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HAL and platformio.ini Configuration

Adding HAL as a Submodule

  1. Navigate to your platformIO project directory

  2. Add the HAL repository as a submodule in lib/:

    git submodule add lib/HAL
    git submodule update --init --recursive

Updating platformio.ini

Add these dependencies under [env] in platformio.ini:

lib_deps =


  1. Install dependencies:

    pio lib install
  2. Build the project:

    pio run


The SensorBMP280 class allows interaction with the Adafruit BMP280 sensor for measuring temperature, pressure, and altitude. It supports both I2C and SPI communication modes.


  • Measures temperature, pressure, and altitude.
  • Supports I2C and SPI interfaces.
  • Configures sensor settings for optimal performance (sampling rate, filtering, etc.).


1. I2C Mode

To use the sensor with I2C, instantiate the class with the I2C address and wire (defaults to I2C_WIRE0):

SensorBMP280 bmp280Sensor(BMP280_ADDRESS, I2C_WIRE0);
  • BMP280_ADDRESS: I2C address (default: 0x76 or 0x77).
  • I2C_WIRE0, I2C_WIRE1, I2C_WIRE2: Select I2C bus (default: Wire).

2. SPI Mode

For SPI communication, provide the chip select and SPI pins:

SensorBMP280 bmp280Sensor(CS_PIN, MISO_PIN, MOSI_PIN, SCK_PIN);
  • CS_PIN, MISO_PIN, MOSI_PIN, SCK_PIN: SPI pins (choose appropriate pins for your setup).

3. Initialize the Sensor

Use the begin() method to initialize the sensor:

uint8_t status = bmp280Sensor.begin();

4. Reading Data

Read temperature, pressure, and altitude using the read() method:

BMP280Data* data =;

This returns a pointer to BMP280Data containing:

  • data->altitude: Altitude in meters.
  • data->pressure: Atmospheric pressure in Pascals.
  • data->temperature: Temperature in Celsius.


  • I2C Constructor:

    SensorBMP280(uint8_t i2c_addr = BMP280_ADDRESS, uint8_t i2c_wire = I2C_WIRE0, float ground_alt = 0.0f);
    • i2c_addr: Sensor I2C address (default: BMP280_ADDRESS).
    • i2c_wire: I2C wire (default: I2C_WIRE0).
    • ground_alt: Ground altitude for altitude calculation (optional).
  • SPI Constructor:

    SensorBMP280(uint8_t cs, uint8_t miso, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t sck, float ground_alt = 0.0f);
    • cs, miso, mosi, sck: SPI pins.
    • ground_alt: Ground altitude for altitude calculation (optional).

Example Code

#include "SensorBMP280.h"

SensorBMP280 bmp280Sensor;

void setup() {
    if (bmp280Sensor.begin()) {
        Serial.println("BMP280 initialized.");
    } else {
        Serial.println("Initialization failed.");

void loop() {
    BMP280Data* data =;
    Serial.print("Temp: ");
    Serial.print("°C, Pressure: ");
    Serial.print("Pa, Altitude: ");


The SensorAccelGyro class provides an interface for interfacing with an accelerometer and gyroscope sensor (e.g., LSM6DSOX). It supports communication via both I2C and SPI protocols and provides methods to initialize and read data from the sensor.


  • Supports I2C and SPI communication protocols.
  • Provides accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature readings.
  • Configurable I2C bus and SPI pins for flexibility.

Constructor Parameters

I2C Constructor

SensorAccelGyro(uint8_t i2c_addr, uint8_t i2c_wire);
  • i2c_addr: The I2C address of the accelerometer/gyroscope sensor.
  • i2c_wire: The I2C bus to use (I2C_WIRE0, I2C_WIRE1, etc.).

SPI Constructor

SensorAccelGyro(uint8_t cs, uint8_t miso, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t sck);
  • cs: Chip select pin for SPI.
  • miso: Master In Slave Out pin for SPI.
  • mosi: Master Out Slave In pin for SPI.
  • sck: Clock pin for SPI.

Public Methods

uint8_t begin()

Initializes the sensor for communication.

  • Returns: Status of initialization (0 for failure, 1 for success).

AccelGyroData* read()

Reads the current accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature data.

