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Additional Information, Sensors & Commands and Add‐ons

Nicholas White edited this page Feb 15, 2025 · 11 revisions

Change EZO I2C Addresses

Method 1 - Use XX_change_address action.
Method 2 - Use XX_custom_command action and command I2C, XXX

Next, tell the microcontroller to listen to new address. Change the repsective EZO sensor adrreess (ie. addPH: "99") substituion in ESPHome Builder to the new address, or create a whole new sensor like if adding another pH sensor.

Temperature Sensor - Dallas

The temperature probes are dallas one-wire probes, meaning they are little special. They each are assigned an address that you can only get by reading the device's logs once plugged in. Natively, the software only allows for 1 temperature probe so we don't need to get the specific address of a probe hen we only have 1 attached, but in some cases, we want more than one.


  dallasPin: "16"
  update_temp: "60s"

  # Calibration variables
  # 0C using Ice Water; 100C using Boiling Water  
  # Calibration Temp. 1
  cal_0: "0.0"
  cal_100: "100.0"

  range_cool: "74"
  range_warm: "82"

Adding More

You will need to go into AquaPi's logs when it starts up to get the address of the probes, it'll show the address in the boot part of the logs. Once obtained, we can edit the .yaml via ESPHome.

YAML Config (Click to Expand)

Example YAML Config

Replace <DALLAS_ADDRESS_1> and <DALLAS_ADDRESS_2> with the addresses of your sensors, ie. 0x8201204769dfbc28 and another for the 2nd one. You can add more by using unique names and IDs.

  cal_0_2: "0.0"
  cal_100_2: "100.0"

  - id: !extend temp_1
    address: <DALLAS_ADDRESS_1>

  # Temperature Probe 2
  - platform: dallas_temp
    id: temp_2
    icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
    address: <DALLAS_ADDRESS_2>
    name: "Temperature 2"
    state_class: "measurement"
    device_class: "temperature"
      - calibrate_linear:
          method: least_squares
            - 0.0 -> ${cal_0_2}
            - 100.0 -> ${cal_100_2}
        - component.update: temp_range_2

# The Following is Optional

  # Convert to Fahrenheit - Temp. 2
  - platform: template
    state_class: "measurement"
    device_class: "temperature"
    id: temp_f_2
    lambda: |-
      return id(temp_2).state * 9 / 5 + 32;

  # Calibration Temp. 2 at 0C
  - platform: template
    name: Calibration at 0°C  - Temp. 2
    id: cal_0_2_sen
    icon: mdi:snowflake-alert
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    state_class: "measurement"
    device_class: "temperature"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
    lambda: |-
      return {${cal_0_2}};

  # Calibration Temp. 2 at 100C
  - platform: template
    name: Calibration at 100°C - Temp. 2
    id: cal_100_2_sen
    icon: mdi:water-thermometer
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    state_class: "measurement"
    device_class: "temperature"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
    lambda: |-
      return {${cal_100_2}};

  - platform: template
    name: Ideal Temperature 2
    id: ideal_temp_2
    icon: mdi:thermometer-check
    lambda: |-
      if (id(temp_range_2).state == "OK") {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;

  # Temperature Range 2
  - platform: template
    name: Temperature 2 Range
    id: temp_range_2
    icon: mdi:thermometer-water
    update_interval: "${update_temp}"
    lambda: |-
      if(id(temp_f_2).state <= id(range_cool_2).state) {
        return {"Cool"};
      if(id(temp_f_2).state < id(range_warm_2).state && id(temp_f_2).state > id(range_cool_2).state) {
        return {"OK"};
      if(id(temp_f_2).state >= id(range_warm_2).state) {
        return {"Warm"};
      else {
        return {"Unknown"};

  # Temperature 2 when Cool
  - platform: template
    name: "Temp. 2 Cool"
    id: range_cool_2
    icon: mdi:snowflake-thermometer
    optimistic: true
    mode: box
    min_value: 0.0
    max_value: 100.0
    step: 0.5
    restore_value: True
    initial_value: ${range_cool}
    entity_category: "Config"
    device_class: "temperature"
        - component.update: temp_range_2

  # Temperature 2 when Warm
  - platform: template
    name: "Temp. 2 Warm"
    icon: mdi:sun-thermometer
    id: range_warm_2
    optimistic: true
    mode: box
    min_value: 0.0
    max_value: 100.0
    step: 0.5
    restore_value: True
    initial_value: ${range_warm}
    entity_category: "Config"
    device_class: "temperature"
        - component.update: temp_range_2

