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127 lines (93 loc) · 4.92 KB

File metadata and controls

127 lines (93 loc) · 4.92 KB


Install this package from npm:

$ npm install keen-tracking --save

Or load it from our CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Prefer asynchronous loading? Copy/paste this snippet of JavaScript above the </head> tag of your page to load the tracking library asynchronously. This technique sneaks the library into your page without significantly impacting page load speed.

// Loads the library asynchronously from any URI
  var latest,prev=name!=='Keen'&&window.Keen?window.Keen:false;ctx[name]=ctx[name]||{ready:function(fn){var h=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],s=document.createElement('script'),w=window,loaded;s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=function(){if((s.readyState&&!(/^c|loade/.test(s.readyState)))||loaded){return}s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=null;loaded=1;latest=w.Keen;if(prev){w.Keen=prev}else{try{delete w.Keen}catch(e){w.Keen=void 0}}ctx[name]=latest;ctx[name].ready(fn)};s.async=1;s.src=path;h.parentNode.insertBefore(s,h)}}

// Executes when the library is loaded and ready

  // Create a new client instance
  var client = new Keen({
    projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',
    writeKey: 'YOUR_WRITE_KEY'

  // Record an event!
  client.recordEvent('pageviews', {
    // Define your event data model
    title: document.title


This loader works a little differently than all the previous versions we have released.

Notice the last line of the asynchronous loader snippet: }('Keen', './filename.js', this);. These three arguments can be overwritten, allowing you to customize important details about the installation process.

  1. Namespace: Define a custom namespace for the library, instead of the default Keen, like MyCustomKeenBuild.
  2. Script URI: Define the location of the script to load. You don't need to rely on our CDN. You can use your own, or host the file locally.
  3. Context: Define where the library should be installed. Global pollution is a problem. This helps you fight back.

Here's an example that uses all of these features together:

var modules = {};
  //~ .etc
}('MyKeenBuild','/assets/js/custom-keen-tracking.js', modules);

  var client = new modules.MyKeenBuild.Client({
    projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',
    writeKey: 'YOUR_WRITE_KEY'
  // client.recordEvent('pageviews', {});

Important: This update brings an important change to note. In past versions of keen-js, we shimmed tracking-methods so you could begin using them immediately without the .ready() callback wrapper. This created a lot of strange edge cases and version conflicts. Now, everything must be initialized from within the .ready(function(){ ... }) wrapper.


The library is published with an explicitly named module ID of 'keen-tracking'. This presents a light configuration step, but prevents anonymous define() mismatch mayhem.

To use this module, configure a paths record, like so:

<script data-main="path/to/app.js" src="require.js"></script>
// app.js
  paths: {
    'keen-tracking': 'path/to/keen-tracking.js'

  ], function(KeenAMD) {

    var client = new KeenAMD.Client({
      projectId: "123",
      writeKey: "456"

Also note a global Keen object will still be defined. This is meant to ensure the library can initialize in environments where neighboring scripts are unknown or uncontrollable.

Client instances

The client instance is the core of the library and will be required for all API-related functionality. The client variable defined below will also be used throughout this document.

import Keen from 'keen-tracking';

const client = new Keen({
  projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',
  writeKey: 'YOUR_WRITE_KEY',
  host: '',
  protocol: 'https',
  requestType: 'jsonp' // Also: 'xhr', 'beacon'

// Optional accessor methods are available too

Important notes about client configuration options:

  • host and writePath: these options can be overwritten to make it easier than ever to proxy events through your own intermediary host.
  • protocol: older versions of IE feature a fun little quirk where cross-domain requests to a secure resource (https) from an insecure host (!https) fail. In these rare cases the library will match the current host's protocol.
  • requestType: this option sets a default for GET requests, which is only supported when recording single events. There are limits to the URL string length of a request, so if this limit is exceeded we'll attempt to execute a POST instead, using XHR. In rare cases where XHR isn't supported, the request will fail.