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1963 lines (1601 loc) · 63.4 KB

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The XenDesktop7 PowerShell DSC resources can be used to deploy, configure and maintain a Citrix XenDesktop 7.x deployment.

NOTE: Use of the XD7StoreFront* resources with PowerShell v5.0's PsDscRunAsCredential parameter is not supported. This typically only affects the XenDesktop7Lab composite resources as the XD7StoreFront* resources don't have a Credential parameter.

NOTE: The majority of the XD7StoreFront* resources use the newer StoreFront 3.6+ PowerShell module and not the legacy StoreFront 3.0 SDK.

Included Resources


An access policy rule defines a set of connection filters and access control rights relating to a desktop group.


XD7AccessPolicy [string]
    DeliveryGroup = [string]
    AccessType = [string] { AccessGateway | Direct }
    [ Enabled = [bool] ]
    [ AllowRestart = [bool] ]
    [ Name = [string] ]
    [ Description = [string] ]
    [ Protocol = [string[] ] { HDX | RDP }
    [ IncludeUsers = [string[]] ]
    [ ExcludeUsers = [string[]] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent }]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • DeliveryGroup: The Citrix XenDesktop 7.x delivery group name to assign the access policy.
  • AccessType: The access policy filter type.
  • Enabled: Whether the access policy is enabled. If not specified, it defaults to True.
  • AllowRestart: Whether users are permitted to restart desktop group machines. If not specified, it defaults to True.
  • Name: Name of the access policy. If not specified, it defaults to DesktopGroup_Direct or DesktopGroup_AG.
  • Description: Custom description assigned to the access policy rule.
  • Protocol: Permitted protocols. If not specified, it defaults to both HDX and RDP.
  • IncludeUsers: List of associated Active Directory user and groups assigned to the access policy.
  • ExcludeUsers: List of associated Active Directory user and groups excluded from the access policy.
  • Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to access the source media and/or install/uninstall the specified role. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7AccessPolicyExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7AccessPolicy XD7AccessPolicyExample {
        DeliveryGroup = 'My Desktop Group'
        AccessType = 'AccessGateway'
        Enabled = $true
        AllowRestart = $true
        Protocol = 'HDX'
        IncludeUsers = @('DOMAIN\GroupA','DOMAIN\GroupB')
        Ensure = 'Present'


Registers an administrator in Citrix XenDesktop site. Administrators needs to be registered before they can be assigned to a role.


XD7Administrator [string]
    Name = [string]
    Enabled = [bool]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Active Direcrtory user/group name to register in the site database.
  • Enabled: Defines whether the user/group is enabled. If not specified, it defaults to True.
  • Ensure: Whether the administrator is present or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to access the Citrix XenDesktop 7 site. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7AdministratorExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Administrator XD7AdministratorExample {
        Name = 'Domain Admins'
        Enabled = $true
        Ensure = 'Present'


Creates a Citrix XenDesktop machine catalog.


XD7Catalog [string]
    Name = [string]
    Allocation = [string] { Permanent | Random | Static }
    Provisioning = [string] { Manual | PVS | MCS }
    Persistence = [string] { Discard | Local | PVD }
    [ Description = [string] ]
    [ IsMultiSession = [bool] ]
    [ PvsAddress = [string] ]
    [ PvsDomain = [string] ]
    [ MinimumFunctionalLevel = [string] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 machine catalog to create.
  • Description: Description of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 machine catalog.
  • Allocation: Machine catalog allocation type. Supported values are Permanent, Randam or Static.
  • Provisioning: Machine catalog provisioning type. Supported values are Manual, PVS or MCS.
  • Persistence: User settings persistence type. Supported values are Discard, Local or PVD.
  • IsMultiSession: Flags the machine catalog supports multiple concurrent sessions on each machine.
  • PvsAddress: Address of the PVS server. This option is only required if the provisioning type is set to PVS.
  • PvsDomain: Domain of the PVS server. This option is only required if the provisioning type is set to PVS.
  • MinimumFunctionalLevel: The minimum functional VDA level required for machines to work successfully in the catalog.
  • Ensure: Whether the catalog is to be available or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the catalog. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7CatalogExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Catalog XD7CatalogExample {
        Name = 'My Machine Catalog'
        Description = 'Random manual Citrix XenApp 7.6 machine catalog'
        Allocation = 'Random'
        Provisioning = 'Manual'
        Persistence = 'Local'
        IsMultisession = $true


Adds/assigns an Active Directory machine to a Citrix XenDesktop 7 machine catalog.


XD7CatalogMachine [string]
    Name = [string]
    Members = [string[]] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 machine catalog to add the members to.
  • Members: One or more Active Directory computers accounts to add to the machine catalog.
  • Ensure: Whether the computer accounts should be present or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to machines to the catalog. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7CatalogMachineExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7CatalogMachine XD7CatalogMachineExample {
        Name = 'My Machine Catalog'
        Members = 'Domain\ComputerA','ComputerB'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Adds or removes a Citrix XenDesktop 7 controller to or from a Citrix XenDesktop site.


XD7Controller [string]
    SiteName = [string]
    ExistingControllerName = [string]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • SiteName: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site name to join.
  • ExistingControllerName: Existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 site controller used to join the site.
  • Ensure: Whether the site controller should be present or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to add or remove the controller from the site. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7Controller {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Controller MyXD7Controller {
        SiteName = 'My Site'
        ExistingControllerName = 'controller-a.lab.local'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Creates a Citrix XenDesktop 7 site, logging or monitor database. This resource does not support removing or relocation of site databases.


XD7Database [string]
    SiteName = [string]
    DatabaseName = [string]
    DatabaseServer = [string]
    DataStore = [string] { Site | Logging | Monitor }
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • SiteName: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site name assigned to the database.
  • DatabaseName: Name of the Microsoft SQL database to create.
  • DatabaseServer: FQDN of the Microsoft SQL server to host the database.
  • DataStore: Citrix XenDesktop site database type to create.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the database. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7Database {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Database MyXD7LoggingDatabase {
        SiteName = 'My Site'
        DatabaseName = 'MySiteLoggingDatabase'
        DatabaseServer = 'mysqlserver.lab.local'
        DataStore = 'Logging'


Creates a Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop group.