  • Returns: Pointer to an AccelGyroData structure containing:
    • temperature: Current temperature in degrees Celsius.
    • accelX, accelY, accelZ: Acceleration in m/s² for X, Y, and Z axes.
    • gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ: Angular velocity in rad/s for X, Y, and Z axes.

Example Usage

Using I2C

#include "SensorAccelGyro.h"

SensorAccelGyro accelGyro(0x6A, I2C_WIRE0); // Default I2C address and bus

void setup() {
    if (!accelGyro.begin()) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize accelerometer/gyroscope sensor!");

void loop() {
    AccelGyroData* data =;
    Serial.print("Accel: ");
    Serial.print(", ");
    Serial.print(", ");

    Serial.print("Gyro: ");
    Serial.print(", ");
    Serial.print(", ");


Using SPI

#include "SensorAccelGyro.h"

SensorAccelGyro accelGyro(10, 12, 11, 13); // SPI pins

void setup() {
    if (!accelGyro.begin()) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize accelerometer/gyroscope sensor!");

void loop() {
    AccelGyroData* data =;
    Serial.print("Temperature: ");


The SensorMagnetometer class provides an interface for working with a magnetometer sensor (e.g., Adafruit LIS3MDL). It supports communication via both I2C and SPI protocols, allowing flexible hardware integration.


  • Supports I2C and SPI communication protocols.
  • Provides magnetic field readings for the X, Y, and Z axes.
  • Configurable I2C bus and SPI pins for flexible usage.

Constructor Parameters

I2C Constructor

SensorMagnetometer(uint8_t i2c_addr, uint8_t i2c_wire);
  • i2c_addr: The I2C address of the magnetometer sensor (default: LIS3MDL_I2CADDR_DEFAULT).
  • i2c_wire: The I2C bus to use (I2C_WIRE0, I2C_WIRE1, etc.).

SPI Constructor

SensorMagnetometer(uint8_t cs, uint8_t miso, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t sck);
  • cs: Chip select pin for SPI.
  • miso: Master In Slave Out pin for SPI.
  • mosi: Master Out Slave In pin for SPI.
  • sck: Clock pin for SPI.

Public Methods

uint8_t begin()

Initializes the magnetometer sensor for communication.

  • Returns: Status of initialization (0 for failure, 1 for success).

MagnetometerData* read()

Reads the current magnetic field data.

  • Returns: Pointer to a MagnetometerData structure containing:
    • magX, magY, magZ: Magnetic field values (in µT) for X, Y, and Z axes.

Example Usage

Using I2C

#include "SensorMagnetometer.h"

SensorMagnetometer magnetometer(LIS3MDL_I2CADDR_DEFAULT, I2C_WIRE0); // Default I2C address and bus

void setup() {
    if (!magnetometer.begin()) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize magnetometer!");

void loop() {
    MagnetometerData* data =;
    Serial.print("Magnetic Field: ");
    Serial.print(", ");
    Serial.print(", ");


Using SPI

#include "SensorMagnetometer.h"

SensorMagnetometer magnetometer(10, 12, 11, 13); // SPI pins

void setup() {
    if (!magnetometer.begin()) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize magnetometer!");

void loop() {
    MagnetometerData* data =;
    Serial.print("Magnetic Field: ");
    Serial.print(", ");
    Serial.print(", ");



The SensorTemperature class provides an interface to interact with the MCP9808 temperature sensor. It supports communication over the I2C protocol and provides methods to initialize and read temperature data.


  • I2C communication support for temperature data.
  • Easy initialization with configurable I2C address and bus.
  • Provides high-accuracy temperature readings.

Constructor Parameters

I2C Constructor

SensorTemperature(uint8_t i2c_addr = MCP9808_I2CADDR_DEFAULT, uint8_t i2c_wire = I2C_WIRE0);
  • i2c_addr: I2C address of the MCP9808 sensor (default: MCP9808_I2CADDR_DEFAULT).
  • i2c_wire: I2C bus to use (I2C_WIRE0, I2C_WIRE1, etc.).

Public Methods

uint8_t begin()

Initializes the temperature sensor for communication.

  • Returns: Status of initialization (0 for failure, 1 for success).

float read()

Reads the current temperature from the sensor.

  • Returns: Temperature in degrees Celsius.

