- Tested on Linux (R 3.4.0) using Travis CI
- Tested on Mac OS X 10.9 or higher (R 3.4.0) using Travis CI
- Tested on Windows (R 3.4.0) using AppVeyor
- Tested on Windows (R 3.4.0) Windows 10 (personal computer)
- Win-builder (devel and release)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- There were no errors reported for R-release and R-devel.
- There was 1 note concerning a change in my email address because I changed university.
- This is a re-submission from 2017-05-05. CRAN URL and a better Description Field has been provided.
- There was 1 note regarding changing email address. The issue is that I can't use my old email anymore ([email protected]). This was my Aarhus University email when I did my postdoc. When I left after the postdoc, the email as been canceled. I will now use my generic hotmail address ([email protected]). I have two other CRAN packages (cdom and gtrendsR) With Dirk Eddelbuettel. He can confirm my identity if needed. Thank you.