diff --git a/.env_example b/.env_example
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..466b7b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.env_example
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# current version
+# your Discord-API-Token
+# mongoDB url
+# without docker: mongodb://localhost:27017/portal
+# with docker: mongodb://mongo/portal?compressors
+# owner ID may be used throughout Portal
+# how long after message sent, will it be deleted
+# log files in ../logs directory on host
diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e796c3f..00000000
--- a/.eslintignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4a3771..00000000
--- a/.eslintrc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- "root": true,
- "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
- "extends": [
- "eslint:recommended",
- "plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended",
- "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended"
- ],
- "ignorePatterns": ["**/*.d.ts"],
- "parserOptions": {
- "ecmaVersion": 8,
- "sourceType": "module"
- },
- "env": {
- "node": true,
- "jest": true,
- "commonjs": true,
- "mongo": true
- },
- "rules": {
- "no-console": 1,
- "indent": ["error", 2],
- "global-require": ["error"],
- "handle-callback-err": ["error"],
- "quotes": ["error", "single", {
- "allowTemplateLiterals": true
- }],
- "no-template-curly-in-string": ["error"],
- "no-restricted-syntax": [
- "error",
- {
- "selector": "TemplateLiteral:not([quasis.length > 1])",
- "message": "Template literals with a single expression should use string concatenation instead"
- }
- ]
- }
diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 604d4ef2..00000000
--- a/.github/dependabot.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-version: 2
- - package-ecosystem: npm
- directory: '/'
- schedule:
- interval: daily
- time: '03:00'
- open-pull-requests-limit: 10
- ignore:
- - dependency-name: '@types/node'
- versions:
- - 14.14.37
- - 14.14.39
- - 14.14.41
- - 15.0.0
- - dependency-name: mongoose
- versions:
- - 5.12.2
- - 5.12.3
- - 5.12.5
- - dependency-name: '@typescript-eslint/parser'
- versions:
- - 4.21.0
- - 4.22.0
- - dependency-name: '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin'
- versions:
- - 4.21.0
- - 4.22.0
- - dependency-name: eslint
- versions:
- - 7.23.0
- - 7.24.0
- - dependency-name: cheerio
- versions:
- - 1.0.0-rc.6
- - dependency-name: typescript
- versions:
- - 4.2.4
- - dependency-name: '@types/node-fetch'
- versions:
- - 2.5.10
- - 2.5.9
- - dependency-name: discord.js
- versions:
- - 12.5.2
- - 12.5.3
- - dependency-name: '@types/ws'
- versions:
- - 7.4.1
- - dependency-name: ffmpeg-static
- versions:
- - 4.3.0
- - dependency-name: yt-search
- versions:
- - 2.7.6
diff --git a/.github/workflows/deno.yml b/.github/workflows/deno.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..656c9945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/deno.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+name: deno
+ push:
+ branches: [master]
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [master]
+ node_test:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: denoland/setup-deno@v2
+ with:
+ deno-version: v2.0.0
+ - run: deno lint
+ - run: deno fmt
+ - run: deno test
diff --git a/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml b/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a770dda1..00000000
--- a/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-name: nodejs
- push:
- branches: [master]
- pull_request:
- branches: [master]
- node_test:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- - name: setup node
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
- with:
- node-version: '14'
- check-latest: true
- - run: npm ci
- - run: npm run build
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a01adba5..01ddd278 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ dist
# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
# yarn v2
@@ -119,3 +120,6 @@ build/*
# Ignore IDE configuration files
+# Executable files
diff --git a/.prettierrc.json b/.prettierrc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 173d020a..00000000
--- a/.prettierrc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/prettierrc.json",
- "semi": true,
- "tabWidth": 2,
- "singleQuote": true,
- "printWidth": 120,
- "trailingComma": "all",
- "endOfLine": "lf",
- "arrowParens": "always",
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- "prettier-plugin-organize-imports"
- ],
- "useTabs": false
diff --git a/.prettierrcignore b/.prettierrcignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 09da13d3..00000000
--- a/.prettierrcignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index 9e96f3e7..160c61e4 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
"compile-hero.disable-compile-files-on-did-save-code": true,
"git-blame.gitWebUrl": "",
- "git.ignoreLimitWarning": true
+ "git.ignoreLimitWarning": true,
+ "cSpell.words": [
+ "decapitalize"
+ ]
diff --git a/dasu.response b/dasu.response
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..549a1d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dasu.response
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deno.json b/deno.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da038441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deno.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ "name": "Portal",
+ "version": "0.8.0",
+ "exports": {
+ ".": "./src/app.ts"
+ },
+ "nodeModulesDir": "auto",
+ "tasks": {
+ "start": "deno run --allow-sys --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-ffi --allow-run src/app.ts",
+ "dev": "deno run --watch --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-ffi --allow-run src/app.ts",
+ "lint": "deno lint",
+ "fmt": "deno fmt"
+ },
+ "imports": {
+ "@discordjs/builders": "npm:@discordjs/builders@1.9.0",
+ "@discordjs/opus": "npm:@discordjs/opus@0.9.0",
+ "@discordjs/rest": "npm:@discordjs/rest@^2.4.0",
+ "@discordjs/voice": "npm:@discordjs/voice@0.17.0",
+ "@discordjs/ws": "npm:@discordjs/ws@^2.0.0",
+ "@distube/ytdl-core": "npm:@distube/ytdl-core@^4.15.1",
+ "@std/dotenv": "jsr:@std/dotenv@^0.225.2",
+ "@std/expect": "jsr:@std/expect@^1.0.7",
+ "cheerio": "npm:cheerio@1.0.0-rc.12",
+ "dayjs": "npm:dayjs@1.11.13",
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+ "discord-ytdl-core": "npm:discord-ytdl-core@5.0.4",
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+ "libsodium-wrappers": "npm:libsodium-wrappers@0.7.15",
+ "mongoose": "npm:mongoose@8.8.0",
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+ "play-dl": "npm:play-dl@^1.9.7",
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+ "voca": "npm:voca@1.4.1",
+ "winston": "npm:winston@3.16.0",
+ "yt-search": "npm:yt-search@2.12.1",
+ "ytdl-core": "npm:ytdl-core@4.11.5"
+ },
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "lib": [
+ "deno.window",
+ "deno.ns",
+ "dom"
+ ],
+ "strict": true
+ }
diff --git a/deno.lock b/deno.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd5844a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deno.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,1387 @@
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+ "specifiers": {
+ "jsr:@std/assert@^1.0.8": "1.0.8",
+ "jsr:@std/dotenv@~0.225.2": "0.225.2",
+ "jsr:@std/expect@^1.0.7": "1.0.8",
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+ "npm:winston@3.16.0": "3.16.0",
+ "npm:yt-search@*": "2.12.1",
+ "npm:yt-search@2.12.1": "2.12.1",
+ "npm:ytdl-core@4.11.5": "4.11.5"
+ },
+ "jsr": {
+ "@std/assert@1.0.8": {
+ "integrity": "ebe0bd7eb488ee39686f77003992f389a06c3da1bbd8022184804852b2fa641b",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "jsr:@std/internal"
+ ]
+ },
+ "@std/dotenv@0.225.2": {
+ "integrity": "e2025dce4de6c7bca21dece8baddd4262b09d5187217e231b033e088e0c4dd23"
+ },
+ "@std/expect@1.0.8": {
+ "integrity": "27e40d8f3aefb372fc6a703fb0b69e34560e72a2f78705178babdffa00119a5f",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "jsr:@std/assert",
+ "jsr:@std/internal"
+ ]
+ },
+ "@std/internal@1.0.5": {
+ "integrity": "54a546004f769c1ac9e025abd15a76b6671ddc9687e2313b67376125650dc7ba"
+ }
+ },
+ "npm": {
+ "@colors/colors@1.6.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Ir+AOibqzrIsL6ajt3Rz3LskB7OiMVHqltZmspbW/TJuTVuyOMirVqAkjfY6JISiLHgyNqicAC8AyHHGzNd/dA=="
+ },
+ "@dabh/diagnostics@2.0.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-hrlQOIi7hAfzsMqlGSFyVucrx38O+j6wiGOf//H2ecvIEqYN4ADBSS2iLMh5UFyDunCNniUIPk/q3riFv45xRA==",
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+ ]
+ },
+ "@derhuerst/http-basic@8.2.4": {
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+ ]
+ },
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+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ ]
+ },
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+ ]
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+ "tar"
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+ },
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+ "magic-bytes.js",
+ "tslib",
+ "undici@6.19.8"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "discord-api-types@0.37.115",
+ "magic-bytes.js",
+ "tslib",
+ "undici@6.19.8"
+ ]
+ },
+ "@discordjs/util@1.1.1": {
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+ },
+ "@discordjs/voice@0.17.0_@discordjs+opus@0.9.0_ffmpeg-static@5.2.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-hArn9FF5ZYi1IkxdJEVnJi+OxlwLV0NJYWpKXsmNOojtGtAZHxmsELA+MZlu2KW1F/K1/nt7lFOfcMXNYweq9w==",
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+ "ws"
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+ "integrity": "sha512-QH5CAFe3wHDiedbO+EI3OOiyipwWd+Q6BdoFZUw/Wf2fw5Cv2fgU/9UEtJRmJa9RecI+TAhdGPadMaEIur5yJg==",
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+ "ws"
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "@mongodb-js/saslprep@1.1.9": {
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+ "sparse-bitfield"
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
+ "@sapphire/shapeshift@4.0.0": {
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+ "fast-deep-equal",
+ "lodash"
+ ]
+ },
+ "@sapphire/snowflake@3.5.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-jjmJywLAFoWeBi1W7994zZyiNWPIiqRRNAmSERxyg93xRGzNYvGjlZ0gR6x0F4gPRi2+0O6S71kOZYyr3cxaIQ=="
+ },
+ "@sapphire/snowflake@3.5.5": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-xzvBr1Q1c4lCe7i6sRnrofxeO1QTP/LKQ6A6qy0iB4x5yfiSfARMEQEghojzTNALDTcv8En04qYNIco9/K9eZQ=="
+ },
+ "@types/node@10.17.60": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-F0KIgDJfy2nA3zMLmWGKxcH2ZVEtCZXHHdOQs2gSaQ27+lNeEfGxzkIw90aXswATX7AZ33tahPbzy6KAfUreVw=="
+ },
+ "@types/node@22.5.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-FDuKUJQm/ju9fT/SeX/6+gBzoPzlVCzfzmGkwKvRHQVxi4BntVbyIwf6a4Xn62mrvndLiml6z/UBXIdEVjQLXg==",
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+ ]
+ },
+ "@types/triple-beam@1.3.5": {
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+ },
+ "@types/webidl-conversions@7.0.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-CiJJvcRtIgzadHCYXw7dqEnMNRjhGZlYK05Mj9OyktqV8uVT8fD2BFOB7S1uwBE3Kj2Z+4UyPmFw/Ixgw/LAlA=="
+ },
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+ "@types/webidl-conversions"
+ ]
+ },
+ "@types/ws@8.5.13": {
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+ "dependencies": [
+ "@types/node@22.5.4"
+ ]
+ },
+ "@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter@2.4.6": {
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+ },
+ "abbrev@1.1.1": {
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+ },
+ "agent-base@6.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-RZNwNclF7+MS/8bDg70amg32dyeZGZxiDuQmZxKLAlQjr3jGyLx+4Kkk58UO7D2QdgFIQCovuSuZESne6RG6XQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "debug"
+ ]
+ },
+ "agent-base@7.1.1": {
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+ "dependencies": [
+ "debug"
+ ]
+ },
+ "ansi-regex@2.1.1": {
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+ },
+ "ansi-regex@3.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-+O9Jct8wf++lXxxFc4hc8LsjaSq0HFzzL7cVsw8pRDIPdjKD2mT4ytDZlLuSBZ4cLKZFXIrMGO7DbQCtMJJMKw=="
+ },
+ "ansi-regex@5.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-quJQXlTSUGL2LH9SUXo8VwsY4soanhgo6LNSm84E1LBcE8s3O0wpdiRzyR9z/ZZJMlMWv37qOOb9pdJlMUEKFQ=="
+ },
+ "aproba@2.0.0": {
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+ },
+ "are-we-there-yet@2.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Ci/qENmwHnsYo9xKIcUJN5LeDKdJ6R1Z1j9V/J5wyq8nh/mYPEpIKJbBZXtZjG04HiK7zV/p6Vs9952MrMeUIw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "delegates",
+ "readable-stream"
+ ]
+ },
+ "async.parallellimit@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-4Di2nFsb3jL7aUIICvRSvtw/oynpMIx0JrwYn5hqJI661Dd+mYBi2ElOukOQgRHihU1SCTapb86Vx/Snva5M1w==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "async.util.eachoflimit",
+ "async.util.parallel"
+ ]
+ },
+ "async.util.eachoflimit@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-oZksH0sBW0AEOJKgBCQ79io9DZruoRBLTAea/Ik36pejR7pDpByvtXeuJsoZdPwSVslsrQcsUfucbUaiXYBnAQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "async.util.keyiterator",
+ "async.util.noop",
+ "async.util.once",
+ "async.util.onlyonce"
+ ]
+ },
+ "async.util.isarray@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-wbUzlrwON8RUgi+v/rhF0U99Ce8Osjcn+JP/mFNg6ymvShcobAOvE6cvLajSY5dPqKCOE1xfdhefgBif11zZgw=="
+ },
+ "async.util.isarraylike@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-DbFpsz3ZFNkohAW8IpGTlm8gotU32zpqe3Y2XkEA/G3XNO6rmUTKPpo7XgXUruoI+AsGi8+0zWpJHe7t1sLiAg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "async.util.isarray"
+ ]
+ },
+ "async.util.keyiterator@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-cktrETawCwgu13y3KZs2uMGFnNHc+IjKPZsavtRaoCjLELkePb2co4zrr+ghPvEqLXZIJPTKqC2HFZgJTssMVw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "async.util.isarraylike",
+ "async.util.keys"
+ ]
+ },
+ "async.util.keys@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-umCOCRCRYwIC2Ho3fbuhKwIIe7OhQsVoVKGoF5GoQiGJUmjP4TG0Bmmcdpm7yW/znoIGKpnjKzVQz0niH4tfqw=="
+ },
+ "async.util.noop@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-AdwShXwE0KoskgqVJAck8zcM32nIHj3AC8ZN62ZaR5srhrY235Nw18vOJZWxcOfhxdVM0hRVKM8kMx7lcl7cCQ=="
+ },
+ "async.util.once@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-YQ5WPzDTt2jlblUDkq2I5RV/KiAJErJ4/0cEFhYPaZzqIuF/xDzdGvnEKe7UeuoMszsVPeajzcpKgkbwdb9MUA=="
+ },
+ "async.util.onlyonce@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-UgQvkU9JZ+I0Cm1f56XyGXcII+J3d/5XWUuHpcevlItuA3WFSJcqZrsyAUck2FkRSD8BwYQX1zUTDp3SJMVESg=="
+ },
+ "async.util.parallel@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-0bEvwmQ8fxsTYNwacw5iq0i3PvGryRkXxZ01Rvox21izdMdls9IH2rAZjfunbgI8j6nFRyIdCmMINQ9kka99ow==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "async.util.isarraylike",
+ "async.util.noop",
+ "async.util.restparam"
+ ]
+ },
+ "async.util.restparam@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Q9Z+zgmtMxFX5i7CnBvNOkgrL5hptztCqwarQluyNudUUk4iCmyjmsQl8MuQEjNh3gGqP5ayvDaextL1VXXgIg=="
+ },
+ "async@3.2.6": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-htCUDlxyyCLMgaM3xXg0C0LW2xqfuQ6p05pCEIsXuyQ+a1koYKTuBMzRNwmybfLgvJDMd0r1LTn4+E0Ti6C2AA=="
+ },
+ "balanced-match@1.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-3oSeUO0TMV67hN1AmbXsK4yaqU7tjiHlbxRDZOpH0KW9+CeX4bRAaX0Anxt0tx2MrpRpWwQaPwIlISEJhYU5Pw=="
+ },
+ "boolbase@1.0.0": {
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+ },
+ "boolstring@1.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-0JLNSmZUv1m/O8sVayFm2t0naiOXwQ9O2Gq9u1eoIkhvu6U5NQER/e3k4BGpjZ33G775lWMT7TzJ7r5VtmEnbQ=="
+ },
+ "brace-expansion@1.1.11": {
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+ "dependencies": [
+ "balanced-match",
+ "concat-map"
+ ]
+ },
+ "bson@6.9.0": {
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+ },
+ "buffer-from@1.1.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-E+XQCRwSbaaiChtv6k6Dwgc+bx+Bs6vuKJHHl5kox/BaKbhiXzqQOwK4cO22yElGp2OCmjwVhT3HmxgyPGnJfQ=="
+ },
+ "caseless@0.12.0": {
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+ },
+ "cheerio-select@2.1.0": {
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+ "boolbase",
+ "css-select",
+ "css-what",
+ "domelementtype",
+ "domhandler",
+ "domutils"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cheerio@1.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-quS9HgjQpdaXOvsZz82Oz7uxtXiy6UIsIQcpBj7HRw2M63Skasm9qlDocAM7jNuaxdhpPU7c4kJN+gA5MCu4ww==",
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+ "cheerio-select",
+ "dom-serializer",
+ "domhandler",
+ "domutils",
+ "encoding-sniffer",
+ "htmlparser2@9.1.0",
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+ "parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter",
+ "parse5-parser-stream",
+ "undici@6.19.8",
+ "whatwg-mimetype"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cheerio@1.0.0-rc.12": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-VqR8m68vM46BNnuZ5NtnGBKIE/DfN0cRIzg9n40EIq9NOv90ayxLBXA8fXC5gquFRGJSTRqBq25Jt2ECLR431Q==",
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+ "htmlparser2@8.0.2",
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+ "parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter"
+ ]
+ },
+ "chownr@2.0.0": {
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+ },
+ "cli-color@1.2.0": {
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+ "ansi-regex@2.1.1",
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+ "es6-iterator",
+ "memoizee",
+ "timers-ext"
+ ]
+ },
+ "color-convert@1.9.3": {
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+ ]
+ },
+ "color-name@1.1.3": {
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+ },
+ "color-string@1.9.1": {
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+ "simple-swizzle"
+ ]
+ },
+ "color-support@1.1.3": {
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+ },
+ "color@3.2.1": {
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+ "color-convert",
+ "color-string"
+ ]
+ },
+ "colorspace@1.1.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-BgvKJiuVu1igBUF2kEjRCZXol6wiiGbY5ipL/oVPwm0BL9sIpMIzM8IK7vwuxIIzOXMV3Ey5w+vxhm0rR/TN8w==",
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+ "color",
+ "text-hex"
+ ]
+ },
+ "concat-map@0.0.1": {
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+ },
+ "concat-stream@2.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-MWufYdFw53ccGjCA+Ol7XJYpAlW6/prSMzuPOTRnJGcGzuhLn4Scrz7qf6o8bROZ514ltazcIFJZevcfbo0x7A==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "buffer-from",
+ "inherits",
+ "readable-stream",
+ "typedarray"
+ ]
+ },
+ "console-control-strings@1.1.0": {
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+ },
+ "css-select@5.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-nwoRF1rvRRnnCqqY7updORDsuqKzqYJ28+oSMaJMMgOauh3fvwHqMS7EZpIPqK8GL+g9mKxF1vP/ZjSeNjEVHg==",
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+ "boolbase",
+ "css-what",
+ "domhandler",
+ "domutils",
+ "nth-check"
+ ]
+ },
+ "css-what@6.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-HTUrgRJ7r4dsZKU6GjmpfRK1O76h97Z8MfS1G0FozR+oF2kG6Vfe8JE6zwrkbxigziPHinCJ+gCPjA9EaBDtRw=="
+ },
+ "d@1.0.2": {
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+ "type"
+ ]
+ },
+ "dasu@0.4.3": {
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+ },
+ "dayjs@1.11.13": {
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+ },
+ "debug@4.3.7": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Er2nc/H7RrMXZBFCEim6TCmMk02Z8vLC2Rbi1KEBggpo0fS6l0S1nnapwmIi3yW/+GOJap1Krg4w0Hg80oCqgQ==",
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+ "ms"
+ ]
+ },
+ "delegates@1.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-bd2L678uiWATM6m5Z1VzNCErI3jiGzt6HGY8OVICs40JQq/HALfbyNJmp0UDakEY4pMMaN0Ly5om/B1VI/+xfQ=="
+ },
+ "detect-libc@2.0.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-bwy0MGW55bG41VqxxypOsdSdGqLwXPI/focwgTYCFMbdUiBAxLg9CFzG08sz2aqzknwiX7Hkl0bQENjg8iLByw=="
+ },
+ "discord-api-types@0.37.0": {
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+ },
+ "discord-api-types@0.37.115": {
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+ },
+ "discord-api-types@0.37.83": {
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+ },
+ "discord-api-types@0.37.97": {
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+ },
+ "discord-ytdl-core@5.0.4_@discordjs+opus@0.9.0_ffmpeg-static@5.2.0": {
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+ ]
+ },
+ "discord.js@14.17.2": {
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+ "@discordjs/collection@1.5.3",
+ "@discordjs/formatters@0.6.0",
+ "@discordjs/rest@2.4.2",
+ "@discordjs/util",
+ "@discordjs/ws@1.2.0",
+ "@sapphire/snowflake@3.5.3",
+ "discord-api-types@0.37.115",
+ "fast-deep-equal",
+ "lodash.snakecase",
+ "tslib",
+ "undici@6.19.8"
+ ]
+ },
+ "dom-serializer@2.0.0": {
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+ "domhandler",
+ "entities"
+ ]
+ },
+ "domelementtype@2.3.0": {
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+ },
+ "domhandler@5.0.3": {
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+ ]
+ },
+ "domutils@3.1.0": {
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+ "domelementtype",
+ "domhandler"
+ ]
+ },
+ "emoji-regex@8.0.0": {
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+ },
+ "enabled@2.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-AKrN98kuwOzMIdAizXGI86UFBoo26CL21UM763y1h/GMSJ4/OHU9k2YlsmBpyScFo/wbLzWQJBMCW4+IO3/+OQ=="
+ },
+ "encoding-sniffer@0.2.0": {
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+ "whatwg-encoding"
+ ]
+ },
+ "entities@4.5.0": {
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+ },
+ "env-paths@2.2.1": {
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+ },
+ "es5-ext@0.10.64": {
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+ "es6-iterator",
+ "es6-symbol",
+ "esniff",
+ "next-tick"
+ ]
+ },
+ "es6-iterator@2.0.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-zw4SRzoUkd+cl+ZoE15A9o1oQd920Bb0iOJMQkQhl3jNc03YqVjAhG7scf9C5KWRU/R13Orf588uCC6525o02g==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "d",
+ "es5-ext",
+ "es6-symbol"
+ ]
+ },
+ "es6-symbol@3.1.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-U9bFFjX8tFiATgtkJ1zg25+KviIXpgRvRHS8sau3GfhVzThRQrOeksPeT0BWW2MNZs1OEWJ1DPXOQMn0KKRkvg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "d",
+ "ext"
+ ]
+ },
