Documention for v1.*
Props | Type | Required | Default |
v-model | String/Int | yes | - |
label | String | no | Select date & time |
hint (1) | text | no | - |
error-hint (2) | Boolean | no | false |
color (3) | String (hex) | no | dodgerblue |
minute-interval | Int | no | 1 |
formatted | string | no | 'llll' (momentjs format) |
format | string | no | - |
time-format | string | no | 'H:mm a' |
locale (4) | string | no | Browser Locale |
time-zone (5) | string | no | Browser Time Zone |
disable-time | Boolean | no | false |
disable-date | Boolean | no | false |
without-header | Boolean | no | false |
id | string | no | CtkDateTimePicker |
overlay | Boolean | no | true |
min-date (6) | string | no | - |
max-date (6) | string | no | - |
no-weekends-days | Boolean | no | false |
auto-close | Boolean | no | false |
inline | Boolean | no | false |
overlay-background | Boolean | no | false |
disabled-dates (7) | Boolean | no | [] |
range-mode | Boolean | no | false |
dark | Boolean | no | false |
without-range-shortcut | Boolean | no | false |
shortcuts-translation (8) | Object | no | - |
disabled-hours (9) | Array (of String) | no | - |
(1) hint : Is a text that replaces the label/placeholder
(2) error-hint : When is true
--> Input border & label are red
(3) color: Replace color for the hint, the borders & time selected in dropdown
(4) locale : Default value is the locale of the browser - Ex : Set locale="fr"
to force to French language
(5) time-zone : Default value is the time-zone of the browser - Ex : Set Europe/Paris
to force to French TZ. Do not forget to use a format like this YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ
to get the TZ
(6) min-date & max-date : Must be 'YYYY-MM-DD'
(7) Disabled-Dates is an Array of dates in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (ex: ['2018-04-03', '2018-04-07', '2018-04-09']
(8) shortcuts-translation : Must be an Object like that
"this_week": "This week",
"last_7_days": "Last 7 days",
"last_30_days": "Last 30 days",
"this_month": "This month",
"last_month": "Last month",
"this_year": "This year",
"last_year": "Last year"
(9) disabled-hours : Must be an Array of hours in 24h format ('00' to '23') : ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','19','20','21','22','23']