XD7DesktopGroup [string]
    Name = [string]
    IsMultiSession = [bool]
    DeliveryType = [string] { AppsOnly | DesktopsOnly | DesktopsAndApps }
    DesktopType = [string] { Shared | Private }
    [ Description = [string]
    [ DisplayName = [string] ]
    [ Enabled = [bool] ]
    [ ColorDepth = [string] { FourBit | EightBit | SixteenBit | TwentyFourBit } ]
    [ IsMaintenanceMode = [bool] ]
    [ IsRemotePC = [bool] ]
    [ IsSecureIca = [bool] ]
    [ ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse = [bool] ]
    [ TurnOnAddedMachine = [bool] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop group.
  • IsMultiSession: Flags whether the desktop group supports multisession hosts.
  • DeliveryType: Delivery type of the desktop group. Supported values are AppsOnlys, DesktopsOnly or DesktopsAndApps.
  • DesktopType: Desktop allocation type. Supported values are Shared and Private.
  • Description: Description of the desktop group.
  • DisplayName: Display name of the desktop group.
  • Enabled: Whether the desktop group is enabled. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • ColorDepth: Color depth of the desktop group. Supported values are FourBit, EightBit, SixteenBit and TwentyFourBit. If not specified, a default value of TwentyFour bit is used.
  • IsMaintenanceMode: Flags whether the desktop group is in maintenance mode. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • IsRemotePC: Flags whether the desktop group is a RemotePC desktop group. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • IsSecureIca: Flags whether Secure ICA is enabled/enforced. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse: Flags whether virtual desktops are powered off after use. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • TurnOnAddedMachine: Flags whether machines added to the desktop group are automatically powered on. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the desktop group is present or not. If not specified, this value defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the desktop group. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7DesktopGroupExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7DesktopGroup MyXD7DesktopGroup {
        SiteName = 'My Desktop Group'
        IsMultiSession = $true
        DeliveryType = 'DesktopsAndApps'
        DesktopType = 'Shared'


Adds or removes Active Directory computer accounts to or from a Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop group.


XD7DesktopGroupMember [string]
    Name = [string]
    Members = [string[]] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the desktop group to allocate members to.
  • Members: Active Directory computer account names to assign to the desktop group.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the specified Active Directory computer accounts are present in the desktop group or not. If not specified, this value defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to modify the desktop group. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7DesktopGroupMemberExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7DesktopGroupMember MyXD7DesktopGroupMembers {
        Name = 'My Desktop Group'
        Members = 'computer1.lab.local','computer2.lab.local'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Adds or removes published applications to or from a Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop/delivery group.


XD7DesktopGroupApplication [string]
    Name = [string]
    DesktopGroupName = [string]
    Path = [string]
    [ ApplicationType = [string] { HostedOnDesktop, InstalledOnClient } ]
    [ WorkingDirectory = [string] ]
    [ Arguments = [string] ]
    [ Description = [string] ]
    [ DisplayName = [string] ]
    [ Enabled = [bool] ]
    [ Visible = [bool] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] ] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the desktop application to publish.
  • DesktopGroupName: Name of the desktop/delivery group to publish the application.
  • Path: Path to the application executable.
  • ApplicationType: Specifies the type of application.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to HostedOnDesktop (published).
    • NOTE: It is not possible to change the application type after it's created.
  • WorkingDirectory: Working directory of the application.
  • Arguments: Command line arguments of the application.
  • Description: Application description.
  • DisplayName: Name of the application displayed to the user.
  • Enabled: Specifies whether the application is enabled.
    • If not specifed, this value defaults to $true.
  • Visible: Specifies whether the application is visible to the user.
    • If not specifed, this value defaults to $true.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the specified application is published in the desktop delivery group or not.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to modify the desktop group. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7DesktopGroupApplicationExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7DesktopGroupApplication XD7DesktopGroupApplicationExample {
        Name = 'Adobe Reader DC'
        DesktopGroupName = 'My Desktop Group'
        Path = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe'
        WorkingDirectory = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Grants Active Directory users/groups access to a Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop group.


XD7EntitlementPolicy [string]
    DeliveryGroup = [string]
    EntitlementType = [string] EntitlementType { Desktop | Application }
    [ Enabled = [bool] ]
    [ Name = [string] ]
    [ Description = [string] ]
    [ IncludeUsers = [string[]] ]
    [ ExcludeUsers = [string[]] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • DeliveryGroup: The name of the delivery group to include and/or exclude users to.
  • EntitlementType: Whether the entitlement is applies to a desktop or an application.
  • Enabled: Flags whether the entitlement is enabled. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • Name: Name of entitlement. If not specified, it defaults to DeliveryGroup_EntitlementType.
  • Description: Optional description of the entitlement.
  • IncludeUser: Users(s) explicitly included in the entitlement.
  • ExcludeUser: User(s) explicitly excluded from the entitlement.
  • Ensure: Whether the entitlement policy is present or not. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the entitlement. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7EntitlementPolicyExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7EntitlementPolicy XD7DesktopEntitlementPolicy {
        Name = 'My Desktop Group'
        EntitlementType = 'Desktop'
        IncludeUsers = 'MyDesktopGroupUsers','UserA'


Installs Citrix XenDesktop 7 server role/feature.


XD7Feature [string]
    Role = [string] { Controller | Licensing | Storefront | Studio | Director }
    SourcePath = [string]
    [Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Role: The Citrix XenDesktop 7.x role/feature to install.
  • SourcePath: Location of the extracted Citrix XenDesktop 7.x setup media.
  • Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to access the source media and/or install/uninstall the specified role.


Configuration XD7FeatureExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Feature XD7ControllerFeature {
        Role = 'Controller'
        SourcePath = 'C:\Sources\XenDesktop76'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Installs multiple Citrix XenDesktop 7 server roles/features in a single pass, reducing the number of reboots.