+ "es6-weak-map@2.0.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-p5um32HOTO1kP+w7PRnB+5lQ43Z6muuMuIMffvDN8ZB4GcnjLBV6zGStpbASIMk4DCAvEaamhe2zhyCb/QXXsA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "d",
+ "es5-ext",
+ "es6-iterator",
+ "es6-symbol"
+ ]
+ },
+ "esniff@2.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-kTUIGKQ/mDPFoJ0oVfcmyJn4iBDRptjNVIzwIFR7tqWXdVI9xfA2RMwY/gbSpJG3lkdWNEjLap/NqVHZiJsdfg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "d",
+ "es5-ext",
+ "event-emitter",
+ "type"
+ ]
+ },
+ "event-emitter@0.3.5": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-D9rRn9y7kLPnJ+hMq7S/nhvoKwwvVJahBi2BPmx3bvbsEdK3W9ii8cBSGjP+72/LnM4n6fo3+dkCX5FeTQruXA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "d",
+ "es5-ext"
+ ]
+ },
+ "ext@1.7.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-6hxeJYaL110a9b5TEJSj0gojyHQAmA2ch5Os+ySCiA1QGdS697XWY1pzsrSjqA9LDEEgdB/KypIlR59RcLuHYw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "type"
+ ]
+ },
+ "fast-deep-equal@3.1.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-f3qQ9oQy9j2AhBe/H9VC91wLmKBCCU/gDOnKNAYG5hswO7BLKj09Hc5HYNz9cGI++xlpDCIgDaitVs03ATR84Q=="
+ },
+ "fecha@4.2.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-OP2IUU6HeYKJi3i0z4A19kHMQoLVs4Hc+DPqqxI2h/DPZHTm/vjsfC6P0b4jCMy14XizLBqvndQ+UilD7707Jw=="
+ },
+ "ffmpeg-static@5.2.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-WrM7kLW+do9HLr+H6tk7LzQ7kPqbAgLjdzNE32+u3Ff11gXt9Kkkd2nusGFrlWMIe+XaA97t+I8JS7sZIrvRgA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "@derhuerst/http-basic",
+ "env-paths",
+ "https-proxy-agent",
+ "progress"
+ ]
+ },
+ "fn.name@1.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-GRnmB5gPyJpAhTQdSZTSp9uaPSvl09KoYcMQtsB9rQoOmzs9dH6ffeccH+Z+cv6P68Hu5bC6JjRh4Ah/mHSNRw=="
+ },
+ "fs-minipass@2.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-V/JgOLFCS+R6Vcq0slCuaeWEdNC3ouDlJMNIsacH2VtALiu9mV4LPrHc5cDl8k5aw6J8jwgWWpiTo5RYhmIzvg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "minipass@3.3.6"
+ ]
+ },
+ "fs.realpath@1.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-OO0pH2lK6a0hZnAdau5ItzHPI6pUlvI7jMVnxUQRtw4owF2wk8lOSabtGDCTP4Ggrg2MbGnWO9X8K1t4+fGMDw=="
+ },
+ "gauge@3.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-+5J6MS/5XksCuXq++uFRsnUd7Ovu1XenbeuIuNRJxYWjgQbPuFhT14lAvsWfqfAmnwluf1OwMjz39HjfLPci0Q==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "aproba",
+ "color-support",
+ "console-control-strings",
+ "has-unicode",
+ "object-assign",
+ "signal-exit",
+ "string-width@4.2.3",
+ "strip-ansi@6.0.1",
+ "wide-align"
+ ]
+ },
+ "glob@7.2.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-nFR0zLpU2YCaRxwoCJvL6UvCH2JFyFVIvwTLsIf21AuHlMskA1hhTdk+LlYJtOlYt9v6dvszD2BGRqBL+iQK9Q==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "fs.realpath",
+ "inflight",
+ "inherits",
+ "minimatch@3.1.2",
+ "once",
+ "path-is-absolute"
+ ]
+ },
+ "graceful-fs@4.2.11": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-RbJ5/jmFcNNCcDV5o9eTnBLJ/HszWV0P73bc+Ff4nS/rJj+YaS6IGyiOL0VoBYX+l1Wrl3k63h/KrH+nhJ0XvQ=="
+ },
+ "has-unicode@2.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-8Rf9Y83NBReMnx0gFzA8JImQACstCYWUplepDa9xprwwtmgEZUF0h/i5xSA625zB/I37EtrswSST6OXxwaaIJQ=="
+ },
+ "htmlparser2@8.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-GYdjWKDkbRLkZ5geuHs5NY1puJ+PXwP7+fHPRz06Eirsb9ugf6d8kkXav6ADhcODhFFPMIXyxkxSuMf3D6NCFA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "domelementtype",
+ "domhandler",
+ "domutils",
+ "entities"
+ ]
+ },
+ "htmlparser2@9.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-5zfg6mHUoaer/97TxnGpxmbR7zJtPwIYFMZ/H5ucTlPZhKvtum05yiPK3Mgai3a0DyVxv7qYqoweaEd2nrYQzQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "domelementtype",
+ "domhandler",
+ "domutils",
+ "entities"
+ ]
+ },
+ "http-cookie-agent@6.0.6_tough-cookie@4.1.4_undici@5.28.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-XkwhYUWo0yhiHBWqLmAe2kIBymVY70ewi9sKmy6YBHpNU3BCH4nipKrtY5/effAxj0qneQ9ziZG5TXgaKLfYgg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "agent-base@7.1.1",
+ "tough-cookie",
+ "undici@5.28.4"
+ ]
+ },
+ "http-response-object@3.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-bqX0XTF6fnXSQcEJ2Iuyr75yVakyjIDCqroJQ/aHfSdlM743Cwqoi2nDYMzLGWUcuTWGWy8AAvOKXTfiv6q9RA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "@types/node@10.17.60"
+ ]
+ },
+ "https-proxy-agent@5.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-dFcAjpTQFgoLMzC2VwU+C/CbS7uRL0lWmxDITmqm7C+7F0Odmj6s9l6alZc6AELXhrnggM2CeWSXHGOdX2YtwA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "agent-base@6.0.2",
+ "debug"
+ ]
+ },
+ "human-time@0.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-sbYI90YhYmstslPTb70BLGjy6mdESa0lxL7uDR4fIVAx9Iobz8fLEqi7FqF4Q/6vblrzZALg//MsYJlIPBU8SA=="
+ },
+ "iconv-lite@0.6.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-4fCk79wshMdzMp2rH06qWrJE4iolqLhCUH+OiuIgU++RB0+94NlDL81atO7GX55uUKueo0txHNtvEyI6D7WdMw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "safer-buffer"
+ ]
+ },
+ "inflight@1.0.6": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-k92I/b08q4wvFscXCLvqfsHCrjrF7yiXsQuIVvVE7N82W3+aqpzuUdBbfhWcy/FZR3/4IgflMgKLOsvPDrGCJA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "once",
+ "wrappy"
+ ]
+ },
+ "inherits@2.0.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ=="
+ },
+ "is-arrayish@0.3.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-eVRqCvVlZbuw3GrM63ovNSNAeA1K16kaR/LRY/92w0zxQ5/1YzwblUX652i4Xs9RwAGjW9d9y6X88t8OaAJfWQ=="
+ },
+ "is-fullwidth-code-point@2.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-VHskAKYM8RfSFXwee5t5cbN5PZeq1Wrh6qd5bkyiXIf6UQcN6w/A0eXM9r6t8d+GYOh+o6ZhiEnb88LN/Y8m2w=="
+ },
+ "is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-zymm5+u+sCsSWyD9qNaejV3DFvhCKclKdizYaJUuHA83RLjb7nSuGnddCHGv0hk+KY7BMAlsWeK4Ueg6EV6XQg=="
+ },
+ "is-promise@2.2.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-+lP4/6lKUBfQjZ2pdxThZvLUAafmZb8OAxFb8XXtiQmS35INgr85hdOGoEs124ez1FCnZJt6jau/T+alh58QFQ=="
+ },
+ "is-stream@2.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-hFoiJiTl63nn+kstHGBtewWSKnQLpyb155KHheA1l39uvtO9nWIop1p3udqPcUd/xbF1VLMO4n7OI6p7RbngDg=="
+ },
+ "jsonfile@6.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-5dgndWOriYSm5cnYaJNhalLNDKOqFwyDB/rr1E9ZsGciGvKPs8R2xYGCacuf3z6K1YKDz182fd+fY3cn3pMqXQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "graceful-fs",
+ "universalify@2.0.1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "jsonpath-plus@5.0.7": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-7TS6wsiw1s2UMK/A6nA4n0aUJuirCVhJ87nWX5je5MPOl0z5VTr2qs7nMP8NZ2ed3rlt6kePTqddgVPE9F0i0w=="
+ },
+ "kareem@2.6.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-C3iHfuGUXK2u8/ipq9LfjFfXFxAZMQJJq7vLS45r3D9Y2xQ/m4S8zaR4zMLFWh9AsNPXmcFfUDhTEO8UIC/V6Q=="
+ },
+ "keypress@0.2.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-HjorDJFNhnM4SicvaUXac0X77NiskggxJdesG72+O5zBKpSqKFCrqmndKVqpu3pFqkla0St6uGk8Ju0sCurrmg=="
+ },
+ "kuler@2.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Xq9nH7KlWZmXAtodXDDRE7vs6DU1gTU8zYDHDiWLSip45Egwq3plLHzPn27NgvzL2r1LMPC1vdqh98sQxtqj4A=="
+ },
+ "libsodium-wrappers@0.7.15": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-E4anqJQwcfiC6+Yrl01C1m8p99wEhLmJSs0VQqST66SbQXXBoaJY0pF4BNjRYa/sOQAxx6lXAaAFIlx+15tXJQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "libsodium"
+ ]
+ },
+ "libsodium@0.7.15": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-sZwRknt/tUpE2AwzHq3jEyUU5uvIZHtSssktXq7owd++3CSgn8RGrv6UZJJBpP7+iBghBqe7Z06/2M31rI2NKw=="
+ },
+ "lodash.snakecase@4.1.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-QZ1d4xoBHYUeuouhEq3lk3Uq7ldgyFXGBhg04+oRLnIz8o9T65Eh+8YdroUwn846zchkA9yDsDl5CVVaV2nqYw=="
+ },
+ "lodash@4.17.21": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-v2kDEe57lecTulaDIuNTPy3Ry4gLGJ6Z1O3vE1krgXZNrsQ+LFTGHVxVjcXPs17LhbZVGedAJv8XZ1tvj5FvSg=="
+ },
+ "logform@2.7.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-TFYA4jnP7PVbmlBIfhlSe+WKxs9dklXMTEGcBCIvLhE/Tn3H6Gk1norupVW7m5Cnd4bLcr08AytbyV/xj7f/kQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "@colors/colors",
+ "@types/triple-beam",
+ "fecha",
+ "ms",
+ "safe-stable-stringify",
+ "triple-beam"
+ ]
+ },
+ "lru-queue@0.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-BpdYkt9EvGl8OfWHDQPISVpcl5xZthb+XPsbELj5AQXxIC8IriDZIQYjBJPEm5rS420sjZ0TLEzRcq5KdBhYrQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "es5-ext"
+ ]
+ },
+ "m3u8stream@0.8.6": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-LZj8kIVf9KCphiHmH7sbFQTVe4tOemb202fWwvJwR9W5ENW/1hxJN6ksAWGhQgSBSa3jyWhnjKU1Fw1GaOdbyA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "miniget",
+ "sax"
+ ]
+ },
+ "magic-bytes.js@1.10.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-/k20Lg2q8LE5xiaaSkMXk4sfvI+9EGEykFS4b0CHHGWqDYU0bGUFSwchNOMA56D7TCs9GwVTkqe9als1/ns8UQ=="
+ },
+ "make-dir@3.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-g3FeP20LNwhALb/6Cz6Dd4F2ngze0jz7tbzrD2wAV+o9FeNHe4rL+yK2md0J/fiSf1sa1ADhXqi5+oVwOM/eGw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "semver@6.3.1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "memoizee@0.4.17": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-DGqD7Hjpi/1or4F/aYAspXKNm5Yili0QDAFAY4QYvpqpgiY6+1jOfqpmByzjxbWd/T9mChbCArXAbDAsTm5oXA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "d",
+ "es5-ext",
+ "es6-weak-map",
+ "event-emitter",
+ "is-promise",
+ "lru-queue",
+ "next-tick",
+ "timers-ext"
+ ]
+ },
+ "memory-pager@1.5.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-ZS4Bp4r/Zoeq6+NLJpP+0Zzm0pR8whtGPf1XExKLJBAczGMnSi3It14OiNCStjQjM6NU1okjQGSxgEZN8eBYKg=="
+ },
+ "miniget@4.2.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-SjbDPDICJ1zT+ZvQwK0hUcRY4wxlhhNpHL9nJOB2MEAXRGagTljsO8MEDzQMTFf0Q8g4QNi8P9lEm/g7e+qgzA=="
+ },
+ "minimatch@3.0.8": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-6FsRAQsxQ61mw+qP1ZzbL9Bc78x2p5OqNgNpnoAFLTrX8n5Kxph0CsnhmKKNXTWjXqU5L0pGPR7hYk+XWZr60Q==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "brace-expansion"
+ ]
+ },
+ "minimatch@3.1.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-J7p63hRiAjw1NDEww1W7i37+ByIrOWO5XQQAzZ3VOcL0PNybwpfmV/N05zFAzwQ9USyEcX6t3UO+K5aqBQOIHw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "brace-expansion"
+ ]
+ },
+ "minimist@1.2.8": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-2yyAR8qBkN3YuheJanUpWC5U3bb5osDywNB8RzDVlDwDHbocAJveqqj1u8+SVD7jkWT4yvsHCpWqqWqAxb0zCA=="
+ },
+ "minipass@3.3.6": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-DxiNidxSEK+tHG6zOIklvNOwm3hvCrbUrdtzY74U6HKTJxvIDfOUL5W5P2Ghd3DTkhhKPYGqeNUIh5qcM4YBfw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "yallist"
+ ]
+ },
+ "minipass@5.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-3FnjYuehv9k6ovOEbyOswadCDPX1piCfhV8ncmYtHOjuPwylVWsghTLo7rabjC3Rx5xD4HDx8Wm1xnMF7S5qFQ=="
+ },
+ "minizlib@2.1.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-bAxsR8BVfj60DWXHE3u30oHzfl4G7khkSuPW+qvpd7jFRHm7dLxOjUk1EHACJ/hxLY8phGJ0YhYHZo7jil7Qdg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "minipass@3.3.6",
+ "yallist"
+ ]
+ },
+ "mkdirp@1.0.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-vVqVZQyf3WLx2Shd0qJ9xuvqgAyKPLAiqITEtqW0oIUjzo3PePDd6fW9iFz30ef7Ysp/oiWqbhszeGWW2T6Gzw=="
+ },
+ "mongodb-connection-string-url@3.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-XqMGwRX0Lgn05TDB4PyG2h2kKO/FfWJyCzYQbIhXUxz7ETt0I/FqHjUeqj37irJ+Dl1ZtU82uYyj14u2XsZKfg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "@types/whatwg-url",
+ "whatwg-url@13.0.0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "mongodb@6.10.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-gP9vduuYWb9ZkDM546M+MP2qKVk5ZG2wPF63OvSRuUbqCR+11ZCAE1mOfllhlAG0wcoJY5yDL/rV3OmYEwXIzg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "@mongodb-js/saslprep",
+ "bson",
+ "mongodb-connection-string-url"
+ ]
+ },
+ "mongoose@8.8.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-KluvgwnQB1GPOYZZXUHJRjS1TW6xxwTlf/YgjWExuuNanIe3W7VcR7dDXQVCIRk8L7NYge8EnoTcu2grWtN+XQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "bson",
+ "kareem",
+ "mongodb",
+ "mpath",
+ "mquery",
+ "ms",
+ "sift"
+ ]
+ },
+ "mpath@0.9.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-ikJRQTk8hw5DEoFVxHG1Gn9T/xcjtdnOKIU1JTmGjZZlg9LST2mBLmcX3/ICIbgJydT2GOc15RnNy5mHmzfSew=="
+ },
+ "mquery@5.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-iQMncpmEK8R8ncT8HJGsGc9Dsp8xcgYMVSbs5jgnm1lFHTZqMJTUWTDx1LBO8+mK3tPNZWFLBghQEIOULSTHZg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "debug"
+ ]
+ },
+ "ms@2.1.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-6FlzubTLZG3J2a/NVCAleEhjzq5oxgHyaCU9yYXvcLsvoVaHJq/s5xXI6/XXP6tz7R9xAOtHnSO/tXtF3WRTlA=="
+ },
+ "next-tick@1.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-CXdUiJembsNjuToQvxayPZF9Vqht7hewsvy2sOWafLvi2awflj9mOC6bHIg50orX8IJvWKY9wYQ/zB2kogPslQ=="
+ },
+ "node-addon-api@5.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-eh0GgfEkpnoWDq+VY8OyvYhFEzBk6jIYbRKdIlyTiAXIVJ8PyBaKb0rp7oDtoddbdoHWhq8wwr+XZ81F1rpNdA=="
+ },
+ "node-fetch@2.7.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-c4FRfUm/dbcWZ7U+1Wq0AwCyFL+3nt2bEw05wfxSz+DWpWsitgmSgYmy2dQdWyKC1694ELPqMs/YzUSNozLt8A==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "whatwg-url@5.0.0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "node-fzf@0.5.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-crN8rRfApu/GUrtKq+zJ6LueUyNAOJpFHxoT2Ru1Q+OYRa/F/H7CXvzcMrFc7D964yakYZEZ9XR3YbdSHXgyCw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "cli-color",
+ "keypress",
+ "minimist",
+ "redstar",
+ "string-width@2.1.1",
+ "ttys"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nopt@5.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Tbj67rffqceeLpcRXrT7vKAN8CwfPeIBgM7E6iBkmKLV7bEMwpGgYLGv0jACUsECaa/vuxP0IjEont6umdMgtQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "abbrev"
+ ]
+ },
+ "npmlog@5.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-AqZtDUWOMKs1G/8lwylVjrdYgqA4d9nu8hc+0gzRxlDb1I10+FHBGMXs6aiQHFdCUUlqH99MUMuLfzWDNDtfxw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "are-we-there-yet",
+ "console-control-strings",
+ "gauge",
+ "set-blocking"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nth-check@2.1.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-lqjrjmaOoAnWfMmBPL+XNnynZh2+swxiX3WUE0s4yEHI6m+AwrK2UZOimIRl3X/4QctVqS8AiZjFqyOGrMXb/w==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "boolbase"
+ ]
+ },
+ "object-assign@4.1.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-rJgTQnkUnH1sFw8yT6VSU3zD3sWmu6sZhIseY8VX+GRu3P6F7Fu+JNDoXfklElbLJSnc3FUQHVe4cU5hj+BcUg=="
+ },
+ "once@1.4.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-lNaJgI+2Q5URQBkccEKHTQOPaXdUxnZZElQTZY0MFUAuaEqe1E+Nyvgdz/aIyNi6Z9MzO5dv1H8n58/GELp3+w==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "wrappy"
+ ]
+ },
+ "one-time@1.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-5DXOiRKwuSEcQ/l0kGCF6Q3jcADFv5tSmRaJck/OqkVFcOzutB134KRSfF0xDrL39MNnqxbHBbUUcjZIhTgb2g==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "fn.name"
+ ]
+ },
+ "opusscript@0.1.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-mL0fZZOUnXdZ78woRXp18lApwpp0lF5tozJOD1Wut0dgrA9WuQTgSels/CSmFleaAZrJi/nci5KOVtbuxeWoQA=="
+ },
+ "parse-cache-control@1.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-60zvsJReQPX5/QP0Kzfd/VrpjScIQ7SHBW6bFCYfEP+fp0Eppr1SHhIO5nd1PjZtvclzSzES9D/p5nFJurwfWg=="
+ },
+ "parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter@7.1.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-ruw5xyKs6lrpo9x9rCZqZZnIUntICjQAd0Wsmp396Ul9lN/h+ifgVV1x1gZHi8euej6wTfpqX8j+BFQxF0NS/g==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "domhandler",
+ "parse5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "parse5-parser-stream@7.1.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-JyeQc9iwFLn5TbvvqACIF/VXG6abODeB3Fwmv/TGdLk2LfbWkaySGY72at4+Ty7EkPZj854u4CrICqNk2qIbow==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "parse5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "parse5@7.2.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-BuBYQYlv1ckiPdQi/ohiivi9Sagc9JG+Ozs0r7b/0iK3sKmrb0b9FdWdBbOdx6hBCM/F9Ir82ofnBhtZOjCRPQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "entities"
+ ]
+ },
+ "path-is-absolute@1.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-AVbw3UJ2e9bq64vSaS9Am0fje1Pa8pbGqTTsmXfaIiMpnr5DlDhfJOuLj9Sf95ZPVDAUerDfEk88MPmPe7UCQg=="
+ },
+ "play-audio@0.5.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-ZAqHUKkQLix2Iga7pPbsf1LpUoBjcpwU93F1l3qBIfxYddQLhxS6GKmS0d3jV8kSVaUbr6NnOEcEMFvuX93SWQ=="
+ },
+ "play-dl@1.9.7": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-KpgerWxUCY4s9Mhze2qdqPhiqd8Ve6HufpH9mBH3FN+vux55qSh6WJKDabfie8IBHN7lnrAlYcT/UdGax58c2A==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "play-audio"
+ ]
+ },
+ "prism-media@1.3.5_@discordjs+opus@0.9.0_ffmpeg-static@5.2.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-IQdl0Q01m4LrkN1EGIE9lphov5Hy7WWlH6ulf5QdGePLlPas9p2mhgddTEHrlaXYjjFToM1/rWuwF37VF4taaA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "@discordjs/opus",
+ "ffmpeg-static"
+ ]
+ },
+ "progress@2.0.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-7PiHtLll5LdnKIMw100I+8xJXR5gW2QwWYkT6iJva0bXitZKa/XMrSbdmg3r2Xnaidz9Qumd0VPaMrZlF9V9sA=="
+ },
+ "psl@1.10.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-KSKHEbjAnpUuAUserOq0FxGXCUrzC3WniuSJhvdbs102rL55266ZcHBqLWOsG30spQMlPdpy7icATiAQehg/iA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "punycode"
+ ]
+ },
+ "punycode@2.3.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-vYt7UD1U9Wg6138shLtLOvdAu+8DsC/ilFtEVHcH+wydcSpNE20AfSOduf6MkRFahL5FY7X1oU7nKVZFtfq8Fg=="
+ },
+ "querystringify@2.2.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-FIqgj2EUvTa7R50u0rGsyTftzjYmv/a3hO345bZNrqabNqjtgiDMgmo4mkUjd+nzU5oF3dClKqFIPUKybUyqoQ=="
+ },
+ "readable-stream@3.6.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-9u/sniCrY3D5WdsERHzHE4G2YCXqoG5FTHUiCC4SIbr6XcLZBY05ya9EKjYek9O5xOAwjGq+1JdGBAS7Q9ScoA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "inherits",
+ "string_decoder",
+ "util-deprecate"
+ ]
+ },
+ "redstar@0.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-VNvLaLxMJMYiAasJX5Q/GC+Os7FXL0yPWFDuTodhR7Na9wqzrXsePPWC+EtIv4t3q5DyAK00w423xi5mQN2fqg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "minimatch@3.0.8"
+ ]
+ },
+ "requires-port@1.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-KigOCHcocU3XODJxsu8i/j8T9tzT4adHiecwORRQ0ZZFcp7ahwXuRU1m+yuO90C5ZUyGeGfocHDI14M3L3yDAQ=="
+ },
+ "rimraf@3.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-JZkJMZkAGFFPP2YqXZXPbMlMBgsxzE8ILs4lMIX/2o0L9UBw9O/Y3o6wFw/i9YLapcUJWwqbi3kdxIPdC62TIA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "glob"
+ ]
+ },
+ "roll@1.3.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-93C3mjFTbnVuS79sdcRYqj4+AVidLwnwMMqeX16E8umZ3kTunnW9knrctHy8YcWvFFppvzs2SlMjevzg6tctYg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "minimist"
+ ]
+ },
+ "safe-buffer@5.2.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-rp3So07KcdmmKbGvgaNxQSJr7bGVSVk5S9Eq1F+ppbRo70+YeaDxkw5Dd8NPN+GD6bjnYm2VuPuCXmpuYvmCXQ=="
+ },
+ "safe-stable-stringify@2.5.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-b3rppTKm9T+PsVCBEOUR46GWI7fdOs00VKZ1+9c1EWDaDMvjQc6tUwuFyIprgGgTcWoVHSKrU8H31ZHA2e0RHA=="
+ },
+ "safer-buffer@2.1.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-YZo3K82SD7Riyi0E1EQPojLz7kpepnSQI9IyPbHHg1XXXevb5dJI7tpyN2ADxGcQbHG7vcyRHk0cbwqcQriUtg=="
+ },
+ "sax@1.4.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-+aWOz7yVScEGoKNd4PA10LZ8sk0A/z5+nXQG5giUO5rprX9jgYsTdov9qCchZiPIZezbZH+jRut8nPodFAX4Jg=="
+ },
+ "semver@6.3.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-BR7VvDCVHO+q2xBEWskxS6DJE1qRnb7DxzUrogb71CWoSficBxYsiAGd+Kl0mmq/MprG9yArRkyrQxTO6XjMzA=="
+ },
+ "semver@7.6.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-oVekP1cKtI+CTDvHWYFUcMtsK/00wmAEfyqKfNdARm8u1wNVhSgaX7A8d4UuIlUI5e84iEwOhs7ZPYRmzU9U6A=="
+ },
+ "set-blocking@2.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-KiKBS8AnWGEyLzofFfmvKwpdPzqiy16LvQfK3yv/fVH7Bj13/wl3JSR1J+rfgRE9q7xUJK4qvgS8raSOeLUehw=="
+ },
+ "sift@17.1.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Rtlj66/b0ICeFzYTuNvX/EF1igRbbnGSvEyT79McoZa/DeGhMyC5pWKOEsZKnpkqtSeovd5FL/bjHWC3CIIvCQ=="
+ },
+ "signal-exit@3.0.7": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-wnD2ZE+l+SPC/uoS0vXeE9L1+0wuaMqKlfz9AMUo38JsyLSBWSFcHR1Rri62LZc12vLr1gb3jl7iwQhgwpAbGQ=="
+ },
+ "simple-swizzle@0.2.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-JA//kQgZtbuY83m+xT+tXJkmJncGMTFT+C+g2h2R9uxkYIrE2yy9sgmcLhCnw57/WSD+Eh3J97FPEDFnbXnDUg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "is-arrayish"
+ ]
+ },
+ "sparse-bitfield@3.0.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-kvzhi7vqKTfkh0PZU+2D2PIllw2ymqJKujUcyPMd9Y75Nv4nPbGJZXNhxsgdQab2BmlDct1YnfQCguEvHr7VsQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "memory-pager"
+ ]
+ },
+ "stack-trace@0.0.10": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-KGzahc7puUKkzyMt+IqAep+TVNbKP+k2Lmwhub39m1AsTSkaDutx56aDCo+HLDzf/D26BIHTJWNiTG1KAJiQCg=="
+ },
+ "string-width@2.1.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-nOqH59deCq9SRHlxq1Aw85Jnt4w6KvLKqWVik6oA9ZklXLNIOlqg4F2yrT1MVaTjAqvVwdfeZ7w7aCvJD7ugkw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "is-fullwidth-code-point@2.0.0",
+ "strip-ansi@4.0.0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "string-width@4.2.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-wKyQRQpjJ0sIp62ErSZdGsjMJWsap5oRNihHhu6G7JVO/9jIB6UyevL+tXuOqrng8j/cxKTWyWUwvSTriiZz/g==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "emoji-regex",
+ "is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0",
+ "strip-ansi@6.0.1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "string_decoder@1.3.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-hkRX8U1WjJFd8LsDJ2yQ/wWWxaopEsABU1XfkM8A+j0+85JAGppt16cr1Whg6KIbb4okU6Mql6BOj+uup/wKeA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "safe-buffer"
+ ]
+ },
+ "strip-ansi@4.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-4XaJ2zQdCzROZDivEVIDPkcQn8LMFSa8kj8Gxb/Lnwzv9A8VctNZ+lfivC/sV3ivW8ElJTERXZoPBRrZKkNKow==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "ansi-regex@3.0.1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "strip-ansi@6.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Y38VPSHcqkFrCpFnQ9vuSXmquuv5oXOKpGeT6aGrr3o3Gc9AlVa6JBfUSOCnbxGGZF+/0ooI7KrPuUSztUdU5A==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "ansi-regex@5.0.1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "tar@6.2.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-DZ4yORTwrbTj/7MZYq2w+/ZFdI6OZ/f9SFHR+71gIVUZhOQPHzVCLpvRnPgyaMpfWxxk/4ONva3GQSyNIKRv6A==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "chownr",
