A comprehensive collection of extension methods for arrays in C#.
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var result = array.MethodName();
Name | Description |
Add<T>() , AddRange<T>() |
Appends single or multiple items to the end of an array. |
AllEqual<T>() |
Checks if all elements in an array are identical. |
AnyNull<T>() |
Determines if any element in an array of reference types is null. |
BinarySearch<T>() |
Performs a binary search on a sorted array. |
Chunk<T>() |
Divides an array into smaller arrays of a specified maximum size. |
Contains<T>() |
Checks if the array contains a specified element. |
CountOf<T>() |
Counts occurrences of a specific item in the array. |
DeepCopy<T>() |
Creates a deep copy of an array, where elements implement ICloneable. |
DistinctBy<T, TKey>() |
Returns distinct elements based on a specified selector function. |
DistinctValues<T>() |
Returns distinct values from the array. |
FindFirstAndLast<T>() |
Finds the first and last elements that match a given predicate. |
FindIndices<T>() |
Finds indices of all elements that match a given predicate. |
FindOrDefault<T>() |
Finds an element matching a predicate, or returns a default value. |
Flatten<T>() |
Flattens a multi-dimensional array into a single-dimensional array. |
ForEach<T>() |
Executes an action on each element of an array. |
ForEachIndexed<T>() |
Executes an action on each element of an array with its index. |
GroupBySequential<T, TKey>() |
Groups adjacent elements sharing a key or property. |
Head<T>() , Tail<T>() , LastN<T>() , FirstN<T>() |
Provide various ways to slice and access elements. |
Interleave<T>() |
Interleaves elements of two arrays into a single array. |
InsertAt<T>() |
Inserts an element at a specified index. |
IsNullOrEmpty<T>() , IsEmpty<T>() |
Check if an array is empty or null/empty, respectively. |
IsSorted<T>() |
Checks if the array is sorted according to a specified comparer. |
IsUnique<T>() |
Determines whether all elements in the array are unique. |
JoinToString<T>() |
Concatenates string representations of elements with a delimiter. |
Map<T, TResult>() |
Transforms each element of the array using a selector function. |
MaxBy<T, TKey>() , MinBy<T, TKey>() |
Finds the maximum/minimum element based on a specified selector function. |
MostCommon<T>() |
Finds the most common element in the array. |
Permute<T>() |
Generates all possible permutations of the array. |
RandomSample<T>() |
Selects a random sample of elements. |
RemoveAt<T>() |
Removes the element at a specified index. |
RemoveDuplicates<T>() |
Removes duplicate elements from the array. |
RemoveNulls<T>() |
Removes all null items from an array of reference types. |
ReplaceAll<T>() |
Replaces all occurrences of a specific value with another in the array. |
Resize<T>() |
Resizes an array to a specified new size. |
Reverse<T>() |
Reverses the elements of the array. |
RotateLeft<T>() , RotateRight<T>() |
Rotates the array left or right by a specified number of positions. |
SafeGet<T>() |
Retrieves an element at a specified index or a default value if out of range. |
SafeSet<T>() |
Sets a value at a specified index, resizing the array if necessary. |
Segment<T>() |
Splits an array into segments based on a predicate. |
SequentialPairs<T>() |
Generates a sequence of tuples from sequential pairs of elements. |
Shuffle<T>() |
Randomly shuffles the elements of an array. |
Slice<T>() |
Returns a portion of the array, similar to substring for strings. |
Subset<T>() |
Returns all possible subsets of the array. |
SumBy<T>() |
Calculates the sum of array elements based on a selector function. |
TakeWhile<T>() , SkipWhile<T>() |
Takes or skips elements of the array while a condition is true. |
ToHashSet<T>() |
Converts the array to a HashSet, removing duplicates. |
ZipWith<T, TOther, TResult>() |
Combines two arrays into one using a specified selector function. |
Name | Description |
AllInFuture |
Checks if all dates in the array are in the future. |
AllInPast |
Checks if all dates in the array are in the past. |
BusinessDaysCount |
Calculates the number of business days between the earliest and latest date in the array. |
ClosestTo |
Gets the closest date to a specified reference date. |
DateRange |
Gets the range between the earliest and latest date. |
EarliestDate |
Finds and returns the earliest date present in the array. |
EquidistantDates |
Finds dates that are equidistant from a given reference date. |
FilterByDateRange |
Filters dates that fall within a specified date range. |
FilterHolidays |
Filters dates that match a provided list of holidays. |
FilterLastDayOfWeek |
Filters dates that fall on the last specific day of the week of their month. |