XD7Features [string]
    IsSingleInstance = [string] { Yes }
    Role = [string[] { Controller | Licensing | Storefront | Studio | Director }
    SourcePath = [string]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Role: The Citrix XenDesktop 7.x roles/features to install.
  • SourcePath: Location of the extracted Citrix XenDesktop 7.x setup media.
  • Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to access the source media and/or install/uninstall the specified role.


Configuration XD7FeaturesExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Features XD7MultiFeatures {
        IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
        Role = 'Controller','Studio'
        SourcePath = 'C:\Sources\XenDesktop76'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Assigns a Citrix XenDesktop 7 delegated security role to an administrator. This resource does not currently support creating new Citrix XenDesktop 7 roles.


XD7Role [string]
    Name = [string]
    Members = string[]
    RoleScope = [string]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of an existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 role to assign or unassign an administrator to/from.
  • Members: Name(s) of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 administrator(s) to assign or unassign.
  • RoleScope: Name of an existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 scope to apply to the assignment. If not specified, the value defaults to All.
  • Ensure: Whether the role member(s) should be assigned to the role or note. If not specified, this value defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to update the role membership. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7RoleExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Role XD7RoleAssignment {
        Name = 'Full Administrator'
        Members = 'Citrix Admins'
        EntitlementType = 'Desktop'
        IncludeUsers = 'MyDesktopGroupUsers','UserA'


Creates a new Citrix XenDesktop 7 site.


XD7Site [string]
    SiteName = [string]
    DatabaseServer = [string]
    SiteDatabaseName = [string]
    LoggingDatabaseName = [string]
    MonitorDatabaseName = [string]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • SiteName: Name of the new Citrix XenDesktop 7 site.
  • DatabaseServer: Name of the MS SQL server hosting the Citrix XenDesktop 7 site databases.
  • SiteDatabaseName: Name of the existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 site database.
  • LoggingDatabaseName: Name of the existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 logging database.
  • MonitorDatabaseName: Name of the existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 monitor database.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the site and access the MS SQL databases. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7SiteExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Site XD7SiteCreation {
        SiteName = 'My Site'
        DatabaseServer = 'mysqlserver.lab.local'
        SiteDatabaseName = 'MySiteDatabase'
        LoggingDatabaseName = 'MyLoggingDatabase'
        MonitorDatabaseName = 'MyMonitorDatabase'


Configures a Citrix XenDesktop 7 global site settings.


XD7SiteConfig [string]
    IsSingleInstance = [string] { Yes }
    [ TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort = [bool] ]
    [ SecureIcaRequired = [bool] ]
    [ DnsResolutionEnabled = [bool] ]
    [ ConnectionLeasingEnabled = [bool] ]
    [ BaseOU = [string] ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort: The XML Service trust settings.
  • SecureIcaRequired: The default SecureICA usage requirements for new desktop groups.
  • DnsResolutionEnabled: The setting to configure whether numeric IP address or the DNS name to be present in the ICA file.
  • ConnectionLeasingEnabled: The objectGUID property identifying the base OU in Active Directory used for desktop registrations.
  • BaseOU: The indicator for connection leasing active.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the site and access the MS SQL databases. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7SiteConfigExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7SiteConfig XD7GlobalSiteSetting {
        IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
        TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort = $true
        ConnectionLeasingEnabled = $true


Configures a Citrix XenDesktop 7 licensing scheme.


XD7SiteLicense [string]
    LicenseServer = [string] ]
    [ LicenseServerPort = [uint16] ]
    [ LicenseProduct [string] { XDT | MPS } ]
    [ LicenseEdition [string] { PLT | ENT | VDI } ]
    [ LicenseModel = [string] { UserDevice | Concurrent } ]
    [ TrustLicenseServerCertificate = [bool] ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • LicenseServer: Name of the exisiting Citrix license server.
  • LicenseServerPort: Port number of the existing Citrix license server. If not specified, the value defaults to 27000.
  • LicenseProduct: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site licensed product to apply, e.g XenDesktop or XenApp. Valid values are XDT or MPS. If not specified, a default value of XDT is used.
  • LicenseEdition: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site licensed edition to apply. Valid values are PLT, ENT or VDI. If not specified, a default value of PLT is used.
  • LicenseModel: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site license model to apply. Valid values are UserDevice or Concurrent. If not specified, a default value of UserDevice is used.
  • TrustLicenseServerCertificate: Flags whether the Citrix license server certificate should be trusted. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to update the site licensing. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7SiteLicenseExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7SiteLicense XD7SiteLicensing {
        LicenseServer = 'citrixls.lab.local'


Creates or updates a StoreFront deployment with the required features installed and configured


XD7StoreFront [string]
    SiteId = [UInt64]
    [ HostBaseUrl = [String] ]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Present | Absent } ]


  • SiteId: Citrix Storefront IIS site id.
  • HostBaseUrl: Citrix StoreFront host base url.
  • Ensure: Whether the Storefront deployment should be added or removed.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFront XD7StoreFrontExample {
        SiteId = 1
        HostBaseUrl = 'http://localhost/'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Sets StoreFront account self-service options.


XD7StoreFrontAccountSelfService [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ AllowResetPassword = [Boolean] ]
    [ AllowUnlockAccount = [Boolean] ]
    [ PasswordManagerServiceUrl = [String] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • AllowResetPassword: Allow self-service reset password.
  • AllowUnlockAccount: Allow self-service account unlock.
  • PasswordManagerServiceUrl: The Url of the password manager account self-service service. This must end with a /. Set to $null to remove.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontAccountSelfService XD7StoreFrontAccountSelfServiceExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        AllowResetPassword = $true
        AllowUnlockAccount = $true
        PasswordManagerServiceUrl = 'http://WebServer/url/'


Configures the available authentication providers of a Citrix StoreFront 2.x or 3.x server.


XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethod [string]
    VirtualPath = [string]
    AuthenticationMethod = [string[] ] { Certificate | CitrixAGBasic | CitrixFederation | ExplicitForms | HttpBasic | IntegratedWindows }
    [ SiteId = [uint16] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Absent | Present } ]


  • VirtualPath: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service virtual path.
  • AuthenticationMethod: Authentication methods to be installed. Existing authentication methods will not be removed.
  • SiteId: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service site id.
    • If not specified, the value defaults to 1.
  • Ensure: Whether the Storefront authentication service method should be added or removed.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethodExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethod XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethods {
        VirtualPath = '/Citrix/Authentication'
        SiteId = 1
        AuthenticationMethod = 'WindowsIntegrated'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Add or Remove a new Authentication service for Store and Receiver for Web authentication


XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationService [string]
    VirtualPath = [String]
    [ FriendlyName = [String] ]
    [ SiteId = [UInt64] ]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Present | Absent } ]


  • VirtualPath: The IIS virtual path to use for the service.
  • FriendlyName: The friendly name the service should be known as.
  • SiteId: Citrix Storefront IIS site id to configure the Authentication service for.
  • Ensure: Ensure. If not specified, this value defaults to Present.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7 {
    XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationService XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationServiceExample {
        VirtualPath = '/Citrix/mockweb'
        FriendlyName = 'mockauth'
        SiteId = 1


Enables or disables StoreFront authentication service protocol(s).

NOTE: this is a replacement for the XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethod resource implemented using the new StoreFront 3.x PowerShell cmdlets.


XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationServiceProtocol [string]
    VirtualPath = [String]
    AuthenticationProtocol = [String[]]
    [ SiteId = [Uint64] ]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Present | Absent } ]


  • VirtualPath: Citrix Storefront Authentication Service IIS virtual path.
  • AuthenticationProtocol: Citrix Storefront Authentication protocols to enable or disable.
  • SiteId: Citrix Storefront Authentication Service IIS Site Id.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to 1.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether to enable or disable the authentication protocol(s).
    • If not specified, this value defaults to 'Present'.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7 {
    XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationServiceProtocol AuthenticationServiceProtocolExample {
       VirtualPath = '/Citrix/Authentication'
       AuthenticationProtocol= 'ExplicitForms','IntegratedWindows','CitrixAGBasic'
       Ensure = 'Present'


Configures the base URL of a Citrix StoreFront 2.x or 3.x server.


XD7StoreFrontBaseUrl [string]
    BaseUrl = [string]



Configuration XD7StoreFrontBaseUrlExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontBaseUrl 'storefront_lab_local' {
        BaseUrl = 'https://storefront.lab.local/'


Set the ExplicitCommon Authentication service protocol options.


XD7StoreFrontExplicitCommonOptions [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ Domains = [String[]] ]
    [ DefaultDomain = [String] ]
    [ HideDomainField = [Boolean] ]
    [ AllowUserPasswordChange = [String] { Always | ExpiredOnly | Never } ]
    [ ShowPasswordExpiryWarning = [String] { Custom | Never | Windows } ]
    [ PasswordExpiryWarningPeriod = [Uint32] ]
    [ AllowZeroLengthPassword = [Boolean] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • Domains: List of trusted domains.
  • DefaultDomain: The default domain to use when omitted during login.
  • HideDomainField: Hide the domain field on the login form.
  • AllowUserPasswordChange: Configure when a user can change a password.
  • ShowPasswordExpiryWarning: Show the password expiry warning to the user.
  • PasswordExpiryWarningPeriod: The period of time in days before the expiry warning should be shown.
  • AllowZeroLengthPassword: Allow a zero length password.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontExplicitCommonOptionsExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontExplicitCommonOptions XD7StoreFrontExplicitCommonOptionsExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        Domains = 'ipdev'
        DefaultDomain = 'ipdev'
        AllowUserPasswordChange = 'Always'


Sets the StoreFront farm configuration settings.


XD7StoreFrontFarmConfiguration [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ EnableFileTypeAssociation = [Boolean] ]
    [ CommunicationTimeout = [String] ]
    [ ConnectionTimeout = [String] ]
    [ LeasingStatusExpiryFailed = [String] ]
    [ LeasingStatusExpiryLeasing = [String] ]
    [ LeasingStatusExpiryPending = [String] ]
    [ PooledSockets = [Boolean] ]
    [ ServerCommunicationAttempts = [UInt32] ]
    [ BackgroundHealthCheckPollingPeriod = [String] ]
    [ AdvancedHealthCheck = [Boolean] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • EnableFileTypeAssociation: Enable file type association.
  • CommunicationTimeout: Communication timeout when using to the Xml service in seconds.
  • ConnectionTimeout: Connection timeout when connecting to the Xml service in seconds.
  • LeasingStatusExpiryFailed: Period of time before retrying a XenDesktop 7 and greater farm in failed leasing mode in seconds.
  • LeasingStatusExpiryLeasing: Period of time before retrying a XenDesktop 7 and greater farm in leasing mode in seconds.
  • LeasingStatusExpiryPending: Period of time before retrying a XenDesktop 7 and greater farm pending leasing mode in seconds.
  • PooledSockets: Use pooled sockets.
  • ServerCommunicationAttempts: Number of server connection attempts before failing.
  • BackgroundHealthCheckPollingPeriod: Period of time between polling XenApp or XenDesktop server health in seconds.
  • AdvancedHealthCheck: Indicates whether an advanced health-check should be performed.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontFarmConfiguration XD7StoreFrontFarmConfigurationExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        PooledSockets = $true


Sets up enumeration filtering basing on resource keywords.


XD7StoreFrontFilterKeyword [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ IncludeKeywords = [String[]] ]
    [ ExcludeKeywords = [String[]] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.

  • IncludeKeywords: Whitelist filtering. Only resources having one of the keywords specified are enumerated.

  • ExcludeKeywords: Blacklist filtering. Only resources not having any of the keywords specified are enumerated.

