning (#1218 for #404)
  • Removes the Largo Explore Related widget, which was already deprecated and was breaking slideshows in posts that had categories. (#1241 for #1240)
  • Removes the sidebar from the single-post single-column template, to match documentation. It shouldn’t have been showing up there. If you wish to display widgets in the single-column template, may we recommend the Super Cool Ad Inserter Plugin? (#1292 for #1104)
  • General style cleanup and improvements


  • Social media buttons are now translatable (#1153)
  • Uses esc_url instead of esc_attr to escape URLs passed to the Twitter and Facebook Share functions (#1077 for #1076)
  • Better fallbacks in largo_top_term for posts with no top term set but top term display not set to “None”: attempt to display the category, the tags, and finally the post-type. (#1094)
  • Better fallbacks for the via attribute of the Twitter share link in post social media buttons, including supporting the Twitter accounts of Co-Authors Plus guest authors. (#1107 for, #1118 for #1117)
  • Removes [email protected] from mailto: links in share buttons, and removes the JavaScript requirement for the email functionality (#1192 for #799, #1281 for #799)
  • Properly escapes post titles in the Twitter and Facebook share links (#1121, #1147 for #1134)
  • Job titles are not output in bylines if the Largo custom byline text is set for a post (#1109 for #1108)
  • Remove date duplication in the Recent Posts Widget (#1111 for
  • If an author does not have a first name set in their profile, the “More by ___” text uses “More by this author” (#1112)
  • Actually respect the output of the largo_post_social_links filter (#1142)
  • Don’t display “Page Not Found” language on categories with a hierarchical header and fewer than 5 posts (#1270 for #898)
  • Post Prominence terms created by users are now available in post add/edit screens (#1255 for #956)
  • Switch Travis to using a Facebook user that doesn’t exist, after someone created an account using the name abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12 (#1234 for #1233)
  • Adds a title for /?post_type= archives using archive.php (#1232 for #1231)
  • Strip HTML tags from og: Open Graph tag contents (
  • A fix for the Don’t Miss menu’s label not displaying correctly (#1284 for #1083)
  • Un-hides posts that were being skipped in the Recent Stories list (#1287 for #1219)
  • Better detection of no related topics in partials/archive-category-related.php, which means that largo_get_related_topics_for_category() outputs an empty string if there are no related topics (#1289 for #1288)
  • The update nag is no longer shown on fresh installs of Largo (#1363 for #690)
  • In the Homepage Bottom Widget Area homepage bottom partial, $wp_query->posts is now temporarily an empty array for the duration of the partial (#1354)
  • Sticky navigation now supports menus named “More” (#1339 for #1336)
  • Largo_Related now uses a modern tax_query for some queries, and uses the correct slugs for the Tag and Category taxonomies (#1338)
  • Replacing showposts with posts_per_page throughout (#1313)
  • Replace get_currentuserinfo with wp_get_current_user (#1247 from Kirsten Lambertsen) largo_get_avatar_src() will no longer try to use author email addresses as user IDs when calling largo_get_user_avatar_id (#1251)
  • All terms in the prominence taxonomy will now be displayed in the Prominence meta box on the post editor (#1255 by RC Lations for #956)
  • Add a closing </ul> to the Largo Recent Posts widget (#1353 for #1330 via @jmusal)
  • Adds the user’s name and job title to the alt attribute of images in the Largo Staff Widget (#1148)
  • Adds theme support for <title> tags as reported by the Theme Check plugin (#1245 from Kirsten Lambertsen for #844)
  • Cleans up many undefined variables, including but not limited to: #1079 for #1078 #1306 for #1302 #1348