+ "fs-minipass",
+ "minipass@5.0.0",
+ "minizlib",
+ "mkdirp",
+ "yallist"
+ ]
+ },
+ "text-hex@1.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-uuVGNWzgJ4yhRaNSiubPY7OjISw4sw4E5Uv0wbjp+OzcbmVU/rsT8ujgcXJhn9ypzsgr5vlzpPqP+MBBKcGvbg=="
+ },
+ "timers-ext@0.1.8": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-wFH7+SEAcKfJpfLPkrgMPvvwnEtj8W4IurvEyrKsDleXnKLCDw71w8jltvfLa8Rm4qQxxT4jmDBYbJG/z7qoww==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "es5-ext",
+ "next-tick"
+ ]
+ },
+ "tough-cookie@4.1.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-Loo5UUvLD9ScZ6jh8beX1T6sO1w2/MpCRpEP7V280GKMVUQ0Jzar2U3UJPsrdbziLEMMhu3Ujnq//rhiFuIeag==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "psl",
+ "punycode",
+ "universalify@0.2.0",
+ "url-parse"
+ ]
+ },
+ "tr46@0.0.3": {
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+ },
+ "tr46@4.1.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-2lv/66T7e5yNyhAAC4NaKe5nVavzuGJQVVtRYLyQ2OI8tsJ61PMLlelehb0wi2Hx6+hT/OJUWZcw8MjlSRnxvw==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "punycode"
+ ]
+ },
+ "triple-beam@1.4.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-aZbgViZrg1QNcG+LULa7nhZpJTZSLm/mXnHXnbAbjmN5aSa0y7V+wvv6+4WaBtpISJzThKy+PIPxc1Nq1EJ9mg=="
+ },
+ "ts-mixer@6.0.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-ufKpbmrugz5Aou4wcr5Wc1UUFWOLhq+Fm6qa6P0w0K5Qw2yhaUoiWszhCVuNQyNwrlGiscHOmqYoAox1PtvgjA=="
+ },
+ "tslib@2.8.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-oJFu94HQb+KVduSUQL7wnpmqnfmLsOA/nAh6b6EH0wCEoK0/mPeXU6c3wKDV83MkOuHPRHtSXKKU99IBazS/2w=="
+ },
+ "ttys@0.0.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-UCqXRZS2S7U4aVB7Salj3ChPRSsb57ogJpJ1eMCvyowxFOBGsaHKcRU8bovcDwajX1mRbv0IpUnYkoG7Ieo5Zg=="
+ },
+ "type@2.7.3": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-8j+1QmAbPvLZow5Qpi6NCaN8FB60p/6x8/vfNqOk/hC+HuvFZhL4+WfekuhQLiqFZXOgQdrs3B+XxEmCc6b3FQ=="
+ },
+ "typedarray@0.0.6": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-/aCDEGatGvZ2BIk+HmLf4ifCJFwvKFNb9/JeZPMulfgFracn9QFcAf5GO8B/mweUjSoblS5In0cWhqpfs/5PQA=="
+ },
+ "undici-types@6.19.8": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-ve2KP6f/JnbPBFyobGHuerC9g1FYGn/F8n1LWTwNxCEzd6IfqTwUQcNXgEtmmQ6DlRrC1hrSrBnCZPokRrDHjw=="
+ },
+ "undici@5.28.4": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-72RFADWFqKmUb2hmmvNODKL3p9hcB6Gt2DOQMis1SEBaV6a4MH8soBvzg+95CYhCKPFedut2JY9bMfrDl9D23g==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "@fastify/busboy"
+ ]
+ },
+ "undici@6.19.8": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-U8uCCl2x9TK3WANvmBavymRzxbfFYG+tAu+fgx3zxQy3qdagQqBLwJVrdyO1TBfUXvfKveMKJZhpvUYoOjM+4g=="
+ },
+ "universalify@0.2.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-CJ1QgKmNg3CwvAv/kOFmtnEN05f0D/cn9QntgNOQlQF9dgvVTHj3t+8JPdjqawCHk7V/KA+fbUqzZ9XWhcqPUg=="
+ },
+ "universalify@2.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-gptHNQghINnc/vTGIk0SOFGFNXw7JVrlRUtConJRlvaw6DuX0wO5Jeko9sWrMBhh+PsYAZ7oXAiOnf/UKogyiw=="
+ },
+ "url-parse@1.5.10": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-WypcfiRhfeUP9vvF0j6rw0J3hrWrw6iZv3+22h6iRMJ/8z1Tj6XfLP4DsUix5MhMPnXpiHDoKyoZ/bdCkwBCiQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "querystringify",
+ "requires-port"
+ ]
+ },
+ "util-deprecate@1.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-EPD5q1uXyFxJpCrLnCc1nHnq3gOa6DZBocAIiI2TaSCA7VCJ1UJDMagCzIkXNsUYfD1daK//LTEQ8xiIbrHtcw=="
+ },
+ "voca@1.4.1": {
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+ },
+ "webidl-conversions@3.0.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-2JAn3z8AR6rjK8Sm8orRC0h/bcl/DqL7tRPdGZ4I1CjdF+EaMLmYxBHyXuKL849eucPFhvBoxMsflfOb8kxaeQ=="
+ },
+ "webidl-conversions@7.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-VwddBukDzu71offAQR975unBIGqfKZpM+8ZX6ySk8nYhVoo5CYaZyzt3YBvYtRtO+aoGlqxPg/B87NGVZ/fu6g=="
+ },
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+ "integrity": "sha512-6qN4hJdMwfYBtE3YBTTHhoeuUrDBPZmbQaxWAqSALV/MeEnR5z1xd8UKud2RAkFoPkmB+hli1TZSnyi84xz1vQ==",
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+ "iconv-lite"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "webidl-conversions@7.0.0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "whatwg-url@5.0.0": {
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+ "tr46@0.0.3",
+ "webidl-conversions@3.0.1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "wide-align@1.1.5": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-eDMORYaPNZ4sQIuuYPDHdQvf4gyCF9rEEV/yPxGfwPkRodwEgiMUUXTx/dex+Me0wxx53S+NgUHaP7y3MGlDmg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "string-width@4.2.3"
+ ]
+ },
+ "winston-transport@4.9.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-8drMJ4rkgaPo1Me4zD/3WLfI/zPdA9o2IipKODunnGDcuqbHwjsbB79ylv04LCGGzU0xQ6vTznOMpQGaLhhm6A==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "logform",
+ "readable-stream",
+ "triple-beam"
+ ]
+ },
+ "winston@3.16.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-xz7+cyGN5M+4CmmD4Npq1/4T+UZaz7HaeTlAruFUTjk79CNMq+P6H30vlE4z0qfqJ01VHYQwd7OZo03nYm/+lg==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "@colors/colors",
+ "@dabh/diagnostics",
+ "async",
+ "is-stream",
+ "logform",
+ "one-time",
+ "readable-stream",
+ "safe-stable-stringify",
+ "stack-trace",
+ "triple-beam",
+ "winston-transport"
+ ]
+ },
+ "wrappy@1.0.2": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-l4Sp/DRseor9wL6EvV2+TuQn63dMkPjZ/sp9XkghTEbV9KlPS1xUsZ3u7/IQO4wxtcFB4bgpQPRcR3QCvezPcQ=="
+ },
+ "ws@8.18.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-8VbfWfHLbbwu3+N6OKsOMpBdT4kXPDDB9cJk2bJ6mh9ucxdlnNvH1e+roYkKmN9Nxw2yjz7VzeO9oOz2zJ04Pw=="
+ },
+ "yallist@4.0.0": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-3wdGidZyq5PB084XLES5TpOSRA3wjXAlIWMhum2kRcv/41Sn2emQ0dycQW4uZXLejwKvg6EsvbdlVL+FYEct7A=="
+ },
+ "yt-search@2.12.1": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-suEbEGqIDa7OBuZQSNabPKS4sZrHrocak7JhxSw3gagCUxPgHqyEDqyWEruvLYax2uCIQ7UhQoDVqQGOFn+jrQ==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "async.parallellimit",
+ "boolstring",
+ "cheerio@1.0.0-rc.12",
+ "dasu",
+ "human-time",
+ "jsonpath-plus",
+ "minimist",
+ "node-fzf"
+ ]
+ },
+ "ytdl-core@4.11.5": {
+ "integrity": "sha512-27LwsW4n4nyNviRCO1hmr8Wr5J1wLLMawHCQvH8Fk0hiRqrxuIu028WzbJetiYH28K8XDbeinYW4/wcHQD1EXA==",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "m3u8stream",
+ "miniget",
+ "sax"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "workspace": {
+ "dependencies": [
+ "jsr:@std/dotenv@~0.225.2",
+ "jsr:@std/expect@^1.0.7",
+ "npm:@discordjs/builders@1.9.0",
+ "npm:@discordjs/opus@0.9.0",
+ "npm:@discordjs/rest@^2.4.0",
+ "npm:@discordjs/voice@0.17.0",
+ "npm:@discordjs/ws@2",
+ "npm:@distube/ytdl-core@^4.15.1",
+ "npm:cheerio@1.0.0-rc.12",
+ "npm:dayjs@1.11.13",
+ "npm:discord-api-types@0.37.0",
+ "npm:discord-ytdl-core@5.0.4",
+ "npm:discord.js@14.17.2",
+ "npm:ffmpeg-static@5.2.0",
+ "npm:jsonfile@6.1.0",
+ "npm:libsodium-wrappers@0.7.15",
+ "npm:mongoose@8.8.0",
+ "npm:opusscript@0.1.1",
+ "npm:play-dl@^1.9.7",
+ "npm:roll@1.3.2",
+ "npm:voca@1.4.1",
+ "npm:winston@3.16.0",
+ "npm:yt-search@2.12.1",
+ "npm:ytdl-core@4.11.5"
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/docker-compose.yaml b/docker-compose.yaml
index 6857d1bf..f9571ff7 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yaml
+++ b/docker-compose.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-version: '3.9'
+version: "3.9"
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ services:
restart: always
image: mongo:5.0
- driver: 'none'
+ driver: "none"
- - '27017:27017'
+ - "27017:27017"
- type: bind
source: ../mongo/data/db
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile b/docker/Dockerfile
index 29eeb6f9..dd43ce0a 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
-FROM node:18
+# Use the official Deno image
+FROM denoland/deno:2.1.7
-# Create app directory
-RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/portal
-# Make app working directory
+# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/portal
-COPY package*.json ./
-COPY tsconfig*.json ./
-# If you are building your code for production
-# RUN npm ci --only=production else RUN npm install
-RUN npm ci --only=production
-RUN npm install typescript --save-dev
-# Bundle app source
+# Copy the necessary files to the container
COPY . .
-RUN npm run build
-CMD [ "node", "build/app.js" ]
+# Cache and install dependencies
+RUN deno cache src/app.ts
+# Run the application with necessary permissions
+CMD ["run", "--allow-net", "--allow-read", "--allow-env", "--allow-write", "--allow-ffi", "--allow-run", "--allow-sys", "src/app.ts"]
diff --git a/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md
index a01f7aca..a2bf3986 100644
--- a/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md
+++ b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -6,91 +6,118 @@ Contributing to the portal Project
# 1. Introduction
-We welcome any help, for example contributing feature implementations, bug fixes and bug reports.
+We welcome any help, for example contributing feature implementations, bug fixes
+and bug reports.
Our Pledge
-In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of
+experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
+and orientation.
# 2. Contributing code via GitHub
-Code contributions can be performed via _pull requests_ (PR) exclusively.
-As a rule-of-thumb:
+Code contributions can be performed via _pull requests_ (PR) exclusively. As a
- PRs should be kept at a manageable size.
-- Try to focus on just one goal per PR. If you find yourself doing several things in a PR that were not expected,
- then try to split the different tasks into different PRs.
-- Commits should always change a _single_ logical unit so that cherry-picking & reverting is simple.
-- Commit messages should be as informative and concise as possible. The first line of the commit message should be < 80 characters and
- describe the commit briefly. If the 80 characters are too short for a summary, then consider splitting the commit.
- Optionally, add one blank line below the short summary and write a more detailed explanation if necessary.
-Below we outline the recommended steps in the code contribution workflow. We use `your-username` to refer to your username on GitHub, `portal_upstream` is used when we
-set the upstream remote repository for Portal (we could have picked any name but try to avoid already used names like, in particular, `origin` and `master`), and
-we use the name `my-new-feature` for the branch that we create (e.g., the branch name should reflect the code change being made, keybraker-updating-music-player).
-**Important**: If your PR lives for a long time, then don't press the button _Update branch_ in the Pull Request view, instead follow the steps below, as
+- Try to focus on just one goal per PR. If you find yourself doing several
+ things in a PR that were not expected, then try to split the different tasks
+ into different PRs.
+- Commits should always change a _single_ logical unit so that cherry-picking &
+ reverting is simple.
+- Commit messages should be as informative and concise as possible. The first
+ line of the commit message should be < 80 characters and describe the commit
+ briefly. If the 80 characters are too short for a summary, then consider
+ splitting the commit. Optionally, add one blank line below the short summary
+ and write a more detailed explanation if necessary.
+Below we outline the recommended steps in the code contribution workflow. We use
+`your-username` to refer to your username on GitHub, `portal_upstream` is used
+when we set the upstream remote repository for Portal (we could have picked any
+name but try to avoid already used names like, in particular, `origin` and
+`master`), and we use the name `my-new-feature` for the branch that we create
+(e.g., the branch name should reflect the code change being made,
+**Important**: If your PR lives for a long time, then don't press the button
+_Update branch_ in the Pull Request view, instead follow the steps below, as
that avoids additional merge commits.
Once you have a GitHub login:
-1. Fork Portal git repository to your GitHub account by pressing the _Fork_ button at: [https://github.com/keybraker/portal](https://github.com/keybraker/portal)
+1. Fork Portal git repository to your GitHub account by pressing the _Fork_
+ button at:
+ [https://github.com/keybraker/portal](https://github.com/keybraker/portal)
-2. Then start a terminal (or use your favorite git GUI app) and clone your fork of Portal:
+2. Then start a terminal (or use your favorite git GUI app) and clone your fork
+ of Portal:
- $ git clone https://github.com:your-username/portal.git
- $ cd porrtal
+ $ git clone https://github.com:your-username/portal.git
+ $ cd porrtal
-3. Add a new remote pointing to master Portal repository:
+3. Add a new remote pointing to master Portal repository:
- $ git remote add portal_upstream https://github.com/keybraker/portal.git
+ $ git remote add portal_upstream https://github.com/keybraker/portal.git
- and verify that you have the two remotes configured correctly:
+ and verify that you have the two remotes configured correctly:
- $ git remote -v
- portal_upstream https://github.com/keybraker/portal.git (fetch)
- portal_upstream https://github.com/keybraker/portal.git (push)
- origin https://github.com/your-username/portal.git (fetch)
- origin https://github.com/your-username/portal.git (push)
+ $ git remote -v
+ portal_upstream https://github.com/keybraker/portal.git (fetch)
+ portal_upstream https://github.com/keybraker/portal.git (push)
+ origin https://github.com/your-username/portal.git (fetch)
+ origin https://github.com/your-username/portal.git (push)
-4. Next, create a branch for your PR from `portal_upstream/master` (which we also need to fetch first):
+4. Next, create a branch for your PR from `portal_upstream/master` (which we
+ also need to fetch first):
- $ git fetch portal_upstream master
- $ git checkout -b my-new-feature portal_upstream/master --no-track
+ $ git fetch portal_upstream master
+ $ git checkout -b my-new-feature portal_upstream/master --no-track
- NB: This is an important step to avoid draging in old commits!
+ NB: This is an important step to avoid draging in old commits!
-5. Configure the project and check that it builds (if not, please report a bug):
+5. Configure the project and check that it builds (if not, please report a bug):
- $ npm install
+ $ npm install
-6. Now, make your change(s), add tests for your changes, and commit each change:
+6. Now, make your change(s), add tests for your changes, and commit each change:
- ...
+ ...
- $ git commit -m "Commit message 1"
+ $ git commit -m "Commit message 1"
- ...
+ ...
- $ git commit -m "Commit message 2"
+ $ git commit -m "Commit message 2"
-7. If your feature or update is event-free add testing for your changes to corresponding test file or a new file (if necessary)
+7. If your feature or update is event-free add testing for your changes to
+ corresponding test file or a new file (if necessary)
-8. Make sure all tests pass
+8. Make sure all tests pass
- $ npm test
+ $ npm test
-9. Push the changes to your fork on GitHub:
+9. Push the changes to your fork on GitHub:
- $ git push origin my-new-feature
+ $ git push origin my-new-feature
-10. Create the PR by pressing the _New pull request_ button on: `https://github.com/your-username/portal`.
- Please select the option "Allow edits from maintainers" as outlined [here](https://help.github.com/en/articles/allowing-changes-to-a-pull-request-branch-created-from-a-fork).
+10. Create the PR by pressing the _New pull request_ button on:
+ `https://github.com/your-username/portal`. Please select the option "Allow
+ edits from maintainers" as outlined
+ [here](https://help.github.com/en/articles/allowing-changes-to-a-pull-request-branch-created-from-a-fork).
-11. Now wait for a portal project member(s) to respond to your PR. Follow the discussion on your PR at [GitHub](https://github.com/keybraker/portal/pulls).
- You may have to do some updates to your PR until it gets accepted. If you are inactive for more than three days the pull request is rejected.
+11. Now wait for a portal project member(s) to respond to your PR. Follow the
+ discussion on your PR at
+ [GitHub](https://github.com/keybraker/portal/pulls). You may have to do some
+ updates to your PR until it gets accepted. If you are inactive for more than
+ three days the pull request is rejected.
-12. After the PR has been reviewed you must _rebase_ your repo copy or merge with dev since there may have been several changes to the upstream repository.
+12. After the PR has been reviewed you must _rebase_ your repo copy or merge
+ with dev since there may have been several changes to the upstream
+ repository.
Switch to your branch again
@@ -100,12 +127,13 @@ Once you have a GitHub login:
$ git pull --rebase portal_upstream master
- When you perform a rebase the commit history is rewritten and, therefore, the next time you try to push your branch to your fork repository you will need to use
- the `--force-with-lease` option:
+ When you perform a rebase the commit history is rewritten and, therefore,
+ the next time you try to push your branch to your fork repository you will
+ need to use the `--force-with-lease` option:
$ git push --force-with-lease
- ***
+ ---
Alternatively you can merge master to your local branch
@@ -116,14 +144,16 @@ Once you have a GitHub login:
$ git merge origin/master
- > ensuring your changes are in sync with remote master is mandatory for your commit to pass
- > be aware that conflicts may apear which you must solve before creating a pull request
+ > ensuring your changes are in sync with remote master is mandatory for your
+ > commit to pass be aware that conflicts may apear which you must solve
+ > before creating a pull request
# 3. Reporting Bugs
Bugs should be reported by creating Issues on GitHub.
-> before reporting a bug first check the issue list if the bug is already known
-> If you cannot find any previous bug report, create a new Issue. When reporting a bug
-> try to describe the problem in as much detail as possible and if the bug is triggered
-> by an input file then attach that file to the GitHub issue if possible.
+> before reporting a bug first check the issue list if the bug is already
+> known If you cannot find any previous bug report, create a new Issue. When
+> reporting a bug try to describe the problem in as much detail as possible and
+> if the bug is triggered by an input file then attach that file to the GitHub
+> issue if possible.
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index 22c265cf..a41db465 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- Disclaimer: The transition to Discord.js v14 is ongoing. Some features may not work as expected until the transition is complete. (Expected Q1 2025)
+ BIG NEWS: Transitioned to deno2 from nodejs has been completed!
@@ -36,12 +36,20 @@
## Documentation
-- **[Commands](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/commands/description)**, a list of all Portal commands with descriptions, arguments and how to use them.
-- **[Text Interpreter](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/description)** is a program used by Portal to generate a channel's name _with four types of data_
- 1. **[Variables](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/variables/description)**, are immutable and live data, that return information.
- 2. **[Attributes](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/attributes/description)**, are mutable options that can be manipulated by whomever has clearance.
- 3. **[Pipes](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/pipes/description)**, are mini functions you can pass text variables or attributes to, that manipulate their outcome.
- 4. **[Structures](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/structures/description)**, are conditional flow manipulators.
+- **[Commands](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/commands/description)**, a list of
+ all Portal commands with descriptions, arguments and how to use them.
+- **[Text Interpreter](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/description)** is
+ a program used by Portal to generate a channel's name _with four types of
+ data_
+ 1. **[Variables](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/variables/description)**,
+ are immutable and live data, that return information.
+ 2. **[Attributes](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/attributes/description)**,
+ are mutable options that can be manipulated by whomever has clearance.
+ 3. **[Pipes](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/pipes/description)**,
+ are mini functions you can pass text variables or attributes to, that
+ manipulate their outcome.
+ 4. **[Structures](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/structures/description)**,
+ are conditional flow manipulators.
## Changelog
@@ -49,25 +57,29 @@
## More
-1. For frequently asked questions (FAQ) with their answers click _[here](https://portal-bot.xyz/help/#faq)_.
-2. If you want to host Portal on your own system you can either follow _[standard](https://portal-bot.xyz/hosting/standard/prerequisites)_ or _[docker](https://portal-bot.xyz/hosting/docker/prerequisites)_ guides.
-3. Portal is an open source project you can contribute too. There are guidelines for how to properly do it _[here](https://github.com/keybraker/portal/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)_.
+1. For frequently asked questions (FAQ) with their answers click
+ _[here](https://portal-bot.xyz/help/#faq)_.
+2. If you want to host Portal on your own system you can either follow
+ _[standard](https://portal-bot.xyz/hosting/standard/prerequisites)_ or
+ _[docker](https://portal-bot.xyz/hosting/docker/prerequisites)_ guides.
+3. Portal is an open source project you can contribute too. There are guidelines
+ for how to properly do it
+ _[here](https://github.com/keybraker/portal/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)_.
4. To read the release history, click _[here](https://portal-bot.xyz/blog)_.
#### Disclaimers
> - Portal will never record conversations or store anything you type
> - Discord updated their server rate limit to twice per 10 minutes.