    Note: the filtering can be either by white- or blacklist, not both at the same time.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontFilterKeyword XD7StoreFrontFilterKeywordExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        IncludeKeywords = @('mock','support')


Set the farms and the optimal gateway to use for launch.


XD7StoreFrontOptimalGateway [string]
    GatewayName = [String]
    ResourcesVirtualPath = [String]
    Hostnames = [String[]]
    StaUrls = [String[]]
    [ Farms = [String[]] ]
    [ SiteId = [UInt64] ]
    [ StasUseLoadBalancing = [Boolean] ]
    [ StasBypassDuration = [String] ]
    [ EnableSessionReliability = [Boolean] ]
    [ UseTwoTickets = [Boolean] ]
    [ Zones = [String[]] ]
    [ EnabledOnDirectAccess = [Boolean] ]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Present | Absent } ]


  • GatewayName: StoreFront gateway name.
  • SiteId: Site Id.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to 1.
  • ResourcesVirtualPath: Resources Virtual Path.
  • Hostnames[]: Hostnames.
  • StaUrls[]: Secure Ticket Authority server Urls.
  • StasUseLoadBalancing: Load balance between the configured STA servers.
  • StasBypassDuration: Time before retrying a failed STA server.
  • EnableSessionReliability: Enable session reliability.
  • UseTwoTickets: Request STA tickets from two STA servers.
  • Farms[]: Farms.
  • Zones[]: Zones.
    • If not specified, it will be set to all farms.
  • EnabledOnDirectAccess: Enabled On Direct Access.
  • Ensure: Ensure.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontOptimalGateway XD7StoreFrontOptimalGatewayExample {
        ResourcesVirtualPath = '/Citrix/mock'
        GatewayName = ''
        Hostnames = @('','')
        StaUrls = @('http://test/Scripts/CtxSTA.dll','http://test2/Scripts/CtxSTA.dll')
        StasBypassDuration = '02:00:00'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Enables or disables PNA (XenApp Services) for a Store.


XD7StoreFrontPNA [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ DefaultPnaService = [Boolean] ]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]



Configuration XD7StoreFrontUnifiedExperienceExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontPNA XD7StoreFrontPNAExample {
       StoreName = 'mock'
       DefaultPnaService = $true


Configures the available authentication providers of a Citrix StoreFront 2.x or 3.x server.


XD7StoreFrontReceiverAuthenticationMethod [string]
    VirtualPath = [string]
    AuthenticationMethod = [string[]] { Certificate | CitrixAGBasic | CitrixFederation | ExplicitForms | HttpBasic | IntegratedWindows }
    [ SiteId = [uint16] ]


  • VirtualPath: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service virtual path.
  • AuthenticationMethod: Authentication methods to be installed.
    • Note: Existing authentication methods will be removed.
  • SiteId: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service site id.
    • If not specified, the value defaults to 1.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontReceiverAuthenticationMethodExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontReceiverAuthenticationMethod XD7StoreFrontReceiverAuthenticationMethods {
        VirtualPath = '/Citrix/StoreWeb'
        SiteId = 1
        AuthenticationMethod = 'ExplicitForms','WindowsIntegrated'


Register an authentication Gateway with a Store.


XD7StoreFrontRegisterStoreGateway [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    GatewayName = [String[]]
    AuthenticationProtocol[] = [String] { CitrixAGBasic | CitrixAGBasicNoPassword | HttpBasic | Certificate | CitrixFederation | IntegratedWindows | Forms-Saml | ExplicitForms}
    EnableRemoteAccess = [Boolean]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Present | Absent } ]


  • StoreName: Citrix StoreFront name.
  • GatewayName[]: Gateway name.
  • AuthenticationProtocol[]: Authentication Protocol.
  • EnableRemoteAccess: Enable Remote Access.
  • Ensure: Ensure.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontRegisterStoreGateway XD7StoreFrontRegisterStoreGatewayExample {
        GatewayName = 'Netscaler'
        StoreName = 'mock'
        AuthenticationProtocol = @('ExplicitForms','CitrixFederation','CitrixAGBasicNoPassword')
        EnableRemoteAccess = $True
        Ensure = 'Present'


Set the internal and external beacons


XD7StoreFrontRoamingBeacon [string]
    SiteId = [UInt64]
    [ InternalUri = [String] ]
    [ ExternalUri = [String[]] ]


  • SiteId: Citrix Storefront IIS Site Id.
  • InternalUri: Beacon internal address uri. You can set this one by itself.
  • ExternalUri: Beacon external address uri. If you specify Externaluri, you must also include Internaluri.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7 {
    XD7StoreFrontRoamingBeacon XD7StoreFrontRoamingBeaconExample {
       SiteId = 1
       InternalURI = 'http://localhost/'
       ExternalURI = '',''


Add or update a Gateway that can be used for remote access and authentication.


XD7StoreFrontRoamingGateway [string]
    Name = [String]
    LogonType = [String] { UsedForHDXOnly | Domain | RSA | DomainAndRSA | SMS | GatewayKnows | SmartCard | None }
    GatewayUrl = [String]
    [ SmartCardFallbackLogonType = [String] ]
    [ Version = [String] ]
    [ CallbackUrl = [String] ]
    [ SessionReliability = [Boolean] ]
    [ RequestTicketTwoSTAs = [Boolean] ]
    [ SubnetIPAddress = [String] ]
    [ SecureTicketAuthorityUrls = [String[]] ]
    [ StasUseLoadBalancing = [Boolean] ]
    [ StasBypassDuration = [String] ]
    [ GslbUrl = [String] ]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Present | Absent } ]


