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341 lines (217 loc) · 24 KB


File metadata and controls

341 lines (217 loc) · 24 KB

Welcome to StackEdit!

Hi! I'm your first Markdown file in StackEdit. If you want to learn about StackEdit, you can read me. If you want to play with Markdown, you can edit me. Once you have finished with me, you can create new files by opening the file explorer on the left corner of the navigation bar.


StackEdit stores your files in your browser, which means all your files are automatically saved locally and are accessible offline!

Create files and folders

The file explorer is accessible using the button in left corner of the navigation bar. You can create a new file by clicking the New file button in the file explorer. You can also create folders by clicking the New folder button.

Switch to another file

All your files and folders are presented as a tree in the file explorer. You can switch from one to another by clicking a file in the tree.

Rename a file

You can rename the current file by clicking the file name in the navigation bar or by clicking the Rename button in the file explorer.

Delete a file

You can delete the current file by clicking the Remove button in the file explorer. The file will be moved into the Trash folder and automatically deleted after 7 days of inactivity.

Export a file

You can export the current file by clicking Export to disk in the menu. You can choose to export the file as plain Markdown, as HTML using a Handlebars template or as a PDF.


Synchronization is one of the biggest features of StackEdit. It enables you to synchronize any file in your workspace with other files stored in your Google Drive, your Dropbox and your GitHub accounts. This allows you to keep writing on other devices, collaborate with people you share the file with, integrate easily into your workflow... The synchronization mechanism takes place every minute in the background, downloading, merging, and uploading file modifications.

There are two types of synchronization and they can complement each other:

  • The workspace synchronization will sync all your files, folders and settings automatically. This will allow you to fetch your workspace on any other device.

    To start syncing your workspace, just sign in with Google in the menu.

  • The file synchronization will keep one file of the workspace synced with one or multiple files in Google Drive, Dropbox or GitHub.

    Before starting to sync files, you must link an account in the Synchronize sub-menu.

Open a file

You can open a file from Google Drive, Dropbox or GitHub by opening the Synchronize sub-menu and clicking Open from. Once opened in the workspace, any modification in the file will be automatically synced.

Save a file

You can save any file of the workspace to Google Drive, Dropbox or GitHub by opening the Synchronize sub-menu and clicking Save on. Even if a file in the workspace is already synced, you can save it to another location. StackEdit can sync one file with multiple locations and accounts.

Synchronize a file

Once your file is linked to a synchronized location, StackEdit will periodically synchronize it by downloading/uploading any modification. A merge will be performed if necessary and conflicts will be resolved.

If you just have modified your file and you want to force syncing, click the Synchronize now button in the navigation bar.

Note: The Synchronize now button is disabled if you have no file to synchronize.

Manage file synchronization

Since one file can be synced with multiple locations, you can list and manage synchronized locations by clicking File synchronization in the Synchronize sub-menu. This allows you to list and remove synchronized locations that are linked to your file.


Publishing in StackEdit makes it simple for you to publish online your files. Once you're happy with a file, you can publish it to different hosting platforms like Blogger, Dropbox, Gist, GitHub, Google Drive, WordPress and Zendesk. With Handlebars templates, you have full control over what you export.

Before starting to publish, you must link an account in the Publish sub-menu.

Publish a File

You can publish your file by opening the Publish sub-menu and by clicking Publish to. For some locations, you can choose between the following formats:

  • Markdown: publish the Markdown text on a website that can interpret it (GitHub for instance),
  • HTML: publish the file converted to HTML via a Handlebars template (on a blog for example).

Update a publication

After publishing, StackEdit keeps your file linked to that publication which makes it easy for you to re-publish it. Once you have modified your file and you want to update your publication, click on the Publish now button in the navigation bar.

Note: The Publish now button is disabled if your file has not been published yet.

Manage file publication

Since one file can be published to multiple locations, you can list and manage publish locations by clicking File publication in the Publish sub-menu. This allows you to list and remove publication locations that are linked to your file.

Markdown extensions

StackEdit extends the standard Markdown syntax by adding extra Markdown extensions, providing you with some nice features.

ProTip: You can disable any Markdown extension in the File properties dialog.


