Handles emails via GOV.UK Notify or AWS SES.
The queues are managed by pg-boss
The current naming scheme is NOTIFY_*
and SES_*
to handle GOV.UK Notify and AWS SES respectively.
The suffixes _PROCESS
and _SEND
are currently used.
is used to store the parameters, and allow retrying of the message. Minimal business logic is used for these workers, they simply send the request tonotarial-api/forms/emails*
where the actual parsing of data and business logic is held_SEND
is used to send the email
The general flow is
- POST to /forms (handled by forms-worker)
- creates two messages (
) which just takes the data and adds it to*_PROCESS
queues - On successful message creation, respond with success (so POST to /forms doesn’t need to be retried)
- Worker picks up the (
) messages and POSTs to /forms/emails/ses and /forms/emails/notify - Endpoints parse the data and throw appropriately
- On success, sticks the compiled notify/ email body on the
queues - Worker sends the emails
This allows all stages to be retried individually. If errors are thrown, or there are erroneous responses (4xx or 5xx errors), these will be stored in the database, in the output column.
A simplified diagram of this flow can be found in simplified_flow.svg.
is handled by notifyProcessHandlerNOTIFY_SEND
is handled by notifySendHandlerNOTIFY_FAILURE_CHECK
is handled by notifyFailureHandlerSES_PROCESS
is handled by sesProcessHandlerSES_SEND
is handled by sesSendHandler
Generally all jobs will be added to the queue with the data required for the operation, as well as metadata to allow for easy tracking of the job. All jobs will have a metadata property, which will contain the reference number. This will match with their GOV.UK Pay reference number (not to be confused wit their payment ID).
When a message on the NOTIFY_PROCESS
queue is detected this worker will send a request to notarial-api/forms/emails/notify
The source of this event is notarial-api, after a user has submitted a form (POST /forms) SubmitService.submitForm
select * from pgboss.job where name = 'NOTIFY_PROCESS';
The data stored in this job will be the user's answers, and the metadata of the form submission. For example:
"answers": {
"firstName": "test",
"middleName": null,
"dateOfBirth": "2000-01-01"
/** etc **/
"metadata": {
"type": "affirmation",
"payment": {
"payId": "usfetplth9aqfm0ft598eigpkm",
"state": {
"status": "created",
"finished": false
"reference": "B-6FYZIU1M"
"reference": "B-6FYZIU1M"
When a message on the "NOTIFY_SEND" queue is detected, this worker sends a GOV.UK notify request. The source of this event is notarial-api/forms/emails/notify, which processes the user's data.
select * from pgboss.job where name = 'NOTIFY_SEND';
The data stored in this job will be GOV.UK Notify API options, which include personalisations, reference, template ID and email address.
For example:
"options": {
"reference": "PF3N8EGP9L",
"personalisation": {
"post": "British Embassy Rome",
"country": "Italy",
"firstName": "test",
/** etc **/
"metadata": {
"reference": "PF3N8EGP9L"
"template": "ABC-DEF",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]"
After messages have been sent to GOV.UK Notify, it responds with a success or error depending on if the request to their API was valid.
GOV.UK Notify will attempt to send the message, and will retry it if there was a failure. Failures may occur when the user has not provided us with the correct email address. A separate GOV.UK Notify request must be made to check for these types of failures.
is scheduled to check for failed emails every day, and will store a digest of failed email sends.
The handler will make calls to Notify to find any messages with one of three statuses:
If any failed messages are found, this raises an alert which can then be caught and relayed to the relevant post.
When a message on the SES_PROCESS
queue is detected this worker will send a request to notarial-api/forms/emails/ses
The source of this event is notarial-api, after a user has submitted a form (POST /forms) SubmitService.submitForm
select * from pgboss.job where name = 'SES_PROCESS';
When a message on the "NOTIFY_SEND" queue is detected, this worker sends a GOV.UK notify request. The source of this event is notarial-api/forms/emails/ses, which processes the user's data.
select * from pgboss.job where name = 'SES_SEND';
The data stored in this job will be the email body and attachments.
"body": "\n<p>Dear British Embassy Rome, Use them to create a new case in Casebook and prepare the affirmation document.\n</p>...",
"subject": "cni application, British Embassy Rome – PF3N8EGP9L",
"metadata": {
"reference": "PF3N8EGP9L"
"reference": "PF3N8EGP9L",
"onComplete": {
"job": {
"options": { // This will match the NOTIFY_SEND job
"personalisation": {},
"template": "ABCDEF_EG",
"reference": "PF3N8EGP9L",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]"
"queue": "NOTIFY_SEND"
"attachments": [
"key": "ukPassportFile",
"type": "file",
"title": "UK passport",
"answer": "http://documentupload:9000/v1/files/511ffde6-ea44-4d72-967c-a5581f73fb8e.png",
"category": "applicantDetails"
The attachments will be fetched, then added to the email body in memory (i.e. not updated in the database) before sending to SES.
When tasks fail, the error emitted will automatically be added to the jobs, and the error is logged. If the logs are incomplete, further logging may be found on the database in the output
See TROUBLESHOOTING.md for more information.
Env var | Description | default |
Connection string of the db | postgres://user:root@localhost:5432/notarial |
In days, how long to keep failed jobs in the table pgboss.jobs , before sending it to pgboss.archive |
30 |
In days, how long to keep any jobs in pgboss.archive before deleting |
7 |
In seconds, how often to log the statuses of each queue | 10 |
The schema name for pgboss to use. If it does not exist, pgboss will create the schema and related tables in this schema. | pgboss |
Moves inflight (created) messages from this schema to QUEUE_SCHEMA | |
Notify API key to send emails from | |
Cron string determining the schedule for checking for failed notify sends | 0 9 * * * |
The name to display when sending an email via SES | Getting Married Abroad Service |
Where the email should be sent from. There must be an SES domain identity matching this email address | [email protected] |
Where to send the emails to | [email protected] |
URL on the notarial-api where SES emails can be created | http://localhost:9000/forms/emails/ses |
URL on the notarial-api where Notify emails can be created | http://localhost:9000/forms/emails/notify |
Allowed origins where files can be downloaded from | ["http://localhost:9000"] |