marp | size | theme | class | author | description | url | paginate | math |
true |
58140 |
toniogela |
invert |
Antonio Gelameris |
Example slides set with my theme |
false |
mathjax |
The code highlighting theme is pretty cool and code boxes can scroll
//> using toolkit typelevel:0.1.25
import cats.effect.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import com.monovore.decline.*
import com.monovore.decline.effect.*
import fs2.*
val prefix = Opts.option[String]("prefix", "").withDefault("")
val delimiter = Opts.option[String]("delimiter", "", "d").withDefault(",")
val suffix = Opts.option[String]("suffix", "The suffix").withDefault("")
val stringStream: Stream[IO, String] = stdinUtf8[IO](1024 * 1024 * 10)
.repartition(s => Chunk.array(s.split("\n", -1)))
object Main extends CommandIOApp("mkString", "Concatenates strings from stdin"):
def main = (prefix, delimiter, suffix).mapN { (pre, delim, post) =>
val stream = Stream(pre) ++ stringStream.intersperse(delim) ++ Stream(post)
Inline code like "foobar"
appears in a box.
It's not really optimized, so different inlines may overlap
but usually adding a further newline fixes the issue
like this
It's possible to render inline math such as
or putting more complicated expressions on newlines
Changing a single slides's background and text color is as trivial as adding this
<!-- _backgroundColor: #2E294E -->
<!-- _color: #F49D6E -->
in the slide's code
Images can fit
on a side of the screen
or fill
It's possible to create lists that appear element by element just using *
🥁 🥁 🥁
- I'm the first
- I'm the second
- I'm the last
- This is a list
- but it uses
as bullet - so it appears all at once
Deploying this decksets is dead stupid if you
use Github Actions
and Github Pages
If you use monolith
you can share the
rendered deckset as a single portable html file