Releases: UCL-CCS/EasyVVUQ
Releases · UCL-CCS/EasyVVUQ
EasyVVUQ v0.5 - VECMA M18 Release
EasyVVUQ v0.5
New Features
- MultiEncoder element, to combine one or more encoders into a single encoder
- DirectoryEncoder element, to build directory hierarchies
- PCE Analysis element supports calculation of multiple Sobol indices
- Multi-app (Multi-solver) capabilities implemented
- Collation table may optionally be cleared using Campaign's clear_collation() method
- Added new collater (AggregateByVariables) that groups by output variable rather than run_id
- EasyVVUQ version of the Campaign and database are now compared to catch version mismatch errors
- Uniform integer distribution now available through new versions of Chaospy (thanks to collaboration with Jonathan Feinberg)
- Fix bug in collation of empty dataframes
- reads install requirements directly from requirements.txt
- Some documentation now also available as Jupyter python notebooks
EasyVVUQ v0.4 - Review version
Intermediate release for review purposes.
EasyVVUQ v0.4 - VECMA M15 Release
EasyVVUQ v0.4
New Features
- Parameter type and physical range checking (verification) implemented using Cerberus.
- Implemented a Multisampler element, allowing arbitary number of samplers to be chained together, but behave as a single sampler.
- Added a SweepSampler element, for parameter sweeps.
- Added sparse grid functionality to the Stochastic Collocation sampler.
- Added a "Worker" class (a stripped down version of the campaign) and associated tools (such as an external encoder script) to allow non-linear workflows, such as when integrating with pilot job managers.
- Improved consistency and breadth of automated testing. Campaign restarts now properly tested too.
- Added several more tutorials to the documentation.
- Fixed bug in the CSV reader with respect to column label.
Updated release to account for updated dependencies
Now uses current Chaospy and Scipy
EasyVVUQ v0.3 - VECMA M12 Release
VECMA M12 Release
EasyVVUQ is a library created to facilitate verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) for a wide variety of simulations.
This release is part of the VECMA VVUQ Toolkit.
EasyVVUQ v0.3
New Features
- A website with documentation and a basic tutorial
- Support for multiple backend databases (via SQLAlchemy)
- Result storage in database (as opposed to in memory pandas dataframe)
- Restartable campaigns
- Incremental collation of results
- All distributions now in chaospy compatible conformations
- Varying parameters now specified in sampler rather than campaign
Month 12 Pre-release for VECMAtk Alpha Users
Feature complete version for alpha testing
Second release of EasyVVUQ
Incremental development release, aligned with the M9 release of the VECMA Toolkit.
Added to the basic architecture in place for creating UQ workflows since last release:
- Chaospy integration
- Polynomial chaos expansion example
- Initial implementation of stochastic collocation
First release of EasyVVUQ
Initial release, aligned with the M6 release of the VECMA Toolkit.
Basic architecture in place for creating UQ workflows, including elements for:
- reading input defining the parameter space of interest
object to record runs required for analysisSampler
s to create runs required for a given analysis workflow- creating simulation inputs (
s) - reading and interpreting simulation outputs (
s) - collation of output from multiple runs into a pandas dataframe for analysis
- simple statistical analysis