  • Name: Gateway friendly name.
  • LogonType: The login type required and supported by the Gateway.
  • SmartCardFallbackLogonType: The login type to use when SmartCard fails.
  • Version: The Citrix NetScaler Gateway version.
  • GatewayUrl: The Gateway Url.
  • CallbackUrl: The Gateway authentication call-back Url.
  • SessionReliability: Enable session reliability.
  • RequestTicketTwoSTAs: Request STA tickets from two STA servers.
  • SubnetIPAddress: IP address.
  • SecureTicketAuthorityUrls[]: Secure Ticket Authority server Urls.
  • StasUseLoadBalancing: Load balance between the configured STA servers.
  • StasBypassDuration: Time before retrying a failed STA server.
  • GslbUrl: GSLB domain used by multiple gateways.
  • Ensure: Ensure.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontRoamingGatewayExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontRoamingGateway XD7StoreFrontRoamingGatewayExample {
        Name = 'Netscaler'
        LogonType = 'Domain'
        GatewayUrl = 'https://accessgateway/netscaler'
        Version = 'Version10_0_69_4'
        SecureTicketAuthorityUrls = 'https://staurl/scripts/ctxsta.dll'
        SessionReliability = $true
        Ensure = 'Present'


Sets the sessionState time interval for a Web Receiver site


XD7StoreFrontSessionStateTimeout [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ IntervalInMinutes = [UInt32] ]
    [ CommunicationAttempts = [UInt32] ]
    [ CommunicationTimeout = [UInt32] ]
    [ LoginFormTimeout = [UInt32] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • IntervalInMinutes: Time interval in minutes.
  • CommunicationAttempts: Communication attempts.
  • CommunicationTimeout: Communication timeout.
  • LoginFormTimeout: Login form timeout.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontSessionStateTimeout XD7StoreFrontSessionStateTimeoutExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        IntervalInMinutes = 20


Creates or sets a StoreFront store and all it's properties.


VE_XD7StoreFrontStore [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    AuthType = [String] { Explicit | Anonymous }
    [ AuthVirtualPath = [String] ]
    [ StoreVirtualPath = [String] ]
    [ SiteId = [UInt64] ]
    [ LockedDown = [Boolean] ]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Present | Absent } ]


  • StoreName: Citrix StoreFront name.
  • AuthType: Citrix StoreFront Authentication type.
  • AuthVirtualPath: Citrix StoreFront authenication service virtual path.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to /Citrix/Authentication.
  • StoreVirtualPath: Citrix StoreFront store virtual path.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to /Citrix/.
  • SiteId: Citrix StoreFront IIS site id.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to 1.
  • LockedDown: All the resources delivered by locked-down Store are auto subscribed and do not allow for un-subscription.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the Store should be present or absent.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to 'Present'.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    VE_XD7StoreFrontStore VE_XD7StoreFrontStoreExample {
        StoreName = 'Store'
        AuthType = 'Explicit'
        StoreVirtualPath = '/Citrix/Store'
        AuthVirtualPath = '/Citrix/Authentication'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Set the details of a StoreFront farm or create a StoreFront farm


XD7StoreFrontStoreFarm [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    FarmName = [String]
    [ FarmType = [String] { XenApp | XenDesktop | AppController | VDIinaBox | Store } ]
    [ Servers = [String[]] ]
    [ ServiceUrls = [String[]] ]
    [ Port = [UInt32] ]
    [ TransportType = [String] { HTTP | HTTPS | SSL } ]
    [ SSLRelayPort = [UInt32] ]
    [ LoadBalance = [Boolean] ]
    [ AllFailedBypassDuration = [UInt32] ]
    [ BypassDuration = [UInt32] ]
    [ TicketTimeToLive = [UInt32] ]
    [ RadeTicketTimeToLive = [UInt32] ]
    [ MaxFailedServersPerRequest = [UInt32] ]
    [ Zones = [String[]] ]
    [ Product = [String] ]
    [ RestrictPoPs = [String] ]
    [ FarmGuid = [String] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent }]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • FarmName: The name of the Farm.
  • FarmType: The type of farm.
  • Servers: The hostnames or IP addresses of the xml services.
  • ServiceUrls: The url to the service location used to provide web and SaaS apps via this farm.
  • Port: Service communication port.
  • TransportType: Type of transport to use. Http, Https, SSL for example.
  • SSLRelayPort: The SSL Relay port.
  • LoadBalance: Round robin load balance the xml service servers.
  • AllFailedBypassDuration: Period of time to skip all xml service requests should all servers fail to respond.
  • BypassDuration: Period of time to skip a server when is fails to respond.
  • TicketTimeToLive: Period of time an ICA launch ticket is valid once requested on pre 7.0 XenApp and XenDesktop farms.
  • RadeTicketTimeToLive: Period of time a RADE launch ticket is valid once requested on pre 7.0 XenApp and XenDesktop farms.
  • MaxFailedServersPerRequest: Maximum number of servers within a single farm that can fail before aborting a request.
  • Zones: The list of Zone names associated with the Store Farm.
  • Product: Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. The product name of the farm configured.
  • RestrictPoPs: Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. Restricts GWaaS traffic to the specified POP.
  • FarmGuid: Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. A tag indicating the scope of the farm.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the store farm should be present or not. If not specified, the value defaults to Present.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7 {
    XD7StoreFrontStoreFarm XD7StoreFrontStoreFarmExample {
       StoreName = 'mock'
       FarmName = 'farm2'
       Servers = 'Server10','Server11'
       FarmType = 'XenApp'
       TransportType = 'HTTPS'


Configures the Citrix Storefront Unified Experience of a Citrix Storefront 3.x server.