EZO-EC - Conductivity

Store Link


  # EC circuit, who's address is 100
  addEC: "100"
  update_ec: "60s"
  update_button_ec: "60s"


ec_custom_command - Sends custom command, see documentaion. Result will be shown in repsective Command Result entity.
ec_change_address - Changes I2C Address
ec_read_continous - Reads the probe for about 60s
ec_calibrate_dry - Calibrates a dry probe
ec_calibrate_high_80000 - Calibrates at 80,000 µS/m
ec_calibrate_low_12880 - Calibrates at 12,880 µS/m
ec_output_all_parameters - Outputs all parameters to enable all sensor units

EZO-pH - pH

Store Link


  # PH circuit, who's address is 99
  addPH: "99"
  update_ph: "60s"


ph_custom_command - Sends custom command, see documentaion. Result will be shown in repsective Command Result entity.
ph_change_address - Changes I2C Address
ph_read_continous - Reads the probe for about 60s
ph_calibrate_mid_7 - Calibrates at pH 7
ph_calibrate_high_10 - Calibrates at pH 10
ph_calibrate_high_1001 - Calibrates at pH 10.01
ph_calibrate_low_4 - Calibrates at pH 4

EZO-DO - Dissolved Oxygen

Store Link


  # DO circuit, who's address is 97
  addDO: "97"
  update_do: "60s"
  update_button_do: "60s"


do_custom_command - Sends custom command, see documentaion. Result will be shown in repsective Command Result entity.
do_change_address - Changes I2C Address
do_read_continous - Reads the probe for about 60s
do_calibrate_dry - Calibrates in air
do_calibrate_0 - Calibrates at 0%
do_salinity_compensation_35ppt - Compensates for saltwater at 35ppt
do_output_all_parameters - Outputs all parameters to enable all sensor units

EZO-ORP - Oxidation Reduction Potential

Store Link


  # ORP circuit, who's address is 98
  addORP: "98"
  update_orp: "60s"


orp_custom_command - Sends custom command, see documentaion. Result will be shown in repsective Command Result entity.
orp_change_address - Changes I2C Address
orp_read_continous - Reads the probe for about 60s
orp_calibrate_225 - Calibrates at 225mV

EZO-PMP - Peristaltic Dosing Pump

Store Link

NOTE: Using Dose Volume for Time can fail sometimes. In using the pump to dose 5 gallons over 8 hours, sometimes the pump would stop working and it would needed to be tapped or jostled to get it started again.
Try only using the Dose Volume methods or Quick Water Change blueprints.

Replace the color in the following commands and substitutions with the respective pump color you want to configure.


  # PMP circuit
  addPMP_white: "103" # White
  update_pmp_white: "60s"


pump_white_change_address - Changes I2C Address
pump_white_dose_volume - Dose a specific volume in mL at full flow rate
pump_white_dose_volume_time - Dose a specific volume in mL for a specific time in seconds
pump_white_dose_flow_rate_time - Dose a specific flow rate in mL/s for specific time in seconds
pump_white_dose_set_calibration - Sets calibrated volume

Setup & Install

The Pump cases are designed to attach directly onto the AquaPi base product. There are up to 8 removable plugs on the AquaPi, you can remove 2 adjacent ones and insert the pump case into the empty plug holes.
Plug into Red label cable of the AquaPi, this is the I2C connection for various EZO circuits. Test that the pump is connected by using the corresponding Dose Continuously button, then use the Stop Dosing button to stop it.


Default Address

The default address for the EZO-Pump is 103 but I wanted to support all 6 colors Atlas Scientific supplies so I changed the address based on specific colors.

White - 103
Red - 108
Green - 109
Orange - 110
Yellow - 104
Blue - 106

Home Assistant Aliases

White - Pump White
Red - Pump Waste
Green - Pump Clean
Orange - Pump Orange
Yellow - Pump Yellow
Blue - Pump Blue


See Guide


See Blueprints

AquaPi - SnapCam

Store Link
ESPHome Documentation

Setup & Install

Follow same setup from AquaPi


Default Config

Default yaml

Sample Config

By default, the camera is in low resolution (640x480) which allows for a higher framerate, but you can raise the resolution at the cost of frames, essentially a snapshot camera.
Using the ESPHome add-on, try this configuration:

  jpeg_quality: 10
  # vertical_flip: false
  # horizontal_mirror: false
  # resolution: 720x1280 # NOT RECOMMENDED

If you want to stream it to an NVR like MotionEye or Frigate:

  - port: 8080
    mode: stream
  - port: 8081
    mode: snapshot