Example Usage

#include "SensorTemperature.h"

SensorTemperature tempSensor; // Default I2C address and bus

void setup() {
    if (!tempSensor.begin()) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize temperature sensor!");

void loop() {
    float temperature =;
    Serial.print("Temperature: ");
    Serial.println(" °C");


The GPS class provides an interface for integrating GPS modules using the Adafruit GPS library. It supports hardware serial communication and provides methods for configuration, data retrieval, and command communication.


  • Supports hardware serial communication.
  • Configurable baud rate and update rate.
  • Retrieves latitude, longitude, altitude, and other GPS data.
  • Allows sending custom commands to the GPS module.
  • Fix detection to check satellite connectivity.

Constructor Parameters


GPS(uint8_t serial = GPS_HW_SERIAL, uint32_t baud_rate = 9600);
  • serial: Specifies the hardware serial port to use. Use predefined macros (GPS_HW_SERIAL0, GPS_HW_SERIAL1, etc.) for easy configuration.
  • baud_rate: Communication speed with the GPS module. Defaults to 9600.

Public Methods

void begin()

Initializes the GPS module with the specified serial port and baud rate.

void configure(uint32_t update_rate_ms = 1000, const char* output_mode = PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCONLY)

Configures the GPS module settings.

  • update_rate_ms: Update interval for GPS data (in milliseconds). Default is 1000 ms.
  • output_mode: NMEA output mode. Default is PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCONLY (only RMC data).

GPSData* read()

Reads the latest GPS data and updates the GPSData structure.

  • Returns: Pointer to a GPSData structure containing:
    • latitude and longitude: Coordinates in decimal degrees.
    • altitude: Altitude above sea level (meters).
    • speed: Speed in km/h.
    • fixQuality: Indicates the GPS fix quality (0 for no fix, 1 for standard, 2+ for enhanced fixes).

bool hasFix()

Checks if the GPS module has a satellite fix.

  • Returns: true if a fix is available, false otherwise.

void sendCommand(const char* command)

Sends a custom command string to the GPS module.

Example Usage

Basic Example

#include "GPS.h"

GPS gps(GPS_HW_SERIAL1, 9600);

void setup() {
    gps.configure(1000, PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCONLY);

void loop() {
    GPSData* data =;
    if (gps.hasFix()) {
        Serial.print("Lat: "); Serial.println(data->latitude, 6);
        Serial.print("Lon: "); Serial.println(data->longitude, 6);
        Serial.print("Alt: "); Serial.println(data->altitude);
    } else {
        Serial.println("No GPS fix available.");


The RYLR998Radio class provides a high-level interface for communicating with the RYLR998 LoRa module. It supports basic operations such as sending and receiving data, configuring LoRa parameters, and setting transmission parameters.


  • Simple API for sending and receiving data.
  • Adjustable frequency, transmission power, and LoRa parameters.
  • Uses Teensy hardware serial.

Constructor Parameters

RYLR998Radio(uint8_t serialPort, uint32_t baudRate)

  • serialPort: The hardware serial port to use (e.g., HW_SERIAL1, HW_SERIAL2, etc.). Default id HW_SERIAL8
  • baudRate: Baud rate for communication. Defaults to 9600.

Public Methods

bool begin()

Initializes the RYLR998 radio module.

  • Returns: true if initialization is successful, false otherwise.

bool send(const uint8_t* data, size_t length)

Sends data through the LoRa module.

  • Parameters:
    • data: Pointer to the data buffer to send.
    • length: Length of the data buffer.
  • Returns: true if data is sent successfully, false otherwise.

bool receive(uint8_t* buffer, size_t maxLength, size_t& receivedLength)

Receives data from the LoRa module.

  • Parameters:
    • buffer: Buffer to store received data.
    • maxLength: Maximum size of the buffer.
    • receivedLength: Actual length of the received data.
  • Returns: true if data is received successfully, false otherwise.

void setFrequency(float frequency)

Sets the operating frequency of the LoRa module.

  • Parameters:
    • frequency: Desired frequency in MHz.

void setTxPower(uint8_t power)

Sets the transmission power of the LoRa module.

  • Parameters:
    • power: Transmission power level (1-20).

void configureLoRa(uint8_t spreadingFactor, uint16_t bandwidth, uint8_t codingRate)

Configures LoRa-specific parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • spreadingFactor: Value from 6 to 12, defining the chirp spreading rate.
    • bandwidth: Bandwidth in kHz (e.g., 125, 250, 500).
    • codingRate: Coding rate from 1 to 4.