Developer Notes / Potentially Breaking Changes

  • Adds WordPress master, 4.6, 4.5, 4.3, and 4.3 to our Travis config and removes support for WordPress 3.9 and 4.0, while simplifying the Travis config. Thanks to @ntwb for his help here! (#1116 and #1227 for #1020)
  • Fixes a bunch of tests that were broken by PHP 5.5 (#1293 for #1209)
  • The minimum supported PHP version is now officially 5.3. This was already the case, because Largo uses anonymous functions, a feature introduced in PHP 5.3, but it was not documented until this release. (#1345 for #1344)
  • Improved support for WordPress 4.5 and following (#1239 for #1238 and #1225 for #1224)
  • Formally deprecates the constant SHOW_STICKY_NAV, which had been kept around since 0.5.4. 0.5.4 had effectively deprecated it, but we didn’t make a note of that in the release notes and some sites were affected. #1136 contained a backwards compatability fix for the master branch of Largo between 0.5.4 and 0.5.5. See PR #1136 and Issue #1135
  • Adds a counter to archive.php and category.php to allow running a new action largo_loop_after_post_x after every post, passing the counter and the context. This is useful if you want to output a widget area after the nth post. (#1272) largo_byline() has been broken up into a number of classes and wrapper function, to make it easier to maintain. Child-theme replacements of largo_byline() as a pluggable function are not affected. Filtering functions hooked on the filter largo_byline are not affected. (#1251 and #1265 for #1126, #1312, #1367, #1343, #1333) largo_top_term() now outputs ’’ empty strings if a post does not have a top term, which is saved as ‘none’ in the ’top_term’ post meta. (#1090 for #1082, #1094)
  • Cleans up the Largo Follow Widget to no longer require Twitter javascript (#1115)
  • Updates the markup used for the Facebook page widget (#1115)
  • Uses rect_thumb image size instead of full in partials/content.php (#1125)
  • Adds the top term to the post classes if it is set, in the form top-term-{$taxonomy_slug}-{$term_slug} (#1132 for #1119) largo_remove_hero() is now run on the two-column ’classic’ post template. This can be disabled with the filter largo_remove_hero to allow this to be disabled categorically or on a per-post basis. (#1140 for #934) .hero styles are no longer grouped under the body.normal selector (#1140 for #934)
  • Updates TGMPA to the latest version and updates the list of recommended plugins (#1151)
  • Site-wide footers on Series Landing Page now use the correct $post (#1176)
  • Removes final references to Argo Links, replacing all references and recommendations with Link Roundups (#1203 for #926)
  • Breaks up inc/post-tags.php, making that file smaller and putting some other functions in places that make more sense for them. This creates the new files inc/pagination.php and inc/post-social.php (#1250) partials/content-series.php has been merged into partials/content.php, introducing new filter largo_content_partial_arguments to change the display of that and adding the new function largo_content_partial_arguments_filter() to affect how partials/content.php displays in certain contexts. This also removes rendering of YouTube videos in partials/content.php (#1280 for #1271 and #1326)
  • Removes the files for the deprecated Largo Sidebar Featured Posts, Largo Footer Featured Posts, and * Largo Featured Posts widgets (#1294 for #897)
  • Adds new function largo_maybe_top_term() which outputs largo_top_term() wrapped in an if and only if largo_top_term() would return a link. (#1319, #1318 for #1316 and #1317)

    New Actions and Filters

  • Adds new filter largo_additional_networks to allow child themes to add additional social networks. (#1115)
  • Applies largo_get_partial_by_post_type to support per-type custom partials in category and archive pages (#1122, #1258)
  • Adds action hooks in the main navigation: (#1101) largo_before_main_nav_shelf largo_before_main_nav_list_items largo_after_main_nav_list_items largo_after_main_nav_shelf
  • Adds actions in partials/largo-header.php before and after largo_header(): (#1114) largo_header_before_largo_header largo_header_after_largo_header
  • Adds new filter largo_archive_rounduplink_title to allow Link Roundups to change the archive title (#1127 for #1123)
  • The social links that are output in largo_post_social_links can now be edited using array functions using the largo_post_social_more_social_links filter (#1128)
  • Adds new action at the bottom of the one- and two-column single post templates called largo_post_bottom_widget_area The Article Bottom widget area is now hooked on this action as the function largo_post_bottom_widget_area(). (#1131)
  • Adds filter largo_top_term_metabox_taxonomies to allow changing which taxonomies terms may be drawn from for use as top terms (#1200)
  • Adds new action largo_after_category_river to match largo_before_category_river, adds largo_category_acter_description_in_header which runs in the header before get_template_part('partials/archive', 'category-related'); (#1217)

Outside contributor shout-outs for documenting all of Largo’s todos: #963 and #1327 for #1353

@ntwb for #1227

Thanks to Kirsten Lambertsen for #1247 and #1245

Thanks to RC Lations for #1255 before we hired him.


