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File metadata and controls

142 lines (101 loc) · 4.75 KB



  • Looking for high-level information on a target
  • Types
    • Anonymous - information gathering without revealing anything about yourself
    • Pseudonymous - making someone else take the blame for your actions

Four Main Focuses

  • Know the security posture
  • Reduce the focus area
  • Identify vulnerabilities
  • Draw a network map

Types of Footprinting

  • Active - requires attacker to touch the device or network
    • Social engineering and other communication that requires interaction with target
  • Passive - measures to collect information from publicly available sources
    • Websites, DNS records, business information databases

Competitive Intelligence - information gathered by businesses about competitors - resource for statistics about websites

Methods and Tools

Search Engines

  • NetCraft - information about website and possibly OS info
  • Job Search Sites - information about technologies can be gleaned from job postings
  • Google
    • filetype: - looks for file types
    • index of - directory listings
    • info: - contains Google's information about the page
    • intitle: - string in title
    • inurl: - string in url
    • link: - finds linked pages
    • related: - finds similar pages
    • site: - finds pages specific to that site
  • Metagoofil - uses Google hacks to find information in meta tags

Website Footprinting

  • Web mirroring - allows for discrete testing offline
    • HTTrack
    • Black Widow
    • Wget
    • WebRipper
    • Teleport Pro
    • Backstreet Browser
  • - provides cached websites from various dates which possibly have sensitive information that has been now removed

Email Footprinting

  • Email header - may show servers and where the location of those servers are
  • Email tracking - services can track various bits of information including the IP address of where it was opened, where it went, etc.

DNS Footprinting

  • Ports

    • Name lookup - UDP 53
    • Zone transfer - TCP 53
  • Zone transfer replicates all records

  • Name resolvers answer requests

  • Authoritative Servers hold all records for a namespace

  • DNS Record Types

    • Name Description Purpose
      SRV Service Points to a specific service
      SOA Start of Authority Indicates the authoritative NS for a namespace
      PTR Pointer Maps an IP to a hostname
      NS Nameserver Lists the nameservers for a namespace
      MX Mail Exchange Lists email servers
      CNAME Canonical Name Maps a name to an A reccord
      A Address Maps an hostname to an IP address
  • DNS Poisoning - changes cache on a machine to redirect requests to a malicious server

  • DNSSEC - helps prevent DNS poisoning by encrypting records

  • SOA Record Fields

    • Source Host - hostname of the primary DNS
    • Contact Email - email for the person responsible for the zone file
    • Serial Number - revision number that increments with each change
    • Refresh Time - time in which an update should occur
    • Retry Time - time that a NS should wait on a failure
    • Expire Time - time in which a zone transfer is allowed to complete
    • TTL - minimum TTL for records within the zone
  • IP Address Management

    • ARIN - North America
    • APNIC - Asia Pacific
    • RIPE - Europe, Middle East
    • LACNIC - Latin America
    • AfriNIC - Africa
  • Whois - obtains registration information for the domain

  • Nslookup - performs DNS queries

    • nslookup [ - options ] [ hostname ]
    • interactive zone transfer
      • nslookup
      • server
      • set type = any
      • ls -d
  • Dig - unix-based command like nslookup

    • dig @server name type

Network Footprinting

  • IP address range can be obtained from regional registrar (ARIN here)
  • Use traceroute to find intermediary servers
    • traceroute uses ICMP echo in Windows
  • Windows command - tracert
  • Linux Command - traceroute

Other Tools

  • OSRFramework - uses open source intelligence to get information about target
  • Web Spiders - obtain information from the website such as pages, etc.
  • Social Engineering Tools
    • Maltego
    • Social Engineering Framework (SEF)
  • Shodan - search engine that shows devices connected to the Internet

Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) - point of contact for all incident response services for associates of the DHS