Example Usage

Basic Initialization and Transmission

#include "RYLR998Radio.h"

// Default Serial is HW_SERIAL8 and default baud rate is 9600
// so RYLR998Radio radio; is sufficient if using HW_SERIAL8
RYLR998Radio radio(HW_SERIAL8, 9600);

void setup() {
    if (!radio.begin()) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize RYLR998 module!");
        while (true);

    radio.configureLoRa(7, 125, 1);

void loop() {
    const char* message = "Hello, LoRa!";
    if (radio.send((const uint8_t*)message, strlen(message))) {
        Serial.println("Message sent successfully!");
    } else {
        Serial.println("Failed to send message.");


Receiving Data

#include "RYLR998Radio.h"

// Default Serial is HW_SERIAL8 and default baud rate is 9600
// so RYLR998Radio radio; is sufficient if using HW_SERIAL8
RYLR998Radio radio(HW_SERIAL8, 9600);

void setup() {

void loop() {
    uint8_t buffer[256];
    size_t receivedLength;

    if (radio.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer), receivedLength)) {
        Serial.print("Received: ");
        Serial.write(buffer, receivedLength);



  • Ensure the hardware serial port specified matches your wiring.
  • The RYLR998_HW_SERIAL macro defines the default serial port and can be overridden if needed.
  • Supported frequencies and power levels depend on the regional regulations for LoRa communication.


The RFM95Radio class provides an interface for the RFM95 LoRa transceiver, offering configurable SPI communication and LoRa-specific features like frequency, power, and modulation settings.


  • LoRa communication via RFM95 transceiver.
  • Configurable SPI port for flexible hardware compatibility.
  • Adjustable frequency, transmission power, and LoRa modulation parameters.


RFM95Radio(uint8_t csPin, uint8_t intPin, uint8_t spiIndex = HW_SPI0, float frequency = 915.0)

Initializes an RFM95Radio instance.

  • csPin: Chip Select pin for SPI communication.
  • intPin: Interrupt pin connected to the RFM95's DIO0.
  • spiIndex: SPI port index (HW_SPI0, HW_SPI1, HW_SPI2).
  • frequency: Operating frequency in MHz (default: 915.0).


bool begin()

Initializes the RFM95 transceiver.

  • Returns:
    • true if initialization is successful.
    • false otherwise.

bool send(const uint8_t* data, size_t length)

Sends data via LoRa.

  • Parameters:
    • data: Pointer to the data buffer to send.
    • length: Length of the data in bytes.
  • Returns:
    • true if the data was successfully sent.
    • false otherwise.

bool receive(uint8_t* buffer, size_t maxLength, size_t& receivedLength)

Receives data via LoRa.

  • Parameters:
    • buffer: Pointer to the buffer to store received data.
    • maxLength: Maximum length of the buffer.
    • receivedLength: Reference to store the actual length of the received data.
  • Returns:
    • true if data was successfully received.
    • false otherwise.

void setFrequency(float frequency)

Sets the operating frequency of the RFM95 transceiver.

  • Parameters:
    • frequency: Operating frequency in MHz.

void setTxPower(uint8_t power)

Sets the transmission power of the RFM95 transceiver.

  • Parameters:
    • power: Transmission power in dBm (typically between 5 and 23).

void configureLoRa(uint8_t spreadingFactor, uint16_t bandwidth, uint8_t codingRate)

Configures LoRa modulation parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • spreadingFactor: LoRa spreading factor (e.g., 7 to 12).
    • bandwidth: LoRa bandwidth in Hz (e.g., 125000 for 125 kHz).
    • codingRate: LoRa coding rate (e.g., 1 for 4/5, 4 for 4/8).

Example Usage

Basic Initialization and Communication

#include "RFM95Radio.h"

// Define RFM95 pins and SPI index
#define CS_PIN 10
#define INT_PIN 2


void setup() {
    if (!radio.begin()) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize RFM95!");
        while (1);

void loop() {
    // Send a message
    const char* message = "Hello, LoRa!";
    if (radio.send((const uint8_t*)message, strlen(message))) {
        Serial.println("Message sent!");

    // Receive a message
    uint8_t buffer[64];
    size_t length;
    if (radio.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer), length)) {
        Serial.print("Received: ");
        Serial.write(buffer, length);
