diff --git a/Project.xml b/Project.xml
index c475cab..2500f9c 100644
--- a/Project.xml
+++ b/Project.xml
@@ -116,8 +116,6 @@
diff --git a/hmm.json b/hmm.json
index 3bb03b4..0f92249 100644
--- a/hmm.json
+++ b/hmm.json
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
"ref": "develop",
"url": "https://github.com/VsFoxaDevs/lime"
- {
- "name": "flixel-screenshot-plugin",
- "type": "haxelib",
- "version": null
- },
"name": "haxeui-core",
"type": "haxelib",
diff --git a/source/backend/ClientPrefs.hx b/source/backend/ClientPrefs.hx
index 43cc1e3..b1628bf 100644
--- a/source/backend/ClientPrefs.hx
+++ b/source/backend/ClientPrefs.hx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import states.StartingState;
public var showTotalFPS:Bool = false;
public var memory:Bool = true;
public var totalMemory:Bool = false;
- public var engineVersion:Bool = false;
+ public var engineVersion:Bool = true;
public var debugInfo:Bool = false;
public var rainbowFPS:Bool = false;
public var redText:Bool = true;
diff --git a/source/debug/FPSCounter.hx b/source/debug/FPSCounter.hx
index 7ef15d0..1280664 100644
--- a/source/debug/FPSCounter.hx
+++ b/source/debug/FPSCounter.hx
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ package debug;
import openfl.text.TextField;
import openfl.text.TextFormat;
-#if flash
import openfl.Lib;
+import openfl.events.Event;
#if openfl
import openfl.system.System;
@@ -12,6 +11,8 @@ import openfl.system.System;
import states.MainMenuState;
+using StringTools;
modified version of openfl's fps counter, lol
@@ -65,13 +66,13 @@ class FPSCounter extends TextField {
currentTime = 0;
times = [];
- #if flash
+ //#if flash
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function(e)
var time = Lib.getTimer();
__enterFrame(time - currentTime);
- #end
+ //#end
// Event Handlers
@@ -110,9 +111,12 @@ class FPSCounter extends TextField {
if (ClientPrefs.data.totalMemory) text += "\n" + CoolUtil.formatMemory(Std.int(maximumMemory));
- if (ClientPrefs.data.engineVersion) text += "\n[ALLEYWAY VER] 1.0b / [PE VER]" + MainMenuState.psychEngineVersion;
+ if (ClientPrefs.data.engineVersion) {
+ text += "\n[ALLEYWAY VER] 1.0b / [PE VER]" + MainMenuState.psychEngineVersion;
+ text += "\n[VS.FOXA VER] 3.0 SE";
+ }
- #if debug
+ // #if debug
if (ClientPrefs.data.debugInfo) {
text += '\nState: ${Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(FlxG.state))}';
if (FlxG.state.subState != null)
@@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ class FPSCounter extends TextField {
text += "\nGL Shading version: " + '${getGLInfo(SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)})';
text += "\nFlixel: " + FlxG.VERSION;
- #end
+ // #end
if (ClientPrefs.data.redText) {
textColor = FlxColor.fromRGBFloat(255, 255, 255, realAlpha);
diff --git a/source/flixel/addons/plugin/ScreenShotPlugin.hx b/source/flixel/addons/plugin/ScreenShotPlugin.hx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b218876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/flixel/addons/plugin/ScreenShotPlugin.hx
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+package flixel.addons.plugin;
+import flixel.util.FlxSignal.FlxTypedSignal;
+import flixel.FlxCamera;
+import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxSoundAsset;
+import openfl.utils.ByteArray;
+import openfl.display.Sprite;
+import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
+import flixel.FlxG;
+import openfl.display.Bitmap;
+import openfl.display.BitmapData;
+import flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKey;
+using StringTools;
+ * This class allows the player to take in game screenshots via the `screenshotKeys`
+ */
+class ScreenShotPlugin extends flixel.FlxBasic {
+ /**
+ * Current `ScreenShotPlugin` instance
+ */
+ public static var current:ScreenShotPlugin = null;
+ /**
+ * Whether the plugin is currently enabled
+ */
+ public static var enabled:Bool = true;
+ /**
+ * Keys to press to screenshot
+ */
+ public static var screenshotKeys(default, set):Array = [FlxKey.F2];
+ /**
+ * The save format used to save the screenshots, default to `PNG`.
+ * The current available formats are `PNG` and `JPEG`
+ */
+ public static var saveFormat(default, set):FileFormatOption = PNG;
+ /**
+ * Screenshot path, where the screenshots are saved to
+ */
+ public static var screenshotPath(default, set):String = "screenshots";
+ /**
+ * The color used for the flash
+ */
+ public static var flashColor(default, set):Int = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ /**
+ * The color used for the outline in the screenshot display
+ */
+ public static var outlineColor(default, set):Int = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ /**
+ * The flash fade-in duration
+ */
+ public static var screenshotFadeTime:Float = 0.25;
+ /**
+ * The quality of screenshots saved as `JPEG`, default to 80
+ */
+ public static var jpegQuality(default, set):Int = 80;
+ /**
+ * Custom sound asset to play when the screenshot is taken.