New Features

  • Full navigation overhaul - menus have a new look, better proportions and interactions
    • Menu items collapse into More dropdown as browser resizes (#1061, #376)
    • New styles for mobile and tablet navigation (#732)
    • Sticky navigation fades as user scrolls down, reappears as they scroll up.
    • Add option for different brand name for use in Sticky Navigation (#1059)
    • Sticky navigation no longer overlaps WordPress Admin Bar for logged-in users (#808)
    • Settings moved to their own Navigation tab in Theme Options.
  • New social media buttons on single-column posts (#961)
  • Featured Images for Terms (#928)
  • Remove Sticky Footer from Posts (#974)
  • Add option to Largo Taxonomy List widget to display series thumbnails (#927)
  • New WordPress Filter in article-bottom Widget area (for Analytic Bridge plugin) (#971)


  • Largo development with Grunt (#1036 for #454)
  • Installing development dependencies using npm install (#1036 for #953)
  • New navigation documentation (#1041)
  • New filters for Load More Posts (#1028, #1043)
  • Add Featured Media to Terms (#1016)
  • PHP inline documentation for navigation partials and header (#603, #604, #605, #606, #607)

Bugs Fixed

  • Navigation shows on Pages, adopting the same settings as Posts (#1062)
  • Featured Posts on Category Archive Pages now receive proper post_class (#1052)
  • Load minified JavaScript for Load More Posts, respecting LARGO_DEBUG constant (#967)
  • Header search box style consistency (#937)
  • Fix display of text-only brand name/logo in sticky navigation on internal pages (#870)
  • Remove background color from hover state on sticky navigation logo, replace with transparency (#767)

Developer Notes / Potentially Breaking Changes

  • Largo Featured Posts, Largo Footer Featured Posts, and Largo Sidebar Featured Posts widgets will be replaced with the more-configurable Largo Recent Posts widget. (#987 for #982)
  • Files for the Largo Featured widgets will be removed in the next release of Largo. (#897)
  • Search view now uses partial chooser similar to Load More Posts (#1021 for #1023 and #1018)
  • Removes “emeritus” and “honorary” profile fields (#1050)
  • Removes Picturefill, which was unused. (#1049)

New Features

  • Added backwards lookup to Largo_Related class (allows Largo Related widget to look at both newer and older posts when querying for related items) (#842)
  • Enhancements to the Largo Taxonomy List Widget, including the option to display thumbnails and headlines from the most-recent post in the taxonomy (#932)
  • Converted all links in Largo Follow widget to simple anchor tags, instead of using third-party widgets (#769)
  • Removed “Show read more link?” from Largo Recent Posts widget (#883)
  • Removed third-party social buttons from single-post template, for privacy and page speed (#943)
  • Make nav menus “display: inline” in one column footer (#850)
  • Improved styles for Largo Sidebar Featured widget (#800)
  • Improved styles for the optional social media buttons in the article header and in the Largo Follow widget in the Article Bottom widget area (#951 for #950)
  • Break out less/inc/widgets.less into per-widget less files (#882)
  • General improvements to widget styles (#942)
  • Thumbnails in many places gain a play icon overlay (#923 for #836)
  • Switches to INN logo with grey text (#879)
  • Adds new actions to the homepage: largo_before_sticky_posts, largo_after_sticky_posts, largo_after_homepage_bottom (#966 for #965)


  • Added inline documentation to several template partials (#892)
  • Fixed API documentation generation command in Gruntfile.js (#892)

Bug Fixes

  • Added missing “Save” button to Largo Author Bio widget options (#889)
  • Fix duplicate widget titles (#891)
  • Fix update notice displaying to users that do not have permission to run updates (#855)
  • Fix styling of Largo Tag List widget (#840)
  • Fix footer widget areas 2 and 3 showing in widget settings when using layout with only one available widget area (#853)
  • Properly set the default widgets for the “Article Bottom” widget area (#728)
  • Various fixes for bugs related to updating/migrating from pre-v0.4 Largo (#728)
  • Site logo in the sticky navigation no longer receives a background color when hovered upon (#979 for #767)
  • The Load More Posts button will use the correct partial for archive pages (#925 for #868)
  • Refactors the category page code to make it clearer when featured posts will be displayed (#875 for #869)
  • Fixes for Load More Posts and the ability to use more than one Load More Posts button on a page.
  • Fixes #878, a missing > introduced in Largo version 0.5.2.