-> - The new rate limit for channel name and topic updates is 2 updates per 10 minutes, per channel _[more here](https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/4327)_
+> - The new rate limit for channel name and topic updates is 2 updates per 10
+> minutes, per channel
+> _[more here](https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/4327)_
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 648c783f..00000000
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5240 +0,0 @@
- "name": "portal",
- "version": "0.7.0",
- "lockfileVersion": 3,
- "requires": true,
- "packages": {
- "": {
- "name": "portal",
- "version": "0.7.0",
- "dependencies": {
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- "@discordjs/voice": "0.17.0",
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- "cheerio": "1.0.0-rc.12",
- "core-util-is": "1.0.3",
- "dayjs": "1.11.13",
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- "lodash": "4.17.21",
- "mongoose": "8.8.0",
- "optionator": "0.9.4",
- "opusscript": "0.1.1",
- "roll": "1.3.2",
- "voca": "1.4.1",
- "winston": "3.16.0",
- "yt-search": "2.12.1",
- "ytdl-core": "4.11.5"
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-import { isUserAuthorised } from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { PChannel } from '../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { PVoiceChannel } from '../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.js';
-import { AuthType } from '../types/enums/Admin.enum.js';
+import type {
+ ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ Guild,
+ GuildMember,
+ Role,
+ VoiceChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { AttributeBlueprints } from "../blueprints/attribute.blueprint.ts";
+import { isUserAuthorised } from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { PChannel } from "../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.ts";
+import type { ReturnPromise } from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import type { PVoiceChannel } from "../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.ts";
+import { AuthType } from "../types/enums/Admin.enum.ts";
export function isAttribute(candidate: string): string {
for (let i = 0; i < AttributeBlueprints.length; i++) {
- const subStr = String(candidate).substring(1, String(AttributeBlueprints[i].name).length + 1);
+ const subStr = String(candidate).substring(
+ 1,
+ String(AttributeBlueprints[i].name).length + 1,
+ );
if (subStr == AttributeBlueprints[i].name) {
return AttributeBlueprints[i].name;
- return '';
+ return "";
export function getAttribute(
@@ -57,61 +66,70 @@ export async function setAttribute(
for (let l = 0; l < AttributeBlueprints.length; l++) {
if (candidate === AttributeBlueprints[l].name) {
switch (AttributeBlueprints[l].auth) {
- case AuthType.admin:
- if (!isUserAuthorised(member)) {
- return {
- result: false,
- value: `attribute ${candidate} can only be **set by an administrator**`,
- };
- }
- break;
- case AuthType.none:
- // passes through no checks needed
- break;
- default:
- if (!voiceChannel) {
- return {
- result: false,
- value: 'you must be in a channel handled by Portal',
- };
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < pGuild.pChannels.length; i++) {
- for (let j = 0; j < pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels.length; j++) {
- if (pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].id === voiceChannel.id) {
- pChannel = pGuild.pChannels[i];
- pVoiceChannel = pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j];
- break;
- }
+ case AuthType.ADMIN:
+ if (!isUserAuthorised(member)) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value:
+ `attribute ${candidate} can only be **set by an administrator**`,
+ };
- }
- if (!pChannel || !pVoiceChannel) {
- return {
- result: false,
- value: 'you must be in a channel handled by Portal',
- };
- }
- if (AttributeBlueprints[l].auth === AuthType.portal) {
- if (pChannel.creatorId !== member.id) {
+ break;
+ case AuthType.NONE:
+ // passes through no checks needed
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!voiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${candidate} can only be **set by the portal creator**`,
+ value: "you must be in a channel handled by Portal",
- } else if (AttributeBlueprints[l].auth === AuthType.voice) {
- if (pVoiceChannel.creatorId !== member.id) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < pGuild.pChannels.length; i++) {
+ for (
+ let j = 0;
+ j < pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels.length;
+ j++
+ ) {
+ if (
+ pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].id === voiceChannel.id
+ ) {
+ pChannel = pGuild.pChannels[i];
+ pVoiceChannel = pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pChannel || !pVoiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${candidate} can only be **set by the voice creator**`,
+ value: "you must be in a channel handled by Portal",
- }
- break;
+ if (AttributeBlueprints[l].auth === AuthType.PORTAL) {
+ if (pChannel.creatorId !== member.id) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value:
+ `attribute ${candidate} can only be **set by the portal creator**`,
+ };
+ }
+ } else if (AttributeBlueprints[l].auth === AuthType.VOICE) {
+ if (pVoiceChannel.creatorId !== member.id) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value:
+ `attribute ${candidate} can only be **set by the voice creator**`,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ break;
const pMember = pGuild.pMembers.find((m) => m.id === member.id);
@@ -144,6 +162,6 @@ export async function setAttribute(
return {
result: false,
- value: 'fail',
+ value: "fail",
diff --git a/src/Interpreter/pipe.functions.ts b/src/Interpreter/pipe.functions.ts
index 28a86fda..f1dfc1ea 100644
--- a/src/Interpreter/pipe.functions.ts
+++ b/src/Interpreter/pipe.functions.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
-import { PipeBlueprints } from '../blueprints/pipe.blueprint.js';
+import { PipeBlueprints } from "../blueprints/pipe.blueprint.ts";
export function isPipe(candidate: string): string {
for (let i = 0; i < PipeBlueprints.length; i++) {
- const subString = String(candidate).substring(1, String(PipeBlueprints[i].name).length + 1);
+ const subString = String(candidate).substring(
+ 1,
+ String(PipeBlueprints[i].name).length + 1,
+ );
if (subString == PipeBlueprints[i].name) {
return PipeBlueprints[i].name;
- return '';
+ return "";
-export function getPipe(string: string | string[], pipe: string): string | number {
+export function getPipe(
+ string: string | string[],
+ pipe: string,
+): string | number {
for (let l = 0; l < PipeBlueprints.length; l++) {
if (pipe === PipeBlueprints[l].name) {
return PipeBlueprints[l].get({ string }) as string | number;
diff --git a/src/Interpreter/structure.functions.ts b/src/Interpreter/structure.functions.ts
index b4b66997..13d23d1c 100644
--- a/src/Interpreter/structure.functions.ts
+++ b/src/Interpreter/structure.functions.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-import { StructureBlueprint } from '../blueprints/structure.blueprint.js';
+import { StructureBlueprint } from "../blueprints/structure.blueprint.ts";
export function isStructure(candidate: string): string {
for (let i = 0; i < StructureBlueprint.length; i++) {
- const subString = String(candidate).substring(1, String(StructureBlueprint[i].name).length + 1);
+ const subString = String(candidate).substring(
+ 1,
+ String(StructureBlueprint[i].name).length + 1,
+ );
if (subString == StructureBlueprint[i].name) {
return StructureBlueprint[i].name;
- return '';
+ return "";
diff --git a/src/Interpreter/variable.functions.ts b/src/Interpreter/variable.functions.ts
index cfb5e387..6e310710 100644
--- a/src/Interpreter/variable.functions.ts
+++ b/src/Interpreter/variable.functions.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
-import { VoiceChannel, Guild } from 'discord.js';
+import type { Guild, VoiceChannel } from "npm:discord.js";
-import { VariableBlueprints } from '../blueprints/variable.blueprint.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { PChannel } from '../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.js';
-import { PVoiceChannel } from '../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.js';
+import { VariableBlueprints } from "../blueprints/variable.blueprint.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { PChannel } from "../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.ts";
+import type { PVoiceChannel } from "../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.ts";
export function isVariable(candidate: string): string {
for (let i = 0; i < VariableBlueprints.length; i++) {
- const subString = String(candidate).substring(1, String(VariableBlueprints[i].name).length + 1);
+ const subString = String(candidate).substring(
+ 1,
+ String(VariableBlueprints[i].name).length + 1,
+ );
if (subString === VariableBlueprints[i].name) {
return VariableBlueprints[i].name;
- return '';
+ return "";
export function getVariable(
@@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ export function getVariable(
pChannels: PChannel[],
pGuild: PGuild,
guild: Guild,
- variable: string
+ variable: string,
) {
let variableIndex = -1;
for (let l = 0; l < VariableBlueprints.length; l++) {
@@ -42,6 +45,6 @@ export function getVariable(
- guild
+ guild,
diff --git a/src/app.ts b/src/app.ts
index 4e0efe39..aa8fe1c6 100644
--- a/src/app.ts
+++ b/src/app.ts
@@ -1,60 +1,81 @@
-import { REST } from '@discordjs/rest';
-import { Routes } from 'discord-api-types/v9';
-import dotenv from 'dotenv';
-import { transports } from 'winston';
-import * as auth from './commands/auth/index.js';
-import * as noAuth from './commands/noAuth/index.js';
-import { clientHandler, connectToDiscord } from './handlers/discord.handler.js';
-import { eventHandler } from './handlers/event.handler.js';
-import { mongoHandler } from './handlers/mongo.handler.js';
-import { ActiveCooldowns } from './types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import logger from './utilities/log.utility.js';
+import { REST } from "@discordjs/rest";
+import "@std/dotenv/load";
+import { Routes } from "discord-api-types/v9";
+import { transports } from "npm:winston";
+import * as auth from "./commands/auth/index.ts";
+import * as noAuth from "./commands/noAuth/index.ts";
+import { clientHandler, connectToDiscord } from "./handlers/discord.handler.ts";
+import { eventHandler } from "./handlers/event.handler.ts";
+import { mongoHandler } from "./handlers/mongo.handler.ts";
+import type { ActiveCooldowns } from "./types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import logger from "./utilities/log.utility.ts";
(async () => {
- if (process.env.LOG) {
- logger.add(new transports.File({ filename: '/logs/portal-error.log.json', level: 'error' }));
- logger.add(new transports.File({ filename: '/logs/portal-info.log.json', level: 'info', silent: true }));
- logger.add(new transports.File({ filename: '/logs/portal-all.log.json', silent: true }));
+ const LOG = Deno.env.get("LOG") === "true";
+ if (LOG) {
+ logger.add(
+ new transports.File({
+ filename: "/logs/portal-error.log.json",
+ level: "error",
+ }),
+ );
+ logger.add(
+ new transports.File({
+ filename: "/logs/portal-info.log.json",
+ level: "info",
+ silent: true,
+ }),
+ );
+ logger.add(
+ new transports.File({
+ filename: "/logs/portal-all.log.json",
+ silent: true,
+ }),
+ );
- if (!process.env.TOKEN) {
- logger.error('Discord token is not defined');
- process.exit(1);
+ const DISCORD_TOKEN = Deno.env.get("DISCORD_TOKEN");
+ logger.error("Discord token is not defined");
+ Deno.exit(1);
- if (!process.env.MONGO_URL) {
- logger.error('mongo url is not defined');
- process.exit(2);
+ const MONGO_URL = Deno.env.get("MONGO_URL");
+ if (!MONGO_URL) {
+ logger.error("mongo url is not defined");
+ Deno.exit(2);
- if (!process.env.CLIENT_ID) {
- logger.error('Discord client id is not defined');
- process.exit(4);
+ const CLIENT_ID = Deno.env.get("CLIENT_ID");
+ if (!CLIENT_ID) {
+ logger.error("Discord client id is not defined");
+ Deno.exit(4);
try {
- logger.info('started refreshing application slash commands');
- const rest = new REST({ version: '10' }).setToken(process.env.TOKEN);
- await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(process.env.CLIENT_ID), {
- body: [...Object.values(auth), ...Object.values(noAuth)].map((command) => command.slashCommand.toJSON()),
+ logger.info("started refreshing application slash commands");
+ const rest = new REST({ version: "10" }).setToken(DISCORD_TOKEN);
+ await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(CLIENT_ID), {
+ body: [...Object.values(auth), ...Object.values(noAuth)].map((command) =>
+ command.slashCommand.toJSON()
+ ),
- logger.info('successfully reloaded application slash commands');
+ logger.info("successfully reloaded application slash commands");
} catch (error) {
- const mongo = await mongoHandler(process.env.MONGO_URL);
+ const mongo = await mongoHandler(MONGO_URL);
if (!mongo) {
- logger.error('failed to connect to database');
- process.exit(2);
+ logger.error("failed to connect to database");
+ Deno.exit(2);
- logger.info('connected to database');
+ logger.info("connected to database");
const active_cooldowns: ActiveCooldowns = { guild: [], member: [] };
// const spam_cache: SpamCache[] = [];
@@ -62,12 +83,11 @@ dotenv.config();
const client = clientHandler();
await eventHandler(client, active_cooldowns);
- const discord = await connectToDiscord(client, process.env.TOKEN);
+ const discord = await connectToDiscord(client, DISCORD_TOKEN);
if (!discord) {
- logger.error('failed to connect to discord');
- process.exit(1);
+ logger.error("failed to connect to discord");
+ Deno.exit(1);
- logger.info('portal bot is running');
+ logger.info("Portal bot is running");
diff --git a/src/assets/lists/countryCodesISO.static.ts b/src/assets/lists/countryCodesISO.static.ts
index c25ea424..e36ef1e8 100644
--- a/src/assets/lists/countryCodesISO.static.ts
+++ b/src/assets/lists/countryCodesISO.static.ts
@@ -1,974 +1,974 @@
export const CountryCodes = [
- name: 'Afghanistan',
- code: 'AF',
+ name: "Afghanistan",
+ code: "AF",
- name: 'Åland Islands',
- code: 'AX',
+ name: "Åland Islands",
+ code: "AX",
- name: 'Albania',
- code: 'AL',
+ name: "Albania",
+ code: "AL",
- name: 'Algeria',
- code: 'DZ',
+ name: "Algeria",
+ code: "DZ",
- name: 'American Samoa',
- code: 'AS',
+ name: "American Samoa",
+ code: "AS",
- name: 'AndorrA',
- code: 'AD',
+ name: "AndorrA",
+ code: "AD",
- name: 'Angola',
- code: 'AO',
+ name: "Angola",
+ code: "AO",
- name: 'Anguilla',
- code: 'AI',
+ name: "Anguilla",
+ code: "AI",
- name: 'Antarctica',
- code: 'AQ',
+ name: "Antarctica",
+ code: "AQ",
- name: 'Antigua and Barbuda',
- code: 'AG',
+ name: "Antigua and Barbuda",
+ code: "AG",
- name: 'Argentina',
- code: 'AR',
+ name: "Argentina",
+ code: "AR",
- name: 'Armenia',
- code: 'AM',
+ name: "Armenia",
+ code: "AM",
- name: 'Aruba',
- code: 'AW',
+ name: "Aruba",
+ code: "AW",
- name: 'Australia',
- code: 'AU',
+ name: "Australia",
+ code: "AU",
- name: 'Austria',
- code: 'AT',
+ name: "Austria",
+ code: "AT",
- name: 'Azerbaijan',
- code: 'AZ',
+ name: "Azerbaijan",
+ code: "AZ",
- name: 'Bahamas',
- code: 'BS',
+ name: "Bahamas",
+ code: "BS",
- name: 'Bahrain',
- code: 'BH',
+ name: "Bahrain",
+ code: "BH",
- name: 'Bangladesh',
- code: 'BD',
+ name: "Bangladesh",
+ code: "BD",
- name: 'Barbados',
- code: 'BB',
+ name: "Barbados",
+ code: "BB",
- name: 'Belarus',
- code: 'BY',
+ name: "Belarus",
+ code: "BY",
- name: 'Belgium',
- code: 'BE',
+ name: "Belgium",
+ code: "BE",
- name: 'Belize',
- code: 'BZ',
+ name: "Belize",
+ code: "BZ",
- name: 'Benin',
- code: 'BJ',
+ name: "Benin",
+ code: "BJ",
- name: 'Bermuda',
- code: 'BM',
+ name: "Bermuda",
+ code: "BM",
- name: 'Bhutan',
- code: 'BT',
+ name: "Bhutan",
+ code: "BT",
- name: 'Bolivia',
- code: 'BO',
+ name: "Bolivia",
+ code: "BO",
- name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
- code: 'BA',
+ name: "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
+ code: "BA",
- name: 'Botswana',
- code: 'BW',
+ name: "Botswana",
+ code: "BW",
- name: 'Bouvet Island',
- code: 'BV',
+ name: "Bouvet Island",
+ code: "BV",
- name: 'Brazil',
- code: 'BR',
+ name: "Brazil",
+ code: "BR",
- name: 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
- code: 'IO',
+ name: "British Indian Ocean Territory",
+ code: "IO",
- name: 'Brunei Darussalam',
- code: 'BN',
+ name: "Brunei Darussalam",
+ code: "BN",
- name: 'Bulgaria',
- code: 'BG',
+ name: "Bulgaria",
+ code: "BG",
- name: 'Burkina Faso',
- code: 'BF',
+ name: "Burkina Faso",
+ code: "BF",
- name: 'Burundi',
- code: 'BI',
+ name: "Burundi",
+ code: "BI",
- name: 'Cambodia',
- code: 'KH',
+ name: "Cambodia",
+ code: "KH",
- name: 'Cameroon',
- code: 'CM',
+ name: "Cameroon",
+ code: "CM",
- name: 'Canada',
- code: 'CA',
+ name: "Canada",
+ code: "CA",
- name: 'Cape Verde',
- code: 'CV',
+ name: "Cape Verde",
+ code: "CV",
- name: 'Cayman Islands',
- code: 'KY',
+ name: "Cayman Islands",
+ code: "KY",
- name: 'Central African Republic',
- code: 'CF',
+ name: "Central African Republic",
+ code: "CF",
- name: 'Chad',
- code: 'TD',
+ name: "Chad",
+ code: "TD",
- name: 'Chile',
- code: 'CL',
+ name: "Chile",
+ code: "CL",
- name: 'China',
- code: 'CN',
+ name: "China",
+ code: "CN",
- name: 'Christmas Island',
- code: 'CX',
+ name: "Christmas Island",
+ code: "CX",
- name: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
- code: 'CC',
+ name: "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
+ code: "CC",
- name: 'Colombia',
- code: 'CO',
+ name: "Colombia",
+ code: "CO",
- name: 'Comoros',
- code: 'KM',
+ name: "Comoros",
+ code: "KM",
- name: 'Congo',
- code: 'CG',
+ name: "Congo",
+ code: "CG",
- name: 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the',
- code: 'CD',
+ name: "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",
+ code: "CD",
- name: 'Cook Islands',
- code: 'CK',
+ name: "Cook Islands",
+ code: "CK",
- name: 'Costa Rica',
- code: 'CR',
+ name: "Costa Rica",
+ code: "CR",
name: 'Cote D"Ivoire',
- code: 'CI',
+ code: "CI",
- name: 'Croatia',
- code: 'HR',
+ name: "Croatia",
+ code: "HR",
- name: 'Cuba',
- code: 'CU',
+ name: "Cuba",
+ code: "CU",
- name: 'Cyprus',
- code: 'CY',
+ name: "Cyprus",
+ code: "CY",
- name: 'Czech Republic',
- code: 'CZ',
+ name: "Czech Republic",
+ code: "CZ",
- name: 'Denmark',
- code: 'DK',
+ name: "Denmark",
+ code: "DK",
- name: 'Djibouti',
- code: 'DJ',
+ name: "Djibouti",
+ code: "DJ",
- name: 'Dominica',
- code: 'DM',
+ name: "Dominica",
+ code: "DM",
- name: 'Dominican Republic',
- code: 'DO',
+ name: "Dominican Republic",
+ code: "DO",
- name: 'Ecuador',
- code: 'EC',
+ name: "Ecuador",
+ code: "EC",
- name: 'Egypt',
- code: 'EG',
+ name: "Egypt",
+ code: "EG",
- name: 'El Salvador',
- code: 'SV',
+ name: "El Salvador",
+ code: "SV",
- name: 'Equatorial Guinea',
- code: 'GQ',
+ name: "Equatorial Guinea",
+ code: "GQ",
- name: 'Eritrea',
- code: 'ER',
+ name: "Eritrea",
+ code: "ER",
- name: 'Estonia',
- code: 'EE',
+ name: "Estonia",
+ code: "EE",
- name: 'Ethiopia',
- code: 'ET',
+ name: "Ethiopia",
+ code: "ET",
- name: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
- code: 'FK',
+ name: "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
+ code: "FK",
- name: 'Faroe Islands',
- code: 'FO',
+ name: "Faroe Islands",
+ code: "FO",
- name: 'Fiji',
- code: 'FJ',
+ name: "Fiji",
+ code: "FJ",
- name: 'Finland',
- code: 'FI',
+ name: "Finland",
+ code: "FI",
- name: 'France',
- code: 'FR',
+ name: "France",
+ code: "FR",
- name: 'French Guiana',
- code: 'GF',
+ name: "French Guiana",
+ code: "GF",
- name: 'French Polynesia',
- code: 'PF',
+ name: "French Polynesia",
+ code: "PF",
- name: 'French Southern Territories',
- code: 'TF',
+ name: "French Southern Territories",
+ code: "TF",
- name: 'Gabon',
- code: 'GA',
+ name: "Gabon",
+ code: "GA",
- name: 'Gambia',
- code: 'GM',
+ name: "Gambia",
+ code: "GM",
- name: 'Georgia',
- code: 'GE',
+ name: "Georgia",
+ code: "GE",
- name: 'Germany',
- code: 'DE',
+ name: "Germany",
+ code: "DE",
- name: 'Ghana',
- code: 'GH',
+ name: "Ghana",
+ code: "GH",
- name: 'Gibraltar',
- code: 'GI',
+ name: "Gibraltar",
+ code: "GI",
- name: 'Greece',
- code: 'GR',
+ name: "Greece",
+ code: "GR",
- name: 'Greenland',
- code: 'GL',
+ name: "Greenland",
+ code: "GL",
- name: 'Grenada',
- code: 'GD',
+ name: "Grenada",
+ code: "GD",
- name: 'Guadeloupe',
- code: 'GP',
+ name: "Guadeloupe",
+ code: "GP",
- name: 'Guam',
- code: 'GU',
+ name: "Guam",
+ code: "GU",
- name: 'Guatemala',
- code: 'GT',
+ name: "Guatemala",
+ code: "GT",
- name: 'Guernsey',
- code: 'GG',
+ name: "Guernsey",
+ code: "GG",
- name: 'Guinea',
- code: 'GN',
+ name: "Guinea",
+ code: "GN",
- name: 'Guinea-Bissau',
- code: 'GW',
+ name: "Guinea-Bissau",
+ code: "GW",
- name: 'Guyana',
- code: 'GY',
+ name: "Guyana",
+ code: "GY",
- name: 'Haiti',
- code: 'HT',
+ name: "Haiti",
+ code: "HT",
- name: 'Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands',
- code: 'HM',
+ name: "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands",
+ code: "HM",
- name: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
- code: 'VA',
+ name: "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
+ code: "VA",
- name: 'Honduras',
- code: 'HN',
+ name: "Honduras",
+ code: "HN",
- name: 'Hong Kong',
- code: 'HK',
+ name: "Hong Kong",
+ code: "HK",
- name: 'Hungary',
- code: 'HU',
+ name: "Hungary",
+ code: "HU",
- name: 'Iceland',
- code: 'IS',
+ name: "Iceland",
+ code: "IS",
- name: 'India',
- code: 'IN',
+ name: "India",
+ code: "IN",
- name: 'Indonesia',
- code: 'ID',
+ name: "Indonesia",
+ code: "ID",
- name: 'Iran, Islamic Republic Of',
- code: 'IR',
+ name: "Iran, Islamic Republic Of",
+ code: "IR",
- name: 'Iraq',
- code: 'IQ',
+ name: "Iraq",
+ code: "IQ",
- name: 'Ireland',
- code: 'IE',
+ name: "Ireland",
+ code: "IE",
- name: 'Isle of Man',
- code: 'IM',
+ name: "Isle of Man",
+ code: "IM",
- name: 'Israel',
- code: 'IL',
+ name: "Israel",
+ code: "IL",
- name: 'Italy',
- code: 'IT',
+ name: "Italy",
+ code: "IT",
- name: 'Jamaica',
- code: 'JM',
+ name: "Jamaica",
+ code: "JM",
- name: 'Japan',
- code: 'JP',
+ name: "Japan",
+ code: "JP",
- name: 'Jersey',
- code: 'JE',
+ name: "Jersey",
+ code: "JE",
- name: 'Jordan',
- code: 'JO',
+ name: "Jordan",
+ code: "JO",
- name: 'Kazakhstan',
- code: 'KZ',
+ name: "Kazakhstan",
+ code: "KZ",
- name: 'Kenya',
- code: 'KE',
+ name: "Kenya",
+ code: "KE",
- name: 'Kiribati',
- code: 'KI',
+ name: "Kiribati",
+ code: "KI",
name: 'Korea, Democratic People"S Republic of',
- code: 'KP',
+ code: "KP",
- name: 'Korea, Republic of',
- code: 'KR',
+ name: "Korea, Republic of",
+ code: "KR",
- name: 'Kuwait',
- code: 'KW',
+ name: "Kuwait",
+ code: "KW",
- name: 'Kyrgyzstan',
- code: 'KG',
+ name: "Kyrgyzstan",
+ code: "KG",
name: 'Lao People"S Democratic Republic',
- code: 'LA',
+ code: "LA",
- name: 'Latvia',
- code: 'LV',
+ name: "Latvia",
+ code: "LV",
- name: 'Lebanon',
- code: 'LB',
+ name: "Lebanon",
+ code: "LB",
- name: 'Lesotho',
- code: 'LS',
+ name: "Lesotho",
+ code: "LS",
- name: 'Liberia',
- code: 'LR',
+ name: "Liberia",
+ code: "LR",
- name: 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',
- code: 'LY',
+ name: "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
+ code: "LY",
- name: 'Liechtenstein',
- code: 'LI',
+ name: "Liechtenstein",
+ code: "LI",
- name: 'Lithuania',
- code: 'LT',
+ name: "Lithuania",
+ code: "LT",
- name: 'Luxembourg',
- code: 'LU',
+ name: "Luxembourg",
+ code: "LU",
- name: 'Macao',
- code: 'MO',
+ name: "Macao",
+ code: "MO",
- name: 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of',
- code: 'MK',
+ name: "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of",
+ code: "MK",
- name: 'Madagascar',
- code: 'MG',
+ name: "Madagascar",
+ code: "MG",
- name: 'Malawi',
- code: 'MW',
+ name: "Malawi",
+ code: "MW",
- name: 'Malaysia',
- code: 'MY',
+ name: "Malaysia",
+ code: "MY",
- name: 'Maldives',
- code: 'MV',
+ name: "Maldives",
