First off, thank you for considering contributing to nujo. It's people like you that make nujo such a great tool.
- Describe what you expect to happen
- Describe what happened
- If you could, include a minimal reproducible example
- List vesions of your Python, NumPy and GarphViz
- It is recommended to use Visual Studio Code
- All commits will be tested against flake8 linter, so make sure to abide by PEP8
- "[up:branch] commit-message" - creating bugs
- "[fix:branch] commit-message" - correcting bugs
- "[rm:branch] commit-message" - delete files
- For the branch name, skip the type(feature, release, hotfix)
We are using Gitflow as a branching strategy. We have the following branches:
- master - stable, production ready code; latest stable release
- develop - main branch for developing, all other branches get merged here
- feature/feature-name - implementation of specific features
- release/release-tag - release cycle; a release is made out of the develop branch
- hotfix/hotfix-name - fixing important bugs in releases quickly
The Kanban tool used for this project is Trello
- Python - The Programming Language used (version 3.6+)
- Poetry - Dependency and Virtual Environment Management
Download for Mac OSX using Homebrew
$ brew install python poetry
Run the following in the terminal:
$ git clone && cd nujo
$ poetry install && poetry shell
Once you have Installed and set up nujo, run:
$ pytest
coming soon...
coming soon...
Use the following format to document python code.
''' Name of the Python object you are documenting
Short description
- param_name : param type, description...
- return_name : return type, description...