Potentially-Breaking Changes

  • If your theme defines largo_load_more_posts_data, make sure that it properly defines is_home in the LMP AJAX request. (#925)
  • Largo now uses the .is-video tag for thumbnail images that are for featured videos. Check your theme for conflicting styles. (#923)

Read the announcement blog post on INN's Nerds blog.

Bugfixes and enhancements

  • Featured Media editor enhancements (#832):
    • User can now set a thumbnail for embed and video Featured Media
    • Video Featured Media editor will attempt to pull a thumbnail from any available oEmbed provider if the user has not set their own thumbnail
    • Add "featured-media" and "featured-media-{type}" to story containers to allow for special treatment via CSS
  • Fix malformed "mailto:" links in docs (#824)
  • Adjust the INN logo and credit in site footer and remove "Member since" option for INN members (#761)
  • Add new footer layout options (#761):
    • 4-column asymmetrical layout, with three narrow columns and one wide column. THis is well suited for three custom menus and an image widget.
    • 1-column centered layout, well-suited for a minimalist navigation
  • Update TGM Plugin Activation class to 2.5.2
  • Remove use of border-radius throughout Largo, with the exception of some social media buttons (#777)
  • Add basic styles for Largo Sidebar Featured widget (#800)
  • Prevent homepage layouts from enqueueing assets on non-home pages (#830)
  • Fix formatting of update message (#801)
  • Remove margin-bottom on search form in sticky nav (#804)
  • Improve HTTPS support by removing "http" and "https" from LESS customizer output (#815)
  • Allow for filtering of "Load More Posts" arguments (#822)
  • Fix a bug where Largo outputs markup for bylines despite having no author data to render said markup with (#826)
  • Prevent Image widget image widths from stretching more than 100% the width of the container (#828)

A hearty thanks to contributors:

  • Ben Welsh (@palewire): PR #700
  • Josh Romero (@joshuarrrr): PR #723
  • Chris Harmoney (@nipoez): PR #455


  • Google Custom Search results are now displayed in the WordPress search results page instead of a popup. Use the “Results only” layout in GCSE for best results (PR #758 for Issue #730)
  • The WordPress Admin Bar now contains useful links for Largo (PR #751)
  • Plugin installation notices are hidden for users that cannot install Plugins (PR #740)
  • Author bios now include Email vCard metadata (PR #700, thanks to Ben Welsh)
  • Some Widgets font sizes have changed, for improved readability (PR #733, #755)
  • Social media icon colors updated to reflect latest brand colors (PR #750)
  • The ‘Donate’ link shows up in the sticky nav on smaller screen sizes, instead of being hidden


Developer-facing changes

Breaking Change: If you redefined largo_load_more_posts in your child theme, you will need to update it with code from this release, as the old logic will fail to load the correct posts.

