This folder includes the accompanying resources for the chatper. For full book details, see:
To highlight some other modeling techiques in this foloder you will find three examples:
- A Cellular Automata (CA) model: The Game of Life model (CA_LifeModifed_Example.nlogo)
- A Discreet Event Simulation (DES): DES_Airport_Queue_Example.nlogo
- A System Dynamics (SD) Model: System_Dynamics_Wolf_Sheep_Predation_Example.nlogo
More details about the models, references and links can be seen below.
The orignal NetLogo Game of Life model (Wilensky, 1998) was modifed to allow for gridlines to be drawn (note the draw-gridlines
procedure was coppied exactly from The code for the procedure is as follows:
to draw-gridlines
crt world-width [
set ycor min-pycor
set xcor who + .5
set color 2
set heading 0
fd world-height
crt world-height [
set xcor min-pxcor
set ycor who + .5
set color 2
set heading 90
fd world-width
Below you can see the Graphical User Inteface (GUI) for the model (see: CA_LifeModifed_Example.nlogo) with the grid lines shown.
The irport Security Line Simulation was created by Bybee and Eng (2012). While the orignal website cannot be directly accessed it is viewable on the Internet Archive.
Below you can see the GUI for the model (see: DES_Airport_Queue_Example.nlogo).
To get an overview of DES_Airport_Queue_Example.nlogo model click on the image below to watch a YouTube movie:
Wilensky (2005) NetLogo Wolf Sheep Predation is shown below (see: System_Dynamics_Wolf_Sheep_Predation_Example.nlogo).
- Bybee, G. and L. A. Eng (2012). Airport Security Line Simulation. Available at [Accessed on April, 10th, 2017].
- Shiflet, A. B., & Shiflet, G. W. (2014). Introduction to Computational Science: Modeling and Simulation for the Sciences. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
- The SD SIR model can be found on the accompanying website:
- Wilensky, U. (1998). NetLogo Life model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
- Wilensky, U. (2005). NetLogo Wolf Sheep Predation (System Dynamics) model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.