FilterNthDayOfWeek |
Filters dates that are the nth occurrence of a specified day of the week in their month. |
FilterWeekdays |
Filters dates that are weekdays (Monday to Friday). |
FilterWeekends |
Filters dates that are weekends (Saturday or Sunday). |
GroupByDay |
Groups dates by day. |
GroupByDayOfWeek |
Groups dates by their day of the week. |
GroupByMonth |
Groups dates by month. |
GroupByYear |
Groups dates by year. |
LatestDate |
Finds and returns the latest date present in the array. |
Name | Description |
AllOfLength |
Checks if all strings in the array are of a specified length. |
AggregateStrings |
Aggregates the array into a single string using a specified function. |
AnyNullOrEmpty |
Checks if any string in the array is null or empty. |
AnyNullOrWhiteSpace |
Checks if any string in the array is null or whitespace. |
CapitalizeFirstLetter |
Capitalizes the first letter of each string in the array. |
ConcatenateWithSeparator |
Concatenates all strings in the array with a given separator. |
ContainsSubstring |
Checks if any of the strings in the array contains a specified substring. |
CountOccurrencesOfSubstring |
Counts occurrences of a specific substring in all strings of the array. |
CountStringsMatchingPattern |
Counts the number of strings that match a regular expression pattern. |
EndsWithSubstring |
Checks if any of the strings in the array ends with a specified substring. |
FilterByPattern |
Filters strings that match a given regular expression pattern. |
HasDuplicates |
Checks if the array contains any duplicate strings. |
JoinNonEmpty |
Concatenates non-empty strings in the array with a given separator. |
LongestString |
Retrieves the longest string from the array. |
NormalizeWhitespace |
Replaces multiple consecutive whitespace characters in each string with a single space. |
RemoveNullOrEmpty |
Removes all null or empty strings from the array. |
RemoveNullOrWhiteSpace |
Removes all null, empty, or whitespace strings from the array. |
ReplaceInAll |
Replaces a specified substring in all strings of the array. |
ReverseEach |
Reverses each string in the array. |
SortAlphabetically |
Sorts the array of strings in alphabetical order. |
StartsWithSubstring |
Checks if any of the strings in the array starts with a specified substring. |
ShortestString |
Retrieves the shortest string from the array. |
ToLowerCase |
Converts all strings in the array to lowercase. |
ToUpperCase |
Converts all strings in the array to uppercase. |
TrimAll |
Trims whitespace from all strings in the array. |
UniqueStrings |
Returns an array of unique strings, removing duplicates.. |
Name | Description |
AverageIgnoringZero |
Calculates the average of the elements in the array, ignoring zero values. |
FindPrimeNumbers |
Filters the array to include only prime numbers. |
IsMonotonicallyIncreasing |
Checks if the array's elements are in a strictly increasing order. |
IsMonotonicallyDecreasing |
Checks if the array's elements are in a strictly decreasing order. |
MultiplyAll |
Multiplies all elements in the array and returns the product. |
Mode |
Finds the most frequently occurring number(s) in the array. |
Percentile |
Finds the percentile value in the array. |
Randomize |
Randomizes the order of elements in the array. |
StandardDeviation |
Calculates the standard deviation of the array elements. |
SumAbsoluteDifferences |
Calculates the sum of the absolute differences between all pairs of elements. |
SumEvenNumbers |
Sums all the even numbers in the array. |
SumOddNumbers |
Sums all the odd numbers in the array. |
ToFrequencyMap |
Creates a frequency map (count of each element). |
Variance |
Calculates the variance of the array elements. |
Name | Description |
AllEqual<T>() |
Checks if all elements in a multi-dimensional array are identical. |
Contains<T>() |
Checks if the multi-dimensional array contains a specific element. |
CountOf<T>() |
Counts occurrences of a specific item in the multi-dimensional array. |
DeepCopy<T>() |
Creates a deep copy of the multi-dimensional array. |
Fill<T>() |
Fills the multi-dimensional array with a specific value. |
FindFirst<T>() |
Finds the first occurrence of an element that matches a condition. |
Flatten<T>() |
Flattens a multi-dimensional array into a single-dimensional array. |
ForEach<T>() |
Iterates over each element in a multi-dimensional array and executes the provided action. |
GetColumn<T>() |
Retrieves a specific column from a multi-dimensional array. |
GetRow<T>() |
Retrieves a specific row from a multi-dimensional array. |
Rotate90DegreesClockwise<T>() |
Rotates the array 90 degrees clockwise. |
Transpose<T>() |
Transposes a two-dimensional array. |