+ code: "MV",
- name: 'Mali',
- code: 'ML',
+ name: "Mali",
+ code: "ML",
- name: 'Malta',
- code: 'MT',
+ name: "Malta",
+ code: "MT",
- name: 'Marshall Islands',
- code: 'MH',
+ name: "Marshall Islands",
+ code: "MH",
- name: 'Martinique',
- code: 'MQ',
+ name: "Martinique",
+ code: "MQ",
- name: 'Mauritania',
- code: 'MR',
+ name: "Mauritania",
+ code: "MR",
- name: 'Mauritius',
- code: 'MU',
+ name: "Mauritius",
+ code: "MU",
- name: 'Mayotte',
- code: 'YT',
+ name: "Mayotte",
+ code: "YT",
- name: 'Mexico',
- code: 'MX',
+ name: "Mexico",
+ code: "MX",
- name: 'Micronesia, Federated States of',
- code: 'FM',
+ name: "Micronesia, Federated States of",
+ code: "FM",
- name: 'Moldova, Republic of',
- code: 'MD',
+ name: "Moldova, Republic of",
+ code: "MD",
- name: 'Monaco',
- code: 'MC',
+ name: "Monaco",
+ code: "MC",
- name: 'Mongolia',
- code: 'MN',
+ name: "Mongolia",
+ code: "MN",
- name: 'Montserrat',
- code: 'MS',
+ name: "Montserrat",
+ code: "MS",
- name: 'Morocco',
- code: 'MA',
+ name: "Morocco",
+ code: "MA",
- name: 'Mozambique',
- code: 'MZ',
+ name: "Mozambique",
+ code: "MZ",
- name: 'Myanmar',
- code: 'MM',
+ name: "Myanmar",
+ code: "MM",
- name: 'Namibia',
- code: 'NA',
+ name: "Namibia",
+ code: "NA",
- name: 'Nauru',
- code: 'NR',
+ name: "Nauru",
+ code: "NR",
- name: 'Nepal',
- code: 'NP',
+ name: "Nepal",
+ code: "NP",
- name: 'Netherlands',
- code: 'NL',
+ name: "Netherlands",
+ code: "NL",
- name: 'Netherlands Antilles',
- code: 'AN',
+ name: "Netherlands Antilles",
+ code: "AN",
- name: 'New Caledonia',
- code: 'NC',
+ name: "New Caledonia",
+ code: "NC",
- name: 'New Zealand',
- code: 'NZ',
+ name: "New Zealand",
+ code: "NZ",
- name: 'Nicaragua',
- code: 'NI',
+ name: "Nicaragua",
+ code: "NI",
- name: 'Niger',
- code: 'NE',
+ name: "Niger",
+ code: "NE",
- name: 'Nigeria',
- code: 'NG',
+ name: "Nigeria",
+ code: "NG",
- name: 'Niue',
- code: 'NU',
+ name: "Niue",
+ code: "NU",
- name: 'Norfolk Island',
- code: 'NF',
+ name: "Norfolk Island",
+ code: "NF",
- name: 'Northern Mariana Islands',
- code: 'MP',
+ name: "Northern Mariana Islands",
+ code: "MP",
- name: 'Norway',
- code: 'NO',
+ name: "Norway",
+ code: "NO",
- name: 'Oman',
- code: 'OM',
+ name: "Oman",
+ code: "OM",
- name: 'Pakistan',
- code: 'PK',
+ name: "Pakistan",
+ code: "PK",
- name: 'Palau',
- code: 'PW',
+ name: "Palau",
+ code: "PW",
- name: 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied',
- code: 'PS',
+ name: "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
+ code: "PS",
- name: 'Panama',
- code: 'PA',
+ name: "Panama",
+ code: "PA",
- name: 'Papua New Guinea',
- code: 'PG',
+ name: "Papua New Guinea",
+ code: "PG",
- name: 'Paraguay',
- code: 'PY',
+ name: "Paraguay",
+ code: "PY",
- name: 'Peru',
- code: 'PE',
+ name: "Peru",
+ code: "PE",
- name: 'Philippines',
- code: 'PH',
+ name: "Philippines",
+ code: "PH",
- name: 'Pitcairn',
- code: 'PN',
+ name: "Pitcairn",
+ code: "PN",
- name: 'Poland',
- code: 'PL',
+ name: "Poland",
+ code: "PL",
- name: 'Portugal',
- code: 'PT',
+ name: "Portugal",
+ code: "PT",
- name: 'Puerto Rico',
- code: 'PR',
+ name: "Puerto Rico",
+ code: "PR",
- name: 'Qatar',
- code: 'QA',
+ name: "Qatar",
+ code: "QA",
- name: 'Reunion',
- code: 'RE',
+ name: "Reunion",
+ code: "RE",
- name: 'Romania',
- code: 'RO',
+ name: "Romania",
+ code: "RO",
- name: 'Russian Federation',
- code: 'RU',
+ name: "Russian Federation",
+ code: "RU",
- name: 'RWANDA',
- code: 'RW',
+ name: "RWANDA",
+ code: "RW",
- name: 'Saint Helena',
- code: 'SH',
+ name: "Saint Helena",
+ code: "SH",
- name: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
- code: 'KN',
+ name: "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
+ code: "KN",
- name: 'Saint Lucia',
- code: 'LC',
+ name: "Saint Lucia",
+ code: "LC",
- name: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
- code: 'PM',
+ name: "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
+ code: "PM",
- name: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
- code: 'VC',
+ name: "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
+ code: "VC",
- name: 'Samoa',
- code: 'WS',
+ name: "Samoa",
+ code: "WS",
- name: 'San Marino',
- code: 'SM',
+ name: "San Marino",
+ code: "SM",
- name: 'Sao Tome and Principe',
- code: 'ST',
+ name: "Sao Tome and Principe",
+ code: "ST",
- name: 'Saudi Arabia',
- code: 'SA',
+ name: "Saudi Arabia",
+ code: "SA",
- name: 'Senegal',
- code: 'SN',
+ name: "Senegal",
+ code: "SN",
- name: 'Serbia and Montenegro',
- code: 'CS',
+ name: "Serbia and Montenegro",
+ code: "CS",
- name: 'Seychelles',
- code: 'SC',
+ name: "Seychelles",
+ code: "SC",
- name: 'Sierra Leone',
- code: 'SL',
+ name: "Sierra Leone",
+ code: "SL",
- name: 'Singapore',
- code: 'SG',
+ name: "Singapore",
+ code: "SG",
- name: 'Slovakia',
- code: 'SK',
+ name: "Slovakia",
+ code: "SK",
- name: 'Slovenia',
- code: 'SI',
+ name: "Slovenia",
+ code: "SI",
- name: 'Solomon Islands',
- code: 'SB',
+ name: "Solomon Islands",
+ code: "SB",
- name: 'Somalia',
- code: 'SO',
+ name: "Somalia",
+ code: "SO",
- name: 'South Africa',
- code: 'ZA',
+ name: "South Africa",
+ code: "ZA",
- name: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
- code: 'GS',
+ name: "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
+ code: "GS",
- name: 'Spain',
- code: 'ES',
+ name: "Spain",
+ code: "ES",
- name: 'Sri Lanka',
- code: 'LK',
+ name: "Sri Lanka",
+ code: "LK",
- name: 'Sudan',
- code: 'SD',
+ name: "Sudan",
+ code: "SD",
- name: 'Suriname',
- code: 'SR',
+ name: "Suriname",
+ code: "SR",
- name: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
- code: 'SJ',
+ name: "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
+ code: "SJ",
- name: 'Swaziland',
- code: 'SZ',
+ name: "Swaziland",
+ code: "SZ",
- name: 'Sweden',
- code: 'SE',
+ name: "Sweden",
+ code: "SE",
- name: 'Switzerland',
- code: 'CH',
+ name: "Switzerland",
+ code: "CH",
- name: 'Syrian Arab Republic',
- code: 'SY',
+ name: "Syrian Arab Republic",
+ code: "SY",
- name: 'Taiwan, Province of China',
- code: 'TW',
+ name: "Taiwan, Province of China",
+ code: "TW",
- name: 'Tajikistan',
- code: 'TJ',
+ name: "Tajikistan",
+ code: "TJ",
- name: 'Tanzania, United Republic of',
- code: 'TZ',
+ name: "Tanzania, United Republic of",
+ code: "TZ",
- name: 'Thailand',
- code: 'TH',
+ name: "Thailand",
+ code: "TH",
- name: 'Timor-Leste',
- code: 'TL',
+ name: "Timor-Leste",
+ code: "TL",
- name: 'Togo',
- code: 'TG',
+ name: "Togo",
+ code: "TG",
- name: 'Tokelau',
- code: 'TK',
+ name: "Tokelau",
+ code: "TK",
- name: 'Tonga',
- code: 'TO',
+ name: "Tonga",
+ code: "TO",
- name: 'Trinidad and Tobago',
- code: 'TT',
+ name: "Trinidad and Tobago",
+ code: "TT",
- name: 'Tunisia',
- code: 'TN',
+ name: "Tunisia",
+ code: "TN",
- name: 'Turkey',
- code: 'TR',
+ name: "Turkey",
+ code: "TR",
- name: 'Turkmenistan',
- code: 'TM',
+ name: "Turkmenistan",
+ code: "TM",
- name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
- code: 'TC',
+ name: "Turks and Caicos Islands",
+ code: "TC",
- name: 'Tuvalu',
- code: 'TV',
+ name: "Tuvalu",
+ code: "TV",
- name: 'Uganda',
- code: 'UG',
+ name: "Uganda",
+ code: "UG",
- name: 'Ukraine',
- code: 'UA',
+ name: "Ukraine",
+ code: "UA",
- name: 'United Arab Emirates',
- code: 'AE',
+ name: "United Arab Emirates",
+ code: "AE",
- name: 'United Kingdom',
- code: 'GB',
+ name: "United Kingdom",
+ code: "GB",
- name: 'United States',
- code: 'US',
+ name: "United States",
+ code: "US",
- name: 'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
- code: 'UM',
+ name: "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
+ code: "UM",
- name: 'Uruguay',
- code: 'UY',
+ name: "Uruguay",
+ code: "UY",
- name: 'Uzbekistan',
- code: 'UZ',
+ name: "Uzbekistan",
+ code: "UZ",
- name: 'Vanuatu',
- code: 'VU',
+ name: "Vanuatu",
+ code: "VU",
- name: 'Venezuela',
- code: 'VE',
+ name: "Venezuela",
+ code: "VE",
- name: 'Viet Nam',
- code: 'VN',
+ name: "Viet Nam",
+ code: "VN",
- name: 'Virgin Islands, British',
- code: 'VG',
+ name: "Virgin Islands, British",
+ code: "VG",
- name: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
- code: 'VI',
+ name: "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
+ code: "VI",
- name: 'Wallis and Futuna',
- code: 'WF',
+ name: "Wallis and Futuna",
+ code: "WF",
- name: 'Western Sahara',
- code: 'EH',
+ name: "Western Sahara",
+ code: "EH",
- name: 'Yemen',
- code: 'YE',
+ name: "Yemen",
+ code: "YE",
- name: 'Zambia',
- code: 'ZM',
+ name: "Zambia",
+ code: "ZM",
- name: 'Zimbabwe',
- code: 'ZW',
+ name: "Zimbabwe",
+ code: "ZW",
diff --git a/src/assets/lists/gameNames.static.ts b/src/assets/lists/gameNames.static.ts
index 25f3e60f..4f9f2799 100644
--- a/src/assets/lists/gameNames.static.ts
+++ b/src/assets/lists/gameNames.static.ts
@@ -1,993 +1,993 @@
export const GameNames = {
gameAttributes: [
- status: 'Among Us',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Among Us",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Among Us',
- de: 'Among Us',
- gr: 'Μεταξύ Μας',
+ en: "Among Us",
+ de: "Among Us",
+ gr: "Μεταξύ Μας",
- status: 'EA SPORTS™ FIFA 21',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "EA SPORTS™ FIFA 21",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'FIFA 21',
- de: 'FIFA 21',
- gr: 'FIFA 21',
+ en: "FIFA 21",
+ de: "FIFA 21",
+ gr: "FIFA 21",
- status: 'EA SPORTS™ FIFA 21 ',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "EA SPORTS™ FIFA 21 ",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'FIFA 21',
- de: 'FIFA 21',
- gr: 'FIFA 21',
+ en: "FIFA 21",
+ de: "FIFA 21",
+ gr: "FIFA 21",
- status: 'STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- status: 'StarCraft II',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "StarCraft II",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'StarCraft II',
- de: 'StarCraft II',
- gr: 'StarCraft II',
+ en: "StarCraft II",
+ de: "StarCraft II",
+ gr: "StarCraft II",
- status: 'League of Legends',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "League of Legends",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'League of Legends',
- de: 'League of Legends',
- gr: 'League of Legends',
+ en: "League of Legends",
+ de: "League of Legends",
+ gr: "League of Legends",
- status: 'Heroes of the Storm',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Heroes of the Storm",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Heroes of the Storm',
- de: 'Heroes of the Storm',
- gr: 'Heroes of the Storm',
+ en: "Heroes of the Storm",
+ de: "Heroes of the Storm",
+ gr: "Heroes of the Storm",
- status: 'Hearthstone',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Hearthstone",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Hearthstone',
- de: 'Hearthstone',
- gr: 'Hearthstone',
+ en: "Hearthstone",
+ de: "Hearthstone",
+ gr: "Hearthstone",
- status: 'Apex Legends',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Apex Legends",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Apex Legends',
- de: 'Apex Legends',
- gr: 'Apex Legends',
+ en: "Apex Legends",
+ de: "Apex Legends",
+ gr: "Apex Legends",
- status: 'Minecraft',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Minecraft",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Minecraft',
- de: 'Minecraft',
- gr: 'Minecraft',
+ en: "Minecraft",
+ de: "Minecraft",
+ gr: "Minecraft",
- status: 'Fortnite',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Fortnite",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Fortnite',
- de: 'Fortnite',
- gr: 'Φορτνάιτ',
+ en: "Fortnite",
+ de: "Fortnite",
+ gr: "Φορτνάιτ",
- status: 'Don\'t Starve Together',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Don't Starve Together",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Don\'t Starve Together',
- de: 'Don\'t Starve Together',
- gr: 'Don\'t Starve Together',
+ en: "Don't Starve Together",
+ de: "Don't Starve Together",
+ gr: "Don't Starve Together",
- status: 'Overwatch',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Overwatch",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Overwatch',
- de: 'Overwatch',
- gr: 'Overwatch',
+ en: "Overwatch",
+ de: "Overwatch",
+ gr: "Overwatch",
- status: 'The Mean Greens - Plastic Warfare',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "The Mean Greens - Plastic Warfare",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'The Mean Greens',
- de: 'The Mean Greens',
- gr: 'Οι Κακοί Πράσινο',
+ en: "The Mean Greens",
+ de: "The Mean Greens",
+ gr: "Οι Κακοί Πράσινο",
- status: 'Valorant',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Valorant",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Valorant',
- de: 'Valorant',
- gr: 'Valorant',
+ en: "Valorant",
+ de: "Valorant",
+ gr: "Valorant",
- status: '7 Days to Die',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "7 Days to Die",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: '7 Days to Die',
- de: '7 Days to Die',
- gr: '7 Μέρες να Πεθάνεις',
+ en: "7 Days to Die",
+ de: "7 Days to Die",
+ gr: "7 Μέρες να Πεθάνεις",
- status: 'A Plague Tale: Innocence',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "A Plague Tale: Innocence",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'A Plague Tale',
- de: 'A Plague Tale',
- gr: 'Ιστορία Πανούκλας',
+ en: "A Plague Tale",
+ de: "A Plague Tale",
+ gr: "Ιστορία Πανούκλας",
- status: 'Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Age of Empires II',
- de: 'Age of Empires II',
- gr: 'Age of Empires II',
+ en: "Age of Empires II",
+ de: "Age of Empires II",
+ gr: "Age of Empires II",
- status: 'Age of Empires II: HD Edition',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Age of Empires II: HD Edition",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Age of Empires II',
- de: 'Age of Empires II',
- gr: 'Age of Empires II',
+ en: "Age of Empires II",
+ de: "Age of Empires II",
+ gr: "Age of Empires II",
- status: 'Age of Empires II (2013)',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Age of Empires II (2013)",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Age of Empires II',
- de: 'Age of Empires II',
- gr: 'Age of Empires II',
+ en: "Age of Empires II",
+ de: "Age of Empires II",
+ gr: "Age of Empires II",
- status: 'ARK: Survival Evolved',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "ARK: Survival Evolved",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'ARK',
- de: 'ARK',
- gr: 'ΑΡΚ',
+ en: "ARK",
+ de: "ARK",
+ gr: "ΑΡΚ",
- status: 'Arma 3',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Arma 3",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Arma 3',
- de: 'Arma 3',
- gr: 'Άρμα 3',
+ en: "Arma 3",
+ de: "Arma 3",
+ gr: "Άρμα 3",
- status: 'Assassin\'s Creed® Odyssey',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Assassin's Creed® Odyssey",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Assassin\'s Creed Odyssey',
- de: 'Assassin\'s Creed Odyssey',
- gr: 'Δολοφονικό Θρήσκευμα: Οδύσσεια',
+ en: "Assassin's Creed Odyssey",
+ de: "Assassin's Creed Odyssey",
+ gr: "Δολοφονικό Θρήσκευμα: Οδύσσεια",
- status: 'BATTLETECH',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "BATTLETECH",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- gr: 'Πολεμική Τεχνολογία',
+ gr: "Πολεμική Τεχνολογία",
- status: 'Beat Saber',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Beat Saber",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Beat Saber',
- de: 'Beat Saber',
- gr: 'Σέιπερ Νίκης',
+ en: "Beat Saber",
+ de: "Beat Saber",
+ gr: "Σέιπερ Νίκης",
- status: 'Black Desert Online',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Black Desert Online",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Black Desert',
- de: 'Black Desert',
- gr: 'Μαύρη Έρημος',
+ en: "Black Desert",
+ de: "Black Desert",
+ gr: "Μαύρη Έρημος",
- status: 'BONEWORKS',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "BONEWORKS",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'BONEWORKS',
- de: 'BONEWORKS',
+ en: "BONEWORKS",
+ de: "BONEWORKS",
- status: 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops II',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Call of Duty®: Black Ops II",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 2',
- de: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 2',
- gr: 'Κάλεσμα του Καθήκοντος: Μαύρος Χειριστής 2',
+ en: "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2",
+ de: "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2",
+ gr: "Κάλεσμα του Καθήκοντος: Μαύρος Χειριστής 2",
- status: 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops III',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Call of Duty®: Black Ops III",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3',
- de: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3',
- gr: 'Κάλεσμα του Καθήκοντος Μαύρος Χειριστής 3',
+ en: "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3",
+ de: "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3",
+ gr: "Κάλεσμα του Καθήκοντος Μαύρος Χειριστής 3",
- status: 'CODE VEIN',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "CODE VEIN",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'CODE VEIN',
- de: 'CODE VEIN',
+ en: "CODE VEIN",
+ de: "CODE VEIN",
- status: 'Conan Exiles',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Conan Exiles",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Conan Exile',
- de: 'Conan Exile',
- gr: 'Conan Εξορία',
+ en: "Conan Exile",
+ de: "Conan Exile",
+ gr: "Conan Εξορία",
- status: 'Counter-Strike: Global Offensive',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'CS:GO',
- de: 'CS:GO',
- gr: 'CS:GO',
+ en: "CS:GO",
+ de: "CS:GO",
+ gr: "CS:GO",
- status: 'DARK SOULS™ III',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "DARK SOULS™ III",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- gr: 'Μαύρες Ψυχές III',
+ gr: "Μαύρες Ψυχές III",
- status: 'DARK SOULS III',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "DARK SOULS III",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- gr: 'Μαύρες Ψυχές III',
+ gr: "Μαύρες Ψυχές III",
- status: 'DARK SOULS™ II',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "DARK SOULS™ II",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'DARK SOULS II',
- de: 'DARK SOULS II',
- gr: 'Μαύρες Ψυχές II',
+ en: "DARK SOULS II",
+ de: "DARK SOULS II",
+ gr: "Μαύρες Ψυχές II",
- status: 'DARK SOULS II',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "DARK SOULS II",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'DARK SOULS II',
- de: 'DARK SOULS II',
- gr: 'Μαύρες Ψυχές II',
+ en: "DARK SOULS II",
+ de: "DARK SOULS II",
+ gr: "Μαύρες Ψυχές II",
- status: 'DayZ',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "DayZ",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'DayZ',
- de: 'DayZ',
- gr: 'ΜέρεςΖ',
+ en: "DayZ",
+ de: "DayZ",
+ gr: "ΜέρεςΖ",
- status: 'Dead by Daylight',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Dead by Daylight",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Dead by Dayligh',
- de: 'Dead by Dayligh',
- gr: 'Νεκρός με το Ξημέρωμα',
+ en: "Dead by Dayligh",
+ de: "Dead by Dayligh",
+ gr: "Νεκρός με το Ξημέρωμα",
- status: 'Deep Rock Galactic',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Deep Rock Galactic",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Deep Rock Galactic',
- de: 'Deep Rock Galactic',
- gr: 'Βαθύς Γαλαξιακός Βράχος',
+ en: "Deep Rock Galactic",
+ de: "Deep Rock Galactic",
+ gr: "Βαθύς Γαλαξιακός Βράχος",
- status: 'Destiny 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Destiny 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Destiny 2',
- de: 'Destiny 2',
- gr: 'Πεπρωμένο 2 ',
+ en: "Destiny 2",
+ de: "Destiny 2",
+ gr: "Πεπρωμένο 2 ",
- status: 'Devil May Cry 5',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Devil May Cry 5",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Devil May Cry 5',
- de: 'Devil May Cry 5',
- gr: 'Διάβολος Μπορεί να Κλάψει 5',
+ en: "Devil May Cry 5",
+ de: "Devil May Cry 5",
+ gr: "Διάβολος Μπορεί να Κλάψει 5",
- status: 'Dishonored 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Dishonored 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Dishonored 2',
- de: 'Dishonored 2',
- gr: 'Ατιμωμένος 2',
+ en: "Dishonored 2",
+ de: "Dishonored 2",
+ gr: "Ατιμωμένος 2",
- status: 'DOOM',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "DOOM",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'DOOM',
- de: 'DOOM',
- gr: 'Καταδίκη',
+ en: "DOOM",
+ de: "DOOM",
+ gr: "Καταδίκη",
- status: 'DOOM Eternal',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "DOOM Eternal",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'DOOM Eternal',
- de: 'DOOM Eternal',
- gr: 'Αιώνια Καταδίκη',
+ en: "DOOM Eternal",
+ de: "DOOM Eternal",
+ gr: "Αιώνια Καταδίκη",
- status: 'Dota 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Dota 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Dota 2',
- de: 'Dota 2',
- gr: 'Ντότα 2 ',
+ en: "Dota 2",
+ de: "Dota 2",
+ gr: "Ντότα 2 ",
- status: 'DRAGON BALL FighterZ',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "DRAGON BALL FighterZ",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'DRAGON BALL FighterZ',
- de: 'DRAGON BALL FighterZ',
- gr: 'Δρακόν Μπάλα ΠολεμιστήςΖ',
+ en: "DRAGON BALL FighterZ",
+ de: "DRAGON BALL FighterZ",
+ gr: "Δρακόν Μπάλα ΠολεμιστήςΖ",
- status: 'Dying Light',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Dying Light",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Dying Light',
- de: 'Dying Light',
- gr: 'Φως θανάτου',
+ en: "Dying Light",
+ de: "Dying Light",
+ gr: "Φως θανάτου",
- status: 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Skyrim V',
- de: 'Skyrim V',
- gr: 'Σκάιριμ V',
+ en: "Skyrim V",
+ de: "Skyrim V",
+ gr: "Σκάιριμ V",
- status: 'The Elder Scrolls® Online',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "The Elder Scrolls® Online",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Elder Scrolls Online',
- de: 'Elder Scrolls Online',
- gr: 'Γεροντικοί Κύλινδροι στο διαδίκτυο',
+ en: "Elder Scrolls Online",
+ de: "Elder Scrolls Online",
+ gr: "Γεροντικοί Κύλινδροι στο διαδίκτυο",
- status: 'Fallout 4',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Fallout 4",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Fallout 4',
- de: 'Fallout 4',
- gr: 'Επιπτώσεις 4',
+ en: "Fallout 4",
+ de: "Fallout 4",
+ gr: "Επιπτώσεις 4",
- status: 'Far Cry® 5',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Far Cry® 5",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Far Cry 5',
- de: 'Far Cry 5',
- gr: 'Πολύ Μακρυά 5',
+ en: "Far Cry 5",
+ de: "Far Cry 5",
+ gr: "Πολύ Μακρυά 5",
- status: 'FINAL FANTASY XIV Online',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "FINAL FANTASY XIV Online",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- gr: 'Τελική Φαντασία',
+ gr: "Τελική Φαντασία",
- status: 'The Forest',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "The Forest",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'The Forest',
- de: 'The Forest',
- gr: 'Το Δάσος',
+ en: "The Forest",
+ de: "The Forest",
+ gr: "Το Δάσος",
- status: 'Garry\'s Mod',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Garry's Mod",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Garry\'s Mod',
- de: 'Garry\'s Mod',
- gr: 'Η Μόντα του Γκάρι',
+ en: "Garry's Mod",
+ de: "Garry's Mod",
+ gr: "Η Μόντα του Γκάρι",
- status: 'Grand Theft Auto V',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Grand Theft Auto V",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Grand Theft Auto 5',
- de: 'Grand Theft Auto 5',
- gr: 'Μεγάλη Κλοπή Αυτοκινήτων 5',
+ en: "Grand Theft Auto 5",
+ de: "Grand Theft Auto 5",
+ gr: "Μεγάλη Κλοπή Αυτοκινήτων 5",
- status: 'GreedFall',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "GreedFall",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'GreedFall',
- de: 'GreedFall',
- gr: 'Πτώση Απληστίας',
+ en: "GreedFall",
+ de: "GreedFall",
+ gr: "Πτώση Απληστίας",
- status: 'Grim Dawn',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Grim Dawn",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Grim Daw',
