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A Discord bot originally designed to announce stream updates in TCD.

It supports joining and announcing of roles. Particularly useful for announcement roles (updates, ...)


Hermes has multiple commands, which can be called by starting the message by mentioning him, then adding the command name

Command Aliases Syntax Description
announce announce <role_name> [ | <channel_mention> ] | <announce_text> Creates a new announcement. Only users with configured announcer role can create announcements.
config configure See config output Shows the current configuration and allows to add/remove announcement/announcer roles as well as enable/disable users from subscribing to roles via bot
help Lists all available commands
mention ping mention <role_name> Only mentions the given role (useful to draw attention to above messages). Only users with configured announcer role can use this command.
sub subscribe, unsub, unsubscribe, toggle sub <role_name> [<role_name> ...] Join/leave the given role(s). Has to be enabled via config first and only works on announcement roles.

Running Hermes

Hermes supports 2 Methods of supplying the bootup config: Via environment variables or via config.json file. When using the docker container, please refer to this section

Using the config.json file

To use the config.json file, just create a file named config.json based on config-template.json next to the jar.

The configProvider section is optional and is defined in the ConfigProvider section

Using Environment variables

These Environment variables are supported:

Variable Required Default Description
token x - The Bot token
configprovider The ConfigProvider to use
configproviderargs {Empty String} Args to use with the ConfigProvider

The configprovider variables are explained in the next section


Hermes uses a system called ConfigProviders to determine how to store per-guild configs.

It comes with 2 pre-defined ConfigProviders, but custom ConfigProviders can be written as well (Need to implement the IGuildConfigProvider interface)

JSON ConfigProvider

The JSONGuildConfigProvider uses a very simple json file in order to store its guild configs.

Its Argument (defaults to guildConfig.json) defines the path to the json file.

To use the JSONGuildConfigProvider, provide in the config.

PostgreSQL ConfigProvider

The PGGuildConfigProvider uses a PostgreSQL database (table guildConfigs) to store the configs.

Its Argument (defaults to jdbc:postgresql://localhost/hermes?user=hermes&password=hermespw) defines the jdbc connect string to use

To use the PGGuildConfigProvider, provide in the config.

Migrating between ConfigProviders

To migrate from one ConfigProvider to another, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the config still points to the old ConfigProvider
  2. Run hermes with following command-line arguments: migratedb <fully.qualified.IGuildProvider.class.reference> [<arguments for class init>]
  3. Change the global config to now use the new ConfigProvider. This should happen automatically when using the config.json

Building Hermes

To build Hermes, simply use the provided gradle wrapper (gradlew). A "fat" jar (with dependencies) can be obtained by running the fatJar task (provided by shadow plugin).

Additionally, a Dockerfile is provided

Building via Dockerfile

The provided Dockerfile has 2 Modes:

  • Build the jar during docker build. This is the builder mode and the default (--build-arg buildtype=builder)
  • Use a previously built jar. This is the custom mode and can be enabled via the buildtype build argument: --build-arg buildmode=custom. When using this mode, make sure a Hermes-*-all.jar is provided at the build context root.

Note: Since this Dockerfile uses different build stages that are controlled by the build argument, it is strongly recommended to use Docker Buildkit to improve performance.

Configuring a Docker container

When using the provided Dockerfile, environment variables are used for configuring Hermes. These can be set either at build time or at when starting the container.

For the list of environment variables, check out the config section above

Note: The working directory inside the container is /hermes and relative filepaths (json config?) resolve against that directory.