Releases: Vexcenot/-middle-mann
What's Changed
- Fix cart alert border by @halamix2 in #128
- fix respawn label + some safe measures for better bug reporting by @TechnoSL in #129
- improved some menus and bug reporting form
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v21...v21.1
this update is mostly housekeeping
v20 - Jan Update
What's Changed
- fix crit icon not preloading again by @TechnoSL in #122
- Made health player model look towards crosshair more (@Vexcenot)
- Refined player model position in class select (@Vexcenot)
- used different blood splatter for killstreak bg (@Vexcenot)
- Added customization option to disable killstreak bg (@Vexcenot)
- End of match score board fixes (@TechnoSL)
Full Changelog: v19.1.1...v20
v19.1.1 - hotfix
- fixed some crit icons not appearing in casual due to not being preloaded
Full Changelog: v19...v19.1.1
v19.1 - no more christmas update
some menu icon changes
removed chrismas icon
Full Changelog: v19...v19.1
v19 - christmas update
What's Changed
Fix killfeed and chat position for ultrawides by @TheLetterZed in #118
hud cleanup 2: electric boogaloo by @TechnoSL in #121
New Main Menu (or reverted back to using lion hud's main menu)
New Class Selection
New Vote Menu
Fixed overlapping occuring on health and ammo count
Added customizations to improve experience on ultrawide
Added blood behind killstreak
Added itemeffectmeters above ammo customization (Thx Remox)
Added Vignette customization
New Contributors
- @TheLetterZed made their first contribution in #118
Full Changelog: v18.1...v19
v18.1 - small menu refresh
What's Changed
- slight menu rework by @TechnoSL in #117
-- removed "featured" store items/whatever gets put on sale so i dont have to update it
-- added a dedicated console button (watch streams button now does what it says)
-- moved friends list up
-- slimmed down matchmakingdashboard (from m0rehud, slightly modified to remove background)
Full Changelog: v18...v18.1
v17 + v18 - Healthy Christmas Update!
v17 patchnotes:
- Gained health text now bigger for better visability during fights (@Vexcenot)
- Huney, I shrunk the CP! (@Vexcenot)
- Fixed Health Hud (hopefully for the last time) (@Vexcenot)
- Renamed Bonus Health in #Customization for consistency (@Vexcenot)
v18 patchnotes:
- added support for the new krimah ctf hybrid (@Vexcenot)
- Made damage text more readable (@Vexcenot)
- polished CP ui (@Vexcenot)
- polished CTF ui (@Vexcenot)
- Remastered scoreboard ui (@TechnoSL)
- Fixed several health related ui (@Vexcenot)
merry christmas!
v16 - The really late halloween/Early NNN update
Thinned up ctf outlines (@Vexcenot)
Remastered playerdestruction hybrid hud (the one you see on Graveyard) (@Vexcenot)
Fixed Player destruction hud to the best of my ability (@Vexcenot)
Made source scheme none trasnaparent to look less janky and more flushed with my animated loading screen mod (@Vexcenot)
Fixed Party Chat alignement (@Vexcenot)
Spellbook font is now tf2 secondary to look more hand written like an ancient ass book should be (@Vexcenot)
Fixed entire health hud alignement (now there shouldnt be a gap on the right with health overlay on) (@Vexcenot)
Full Changelog: v15.1.3...v16
v15.1.3 - some more qol. + crosshair fixes
What's Changed
- removed overriding DamagedPlayer Animations messing with in-built crosshairs by @TechnoSL in #101
- Added Hotkeys for Item Selection in Backpacks + Hotkey for accessing Loadout from Class Selection by @TechnoSL in #103
Full Changelog: v15.1.2...v15.1.3