The course is making use of a virtual machine built for a previous course NGSBioAfrica2022
The following fixes have already been incorporated into the GSBAfrica2023 VM. They are listed here in case of an arising issue. Fixes that arise throughout the course will be added here.
conda create --name thelumpyenv python=2.7
conda activate thelumpyenv
conda install pysam
conda install numpy
cd /home/manager/course_data/structural_variation/data/exercise3/
samtools view -bh -F 1294 ERR1015069.bam | samtools sort -O bam -T ERR1015069.temp -o ERR1015069.discordants.bam
samtools index ERR1015069.discordants.bam
samtools view -h ERR1015069.bam | extractSplitReads_BwaMem -i stdin | samtools view -b - | samtools sort -O bam -T ERR1015069.temp -o ERR1015069.splitters.bam
samtools index ERR1015069.splitters.bam
lumpyexpress -B ERR1015069.bam -S ERR1015069.splitters.bam -D ERR1015069.discordants.bam -o ERR1015069.vcf
# deactivate the environment when done
conda deactivate
conda install snp-dists
#1. To uninstall the iqtree package, you can use:
sudo apt remove iqtree
# or
pip uninstall iqtree
#2. update your system:
sudo apt-get update
#3. install a specific version of iqtree package:
conda install -c bioconda -c defaults iqtree=1.6.12
#4. update your system:
sudo apt-get update
#5. check if you installed the right version of iqtree
iqtree --version
sudo apt install figtree
# the password is manager
# Begin by running R
# continue with the practical from here
# Begin by running R
# continue with the practical from here
conda create -n salmon salmon
conda activate salmon
# run your salmon commands
# deactivate the environment when done
conda deactivate