SmartyPants converts ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities. For example:

Single backticks 'Isn't this fun?' 'Isn't this fun?'
Quotes "Isn't this fun?" "Isn't this fun?"
Dashes -- is en-dash, --- is em-dash -- is en-dash, --- is em-dash


You can render LaTeX mathematical expressions using KaTeX:

The Gamma function satisfying $\Gamma(n) = (n-1)!\quad\forall n\in\mathbb N$ is via the Euler integral

$$ \Gamma(z) = \int_0^\infty t^{z-1}e^{-t}dt,. $$

You can find more information about LaTeX mathematical expressions here.

UML diagrams

You can render UML diagrams using Mermaid. For example, this will produce a sequence diagram:

Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob-->>John: How about you John?
Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks!
Bob-x John: I am good thanks!
Note right of John: Bob thinks a long<br/>long time, so long<br/>that the text does<br/>not fit on a row.

Bob-->Alice: Checking with John...
Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?

And this will produce a flow chart:

graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D

Category: Organization

Name TIOF Full Logo
Features Hi Resolution / Full Color / Transparent Background / English Hi Resolution / Full Color / Transparent Background / English Hi Resolution / White / Transparent Background / English Hi Resolution / White / Transparent Background / English
Name PLD Lock
Features Hi Resolution / Light Mode / Transparent Background Hi Resolution / Light Mode / Transparent Background Hi Resolution / Dark Mode Hi Resolution / Dark Mode

|Single backticks|'Isn't this fun?' |'Isn't this fun?' | |Quotes |"Isn't this fun?" |"Isn't this fun?" | |Dashes |-- is en-dash, --- is em-dash|-- is en-dash, --- is em-dash|

The IO Foundation UDDR TechUp Project Lockdown BHR in Tech
Media Kit Media Kit Media Kit Media Kit Media Kit
UDDR TechUp Project Lockdown BHR in Tech
Media Kit Media Kit Media Kit Media Kit
R 137 78 102 80 247
G 137 80 181 145 149
B 142 86 197 158 82
H 240 225 190 190 24
S 2.2 4.9 45.0 32.8 91.2
L 54.7 32.2 58.6 46.7 64.5
Hex #89898E #4E5056 #66B5C5 #50919F #F79552
Theme Colors
Code G1 W
R 51 255
G 51 255
B 51 255
H 0 0
S 0 0
L 20 100
Hex #333333 #FFFFFF
Grey shades swatch
Code G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
R 79 130 189 224 242
G 79 130 189 224 242
B 79 130 189 224 242
H 0 0 0 0 0
S 0 0 0 0 0
L 31 51 74 88 95
Hex #4F4F4F #828282 #BDBDBD #E0E0E0 #F2F2F2
Map and Infographics
Code B1 M1 O1 R1 G7
R 122 111 242 235 204
G 174 201 153 87 204
B 255 151 74 87 204
H 217 145 28 0 0
S 100 50 87 79 0
L 74 62 62 63 80
Hex #7AAEFF #6FCF97 #F2994A #EB5757 #CCCCCC
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Usage Communicate events from TIOF and those it participates in Public events calendar that can be added Access to the current running event RSVP for TIOF events
Platform TIOF Donation Page GitHub Sponsors Open Collective Patreon
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Data-Centric Digital Rights (DCDR) is the advocacy of protecting users' Rights by transparently implementing the regulations that should protect them. As core stakeholders, technologists play a critical role as the next generation of Rights defenders and need to orient themselves through new design and implementation paradigms focused on protecting data. The DCDR Principles put forward by The IO Foundation are concepts that help them navigate the intricacies of applying Human and Digital Rights in digital infrastructures, products and services.

"Treat their data as you'd want to be treated."

The traditional understanding of data as separate entities from their users is anchored in past perceptions and the use of legacy technologies. The reality is much different: The data representing users (and of which they should have control of consent) is intimately and inextricably linked to them; it models them, creating an accurate representation that loses all value should that contextualization ever be severed.

The direct consequence is that a user’s data IS the user itself.

Note: This understanding has crucial consequences as the same duties of care that apply by constitutional laws to citizens should equally apply to the data representing them. In this sense, the necessary infrastructures that governments put in place to protect their citizens (hospitals, highways, the judiciary,...) should also be extended to the management and protection of their data with a national cloud system based on open standards and governed by a framework on Digital Rights.