+ * If null, no sound is played
+ */
+ public static var sound:FlxSoundAsset = null;
+ /**
+ * A signal that gets dispatched when a screenshot is taken
+ */
+ public static var onScreenshotTaken(default, null):FlxTypedSignalVoid> = new FlxTypedSignalVoid>();
+ /**
+ * Post-signal that gets dispatched when a screenshot is taken
+ */
+ public static var onScreenshotTakenPost(default, null):FlxTypedSignalVoid> = new FlxTypedSignalVoid>();
+ public static function set_screenshotKeys(v:Array):Array {
+ if (v == null)
+ v = [];
+ var oldValue = v.copy();
+ screenshotKeys = v;
+ while (screenshotKeys.contains(-1))
+ screenshotKeys.remove(-1);
+ if (screenshotKeys.length <= 0) {
+ FlxG.log.warn('ScreenShotPlugin: Invalid keybinds ${oldValue}, using [FlxKey.F2] instead');
+ screenshotKeys = [FlxKey.F2];
+ }
+ return screenshotKeys;
+ }
+ public static function set_saveFormat(v:FileFormatOption) {
+ if (v != JPEG && v != PNG) {
+ FlxG.log.warn('ScreenShotPlugin: Unsupported format ${v}, using .png instead');
+ v = PNG;
+ }
+ return saveFormat = v;
+ }
+ public static function set_screenshotPath(v:String):String {
+ var oldValue = v;
+ /*while (v.contains("/"))
+ v = v.replace("/", "");*/
+ #if windows
+ if (v.startsWith(" "))
+ v = v.substring(1);
+ if (v.endsWith(" "))
+ v = v.substring(0, v.lastIndexOf(" "));
+ for (i in ["<", ">", ":", '"', '\\', "|", "?", "*"])
+ if (v.contains(i))
+ v = v.replace(i, "");
+ for (word in ["CON", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3",
+ "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9"]) {
+ if (v.toUpperCase() == word) {
+ v = '_${v}';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #elseif macos
+ for (i in ["#", "%", "{", "}", "|", "`", ">", "<", "!", "?", "$", "^", '"', "'", ";", ":", "&", "+", "="])
+ if (v.contains(i))
+ v = v.replace(i, "");
+ #end
+ if (v.length <= 0) {
+ FlxG.log.warn('ScreenShotPlugin: Invalid save folder name "${oldValue}", using "screenshots" instead');
+ v = "screenshots";
+ }
+ return screenshotPath = v;
+ }
+ public static function set_flashColor(v:Int):Int {
+ flashColor = v;
+ if (current != null && current.flashBitmap != null)
+ current.flashBitmap.bitmapData = new BitmapData(lastWidth, lastHeight, true, v);
+ return flashColor;
+ }
+ public static function set_outlineColor(v:Int):Int {
+ outlineColor = v;
+ if (current != null && current.outlineBitmap != null)
+ current.outlineBitmap.bitmapData = new BitmapData(Std.int(lastWidth / 5) + 10, Std.int(lastHeight / 5) + 10, true, outlineColor);
+ return outlineColor;
+ }
+ public static function set_jpegQuality(v:Int):Int {
+ return jpegQuality = Std.int(Math.max(0, Math.min(100, v)));
+ }
+ private static var lastWidth:Int;
+ private static var lastHeight:Int;
+ private var container:Sprite;
+ private var flashSprite:Sprite;
+ private var flashBitmap:Bitmap;
+ private var screenshotSprite:Sprite;
+ private var shotDisplayBitmap:Bitmap;
+ private var outlineBitmap:Bitmap;
+ /**
+ * Initialize a new `ScreenShotPlugin` instance
+ */
+ override public function new():Void {
+ super();
+ if (current != null) {
+ destroy();
+ return;
+ }
+ current = this;
+ lastWidth = FlxG.width;
+ lastHeight = FlxG.height;
+ container = new Sprite();
+ FlxG.stage.addChild(container);
+ flashSprite = new Sprite();
+ flashSprite.alpha = 0;
+ flashBitmap = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(lastWidth, lastHeight, true, flashColor));
+ flashSprite.addChild(flashBitmap);
+ screenshotSprite = new Sprite();
+ screenshotSprite.alpha = 0;
+ container.addChild(screenshotSprite);
+ outlineBitmap = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(Std.int(lastWidth / 5) + 10, Std.int(lastHeight / 5) + 10, true, outlineColor));
+ outlineBitmap.x = 5;
+ outlineBitmap.y = 5;
+ screenshotSprite.addChild(outlineBitmap);
+ shotDisplayBitmap = new Bitmap();
+ shotDisplayBitmap.scaleX /= 5;
+ shotDisplayBitmap.scaleY /= 5;
+ screenshotSprite.addChild(shotDisplayBitmap);
+ container.addChild(flashSprite);
+ FlxG.signals.gameResized.add(this.resizeBitmap);
+ }
+ override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void {
