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GS Onboarding Challenge

Welcome to Orbital's Ground Station Onboarding Challenge! Please visit this Notion doc for the challenge instructions. Remember to follow our style guide which is written below.

Python Style Guide

  • We will be following the Python language style guide PEP8
  • If there are any discrepancies between this style guide and PEP8, this style guide takes precedence.

Type Hinting Convention

All function and method parameters (except for the self and cls parameters) and return signatures should be type hinted.

def my_add(num1: int, num2: int) -> int:
	@brief Adds two numbers together

	@param num1 - The first number to add.
	@param num2 - The second number to add.
	@return Returns the sum of the two numbers.
	return num1 + num2


Naming Conventions

  • variable_names, field_names and function_constants in snake_case

  • _private_field_names, and _private_method_names() in _snake_case

  • function_names() and method_names() in snake_case

  • CONSTANT_NAMES: Final and ENUM_OPTIONS in CAPITAL_SNAKE_CASE for module and class constants (not for local constant)

  • file_names in snake_case

  • ClassName in PascalCase

    # For brevity, the class comments were removed but they should be in real code
    import dataclasses
    class PointTwoDimension:
    	x: int
    	y: int
    class PointTwoDimension:
    	def __init__(x: int, y: int):
    		self.x = x
    		self.y = y
  • EnumName in PascalCase

    import enum
    class ErrorCode(enum.Enum):
    	SUCCESS = 0
    	INVALID_ARG = 1
    # Accessing:
    ErrorCode.SUCCESS  # <ErrorCode.SUCCESS: 0>
    ErrorCode.INVALID_ARG  # <ErrorCode.INVALID_ARG: 1>

Single Line Comments

Variable and function names should be descriptive enough to understand even without comments. Comments are needed to describe any complicated logic. Use # for single-line comments.

Function and Method Comments

Function and method comments using """ """ should exist below the function declaration. For methods, the self or cls parameter does not require a description.

def my_add(num1: int, num2: int) -> int:
	@brief Adds two numbers together

	@param num1 - The first number to add.
	@param num2 - The second number to add.
	@return Returns the sum of the two numbers.
	return num1 + num2
def increase_x(self, count: int) -> None:
	@brief Increases the x attribute by the count.

	@param count - Count to increase the x attribute by.
	self.x += count

File Header Comments

File comments are not required

Class Comments

  • Class comments should exist after the class definition
  • Provide a brief description given class purpose
  • Provide a section in the class comment listing the attributes, their type and purpose
  • Enum class comments do not require listing the attributes
class PointTwoDimension:
	@brief Class for storing a 2D point
	@attribute x (int) - x coordinate of the point
	@attribute y (int) - y coordinate of the point

	def __init__(x: int, y: int):
		self.x = x
		self.y = y

class PointTwoDimension:
	@brief Class for storing a 2D point
	@attribute x (int) - x coordinate of the point
	@attribute y (int) - y coordinate of the point

	x: int
	y: int
import enum

# No comments required
class ErrorCode(enum.Enum):
   @brief Enum for the error codes

   SUCCESS = 0


Notes about imports

  • Imports should only be used at the top of the file (no function or scoped imports)
  • Only variables, classes and functions (i.e. the code that runs directly) should be imported
# module1 contains very_long_module_name and function foo and variable var.
#   very_long_module_name contains bar

# Yes:
from module1.very_long_module_name import bar
from module1 import foo, var


# No:
from module1 import very_long_module_name as module2  # Casting to shorter name
import module1

Other Style Guide Points

  • Only imports, function, class, and constants declarations and the if __name__ == '__main__' should be in module scope
  • Entry point to a script or program should be through the main function
  • Add a trailing comma after elements of a list, if you wish to make/preserve each element on a separate line

Typescript/React Style Guide


Single Line Comments

Variable and function names should be descriptive enough to understand even without comments. Comments are needed to describe any complicated logic. You may use // or /* */ for single line comments.

Function Comments

Function comments should follow the format shown below:

 * @brief Adds two numbers together
 * @param num1 - The first number to add.
 * @param num2 - The second number to add.
 * @return Returns the sum of the two numbers.
function addNumbers(num1: number, num2: number): number {
  return num1 + num2;

File Header Comments

  • File comments are not required

Naming and typing conventions

  • variableNames in camelCase
  • functionNames() in camelCase
  • file_names in snake_case
  • ClassName and ComponentName in PascalCase