First Contributions: A repository designed to help beginners make their first contribution to open source projects.
Good First Issues: A curated list of projects with "good first issue" labels, perfect for beginners who want to contribute.
Up for Grabs: A collection of open-source projects that actively welcome contributions from newcomers.
Issuehub.io: A web application that helps you find projects with beginner-friendly issues based on your interests and programming language.
First Timers Only: A website that lists projects explicitly welcoming first-time contributors and provides links to their repositories.
Awesome for Beginners: A curated list of awesome projects that are welcoming to beginner contributions.
Your First PR: A repository with a collection of projects that encourage and guide beginners to make their first pull request.
Hacktoberfest: An annual event where developers can contribute to open source projects and earn limited-edition swag.
- freeCodeCamp: An open-source curriculum and platform for learning web development.
- HTML5 Boilerplate: A popular HTML/CSS/JS template for building web applications.
- DevDocs: An offline documentation web app for developers.
- Tribute Page: A repository with starter code for a tribute page project.
- Python Playground: A collection of small Python projects for beginners.
- First Contributions: A beginner-friendly repository guiding you through making your first open source contribution using Python.
- Python for Beginners: A collection of Python projects and exercises suitable for beginners.
- Baby Names: A repository containing baby names data for analysis and visualization.
- Awesome C++: A curated list of awesome C++ frameworks, libraries, and resources.
- C++ Experiments: A collection of small C++ projects and experiments.
- Awesome Java: A curated list of Java frameworks, libraries, and resources.
- Java Exercises: A repository with a wide range of Java exercises and solutions.
- Java Design Patterns: A repository showcasing various design patterns in Java.
- Up For Grabs: A collection of open source projects with "up-for-grabs" issues suitable for beginners.
- Good First Issues: A curated list of projects that have issues labeled as "good first issues."
These repositories provide opportunities for you to contribute, learn, and grow as an open source contributor. Remember to review the contributing guidelines of each project and start with smaller tasks as you build your skills and confidence.
Happy coding and contributing!