- de: 'Grim Daw',
- gr: 'Απαίσια Αυγή',
+ en: "Grim Daw",
+ de: "Grim Daw",
+ gr: "Απαίσια Αυγή",
- status: 'GTFO',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "GTFO",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Get The Fuck Out',
- de: 'Get The Fuck Out',
- gr: 'ΒΓΑΕ',
+ en: "Get The Fuck Out",
+ de: "Get The Fuck Out",
+ gr: "ΒΓΑΕ",
- status: 'Hades',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Hades",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Hade',
- de: 'Hade',
- gr: 'Άδης',
+ en: "Hade",
+ de: "Hade",
+ gr: "Άδης",
- status: 'Rocket League',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Rocket League",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Rocket League',
- de: 'Rocket League',
- gr: 'Rocket League',
+ en: "Rocket League",
+ de: "Rocket League",
+ gr: "Rocket League",
- status: 'Rocket League®',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Rocket League®",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Rocket League',
- de: 'Rocket League',
- gr: 'Rocket League',
+ en: "Rocket League",
+ de: "Rocket League",
+ gr: "Rocket League",
- status: 'Halo: The Master Chief Collection',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Halo: The Master Chief Collection",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Halo: Master Chief',
- de: 'Halo: Master Chief',
- gr: 'Halo: Master Chief',
+ en: "Halo: Master Chief",
+ de: "Halo: Master Chief",
+ gr: "Halo: Master Chief",
- status: 'Half-Life',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Half-Life",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Half Life',
- de: 'Half Life',
- gr: 'Μισή Ζωή',
+ en: "Half Life",
+ de: "Half Life",
+ gr: "Μισή Ζωή",
- status: 'Half-Life 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Half-Life 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Half Life 2',
- de: 'Half Life 2',
- gr: 'Μισή Ζωή 2',
+ en: "Half Life 2",
+ de: "Half Life 2",
+ gr: "Μισή Ζωή 2",
- status: 'Half-Life 2: Episode One',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Half-Life 2: Episode One",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Half Life 2: Episode On',
- de: 'Half Life 2: Episode On',
- gr: 'Μισή Ζωή 2: Επεισόδιο Ένα',
+ en: "Half Life 2: Episode On",
+ de: "Half Life 2: Episode On",
+ gr: "Μισή Ζωή 2: Επεισόδιο Ένα",
- status: 'Half-Life 2: Episode Two',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Half-Life 2: Episode Two",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Half Life 2: Episode Two',
- de: 'Half Life 2: Episode Two',
- gr: 'Μισή Ζωή 2: Επεισόδιο Δύο',
+ en: "Half Life 2: Episode Two",
+ de: "Half Life 2: Episode Two",
+ gr: "Μισή Ζωή 2: Επεισόδιο Δύο",
- status: 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Half Life 2: Lost Coast',
- de: 'Half Life 2: Lost Coast',
- gr: 'Μισή Ζωή 2: Χαμένη Ακτή',
+ en: "Half Life 2: Lost Coast",
+ de: "Half Life 2: Lost Coast",
+ gr: "Μισή Ζωή 2: Χαμένη Ακτή",
- status: 'Half-Life: Blue Shift',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Half-Life: Blue Shift",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Half Life: Blue Shif',
- de: 'Half Life: Blue Shif',
- gr: 'Μισή Ζωή: Μπλε Μετατόπιση',
+ en: "Half Life: Blue Shif",
+ de: "Half Life: Blue Shif",
+ gr: "Μισή Ζωή: Μπλε Μετατόπιση",
- status: 'Half-Life: Opposing Force',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Half-Life: Opposing Force",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Half Life: Opposing Force',
- de: 'Half Life: Opposing Force',
- gr: 'Μισή Ζωή: Αντίθετη Δύναμη',
+ en: "Half Life: Opposing Force",
+ de: "Half Life: Opposing Force",
+ gr: "Μισή Ζωή: Αντίθετη Δύναμη",
- status: 'HITMAN™ 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "HITMAN™ 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'HITMAN 2',
- de: 'HITMAN 2',
- gr: 'Πληρωμένος Δολοφόνος',
+ en: "HITMAN 2",
+ de: "HITMAN 2",
+ gr: "Πληρωμένος Δολοφόνος",
- status: 'Hollow Knight',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Hollow Knight",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Hollow Knigh',
- de: 'Hollow Knigh',
- gr: 'Κούφιος Ιππότης',
+ en: "Hollow Knigh",
+ de: "Hollow Knigh",
+ gr: "Κούφιος Ιππότης",
- status: 'Hunt: Showdown',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Hunt: Showdown",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Hunt: Showdown',
- de: 'Hunt: Showdown',
- gr: 'Κυνήγι: Αναμέτρηση',
+ en: "Hunt: Showdown",
+ de: "Hunt: Showdown",
+ gr: "Κυνήγι: Αναμέτρηση",
- status: 'theHunter: Call of the Wild™',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "theHunter: Call of the Wild™",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'theHunter: Call of the Wild',
- de: 'theHunter: Call of the Wild',
- gr: 'ΟΚυνηγός: Κάλεσμα της Φύσης',
+ en: "theHunter: Call of the Wild",
+ de: "theHunter: Call of the Wild",
+ gr: "ΟΚυνηγός: Κάλεσμα της Φύσης",
- status: 'Insurgency: Sandstorm',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Insurgency: Sandstorm",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Insurgency: Sandstorm',
- de: 'Insurgency: Sandstorm',
- gr: 'Εξέγερση: Αμμοθύελλα',
+ en: "Insurgency: Sandstorm",
+ de: "Insurgency: Sandstorm",
+ gr: "Εξέγερση: Αμμοθύελλα",
- status: 'World of Tanks',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "World of Tanks",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'World of Tanks',
- de: 'World of Tanks',
- gr: 'Κόσμος των Τάνκ',
+ en: "World of Tanks",
+ de: "World of Tanks",
+ gr: "Κόσμος των Τάνκ",
- status: 'Jurassic World Evolution',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Jurassic World Evolution",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Jurassic World Evolution',
- de: 'Jurassic World Evolution',
- gr: 'Ιουρασικός Κόσμος Εξέλιξη',
+ en: "Jurassic World Evolution",
+ de: "Jurassic World Evolution",
+ gr: "Ιουρασικός Κόσμος Εξέλιξη",
- status: 'Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Middle Earth: Shadow of War',
- de: 'Middle Earth: Shadow of War',
- gr: 'Μέση Γη: Σκιά του Πολέμου',
+ en: "Middle Earth: Shadow of War",
+ de: "Middle Earth: Shadow of War",
+ gr: "Μέση Γη: Σκιά του Πολέμου",
- type: 'game',
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- status: 'MORDHAU',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "MORDHAU",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'MORDHAU',
- de: 'MORDHAU',
- gr: 'MORDHAU',
+ en: "MORDHAU",
+ de: "MORDHAU",
+ gr: "MORDHAU",
- status: 'Wargame: Red Dragon',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Wargame: Red Dragon",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Wargame',
- de: 'Wargame',
- gr: 'Πολεμοπαίχνιδο',
+ en: "Wargame",
+ de: "Wargame",
+ gr: "Πολεμοπαίχνιδο",
- status: 'Path of Exile',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Path of Exile",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Path of Exile',
- de: 'Path of Exile',
- gr: 'Μονοπάτι της Εξορίας',
+ en: "Path of Exile",
+ de: "Path of Exile",
+ gr: "Μονοπάτι της Εξορίας",
- status: 'PAYDAY 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "PAYDAY 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'PAYDAY 2',
- de: 'PAYDAY 2',
+ en: "PAYDAY 2",
+ de: "PAYDAY 2",
- type: 'game',
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'PUBG',
- de: 'PUBG',
- gr: 'PUBG',
+ en: "PUBG",
+ de: "PUBG",
+ gr: "PUBG",
- status: 'Portal',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Portal",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Portal',
- de: 'Portal',
- gr: 'Πύλη',
+ en: "Portal",
+ de: "Portal",
+ gr: "Πύλη",
- status: 'Portal 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Portal 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Portal 2',
- de: 'Portal 2',
- gr: 'Πύλη 2',
+ en: "Portal 2",
+ de: "Portal 2",
+ gr: "Πύλη 2",
- status: 'Pummel Party',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Pummel Party",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Pummel Party',
- de: 'Pummel Party',
- gr: 'Pummel Party',
+ en: "Pummel Party",
+ de: "Pummel Party",
+ gr: "Pummel Party",
- status: 'Red Dead Redemption 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Red Dead Redemption 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Red Dead Redemption 2',
- de: 'Red Dead Redemption 2',
- gr: 'Κόκκινο Νεκρή Εξαργύρωση 2',
+ en: "Red Dead Redemption 2",
+ de: "Red Dead Redemption 2",
+ gr: "Κόκκινο Νεκρή Εξαργύρωση 2",
- status: 'Remnant: From the Ashes',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Remnant: From the Ashes",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Remnant: From the Ashes',
- de: 'Remnant: From the Ashes',
- gr: 'Υπόλοιπο: Από τις Στάχτες',
+ en: "Remnant: From the Ashes",
+ de: "Remnant: From the Ashes",
+ gr: "Υπόλοιπο: Από τις Στάχτες",
- status: 'RESIDENT EVIL 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "RESIDENT EVIL 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'RESIDENT EVIL 2',
- de: 'RESIDENT EVIL 2',
+ en: "RESIDENT EVIL 2",
+ de: "RESIDENT EVIL 2",
- status: 'Risk of Rain 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Risk of Rain 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Risk of Rain 2',
- de: 'Risk of Rain 2',
- gr: 'Κίνδυνος βροχής 2',
+ en: "Risk of Rain 2",
+ de: "Risk of Rain 2",
+ gr: "Κίνδυνος βροχής 2",
- status: 'Rust',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Rust",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Rust',
- de: 'Rust',
- gr: 'Σκουριά',
+ en: "Rust",
+ de: "Rust",
+ gr: "Σκουριά",
- status: 'Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Sekiro: Shadows Die Twic',
- de: 'Sekiro: Shadows Die Twic',
- gr: 'Σεκίρο: Οι σκιές πεθαίνουν δύο φορές',
+ en: "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twic",
+ de: "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twic",
+ gr: "Σεκίρο: Οι σκιές πεθαίνουν δύο φορές",
- status: 'Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Shadow of the Tomb Raider',
- de: 'Shadow of the Tomb Raider',
- gr: 'Shadow of the Tomb Raider',
+ en: "Shadow of the Tomb Raider",
+ de: "Shadow of the Tomb Raider",
+ gr: "Shadow of the Tomb Raider",
- status: 'SMITE®',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "SMITE®",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'SMITΕ',
- de: 'SMITΕ',
- gr: 'SMITΕ',
+ en: "SMITΕ",
+ de: "SMITΕ",
+ gr: "SMITΕ",
- status: 'STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'STAR WARS: Fallen Order',
- de: 'STAR WARS: Fallen Order',
- gr: 'STAR WARS: Fallen Order',
+ en: "STAR WARS: Fallen Order",
+ de: "STAR WARS: Fallen Order",
+ gr: "STAR WARS: Fallen Order",
- status: 'Team Fortress 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Team Fortress 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Team Fortress 2',
- de: 'Team Fortress 2',
- gr: 'Ομαδικό Φρούριο 2',
+ en: "Team Fortress 2",
+ de: "Team Fortress 2",
+ gr: "Ομαδικό Φρούριο 2",
- status: 'TEKKEN 7',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "TEKKEN 7",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'TEKKEN 7',
- de: 'TEKKEN 7',
- gr: 'TEKKEN 7',
+ en: "TEKKEN 7",
+ de: "TEKKEN 7",
+ gr: "TEKKEN 7",
- status: 'Terraria',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Terraria",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Terraria',
- de: 'Terraria',
- gr: 'Terraria',
+ en: "Terraria",
+ de: "Terraria",
+ gr: "Terraria",
- status: 'Tom Clancy\'s Rainbow Six® Siege',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Rainbow Six Siege',
- de: 'Rainbow Six Siege',
- gr: 'ΟυράνιοΤόξο Έξι Πολιορκία',
+ en: "Rainbow Six Siege",
+ de: "Rainbow Six Siege",
+ gr: "ΟυράνιοΤόξο Έξι Πολιορκία",
- status: 'Total War: THREE KINGDOMS',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Total War: THREE KINGDOMS",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Total War: THREE KINGDOM',
- de: 'Total War: THREE KINGDOM',
- gr: 'Απόλυτος πόλεμος: ΤΡΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ',
+ en: "Total War: THREE KINGDOM",
+ de: "Total War: THREE KINGDOM",
+ gr: "Απόλυτος πόλεμος: ΤΡΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ",
- status: 'Total War: WARHAMMER',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Total War: WARHAMMER",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Total War: WARHAMMER',
- de: 'Total War: WARHAMMER',
- gr: 'Απόλυτος πόλεμος: ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣΦΥΡΙ',
+ en: "Total War: WARHAMMER",
+ de: "Total War: WARHAMMER",
+ gr: "Απόλυτος πόλεμος: ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣΦΥΡΙ",
- status: 'Total War: WARHAMMER II',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Total War: WARHAMMER II",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Total War: WARHAMMER II',
- de: 'Total War: WARHAMMER II',
- gr: 'Απόλυτος πόλεμος: ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣΦΥΡΙ 2',
+ en: "Total War: WARHAMMER II",
+ de: "Total War: WARHAMMER II",
+ gr: "Απόλυτος πόλεμος: ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣΦΥΡΙ 2",
- status: 'Totally Accurate Battle Simulator',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Totally Accurate Battle Simulator",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Totally Accurate Battle Simulator',
- de: 'Totally Accurate Battle Simulator',
- gr: 'Πλήρως Ακριβής Προσομοιωτής Μάχης',
+ en: "Totally Accurate Battle Simulator",
+ de: "Totally Accurate Battle Simulator",
+ gr: "Πλήρως Ακριβής Προσομοιωτής Μάχης",
- status: 'Warframe',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Warframe",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Warframe',
- de: 'Warframe',
- gr: 'Πολεμικό Πλαίσιο',
+ en: "Warframe",
+ de: "Warframe",
+ gr: "Πολεμικό Πλαίσιο",
- status: 'Warhammer: Vermintide 2',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "Warhammer: Vermintide 2",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Warhammer: Vermintide 2',
- de: 'Warhammer: Vermintide 2',
- gr: 'Πολεμοσφύρι: Βερμιντίδη 2',
+ en: "Warhammer: Vermintide 2",
+ de: "Warhammer: Vermintide 2",
+ gr: "Πολεμοσφύρι: Βερμιντίδη 2",
- status: 'War Thunder',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "War Thunder",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'War Thunder',
- de: 'War Thunder',
- gr: 'Κεραυνός του πολέμου',
+ en: "War Thunder",
+ de: "War Thunder",
+ gr: "Κεραυνός του πολέμου",
- status: 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Witcher 3',
- de: 'Witcher 3',
- gr: 'Γητευτής 3',
+ en: "Witcher 3",
+ de: "Witcher 3",
+ gr: "Γητευτής 3",
- status: 'The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Witcher 3',
- de: 'Witcher 3',
- gr: 'Γητευτής 3',
+ en: "Witcher 3",
+ de: "Witcher 3",
+ gr: "Γητευτής 3",
- status: 'The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Witcher 2',
- de: 'Witcher 2',
- gr: 'Γητευτής 2',
+ en: "Witcher 2",
+ de: "Witcher 2",
+ gr: "Γητευτής 2",
- status: 'The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings',
- type: 'game',
+ status: "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings",
+ type: "game",
locale: {
- en: 'Witcher 2',
- de: 'Witcher 2',
- gr: 'Γητευτής 2',
+ en: "Witcher 2",
+ de: "Witcher 2",
+ gr: "Γητευτής 2",
diff --git a/src/assets/lists/profaneWords.static.ts b/src/assets/lists/profaneWords.static.ts
index c2f7b951..18de9821 100644
--- a/src/assets/lists/profaneWords.static.ts
+++ b/src/assets/lists/profaneWords.static.ts
@@ -1,499 +1,499 @@
export const ProfaneWords = {
gr: [
- 'γαμώ',
- 'γαμω',
- 'γαμημένε',
- 'γαμημενε',
- 'μουνό',
- 'μουνο',
- 'μουνί',
- 'μουνι',
- 'μαλάκα',
- 'μαλακα',
- 'πούτσα',
- 'πουτσα',
- 'πουτάνα',
- 'πουτανα',
- 'πούτσο',
- 'πουτσο',
- 'πούτσος',
- 'πουτσος',
- 'πούστρα',
- 'πουστρα',
- 'παπάρι',
- 'παπαρι',
- 'πίπα',
- 'πιπα',
- 'γλυφομούνι',
- 'γλυφομουνι',
- 'αδερφάρα',
- 'αδερφαρα',
- 'γαμόμανο',
- 'γαμομανο',
- 'γαμημένε',
- 'γαμημενε',
- 'γαμιώλη',
- 'γαμιωλη',
- 'γαμιώλης',
- 'γαμιωλης',
- 'μαλακοπίτουρο',
- 'μαλακοπιτουρο',
- 'βούλωσε το',
- 'βουλωσε το',
- 'καργιόλης',
- 'καργιολης',
- 'καργιόλα',
- 'καργιολα',
- 'γρόθο',
- 'γροθο',
+ "γαμώ",
+ "γαμω",
+ "γαμημένε",
+ "γαμημενε",
+ "μουνό",
+ "μουνο",
+ "μουνί",
+ "μουνι",
+ "μαλάκα",
+ "μαλακα",
+ "πούτσα",
+ "πουτσα",
+ "πουτάνα",
+ "πουτανα",
+ "πούτσο",
+ "πουτσο",
+ "πούτσος",
+ "πουτσος",
+ "πούστρα",
+ "πουστρα",
+ "παπάρι",
+ "παπαρι",
+ "πίπα",
+ "πιπα",
+ "γλυφομούνι",
+ "γλυφομουνι",
+ "αδερφάρα",
+ "αδερφαρα",
+ "γαμόμανο",
+ "γαμομανο",
+ "γαμημένε",
+ "γαμημενε",
+ "γαμιώλη",
+ "γαμιωλη",
+ "γαμιώλης",
+ "γαμιωλης",
+ "μαλακοπίτουρο",
+ "μαλακοπιτουρο",
+ "βούλωσε το",
+ "βουλωσε το",
+ "καργιόλης",
+ "καργιολης",
+ "καργιόλα",
+ "καργιολα",
+ "γρόθο",
+ "γροθο",
de: [],
en: [
- 'ahole',
- 'anus',
- 'ash0le',
- 'ash0les',
- 'asholes',
- 'ass',
- 'Ass Monkey',
- 'Assface',
- 'assh0le',
- 'assh0lez',
- 'asshole',
- 'assholes',
- 'assholz',
- 'asswipe',
- 'azzhole',
- 'bassterds',
- 'bastard',
- 'bastards',
- 'bastardz',
- 'basterds',
- 'basterdz',
- 'Biatch',
- 'bitch',
- 'bitches',
- 'Blow Job',
- 'boffing',
- 'butthole',
- 'buttwipe',
- 'c0ck',
- 'c0cks',
- 'c0k',
- 'Carpet Muncher',
- 'cawk',
- 'cawks',
- 'Clit',
- 'cnts',
- 'cntz',
- 'cock',
- 'cockhead',
- 'cock-head',
- 'cocks',
- 'CockSucker',
- 'cock-sucker',
- 'crap',
- 'cum',
- 'cunt',
- 'cunts',
- 'cuntz',
- 'dick',
- 'dild0',
- 'dild0s',
- 'dildo',
- 'dildos',
- 'dilld0',
- 'dilld0s',
- 'dominatricks',
- 'dominatrics',
- 'dominatrix',
- 'dyke',
- 'enema',
- 'f u c k',
- 'f u c k e r',
- 'fag',
- 'fag1t',
- 'faget',
- 'fagg1t',
- 'faggit',
- 'faggot',
- 'fagg0t',
- 'fagit',
- 'fags',
- 'fagz',
- 'faig',
- 'faigs',
- 'fart',
- 'flipping the bird',
- 'fuck',
- 'fucker',
- 'fuckin',
- 'fucking',
- 'fucks',
- 'Fudge Packer',
- 'fuk',
- 'Fukah',
- 'Fuken',
- 'fuker',
- 'Fukin',
- 'Fukk',
- 'Fukkah',
- 'Fukken',
- 'Fukker',
- 'Fukkin',
- 'g00k',
- 'God-damned',
- 'h00r',
- 'h0ar',
- 'h0re',
- 'hells',
- 'hoar',
- 'hoor',
- 'hoore',
- 'jackoff',
- 'jap',
- 'japs',
- 'jerk-off',
- 'jisim',
- 'jiss',
- 'jizm',
- 'jizz',
- 'knob',
- 'knobs',
- 'knobz',
- 'kunt',
- 'kunts',
- 'kuntz',
- 'Lezzian',
- 'Lipshits',
- 'Lipshitz',
- 'masochist',
- 'masokist',
- 'massterbait',
- 'masstrbait',
- 'masstrbate',
- 'masterbaiter',
- 'masterbate',
- 'masterbates',
- 'Motha Fucker',
- 'Motha Fuker',
- 'Motha Fukkah',
- 'Motha Fukker',
- 'Mother Fucker',
- 'Mother Fukah',
- 'Mother Fuker',
- 'Mother Fukkah',
- 'Mother Fukker',
- 'mother-fucker',
- 'Mutha Fucker',
- 'Mutha Fukah',
- 'Mutha Fuker',
- 'Mutha Fukkah',
- 'Mutha Fukker',
- 'n1gr',
- 'nastt',
- 'nigger;',
- 'nigur;',
- 'niiger;',
- 'niigr;',
- 'orafis',
- 'orgasim;',
- 'orgasm',
- 'orgasum',
- 'oriface',
- 'orifice',
- 'orifiss',
- 'packi',
- 'packie',
- 'packy',
- 'paki',
- 'pakie',
- 'paky',
- 'pecker',
- 'peeenus',
- 'peeenusss',
- 'peenus',
- 'peinus',
- 'pen1s',
- 'penas',
- 'penis',
- 'penis-breath',
- 'penus',
- 'penuus',
- 'Phuc',
- 'Phuck',
- 'Phuk',
- 'Phuker',
- 'Phukker',
- 'polac',
- 'polack',
- 'polak',
- 'Poonani',
- 'pr1c',
- 'pr1ck',
- 'pr1k',
- 'pusse',
- 'pussee',
- 'pussy',
- 'puuke',
- 'puuker',
- 'qweir',
- 'recktum',
- 'rectum',
- 'retard',
- 'sadist',
- 'scank',
- 'schlong',
- 'screwing',
- 'semen',
- 'sex',
- 'sexy',
- 'Sh!t',
- 'sh1t',
- 'sh1ter',
- 'sh1ts',
- 'sh1tter',
- 'sh1tz',
- 'shit',
- 'shits',
- 'shitter',
- 'Shitty',
- 'Shity',
- 'shitz',
- 'Shyt',
- 'Shyte',
- 'Shytty',
- 'Shyty',
- 'skanck',
- 'skank',
- 'skankee',
- 'skankey',
- 'skanks',
- 'Skanky',
- 'slag',
- 'slut',
- 'sluts',
- 'Slutty',
- 'slutz',
- 'son-of-a-bitch',
- 'tit',
- 'turd',
- 'va1jina',
- 'vag1na',
- 'vagiina',
- 'vagina',
- 'vaj1na',
- 'vajina',
- 'vullva',
- 'vulva',
- 'w0p',
- 'wh00r',
- 'wh0re',
- 'whore',
- 'xrated',
- 'xxx',
- 'b!+ch',
- 'bitch',
- 'blowjob',
- 'clit',
- 'arschloch',
- 'fuck',
- 'shit',
- 'ass',
- 'asshole',
- 'b!tch',
- 'b17ch',
- 'b1tch',
- 'bastard',
- 'bi+ch',
- 'boiolas',
- 'buceta',
- 'c0ck',
- 'cawk',
- 'chink',
- 'cipa',
- 'clits',
- 'cock',
- 'cum',
- 'cunt',
- 'dildo',
- 'dirsa',
- 'ejakulate',
- 'fatass',
- 'fcuk',
- 'fuk',
- 'fux0r',
- 'hoer',
- 'hore',
- 'jism',
- 'kawk',
- 'l3itch',
- 'l3i+ch',
- 'masturbate',
- 'masterbat',
- 'masterbat3',
- 'motherfucker',
- 's.o.b.',
- 'mofo',
- 'nazi',
- 'nigga',
- 'nigger',
- 'nutsack',
- 'phuck',
- 'pimpis',
- 'pusse',
- 'pussy',
- 'scrotum',
- 'sh!t',
- 'shemale',
- 'shi+',
- 'sh!+',
- 'slut',
- 'smut',
- 'teets',
- 'tits',
- 'boobs',
- 'b00bs',
- 'teez',
- 'testical',
- 'testicle',
- 'titt',
- 'w00se',
- 'jackoff',
- 'wank',
- 'whoar',
- 'whore',
- 'damn',
- 'dyke',
- 'fuck',
- 'shit',
- '@$$',
- 'amcik',
- 'andskota',
- 'arse',
- 'assrammer',
- 'ayir',
- 'bi7ch',
- 'bitch',
- 'bollock',
- 'breasts',
- 'butt-pirate',
- 'cabron',
- 'cazzo',
- 'chraa',
- 'chuj',
- 'Cock',
- 'cunt',
- 'd4mn',
- 'daygo',
- 'dego',
- 'dick',
- 'dike',
- 'dupa',
- 'dziwka',
- 'ejackulate',
- 'Ekrem',
- 'Ekto',
- 'enculer',
- 'faen',
- 'fag',
- 'fanculo',
- 'fanny',
- 'feces',
- 'feg',
- 'Felcher',
- 'ficken',
- 'fitt',
- 'Flikker',
- 'foreskin',
- 'Fotze',
- 'Fu',
- 'fuk',
- 'futkretzn',
- 'gook',
- 'guiena',
- 'h0r',
- 'h4x0r',
- 'helvete',
- 'hoer',
- 'honkey',
- 'Huevon',
- 'hui',
- 'injun',
- 'jizz',
- 'kanker',
- 'kike',
- 'klootzak',
- 'kraut',
- 'knulle',
- 'kuk',
- 'kuksuger',
- 'Kurac',
- 'kurwa',
- 'kusi',
- 'kyrpa',
- 'lesbo',
- 'mamhoon',
- 'masturbat',
- 'merd',
- 'mibun',
- 'monkleigh',
- 'mouliewop',
- 'muie',
- 'mulkku',
- 'muschi',
- 'nazis',
- 'nepesaurio',
- 'nigger',
- 'orospu',
- 'paska',
- 'perse',
- 'picka',
- 'pierdol',
- 'pillu',
- 'pimmel',
- 'piss',
- 'pizda',
- 'poontsee',
- 'poop',
- 'porn',
- 'p0rn',
- 'pr0n',
- 'preteen',
- 'pula',
- 'pule',
- 'puta',
- 'puto',
- 'qahbeh',
- 'queef',
- 'rautenberg',
- 'schaffer',
- 'scheiss',
- 'schlampe',
- 'schmuck',
- 'screw',
- 'sh!t',
- 'sharmuta',
- 'sharmute',
- 'shipal',
- 'shiz',
- 'skribz',
- 'skurwysyn',
- 'sphencter',
- 'spic',
- 'spierdalaj',
- 'splooge',
- 'suka',
- 'b00b',
- 'testicle',
- 'titt',
- 'twat',
- 'vittu',
- 'wank',
- 'wetback',
- 'wichser',
- 'wop',
- 'yed',
- 'zabourah',
+ "ahole",
+ "anus",
+ "ash0le",
+ "ash0les",
+ "asholes",
+ "ass",
+ "Ass Monkey",
+ "Assface",
+ "assh0le",
+ "assh0lez",
+ "asshole",
+ "assholes",
+ "assholz",
+ "asswipe",
+ "azzhole",
+ "bassterds",
+ "bastard",
+ "bastards",
+ "bastardz",
+ "basterds",
+ "basterdz",
+ "Biatch",
+ "bitch",
+ "bitches",
+ "Blow Job",
+ "boffing",
+ "butthole",
+ "buttwipe",
+ "c0ck",
+ "c0cks",
+ "c0k",
+ "Carpet Muncher",
+ "cawk",
+ "cawks",
+ "Clit",
+ "cnts",
+ "cntz",
+ "cock",
+ "cockhead",
+ "cock-head",
+ "cocks",
+ "CockSucker",
+ "cock-sucker",
+ "crap",
+ "cum",
+ "cunt",
+ "cunts",
+ "cuntz",
+ "dick",
+ "dild0",
+ "dild0s",
+ "dildo",
+ "dildos",
+ "dilld0",
+ "dilld0s",
+ "dominatricks",
+ "dominatrics",
+ "dominatrix",
+ "dyke",
+ "enema",
+ "f u c k",
+ "f u c k e r",
+ "fag",
+ "fag1t",
+ "faget",
+ "fagg1t",
+ "faggit",
+ "faggot",
+ "fagg0t",
+ "fagit",
+ "fags",
+ "fagz",
+ "faig",
+ "faigs",
+ "fart",
+ "flipping the bird",
+ "fuck",
+ "fucker",
+ "fuckin",
+ "fucking",
+ "fucks",
+ "Fudge Packer",
+ "fuk",
+ "Fukah",
+ "Fuken",
+ "fuker",
+ "Fukin",
+ "Fukk",
+ "Fukkah",
+ "Fukken",
+ "Fukker",
+ "Fukkin",
+ "g00k",
+ "God-damned",
+ "h00r",
+ "h0ar",
+ "h0re",
+ "hells",
+ "hoar",
+ "hoor",
+ "hoore",
+ "jackoff",
+ "jap",
+ "japs",
+ "jerk-off",
+ "jisim",
+ "jiss",
+ "jizm",
+ "jizz",
+ "knob",
+ "knobs",
+ "knobz",
+ "kunt",
+ "kunts",
+ "kuntz",
+ "Lezzian",
+ "Lipshits",
+ "Lipshitz",
+ "masochist",
+ "masokist",
+ "massterbait",
+ "masstrbait",
+ "masstrbate",
+ "masterbaiter",
+ "masterbate",
+ "masterbates",
+ "Motha Fucker",
+ "Motha Fuker",
+ "Motha Fukkah",
+ "Motha Fukker",
+ "Mother Fucker",
+ "Mother Fukah",
+ "Mother Fuker",
+ "Mother Fukkah",
+ "Mother Fukker",
+ "mother-fucker",
+ "Mutha Fucker",
+ "Mutha Fukah",
+ "Mutha Fuker",
+ "Mutha Fukkah",
+ "Mutha Fukker",
+ "n1gr",
+ "nastt",
+ "nigger;",
+ "nigur;",
+ "niiger;",
+ "niigr;",
+ "orafis",
+ "orgasim;",
+ "orgasm",
+ "orgasum",
+ "oriface",
+ "orifice",
+ "orifiss",
+ "packi",
+ "packie",
+ "packy",
+ "paki",
+ "pakie",
+ "paky",