XD7StoreFrontUnifiedExperience [string]
    VirtualPath = [string]
    WebReceiverVirtualPath = [string]
    [ SiteId = [uint16] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Absent | Present } ]


  • VirtualPath: The Citrix Storefront IIS Store service virtual path.
  • WebReceiverVirtualPath: The Citrix Storefront IIS Receiver for Web service virtual path.
    • Note: Existing authentication methods will be removed.
  • SiteId: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service site id.
    • If not specified, the value defaults to 1.
  • Ensure: Whether the Storefront unified experience should be enabled or disabled.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontUnifiedExperienceExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontUnifiedExperience EnableStoreFrontUnifiedExperience {
        VirtualPath = '/Citrix/Store'
        WebReceiverVirtualPath = '/Citrix/StoreWeb'
        SiteId = 1
        Ensure = 'Present'


Set the WebReceiver communication settings


XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverCommunication [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ Attempts = [UInt32] ]
    [ Timeout = [String] ]
    [ Loopback = [String] { On | Off | OnUsingHttp } ]
    [ LoopbackPortUsingHttp = [UInt32] ]
    [ ProxyEnabled = [Boolean] ]
    [ ProxyPort = [UInt32] ]
    [ ProxyProcessName = [String] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • Attempts: How many attempts WebReceiver should make to contact StoreFront before it gives up.
  • Timeout: Timeout value for communicating with StoreFront.
  • Loopback: Whether to use the loopback address for communications with the store service, rather than the actual StoreFront server URL.
  • LoopbackPortUsingHttp: When loopback is set to OnUsingHttp, the port number to use for loopback communications.
  • ProxyEnabled: Is the communications proxy enabled.
  • ProxyPort: The port to use for the communications proxy.
  • ProxyProcessName: The name of the process acting as proxy.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverCommunication XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverCommunicationExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        Loopback = 'OnUsingHttp'


Set the WebReceiver Plug-in Assistant options.


XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverPluginAssistant [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ Enabled = [Boolean] ]
    [ UpgradeAtLogin = [Boolean] ]
    [ ShowAfterLogin = [Boolean] ]
    [ Win32Path = [String] ]
    [ MacOSPath = [String] ]
    [ MacOSMinimumSupportedVersion = [String] ]
    [ Html5Enabled = [String] { Always | Fallback | Off } ]
    [ Html5Platforms = [String] ]
    [ Html5Preferences = [String] ]
    [ Html5SingleTabLaunch = [Boolean] ]
    [ Html5ChromeAppOrigins = [String] ]
    [ Html5ChromeAppPreferences = [String] ]
    [ ProtocolHandlerEnabled = [Boolean] ]
    [ ProtocolHandlerPlatforms = [String] ]
    [ ProtocolHandlerSkipDoubleHopCheckWhenDisabled = [Boolean] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • Enabled: Enable Receiver client detection.
  • UpgradeAtLogin: Prompt to upgrade older clients.
  • ShowAfterLogin: Show Receiver client detection after the user logs in.
  • Win32Path: Path to the Windows Receiver.
  • MacOSPath: Path to the MacOS Receiver.
  • MacOSMinimumSupportedVersion: Minimum version of the MacOS supported.
  • Html5Enabled: Method of deploying and using the Html5 Receiver.
  • Html5Platforms: The supported Html5 platforms.
  • Html5Preferences: Html5 Receiver preferences.
  • Html5SingleTabLaunch: Launch Html5 Receiver in the same browser tab.
  • Html5ChromeAppOrigins: The Html5 Chrome Application Origins settings.
  • Html5ChromeAppPreferences: The Html5 Chrome Application preferences.
  • ProtocolHandlerEnabled: Enable the Receiver Protocol Handler.
  • ProtocolHandlerPlatforms: The supported Protocol Handler platforms.
  • ProtocolHandlerSkipDoubleHopCheckWhenDisabled: Skip the Protocol Handle double hop check.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverPluginAssistant XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverPluginAssistantExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        Enabled = $false


Set the WebReceiver Resources Service settings


XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverResourcesService [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ PersistentIconCacheEnabled = [Boolean] ]
    [ IcaFileCacheExpiry = [UInt32] ]
    [ IconSize = [UInt32] ]
    [ ShowDesktopViewer = [Boolean] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • PersistentIconCacheEnabled: Whether to cache icon data in the local file system.
  • IcaFileCacheExpiry: How long the ICA file data is cached in the memory of the Web Proxy.
  • IconSize: The desired icon size sent to the Store Service in icon requests.
  • ShowDesktopViewer: Shows the Citrix Desktop Viewer window and toolbar when users access their desktops from legacy clients. This setting may fix problems where the Desktop Viewer is not displayed. Default: Off..


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7 {
    XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverResourcesService XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverResourcesServiceExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        ShowDesktopViewer = $false


Configure Receiver for Web service options


XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverService [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    VirtualPath = [String]
    SiteId = [UInt64]
    [ ClassicReceiverExperience = [Boolean] ]
    [ SessionStateTimeout = [UInt32] ]
    [ DefaultIISSite = [Boolean] ]
    [ FriendlyName = [String] ]
    [ Ensure = [String] { Present | Absent } ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • VirtualPath: Site virtual path.
  • SiteId: Citrix Storefront IIS Site Id.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to 1.
  • ClassicReceiverExperience: Enable the classic Receiver experience.
  • SessionStateTimeout: Set the session state timeout, in minutes.
  • DefaultIISSite:Set the Receiver for Web site as the default page in IIS.
  • FriendlyName: Friendly name to identify the Receiver for Web service.
    • Note: this name cannot be changed after initial configuration
  • Ensure: Whether the Storefront Web Receiver Service should be added or removed.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverService XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverServiceExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        VirtualPath = '/Citrix/mockweb'
        ClassicReceiverExperience = $false
        Ensure = 'Present'


Sets the Style info in the custom style sheet


XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverSiteStyle [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ HeaderLogoPath = [String] ]
    [ LogonLogoPath = [String] ]
    [ HeaderBackgroundColor = [String] ]
    [ HeaderForegroundColor = [String] ]
    [ LinkColor = [String] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • HeaderLogoPath: Header logo path. This file must exist and it cannot be in the ..\receiver\images folder or subfolders. Preferably the custom folder.
  • LogonLogoPath: Logon logo path. This file must exist and it cannot be in the ..\receiver\images folder or subfolders. Preferably the custom folder.
  • HeaderBackgroundColor: Background color of the Header.
  • HeaderForegroundColor: Foreground color of the Header.
  • LinkColor: Link color of the page.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7 {
    XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverSiteStyle XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverSiteStyleExample {
       StoreName = 'mock'
       LinkColor = '#02a1c1'
       HeaderBackgroundColor = '#0574f5b'
       HeaderForegroundColor = '#fff'
       HeaderLogoPath = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\mockweb\custom\CustomHeader.png'
       LogonLogoPath = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\mockweb\custom\CustomLogon.png'


Set the WebReceiver User Interface options.


XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverUserInterface [string]
    StoreName = [String]
    [ AutoLaunchDesktop = [Boolean] ]
    [ MultiClickTimeout = [UInt32] ]
    [ EnableAppsFolderView = [Boolean] ]
    [ ShowAppsView = [Boolean] ]
    [ ShowDesktopsView = [Boolean] ]
    [ DefaultView = [String] { Apps | Auto | Desktops } ]
    [ WorkspaceControlEnabled = [Boolean] ]
    [ WorkspaceControlAutoReconnectAtLogon = [Boolean] ]
    [ WorkspaceControlLogoffAction = [String] { Disconnect | None | Terminate } ]
    [ WorkspaceControlShowReconnectButton = [Boolean] ]
    [ WorkspaceControlShowDisconnectButton = [Boolean] ]
    [ ReceiverConfigurationEnabled = [Boolean] ]
    [ AppShortcutsEnabled = [Boolean] ]
    [ AppShortcutsAllowSessionReconnect = [Boolean] ]


  • StoreName: StoreFront store name.
  • AutoLaunchDesktop: Whether to auto-launch desktop at login if there is only one desktop available for the user.
  • MultiClickTimeout: The time period for which the spinner control is displayed, after the user clicks on the App or Desktop icon within Receiver for Web.
  • EnableAppsFolderView: Allows the user to turn off folder view when in a locked-down store or unauthenticated store.
  • ShowAppsView: Whether to show the apps view tab.
  • ShowDesktopsView: Whether to show the desktops tab.
  • DefaultView: The view to show after logon.
  • WorkspaceControlEnabled: Whether to enable workspace control.
  • WorkspaceControlAutoReconnectAtLogon: Whether to perform auto-reconnect at login.
  • WorkspaceControlLogoffAction: Whether to disconnect or terminate HDX sessions when actively logging off Receiver for Web.
  • WorkspaceControlShowReconnectButton: Whether to show the reconnect button or link.
  • WorkspaceControlShowDisconnectButton: Whether to show the disconnect button or link.
  • ReceiverConfigurationEnabled: Enable the Receiver Configuration .CR download file.
  • AppShortcutsEnabled: Enable App Shortcuts.
  • AppShortcutsAllowSessionReconnect: Enable App Shortcuts to support session reconnect.


Configuration XD7Example {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverUserInterface XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverUserInterfaceExample {
        StoreName = 'mock'
        WorkspaceControlLogoffAction = 'Disconnect'
        WorkspaceControlEnabled = $True
        WorkspaceControlAutoReconnectAtLogon = $True
        AutoLaunchDesktop = $True
        ShowDesktopsView = $False
        ReceiverConfigurationEnabled = $False
        MultiClickTimeout = 3
        DefaultView = 'Apps'


Assigns a Citrix XenDesktop Controller to a Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA).


XD7VDAController [string]
    Name = [string]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]


  • Name: Name of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 Delivery Controller to assign to the VDA.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the Citrix XenDesktop 7 controller entry should be present or not. If not specified, the value defaults to Present.


Configuration XD7VDAControllerExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7VDAController XD7VDAController1 {
        Name = 'controller1.lab.local'
    XD7VDAController XD7VDAController2 {
        Name = 'controller2.lab.local'


Installs Citrix XenDesktop 7 Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) feature.


XD7VDAFeature [string]
    Role = [string] { DesktopVDA | SessionVDA }
    SourcePath = [string]
    [ InstallReceiver = [bool] ]
    [ EnableRemoteAssistance = [bool] ]
    [ Optimize = [bool] ]
    [ InstallDesktopExperience = [bool] ]
    [ EnableRealTimeTransport = [bool] ]
    [ ExcludeTelemetryService = [bool] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]


  • Role: The Citrix XenDesktop 7 VDA feature to install.
  • SourcePath: Location of the extracted Citrix XenDesktop 7 setup media.
  • InstallReceiver: Flags whether to install the Citrix Receiver. If not specified, the value defaults to False.
  • EnableRemoteAssistance: Flags whether to enable Remote Assistance during installation. If not specified, the value defaults to True.
  • Optimize: Flags whether to optimize a VDA. This is only applicable to virtual machines. If not specified, the value defaults to False.
  • InstallDesktopExperience: Flags whether to install the Windows Desktop Experience feature. This is only applicable to server operating systems. If not specified, the value defaults to True.
  • EnableRealTimeTransport: Flags whether to enable UDP Real-time transport feature during install. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • ExcludeTelemetryService: Excludes the Citrix Telemetry Service from the install.
    • NOTE: Only applicable/included from Citrix XenDesktop 7.8 and later.
  • Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.


Configuration XD7VDAFeatureExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7VDAFeature XD7DeskopVDAFeature {
        Role = 'DesktopVDA'
        SourcePath = 'C:\Sources\XenDesktop76'
        InstallReceiver = $true
        Optimize = $true


Waits for a Citrix XenDesktop 7 site to become available.


XD7WaitForSite [string]
    SiteName = [string]
    ExistingControllerName = [string]
    [ RetryIntervalSec = [uint64] ]
    [ RetryCount = [uint32] ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • SiteName: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site to wait for.
  • ExistingControllerName: Name of an existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 site controller to check for site availavility.
  • RetryIntervalSec: Number of seconds between retries. If not specified, the value defaults to 30 seconds.
  • RetryCount: Number of attempts to try before giving up. If not specified, the value default to 10.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to communicate with the existing site controller. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7WaitForSiteExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7WaitForSite XD7WaitForMySite {
        SiteName = 'My Site'
        ExistingControllerName = 'controller1.lab.local'