  • The Load More Posts button can now be used multiple times on one page (PR #786 for #745)
  • The Load More Posts button text can be changed with the largo_next_posts_link filter. (1c125269b6fb01f5cf25bb8f945f0bba8f44539c)- The list of users in the Largo Staff widget is now filterable using largo_staff_widget_users. Example use in’s theme on lines 177-202 of functions.php. (PR #701)
  • largo_excerpt() no longer uses $use_more and $more_link arguments. These arguments have been deprecated, and will be ignored. (PR #759 and #765 for issues #52 and #764)
  • The footer, sidebar, and article-bottom widget areas, and the navigation are excluded from consideration in Google’s searches using the nocontent class. (PR #743 and #772 for issue #664)
  • The number of posts in the homepage template is now filterable (PR #744 and #776 for #742)
  • Theme update functions are now organized (PR #739)
  • When the update functions are run, new options will have the defaults set. (PR #734 for issue #727)
  • The tablet size check in largoCore.js is now for window widths less than or equal to 768px wide, instead of less than 768px wide. (PR #704)
  • The Series Landing Page permalink now uses an improved filter (PR #455, thanks to Chris Harmoney)
  • Various fixes related to sidebars for Series Landing Pages (PR #788 for issue #642)
  • The hero image partial has been enhanced with a filterable set of functions (PR #724, #737):
    • largo_hero: Prints the hero
    • largo_get_hero: Returns the hero
    • largo_featured_image_hero: One featured image
    • largo_featured_gallery_hero: A featured image gallery
    • largo_featured_embed_hero: An embedded video. Ex: YouTube or Vimeo
  • Travis now tests against WordPress 4.1.5 and 4.2.2 (fbe7b72b3421047eb2d47c0667cc7beef60df7d3) and uses sudo: false (0d8b89d36ddd1e80dc00fca8f19ac6ff617238e2 for #738)


  • Miscellaneous typo fixes
  • Bugfix for staff avatars not displaying on the [roster] shortcode (PR #754)
  • The “Exit Clean Read” button is no longer hidden by the sticky navigation (PR #781 for #768)
  • Largo_Related once again looks both forwards and backwards in time for related posts in series, categories and tags (PR #789 for #782)
  • The Load More Posts button now works with the character in a search query (PR #673)


  • LESS source maps are now included in unminified CSS (Issue #369, PR #646)
  • Refactored/updated slideshows (PR #643, Issue #371)
  • Refactored most recent widget display styles (#444)
  • Added LARGO_DEBUG constant to allow use of unminified and uncompressed development versions of all CSS and Javascript (#432)
    • For CSS, this includes sourcemaps.
  • Updated references to INN following INN’s rebranding (Issue #425, PR #428)
  • Clickable hero images for river view (Issue #457, PR #461)
  • Set default Single Column Layout (Issue #438)
  • Added custom taxonomies to menus (Issue #401, PR #640)


  • Largo Related Posts widget now requires less resources (Issue #671, PR #676)
  • Largo Footer is now aligned left
  • Load More Posts functions as expected on Category Pages (Issue #499, PR #636
  • Various fixes for the sticky nav (PR #460)
  • Various fixes for byline and authors (Issue #445, #446)
  • Fixes for the layout of single column story template (remove negative margins) (Issue #379, #290, PR #420)
  • Fix for Facebook® debugging (Issue #462)
  • Fix for Largo Author Widget on Series Landing Pages (Issue #452, PR #639)
  • Fix margins on images without alignment (Issue #443)
  • Fix for Top Story term, replace it with Homepage Top Story (Issue #414, PR #424)
  • Fix Homepage single w/series displays additional stories in list at the top right (Issue #408, PR #429)
  • Fix for Edit Featured Media to enable adding an image after deleting a gallery (Issue #392)
  • Fixes to Clean Contact(Issue #355, #370 PR #372 )



  • Largo Recent Posts widget now has options to show byline and top term for posts
  • The featured image of the “Top Story” homepage templates now stretch to fill the frame (#383)
  • Improved print styles (#382)
  • Breakpoints for Doubleclick For Wordpress now included
  • largo_get_the_main_feature() can be passed a WP_Post object
  • Branding now uses Institute for Nonprofit News and ([#425])(#425)
  • Dates are displayed on single column article pages (#405)


  • INN_MEMBER constant is respected in child themes (#386)
  • Duplicate hero images should be removed from posts
  • largo_excerpt now works outside The Loop (#426)
  • Homepage Single Story With Series now displays the correct series
  • Changes to Load More Posts button (#394)
  • Largo Image widget no longer runs the widget_title filter twice
  • Largo Staff widget now uses the author posts URL instead of the author twitter URL.
  • Largo Series Posts widget styles now match other widgets (#384)
  • Homepage Single Story layout shows correct byline (#415)
  • Improvements to the options update functions introduced in 0.4
    • Sticky navigation now enabled by default if not previously set (#377)
    • “Top Story” prominence from 0.3 is now renamed to “Homepage Top Story” to prevent duplication


This changes everything.

Here's an overview of what's changed and here's more documentation on