+ "pecker",
+ "peeenus",
+ "peeenusss",
+ "peenus",
+ "peinus",
+ "pen1s",
+ "penas",
+ "penis",
+ "penis-breath",
+ "penus",
+ "penuus",
+ "Phuc",
+ "Phuck",
+ "Phuk",
+ "Phuker",
+ "Phukker",
+ "polac",
+ "polack",
+ "polak",
+ "Poonani",
+ "pr1c",
+ "pr1ck",
+ "pr1k",
+ "pusse",
+ "pussee",
+ "pussy",
+ "puuke",
+ "puuker",
+ "qweir",
+ "recktum",
+ "rectum",
+ "retard",
+ "sadist",
+ "scank",
+ "schlong",
+ "screwing",
+ "semen",
+ "sex",
+ "sexy",
+ "Sh!t",
+ "sh1t",
+ "sh1ter",
+ "sh1ts",
+ "sh1tter",
+ "sh1tz",
+ "shit",
+ "shits",
+ "shitter",
+ "Shitty",
+ "Shity",
+ "shitz",
+ "Shyt",
+ "Shyte",
+ "Shytty",
+ "Shyty",
+ "skanck",
+ "skank",
+ "skankee",
+ "skankey",
+ "skanks",
+ "Skanky",
+ "slag",
+ "slut",
+ "sluts",
+ "Slutty",
+ "slutz",
+ "son-of-a-bitch",
+ "tit",
+ "turd",
+ "va1jina",
+ "vag1na",
+ "vagiina",
+ "vagina",
+ "vaj1na",
+ "vajina",
+ "vullva",
+ "vulva",
+ "w0p",
+ "wh00r",
+ "wh0re",
+ "whore",
+ "xrated",
+ "xxx",
+ "b!+ch",
+ "bitch",
+ "blowjob",
+ "clit",
+ "arschloch",
+ "fuck",
+ "shit",
+ "ass",
+ "asshole",
+ "b!tch",
+ "b17ch",
+ "b1tch",
+ "bastard",
+ "bi+ch",
+ "boiolas",
+ "buceta",
+ "c0ck",
+ "cawk",
+ "chink",
+ "cipa",
+ "clits",
+ "cock",
+ "cum",
+ "cunt",
+ "dildo",
+ "dirsa",
+ "ejakulate",
+ "fatass",
+ "fcuk",
+ "fuk",
+ "fux0r",
+ "hoer",
+ "hore",
+ "jism",
+ "kawk",
+ "l3itch",
+ "l3i+ch",
+ "masturbate",
+ "masterbat",
+ "masterbat3",
+ "motherfucker",
+ "s.o.b.",
+ "mofo",
+ "nazi",
+ "nigga",
+ "nigger",
+ "nutsack",
+ "phuck",
+ "pimpis",
+ "pusse",
+ "pussy",
+ "scrotum",
+ "sh!t",
+ "shemale",
+ "shi+",
+ "sh!+",
+ "slut",
+ "smut",
+ "teets",
+ "tits",
+ "boobs",
+ "b00bs",
+ "teez",
+ "testical",
+ "testicle",
+ "titt",
+ "w00se",
+ "jackoff",
+ "wank",
+ "whoar",
+ "whore",
+ "damn",
+ "dyke",
+ "fuck",
+ "shit",
+ "@$$",
+ "amcik",
+ "andskota",
+ "arse",
+ "assrammer",
+ "ayir",
+ "bi7ch",
+ "bitch",
+ "bollock",
+ "breasts",
+ "butt-pirate",
+ "cabron",
+ "cazzo",
+ "chraa",
+ "chuj",
+ "Cock",
+ "cunt",
+ "d4mn",
+ "daygo",
+ "dego",
+ "dick",
+ "dike",
+ "dupa",
+ "dziwka",
+ "ejackulate",
+ "Ekrem",
+ "Ekto",
+ "enculer",
+ "faen",
+ "fag",
+ "fanculo",
+ "fanny",
+ "feces",
+ "feg",
+ "Felcher",
+ "ficken",
+ "fitt",
+ "Flikker",
+ "foreskin",
+ "Fotze",
+ "Fu",
+ "fuk",
+ "futkretzn",
+ "gook",
+ "guiena",
+ "h0r",
+ "h4x0r",
+ "helvete",
+ "hoer",
+ "honkey",
+ "Huevon",
+ "hui",
+ "injun",
+ "jizz",
+ "kanker",
+ "kike",
+ "klootzak",
+ "kraut",
+ "knulle",
+ "kuk",
+ "kuksuger",
+ "Kurac",
+ "kurwa",
+ "kusi",
+ "kyrpa",
+ "lesbo",
+ "mamhoon",
+ "masturbat",
+ "merd",
+ "mibun",
+ "monkleigh",
+ "mouliewop",
+ "muie",
+ "mulkku",
+ "muschi",
+ "nazis",
+ "nepesaurio",
+ "nigger",
+ "orospu",
+ "paska",
+ "perse",
+ "picka",
+ "pierdol",
+ "pillu",
+ "pimmel",
+ "piss",
+ "pizda",
+ "poontsee",
+ "poop",
+ "porn",
+ "p0rn",
+ "pr0n",
+ "preteen",
+ "pula",
+ "pule",
+ "puta",
+ "puto",
+ "qahbeh",
+ "queef",
+ "rautenberg",
+ "schaffer",
+ "scheiss",
+ "schlampe",
+ "schmuck",
+ "screw",
+ "sh!t",
+ "sharmuta",
+ "sharmute",
+ "shipal",
+ "shiz",
+ "skribz",
+ "skurwysyn",
+ "sphencter",
+ "spic",
+ "spierdalaj",
+ "splooge",
+ "suka",
+ "b00b",
+ "testicle",
+ "titt",
+ "twat",
+ "vittu",
+ "wank",
+ "wetback",
+ "wichser",
+ "wop",
+ "yed",
+ "zabourah",
diff --git a/src/assets/lists/programNames.static.ts b/src/assets/lists/programNames.static.ts
index 92e5bf82..72553a8f 100644
--- a/src/assets/lists/programNames.static.ts
+++ b/src/assets/lists/programNames.static.ts
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
export const ProgramNames = {
programAttributes: [
- status: 'Google Chrome',
- type: 'browser',
+ status: "Google Chrome",
+ type: "browser",
locale: {
- en: 'Chrome',
- de: 'Chrome',
- gr: 'Κρόουμ',
+ en: "Chrome",
+ de: "Chrome",
+ gr: "Κρόουμ",
- status: 'Spotify',
- type: 'music',
+ status: "Spotify",
+ type: "music",
locale: {
- en: '♫',
- de: '♫',
- gr: '♫',
+ en: "♫",
+ de: "♫",
+ gr: "♫",
- status: 'Visual Studio Code',
- type: 'code',
+ status: "Visual Studio Code",
+ type: "code",
locale: {
- en: 'VSCode',
- de: 'VSCode',
- gr: 'VSCode',
+ en: "VSCode",
+ de: "VSCode",
+ gr: "VSCode",
- status: 'Code',
- type: 'code',
+ status: "Code",
+ type: "code",
locale: {
- en: 'VSCode',
- de: 'VSCode',
- gr: 'VSCode',
+ en: "VSCode",
+ de: "VSCode",
+ gr: "VSCode",
- status: 'VSCode',
- type: 'code',
+ status: "VSCode",
+ type: "code",
locale: {
- en: 'VSCode',
- de: 'VSCode',
- gr: 'VSCode',
+ en: "VSCode",
+ de: "VSCode",
+ gr: "VSCode",
- status: 'IntelliJ IDEA',
- type: 'code',
+ status: "IntelliJ IDEA",
+ type: "code",
locale: {
- en: 'IntelliJ IDEA',
- de: 'IntelliJ IDEA',
- gr: 'ΈξυπνοΤζει ΙΔΕΑ',
+ en: "IntelliJ IDEA",
+ de: "IntelliJ IDEA",
+ gr: "ΈξυπνοΤζει ΙΔΕΑ",
- status: 'Sublime Text',
- type: 'code',
+ status: "Sublime Text",
+ type: "code",
locale: {
- en: 'Sublime Tex',
- de: 'Sublime Tex',
- gr: 'Πανέμορφο Κείμενο',
+ en: "Sublime Tex",
+ de: "Sublime Tex",
+ gr: "Πανέμορφο Κείμενο",
- status: 'Mozilla Firefox',
- type: 'code',
+ status: "Mozilla Firefox",
+ type: "code",
locale: {
- en: 'Firefox',
- de: 'Firefox',
- gr: 'Πυραλεπού',
+ en: "Firefox",
+ de: "Firefox",
+ gr: "Πυραλεπού",
- status: 'Discord',
- type: 'chat',
+ status: "Discord",
+ type: "chat",
locale: {
- en: 'Discord',
- de: 'Discord',
- gr: 'Ντίσκορντ',
+ en: "Discord",
+ de: "Discord",
+ gr: "Ντίσκορντ",
diff --git a/src/blueprints/attribute.blueprint.ts b/src/blueprints/attribute.blueprint.ts
index d7bff594..72fc363f 100644
--- a/src/blueprints/attribute.blueprint.ts
+++ b/src/blueprints/attribute.blueprint.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,46 @@
-import { BaseGuildTextChannel, GuildMember, OverwriteType, Role } from 'discord.js';
-import { getKeyFromEnum, isMod } from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { updateGuild, updateMember, updatePortal, updateVoice } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { PMember } from '../types/classes/PMember.class.js';
-import { PChannel } from '../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.js';
-import { Blueprint, ReturnPromise } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { PVoiceChannel } from '../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.js';
-import { AuthType } from '../types/enums/Admin.enum.js';
-import { Locale, LocaleList } from '../types/enums/Locales.enum.js';
-import { ProfanityLevel, ProfanityLevelList } from '../types/enums/ProfanityLevel.enum.js';
-import { RankSpeed } from '../types/enums/RankSpeed.enum.js';
-function getResponse(response: boolean, category: string[], attribute: string, value: string | number) {
+import {
+ type BaseGuildTextChannel,
+ type GuildMember,
+ OverwriteType,
+ Role,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { getKeyFromEnum, isMod } from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import {
+ updateGuild,
+ updateMember,
+ updatePortal,
+ updateVoice,
+} from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { PMember } from "../types/classes/PMember.class.ts";
+import type { PChannel } from "../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.ts";
+import type {
+ Blueprint,
+ ReturnPromise,
+} from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import type { PVoiceChannel } from "../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.ts";
+import { AuthType } from "../types/enums/Admin.enum.ts";
+import { Locale, LocaleList } from "../types/enums/Locales.enum.ts";
+import {
+ ProfanityLevel,
+ ProfanityLevelList,
+} from "../types/enums/ProfanityLevel.enum.ts";
+import { RankSpeed } from "../types/enums/RankSpeed.enum.ts";
+function getResponse(
+ response: boolean,
+ category: string[],
+ attribute: string,
+ value: string | number,
+) {
const responseValue = response
- ? `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} set successfully to \`${value}\``
- : `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} failed to be set to \`${value}\``;
+ ? `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } set successfully to \`${value}\``
+ : `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } failed to be set to \`${value}\``;
return {
result: response,
@@ -24,34 +49,53 @@ function getResponse(response: boolean, category: string[], attribute: string, v
async function updatePortalChannelAttribute(
- pGuildId: PGuild['id'],
- pChannelIdl: PChannel['id'],
+ pGuildId: PGuild["id"],
+ pChannelIdl: PChannel["id"],
category: string[],
attribute: string,
value: string | number,
) {
- const sanitisedValue = value === 'true' ? true : value === 'false' ? false : value;
- const response = await updatePortal(pGuildId, pChannelIdl, attribute, sanitisedValue);
+ const sanitisedValue = value === "true"
+ ? true
+ : value === "false"
+ ? false
+ : value;
+ const response = await updatePortal(
+ pGuildId,
+ pChannelIdl,
+ attribute,
+ sanitisedValue,
+ );
return getResponse(response, category, attribute, value);
async function updateVoiceChannelAttribute(
- pGuildId: PGuild['id'],
- pChannelId: PChannel['id'],
- pVoiceChannelId: PVoiceChannel['id'],
+ pGuildId: PGuild["id"],
+ pChannelId: PChannel["id"],
+ pVoiceChannelId: PVoiceChannel["id"],
category: string[],
attribute: string,
value: string,
) {
- const sanitisedValue = value === 'true' ? true : value === 'false' ? false : value;
- const response = await updateVoice(pGuildId, pChannelId, pVoiceChannelId, attribute, sanitisedValue);
+ const sanitisedValue = value === "true"
+ ? true
+ : value === "false"
+ ? false
+ : value;
+ const response = await updateVoice(
+ pGuildId,
+ pChannelId,
+ pVoiceChannelId,
+ attribute,
+ sanitisedValue,
+ );
return getResponse(response, category, attribute, value);
async function updateGuildAttribute(
- pGuildId: PGuild['id'],
+ pGuildId: PGuild["id"],
category: string[],
attribute: keyof PGuild,
value: string | number,
@@ -62,8 +106,8 @@ async function updateGuildAttribute(
async function updateMemberAttribute(
- pGuildId: PGuild['id'],
- pMemberId: PMember['id'],
+ pGuildId: PGuild["id"],
+ pMemberId: PMember["id"],
category: string[],
attribute: string,
value: string | number,
@@ -75,183 +119,238 @@ async function updateMemberAttribute(
export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
- name: 'p.annAnnounce',
- hover: 'if voice channels spawned by portal channel will make announcements',
+ name: "p.annAnnounce",
+ hover:
+ "if voice channels spawned by portal channel will make announcements",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
for (let i = 0; i < pChannels.length; i++) {
- if (pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)) {
+ if (
+ pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels.some((voice) =>
+ voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id
+ )
+ ) {
return pChannels[i].annAnnounce;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p'];
- const attribute = 'annAnnounce';
+ const category = ["p"];
+ const attribute = "annAnnounce";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'v.annAnnounce',
- hover: 'if voice channel will make announcements',
+ name: "v.annAnnounce",
+ hover: "if voice channel will make announcements",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return pVoiceChannel.annAnnounce;
- set: async ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'annAnnounce';
+ set: async (
+ { pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild },
+ value,
+ ): Promise => {
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "annAnnounce";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel || !pVoiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updateVoiceChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, pVoiceChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updateVoiceChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ pVoiceChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'p.noBots',
- hover: 'if bots can join voice channels spawned by portal channel',
+ name: "p.noBots",
+ hover: "if bots can join voice channels spawned by portal channel",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
for (const pChannel of pChannels) {
- const voiceChannel = pChannel.pVoiceChannels.find((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id);
+ const voiceChannel = pChannel.pVoiceChannels.find((voice) =>
+ voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id
+ );
if (voiceChannel) {
return voiceChannel.noBots;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p'];
- const attribute = 'noBots';
+ const category = ["p"];
+ const attribute = "noBots";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'v.noBots',
- hover: 'if bots can join voice channel',
+ name: "v.noBots",
+ hover: "if bots can join voice channel",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return pVoiceChannel?.noBots ?? false;
- set: async ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'noBots';
+ set: async (
+ { pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild },
+ value,
+ ): Promise => {
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "noBots";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel || !pVoiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updateVoiceChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, pVoiceChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updateVoiceChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ pVoiceChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'p.allowedRoles',
- hover: 'the role allowed to create a voice channel',
+ name: "p.allowedRoles",
+ hover: "the role allowed to create a voice channel",
get: ({ voiceChannel, pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): string[] | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !voiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel) {
- const channel = voiceChannel.guild.channels.cache.find((c) => c.id === pChannel.id) as BaseGuildTextChannel;
+ const channel = voiceChannel.guild.channels.cache.find(
+ (c) => c.id === pChannel.id,
+ ) as BaseGuildTextChannel;
if (channel && channel.permissionOverwrites.cache.size > 0) {
- return `${channel.permissionOverwrites.cache
- .filter((p) => p.type === OverwriteType.Role)
- .filter((p) => p.allow.bitfield === BigInt(1048576))
- .map((p) => {
- const role = voiceChannel.guild.roles.cache.find((r) => r.id === p.id);
- if (role) {
- return `${role.name}`;
- } else {
- return 'N/A';
- }
- })
- .join(', ')}`;
+ return `${
+ channel.permissionOverwrites.cache
+ .filter((p) => p.type === OverwriteType.Role)
+ .filter((p) => p.allow.bitfield === BigInt(1048576))
+ .map((p) => {
+ const role = voiceChannel.guild.roles.cache.find((r) =>
+ r.id === p.id
+ );
+ if (role) {
+ return `${role.name}`;
+ } else {
+ return "N/A";
+ }
+ })
+ .join(", ")
+ }`;
- return '@everyone';
+ return "@everyone";
- set: async (): Promise => {
- return {
+ set: (): Promise => {
+ return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'not yet implemented',
- };
+ value: "not yet implemented",
+ });
// const category = ['p'];
// const attribute = 'allowedRoles';
@@ -331,17 +430,19 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
// value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be one or more roles`,
// });
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'p.v.allowedRoles',
- hover: 'the role given to the spawned voice channels',
+ name: "p.v.allowedRoles",
+ hover: "the role given to the spawned voice channels",
get: ({ voiceChannel, pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): string[] | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !voiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel && pChannel.allowedRoles) {
const allowedRoles = voiceChannel.guild.roles.cache.filter((r) => {
@@ -353,18 +454,18 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (allowedRoles) {
- return `${allowedRoles.map((r) => r.name).join(', ')}`;
+ return `${allowedRoles.map((r) => r.name).join(", ")}`;
} else {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- return '@everyone';
+ return "@everyone";
set: async (): Promise => {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'not yet implemented',
+ value: "not yet implemented",
// const category = ['p', 'v'];
@@ -424,38 +525,45 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
// }
// });
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'v.allowedRoles',
- hover: 'the role allowed join the voice channel',
+ name: "v.allowedRoles",
+ hover: "the role allowed join the voice channel",
get: ({ voiceChannel, pVoiceChannel }): string[] | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !voiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- if (!pVoiceChannel || !voiceChannel || voiceChannel.permissionOverwrites.cache.size > 0) {
- return `${voiceChannel.permissionOverwrites.cache
- .filter((p) => p.type === OverwriteType.Role)
- .filter((p) => p.allow.bitfield === BigInt(1048576))
- .map((p) => {
- const role = voiceChannel.guild.roles.cache.find((r) => r.id === p.id);
+ if (
+ !pVoiceChannel || !voiceChannel ||
+ voiceChannel.permissionOverwrites.cache.size > 0
+ ) {
+ return `${
+ voiceChannel.permissionOverwrites.cache
+ .filter((p) => p.type === OverwriteType.Role)
+ .filter((p) => p.allow.bitfield === BigInt(1048576))
+ .map((p) => {
+ const role = voiceChannel.guild.roles.cache.find((r) =>
+ r.id === p.id
+ );
- if (role) {
- return `${role.name}`;
- } else {
- return 'N/A';
- }
- })
- .join(', ')}`;
+ if (role) {
+ return `${role.name}`;
+ } else {
+ return "N/A";
+ }
+ })
+ .join(", ")
+ }`;
- return '@everyone';
+ return "@everyone";
set: async (): Promise => {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'not yet implemented',
+ value: "not yet implemented",
// const category = ['v'];
@@ -525,163 +633,207 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
// value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be one or more roles`,
// });
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'p.render',
- hover: 'if voice channels spawned by portal channel will use the text interpreter',
+ name: "p.render",
+ hover:
+ "if voice channels spawned by portal channel will use the text interpreter",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel) {
return pChannel.render;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p'];
- const attribute = 'render';
+ const category = ["p"];
+ const attribute = "render";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'v.render',
- hover: 'if voice channel will use the text interpreter',
+ name: "v.render",
+ hover: "if voice channel will use the text interpreter",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return pVoiceChannel.render;
- set: async ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'render';
+ set: async (
+ { pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild },
+ value,
+ ): Promise => {
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "render";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel || !pVoiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'p.annUser',
- hover: 'if voice channels spawned by portal channel will make join/leave announcements',
+ name: "p.annUser",
+ hover:
+ "if voice channels spawned by portal channel will make join/leave announcements",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel) {
return pChannel.annUser;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p'];
- const attribute = 'annUser';
+ const category = ["p"];
+ const attribute = "annUser";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'v.annUser',
- hover: 'if voice channel will make join/leave announcements',
+ name: "v.annUser",
+ hover: "if voice channel will make join/leave announcements",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return pVoiceChannel.annUser;
- set: async ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'annUser';
+ set: async (
+ { pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild },
+ value,
+ ): Promise => {
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "annUser";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel || !pVoiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'v.bitrate',
- hover: 'voice channels bitrate',
+ name: "v.bitrate",
+ hover: "voice channels bitrate",
get: ({ voiceChannel }): number => {
return voiceChannel?.bitrate ?? 96000;
set: async ({ voiceChannel }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'bitrate';
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "bitrate";
const newBitrate = Number(value);
if (!voiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
@@ -689,14 +841,18 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (isNaN(newBitrate)) {
return resolve({
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **a number**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **a number**`,
if (newBitrate < 8000) {
return resolve({
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} must be greater or equal to 8000`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } must be greater or equal to 8000`,
@@ -705,100 +861,121 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
.then((r) => {
return resolve({
result: r.bitrate === newBitrate,
- value:
- r.bitrate === newBitrate
- ? `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} set successfully to \`${value}\``
- : `attribute ${
- category.join('.') + '.' + attribute
- } failed to be set to\`${value}\` to ${value} (is ${r.bitrate})`,
+ value: r.bitrate === newBitrate
+ ? `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } set successfully to \`${value}\``
+ : `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } failed to be set to\`${value}\` to ${value} (is ${r.bitrate})`,
.catch((e) => {
return resolve({
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} failed to be set: ${e}`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } failed to be set: ${e}`,
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'g.kickAfter',
- hover: 'Portals kickAfter',
+ name: "g.kickAfter",
+ hover: "Portals kickAfter",
get: ({ pGuild }): number => {
return pGuild?.kickAfter ?? 1;
set: async ({ pGuild, interaction }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['g'];
- const attribute = 'kickAfter';
+ const category = ["g"];
+ const attribute = "kickAfter";
if (!pGuild || !interaction) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
if (!isMod(interaction.member as GuildMember | null)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `you must be a Portal moderator to set attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute}`,
+ value: `you must be a Portal moderator to set attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ }`,
if (isNaN(Number(value))) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} has to be a number`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } has to be a number`,
- return await updateGuildAttribute(pGuild.id, category, attribute, Number(value));
+ return await updateGuildAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ Number(value),
+ );
- auth: AuthType.admin,
+ auth: AuthType.ADMIN,
- name: 'g.banAfter',
- hover: 'Portals banAfter',
+ name: "g.banAfter",
+ hover: "Portals banAfter",
get: ({ pGuild }): number => {
return pGuild?.banAfter ?? 1;
set: async ({ pGuild, interaction }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['g'];
- const attribute = 'banAfter';
+ const category = ["g"];
+ const attribute = "banAfter";
if (!pGuild || !interaction) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
if (!isMod(interaction.member as GuildMember | null)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `you must be a Portal moderator to set attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute}`,
+ value: `you must be a Portal moderator to set attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ }`,
if (isNaN(Number(value))) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} has to be a number`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } has to be a number`,
- return await updateGuildAttribute(pGuild.id, category, attribute, Number(value));
+ return await updateGuildAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ Number(value),