+ if (FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed(screenshotKeys) && enabled)
+ screenshot();
+ }
+ private function screenshot():Void {
+ for (sprite in [flashSprite, screenshotSprite]) {
+ FlxTween.cancelTweensOf(sprite);
+ sprite.alpha = 0;
+ }
+ var shot:Bitmap = new Bitmap(BitmapData.fromImage(FlxG.stage.window.readPixels()));
+ onScreenshotTaken.dispatch(shot);
+ var png:ByteArray = shot.bitmapData.encode(shot.bitmapData.rect, saveFormat.returnEncoder());
+ png.position = 0;
+ var path = '${screenshotPath}/Screenshot ' + Date.now().toString().split(":").join("-") + saveFormat;
+ if (!sys.FileSystem.exists('./${screenshotPath}/'))
+ sys.FileSystem.createDirectory('./${screenshotPath}/');
+ sys.io.File.saveBytes(path, png);
+ flashSprite.alpha = 1;
+ FlxTween.tween(flashSprite, {alpha: 0}, screenshotFadeTime);
+ shotDisplayBitmap.bitmapData = shot.bitmapData;
+ shotDisplayBitmap.x = outlineBitmap.x + 5;
+ shotDisplayBitmap.y = outlineBitmap.y + 5;
+ screenshotSprite.alpha = 1;
+ FlxTween.tween(screenshotSprite, {alpha: 0}, 0.5, {startDelay: .5});
+ if (sound != null)
+ FlxG.sound.play(sound);
+ onScreenshotTakenPost.dispatch();
+ }
+ private function resizeBitmap(width:Int, height:Int) {
+ lastWidth = width;
+ lastHeight = height;
+ flashBitmap.bitmapData = new BitmapData(lastWidth, lastHeight, true, flashColor);
+ outlineBitmap.bitmapData = new BitmapData(Std.int(lastWidth / 5) + 10, Std.int(lastHeight / 5) + 10, true, outlineColor);
+ }
+ override public function destroy():Void {
+ if (current == this)
+ current = null;
+ if (FlxG.plugins.list.contains(this))
+ FlxG.plugins.remove(this);
+ FlxG.signals.gameResized.remove(this.resizeBitmap);
+ FlxG.stage.removeChild(container);
+ super.destroy();
+ if (container == null)
+ return;
+ @:privateAccess
+ for (parent in [container, flashSprite, screenshotSprite])
+ for (child in parent.__children)
+ parent.removeChild(child);
+ container = null;
+ flashSprite = null;
+ flashBitmap = null;
+ screenshotSprite = null;
+ shotDisplayBitmap = null;
+ outlineBitmap = null;
+ }
+ override public function toString():String
+ return "ScreenshotPlugin instance";
+ // these variables below aren't necessary in this class
+ @:deprecated('Do not reference `ScreenShotPlugin.visible`')
+ override private function set_visible(Value:Bool):Bool return false;
+ @:deprecated('Do not reference `ScreenShotPlugin.camera`')
+ override private function set_camera(Value:FlxCamera):FlxCamera return null;
+ @:deprecated('Do not reference `ScreenShotPlugin.camera`')
+ override function get_camera():FlxCamera return null;
+ @:deprecated('Do not reference `ScreenShotPlugin.cameras`')
+ override private function set_cameras(Value:Array):Array return null;
+ @:deprecated('Do not reference `ScreenShotPlugin.cameras`')
+ override function get_cameras():Array return null;
+enum abstract FileFormatOption(String) from String {
+ var JPEG = ".jpg";
+ var PNG = ".png";
+ public function returnEncoder():Any {
+ return switch (this:FileFormatOption) {
+ case JPEG: new openfl.display.JPEGEncoderOptions(ScreenShotPlugin.jpegQuality);
+ default: new openfl.display.PNGEncoderOptions();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/options/VisualsUISubState.hx b/source/options/VisualsUISubState.hx
index 1a998b9..2217c11 100644
--- a/source/options/VisualsUISubState.hx
+++ b/source/options/VisualsUISubState.hx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class VisualsUISubState extends BaseOptionsMenu
- // options
+ //\\ -> options <- //\\
var noteSkins:Array = Mods.mergeAllTextsNamed('images/noteSkins/list.txt');
if(noteSkins.length > 0)
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ class VisualsUISubState extends BaseOptionsMenu
option.onChange = onWatermarkIcon;
var option:Option = new Option('Score Text Zoom on Hit',
"If unchecked, disables the Score text zooming\nevery time you hit a note.",
@@ -295,6 +294,12 @@ class VisualsUISubState extends BaseOptionsMenu
+ function onWatermarkIcon()
+ {
+ if(Main.watermark != null)
+ Main.watermark.visible = ClientPrefs.data.watermarkIcon;
+ }
#if !mobile
function onChangeFPSCounter()