Below is an overview of the BASIL project and its theoretical background. To get started on development, see development.
- usage Basil binary lifting & usage guide
- development Explanation of common development tasks
- project-layout Organisation of the source code
- editor-setup Guide to basil development in IDEs
- tool-installation Guide to lifter, etc. tool installation
- cfg Explanation of the old CFG datastructure
- interpreter Explanation of IR interpreter
- simplification-solvers Explanation of ir transforms and simplifications
- basil-ir explanation of BASIL's intermediate representation
- compiler-explorer guide to the compiler explorer basil interface
- il-cfg explanation of the IL cfg iterator design
BASIL is a program verification tool that operates on binaries. It implements a specific program logic for verifying information flow on concurrent code.
Broadly, we consider information leaks under shared memory communication of parallel processes. A "leak", is some secret information being stored somewhere it is not allowed to be.
Therefore for each potentially-shared variable we have
$\cal L(var)$ , security classification; the specification of what security levels a variable is allowed to store. A function from variables to a security classification (high or low), which may depend on the values of other program variables. -
$\Gamma_v$ , security value; a ghost-state variable storing the current security value of a variable, that is the security value of whatever was last stored to the variable. Security levels flow in accordance with the flow of information in their corresponding program variables.
For example consider the following trace, where x begins with non-secret information, but is allowed to store secret information:
program | state after
x := 0 | x = 0, Gamma_x = low, secret = ?, Gamma_secret = high, L(x) = L(secret) = high
x := secret | x = ?, Gamma_x = high, secret = ?, Gamma_secret = high, L(x) = L(secret) = high
This program would not be secure if the classification was instead L(x) = low
, since the assignment of
secret would be a violation of this classification.
Note that we precisely use the term "shared" to mean variables that may be shared between threads, and "global" merely refers to their language scoping (i.e., potentially shared between functions).
flowchart LR
binary["ELF binary"]
C["C source code"]
ADT["ADT program semantics
(BAP IR)"]
pre/post\nspecifications\nsecurity classification"]
gtirb["GTIRB CFG"]
C -- compiler --> binary
binary -- BAP
disassembler --> ADT
binary -- ddisasm --> gtirb
gtirb -- gtirb_semantics/ASLp --> BASIL
ADT -- ASLp plugin --> ADT
ADT -- ASLp plugin --> BASIL
binary -- readelf
symbol table --> BASIL
specification --> BASIL
BASIL --> annotated_boogie_program
annotated_boogie_program --> boogie
BASIL works by translating a binary program to the Boogie Intermediate Verification Language. In doing so,
it additionally inserts assertions and specifications to make Boogie check information-flow security as defined by
Lifting. The binary we analyse is disassembled and lifted. This involves two processes
- The reconstruction of control flow. For this a disassembler is used, such as bap or ddisasm.
- The extraction of instruction semantics, this is the responsibility of aslp, as it is invoked by either a bap plugin or gtirb-semantics. This operation is external to BASIL, and the details are available in the relevant code repositories.
- The lifted program is parsed into a BASIL IR program.
- The ELF symbol table data is loaded from the
text file and used to parse the.spec
specification file - The specifications are loaded from the spec file for use in stage 4.
- Static analysis over the BASIL IR collects information used for translation.
- The goal is to lift the program constructs present to constructs that afford more local reasoning.
- Simplifications (see simplification-solvers)
- Parameter form
- Dynamic Single Assignment
- Simplifications (copyprop & branch condition simplifications)
Translation & Verification condition generation
- Verification conditions implementing the
$wp_{if}^{\cal R G}$ logic, based on the function and rely/guarantee specifications from the.spec
file are added to the program when it is translated to the Boogie IR.
- Verification conditions implementing the
- The Boogie IR program is serialised, and run through the Boogie verifier.
See RunUtils.scala where this is organised, for more detail.
Basil uses static analysis over the BASIL IR, to "lift" the program to a more abstract representation, where we can make stronger assumptions about the code that make local reasoning more effective, and hence verification easier.
This includes data-flow analyses based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation (AbsInt), as well as constraint-based analyses.
- SPA:
- Course textbook for CSSE4630, has a good introduction to lattice theory and dataflow analyses, the later chapters (Distributive and later) are less relevant.
- AbsInt tutorial
- Lecture series on AbsInt
- Scala tutorial for a toy language
- Basil IR is what you will be working with if you are implementing static analyses
- Boogie IR
- The Boogie AST represented within BASIL's backend
- BAP ADT AST: Representation of the BAP in BASIL's frontend, before translation to BASIL IR
Inasfar as BASIL is a program analysis tool written in Scala, that operates by translating programs to Boogie, there are also the analysis tools Viper and Vercors (based on Viper) which use Boogie as a verification back-end.