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137 lines (92 loc) · 2.92 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (92 loc) · 2.92 KB
marp size theme class author description url paginate math
Antonio Gelameris
Example slides set with my theme
<style> :root { /* Overrides like the slide's color go here */ /* --color-background: #255C46 !important; */ /* refer to theme/toniogela.scss for variables names */ } </style>

This is the first slide 😄!

And this is a link

The code highlighting theme is pretty cool and code boxes can scroll

//> using toolkit typelevel:0.1.25

import cats.effect.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import com.monovore.decline.*
import com.monovore.decline.effect.*
import fs2.*

val prefix    = Opts.option[String]("prefix", "").withDefault("")
val delimiter = Opts.option[String]("delimiter", "", "d").withDefault(",")
val suffix    = Opts.option[String]("suffix", "The suffix").withDefault("")

val stringStream: Stream[IO, String] = stdinUtf8[IO](1024 * 1024 * 10)
  .repartition(s => Chunk.array(s.split("\n", -1)))

object Main extends CommandIOApp("mkString", "Concatenates strings from stdin"):
  def main = (prefix, delimiter, suffix).mapN { (pre, delim, post) =>
    val stream = Stream(pre) ++ stringStream.intersperse(delim) ++ Stream(post)

Inline code like "foobar" appears in a box.

It's not really optimized, so different inlines may overlap but usually adding a further newline fixes the issue

like this 👈

It's possible to render inline math such as $ax^2+bc+c$.

or putting more complicated expressions on newlines

$$ I_{xx}=\int\int_Ry^2f(x,y)\cdot{}dydx $$

$$ f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \hat f(\xi),e^{2 \pi i \xi x} ,d\xi $$

Changing a single slides's background and text color is as trivial as adding this

<!-- _backgroundColor: #2E294E -->
<!-- _color: #F49D6E -->

in the slide's code

bg left fit blur:1px

Images can fit on a side of the screen

bg left fill blur:1px

or fill it

It's possible to create lists that appear element by element just using *

🥁 🥁 🥁

  • I'm the first
  • I'm the second
  • I'm the last

  • This is a list
  • but it uses - as bullet
  • so it appears all at once

Last but not least

Deploying this decksets is dead stupid if you use Github Actions and Github Pages

See the instructions

Bonus slide

If you use monolith you can share the rendered deckset as a single portable html file

See how