+ );
- auth: AuthType.admin,
+ auth: AuthType.ADMIN,
- name: 'g.muteRole',
- hover: 'role given to muted members',
+ name: "g.muteRole",
+ hover: "role given to muted members",
get: ({ guild, pGuild }): string => {
if (!guild) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
const muteRole = guild.roles.cache.find((r) => r.id === pGuild?.muteRole);
@@ -807,51 +984,56 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return muteRole.name;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pGuild, interaction }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['g'];
- const attribute = 'muteRole';
+ const category = ["g"];
+ const attribute = "muteRole";
if (!pGuild || !interaction) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
if (!(value instanceof Role)) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value must be Role',
+ value: "value must be Role",
- return await updateGuildAttribute(pGuild.id, category, attribute, value.id);
+ return await updateGuildAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value.id,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.admin,
+ auth: AuthType.ADMIN,
- name: 'g.rankSpeed',
- hover: 'leveling speed of members',
+ name: "g.rankSpeed",
+ hover: "leveling speed of members",
get: ({ pGuild }): string => {
return RankSpeed[pGuild?.rankSpeed ?? 1];
set: async ({ pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['g'];
- const attribute = 'rankSpeed';
+ const category = ["g"];
+ const attribute = "rankSpeed";
if (!pGuild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
if (value instanceof Role) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value cannot be Role',
+ value: "value cannot be Role",
@@ -860,35 +1042,35 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (!speed) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value can not be assigned to rank a valid ranking speed',
+ value: "value can not be assigned to rank a valid ranking speed",
return await updateGuildAttribute(pGuild.id, category, attribute, speed);
- auth: AuthType.admin,
+ auth: AuthType.ADMIN,
- name: 'g.profanityLevel',
- hover: 'how harsh Portal will be flagging members for use of profanities',
+ name: "g.profanityLevel",
+ hover: "how harsh Portal will be flagging members for use of profanities",
get: ({ pGuild }): string => {
return ProfanityLevel[pGuild?.profanityLevel ?? 1];
set: async ({ pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['g'];
- const attribute = 'profanityLevel';
+ const category = ["g"];
+ const attribute = "profanityLevel";
if (!pGuild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
if (value instanceof Role) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value cannot be Role',
+ value: "value cannot be Role",
@@ -897,20 +1079,22 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (level === undefined) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **${ProfanityLevelList.join(', ')}**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **${ProfanityLevelList.join(", ")}**`,
return await updateGuildAttribute(pGuild.id, category, attribute, level);
- auth: AuthType.admin,
+ auth: AuthType.ADMIN,
- name: 'g.initialRole',
- hover: 'role given to new members',
+ name: "g.initialRole",
+ hover: "role given to new members",
get: ({ pGuild, guild }): string => {
- if (!pGuild?.initialRole || pGuild.initialRole === 'null') {
- return 'initial role has not been set yet 1';
+ if (!pGuild?.initialRole || pGuild.initialRole === "null") {
+ return "initial role has not been set yet 1";
const role = guild?.roles.cache.find((r) => r.id === pGuild.initialRole);
@@ -918,17 +1102,17 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (role) {
return `@${role.name}`;
} else {
- return 'initial role has not been set yet 2';
+ return "initial role has not been set yet 2";
set: async ({ pGuild, interaction }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['g'];
- const attribute = 'initialRole';
+ const category = ["g"];
+ const attribute = "initialRole";
if (!pGuild || !interaction) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
@@ -936,7 +1120,7 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return {
result: false,
value: `attribute ${
- category.join('.') + '.' + attribute
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
} failed to be set as user guild could not be fetched`,
@@ -944,35 +1128,40 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (!(value instanceof Role)) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value must be Role',
+ value: "value must be Role",
- return await updateGuildAttribute(pGuild.id, category, attribute, value.id);
+ return await updateGuildAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value.id,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.admin,
+ auth: AuthType.ADMIN,
- name: 'g.locale',
- hover: 'Portals locale',
+ name: "g.locale",
+ hover: "Portals locale",
get: ({ pGuild }): string => {
return Locale[pGuild?.locale ?? 1];
set: async ({ pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['g'];
- const attribute = 'locale';
+ const category = ["g"];
+ const attribute = "locale";
if (value instanceof Role) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value cannot be Role',
+ value: "value cannot be Role",
if (!pGuild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
@@ -981,45 +1170,53 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (locale === undefined) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **${LocaleList.join(', ')}**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **${
+ LocaleList.join(
+ ", ",
+ )
+ }**`,
return await updateGuildAttribute(pGuild.id, category, attribute, locale);
- auth: AuthType.admin,
+ auth: AuthType.ADMIN,
- name: 'p.locale',
- hover: 'portal channels locale',
+ name: "p.locale",
+ hover: "portal channels locale",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel) {
return Locale[pChannel.locale];
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p'];
- const attribute = 'locale';
+ const category = ["p"];
+ const attribute = "locale";
if (value instanceof Role) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value cannot be Role',
+ value: "value cannot be Role",
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
@@ -1028,39 +1225,54 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (locale === undefined) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **${LocaleList.join(', ')}**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **${
+ LocaleList.join(
+ ", ",
+ )
+ }**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, locale);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ locale,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'v.locale',
- hover: 'voice channels locale',
+ name: "v.locale",
+ hover: "voice channels locale",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }): string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return Locale[pVoiceChannel?.locale ?? 1];
- set: async ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'locale';
+ set: async (
+ { pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild },
+ value,
+ ): Promise => {
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "locale";
if (value instanceof Role) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value cannot be Role',
+ value: "value cannot be Role",
if (!pGuild || !pChannel || !pVoiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
@@ -1069,262 +1281,322 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (locale === undefined) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **${LocaleList.join(', ')}**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **${
+ LocaleList.join(
+ ", ",
+ )
+ }**`,
return await updateGuildAttribute(pGuild.id, category, attribute, locale);
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'v.position',
- hover: 'voice channels position in Discord',
+ name: "v.position",
+ hover: "voice channels position in Discord",
get: ({ voiceChannel }): number | string => {
if (!voiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return voiceChannel.position;
set: async ({ voiceChannel }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'position';
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "position";
if (!voiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
if (isNaN(Number(value))) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **a number**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **a number**`,
- const updatedVoiceChannel = await voiceChannel.edit({ position: Number(value) });
+ const updatedVoiceChannel = await voiceChannel.edit({
+ position: Number(value),
+ });
return {
result: updatedVoiceChannel.position === Number(value),
- value:
- updatedVoiceChannel.position === Number(value)
- ? `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} set successfully to \`${value}\``
- : `attribute ${
- category.join('.') + '.' + attribute
- } failed to be set to\`${value}\` to ${value} (is ${updatedVoiceChannel.position})`,
+ value: updatedVoiceChannel.position === Number(value)
+ ? `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } set successfully to \`${value}\``
+ : `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } failed to be set to\`${value}\` to ${value} (is ${updatedVoiceChannel.position})`,
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'p.regexOverwrite',
- hover: 'whether voice channels spawned from portal channel will let users use their own regex',
+ name: "p.regexOverwrite",
+ hover:
+ "whether voice channels spawned from portal channel will let users use their own regex",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): boolean | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel) {
return pChannel.regexOverwrite;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p'];
- const attribute = 'regexOverwrite';
+ const category = ["p"];
+ const attribute = "regexOverwrite";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'p.regex',
- hover: 'portal channels regex',
+ name: "p.regex",
+ hover: "portal channels regex",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel) {
return pChannel.regexPortal;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p'];
- const attribute = 'regexPortal';
+ const category = ["p"];
+ const attribute = "regexPortal";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'p.v.regex',
- hover: 'voice channels spawned by portal channel regex',
+ name: "p.v.regex",
+ hover: "voice channels spawned by portal channel regex",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel) {
return pChannel.regexVoice;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p', 'v'];
- const attribute = 'regexVoice';
+ const category = ["p", "v"];
+ const attribute = "regexVoice";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
- if (value !== 'true' && value !== 'false') {
+ if (value !== "true" && value !== "false") {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can only be **true or false**`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can only be **true or false**`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'v.regex',
- hover: 'voice channels regex',
+ name: "v.regex",
+ hover: "voice channels regex",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }): string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return pVoiceChannel.regex;
- set: async ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'regex';
+ set: async (
+ { pVoiceChannel, pChannel, pGuild },
+ value,
+ ): Promise => {
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "regex";
if (!pGuild || !pChannel || !pVoiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
if (value instanceof Role) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value cannot be Role',
+ value: "value cannot be Role",
- return await updateVoiceChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, pVoiceChannel.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updateVoiceChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ pVoiceChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
- name: 'm.regex',
- hover: 'members regex',
+ name: "m.regex",
+ hover: "members regex",
get: ({ pMember }): string => {
- return pMember && pMember.regex ? pMember.regex : 'not-set';
+ return pMember && pMember.regex ? pMember.regex : "not-set";
set: async ({ pGuild, pMember }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['m'];
- const attribute = 'regex';
+ const category = ["m"];
+ const attribute = "regex";
if (!pGuild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
if (!pMember) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not find member',
+ value: "could not find member",
if (value instanceof Role) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'value cannot be Role',
+ value: "value cannot be Role",
- return await updateMemberAttribute(pGuild.id, pMember.id, category, attribute, value);
+ return await updateMemberAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pMember.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ value,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'p.userLimit',
- hover: 'voice channels spawned by portal channel user limit',
+ name: "p.userLimit",
+ hover: "voice channels spawned by portal channel user limit",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }): number | string => {
if (!pVoiceChannel || !pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel) {
return pChannel.userLimitPortal;
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
set: async ({ pChannel, pGuild }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['p'];
- const attribute = 'userLimitPortal';
+ const category = ["p"];
+ const attribute = "userLimitPortal";
const newUserLimit = Number(value);
if (!pGuild || !pChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
@@ -1332,7 +1604,7 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return {
result: false,
value: `attribute ${
- category.join('.') + '.' + attribute
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
} can only be **a number from 0-99 (0 means unlimited)**`,
@@ -1340,33 +1612,41 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (newUserLimit < 0) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} can be a number from 0-n (0 means unlimited)`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } can be a number from 0-n (0 means unlimited)`,
- return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, category, attribute, newUserLimit);
+ return await updatePortalChannelAttribute(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ category,
+ attribute,
+ newUserLimit,
+ );
- auth: AuthType.portal,
+ auth: AuthType.PORTAL,
- name: 'v.userLimit',
- hover: 'voice channels user limit',
+ name: "v.userLimit",
+ hover: "voice channels user limit",
get: ({ voiceChannel }): number | string => {
if (!voiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return voiceChannel.userLimit;
set: async ({ voiceChannel }, value): Promise => {
- const category = ['v'];
- const attribute = 'userLimit';
+ const category = ["v"];
+ const attribute = "userLimit";
const newUserLimit = Number(value);
if (!voiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'values are missing from request',
+ value: "values are missing from request",
@@ -1374,7 +1654,7 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return {
result: false,
value: `attribute ${
- category.join('.') + '.' + attribute
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
} can only be **a number from 0-n (0 means unlimited)**`,
@@ -1384,18 +1664,23 @@ export const AttributeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
if (!updatedVoiceChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} failed to be set`,
+ value: `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } failed to be set`,
return {
result: updatedVoiceChannel.userLimit === newUserLimit,
- value:
- updatedVoiceChannel.userLimit === newUserLimit
- ? `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} set successfully to \`${value}\``
- : `attribute ${category.join('.') + '.' + attribute} failed to be set to \`${value}\``,
+ value: updatedVoiceChannel.userLimit === newUserLimit
+ ? `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } set successfully to \`${value}\``
+ : `attribute ${
+ category.join(".") + "." + attribute
+ } failed to be set to \`${value}\``,
- auth: AuthType.voice,
+ auth: AuthType.VOICE,
diff --git a/src/blueprints/pipe.blueprint.ts b/src/blueprints/pipe.blueprint.ts
index fae45d8c..026c5393 100644
--- a/src/blueprints/pipe.blueprint.ts
+++ b/src/blueprints/pipe.blueprint.ts
@@ -1,210 +1,223 @@
-import voca from 'voca';
-import { Blueprint } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { AuthType } from '../types/enums/Admin.enum.js';
+import voca from "npm:voca";
+import type { Blueprint } from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { AuthType } from "../types/enums/Admin.enum.ts";
export const PipeBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
- name: 'acronym',
- hover: 'make acronym',
+ name: "acronym",
+ hover: "make acronym",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
- ? isAcronym(str)
- ? str
- : str
- .replace(/[-_,.:*=+]/g, ' ')
- .split(' ')
- .map((s) => s[0])
- .join('')
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str
- .map((s) =>
- s
- .replace(/[-_,.:*=+]/g, ' ')
- .split(' ')
- .map((sm) => (isAcronym(sm) ? sm : sm[0]))
- .join(''),
- )
- .join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ return typeof str === "string"
+ ? isAcronym(str) ? str : str
+ .replace(/[-_,.:*=+]/g, " ")
+ .split(" ")
+ .map((s) => s[0])
+ .join("")
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str
+ .map((s) =>
+ s
+ .replace(/[-_,.:*=+]/g, " ")
+ .split(" ")
+ .map((sm) => (isAcronym(sm) ? sm : sm[0]))
+ .join("")
+ )
+ .join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'vowels',
- hover: 'keep only vowels',
+ name: "vowels",
+ hover: "keep only vowels",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
- ? getVowels(str).join('')
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => getVowels(s).join('')).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ return typeof str === "string"
+ ? getVowels(str).join("")
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => getVowels(s).join("")).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'consonants',
- hover: 'keep only consonants',
+ name: "consonants",
+ hover: "keep only consonants",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
- ? getConstants(str).join('')
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => getConstants(s).join('')).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ return typeof str === "string"
+ ? getConstants(str).join("")
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => getConstants(s).join("")).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'camelCase',
- hover: 'make to camel Case',
+ name: "camelCase",
+ hover: "make to camel Case",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.camelCase(str)
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => voca.camelCase(s)).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => voca.camelCase(s)).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'capitalise',
- hover: 'make first characters upper case',
+ name: "capitalise",
+ hover: "make first characters upper case",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.capitalize(str)
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => voca.capitalize(s)).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => voca.capitalize(s)).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'decapitalise',
- hover: 'make first characters lower case',
+ name: "decapitalise",
+ hover: "make first characters lower case",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.decapitalize(str)
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => voca.decapitalize(s)).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => voca.decapitalize(s)).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'lowerCase',
- hover: 'make all characters lower case',
+ name: "lowerCase",
+ hover: "make all characters lower case",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.lowerCase(str)
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => voca.lowerCase(s)).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => voca.lowerCase(s)).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'upperCase',
- hover: 'make all characters upper case',
+ name: "upperCase",
+ hover: "make all characters upper case",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.upperCase(str)
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => voca.upperCase(s)).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => voca.upperCase(s)).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'populous_count',
- hover: 'frequency of most popular item',
+ name: "populous_count",
+ hover: "frequency of most popular item",
get: ({ string: str }): number => {
- return typeof str === 'string' ? 1 : typeof str === 'object' ? mostFrequent(str, true) : (str ?? 0);
+ return typeof str === "string"
+ ? 1
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? mostFrequent(str, true)
+ : (str ?? 0);
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'populous',
- hover: 'most popular item',
+ name: "populous",
+ hover: "most popular item",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string' ? str : typeof str === 'object' ? mostFrequent(str, false) : (str ?? '');
+ return typeof str === "string"
+ ? str
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? mostFrequent(str, false)
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'snakeCase',
- hover: 'replace space with _',
+ name: "snakeCase",
+ hover: "replace space with _",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.snakeCase(str)
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => voca.snakeCase(s)).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => voca.snakeCase(s)).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'souvlakiCase',
- hover: 'replace space with -',
+ name: "souvlakiCase",
+ hover: "replace space with -",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.kebabCase(str)
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => voca.kebabCase(s)).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => voca.kebabCase(s)).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'words',
- hover: 'get the number of words',
+ name: "words",
+ hover: "get the number of words",
get: ({ string: str }): number => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.words(str).length
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? voca.words(str.join(' ')).length
- : (str ?? 0);
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? voca.words(str.join(" ")).length
+ : (str ?? 0);
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'titleCase',
- hover: 'make the first letter upper case and rest lower',
+ name: "titleCase",
+ hover: "make the first letter upper case and rest lower",
get: ({ string: str }): string => {
- return typeof str === 'string'
+ return typeof str === "string"
? voca.titleCase(str)
- : typeof str === 'object'
- ? str.map((s) => voca.titleCase(s)).join(',')
- : (str ?? '');
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.map((s) => voca.titleCase(s)).join(",")
+ : (str ?? "");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'length',
- hover: 'get length',
+ name: "length",
+ hover: "get length",
get: ({ string: str }): number => {
- return typeof str === 'string' ? str.length : typeof str === 'object' ? str.join(',').length : (str ?? 0);
+ return typeof str === "string"
+ ? str.length
+ : typeof str === "object"
+ ? str.join(",").length
+ : (str ?? 0);
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
-function mostFrequent(array: string[], return_number: boolean): string | number {
+function mostFrequent(
+ array: string[],
+ return_number: boolean,
+): string | number {
if (array.length == 0) {
- return 'no statuses';
+ return "no statuses";
const modeMap: { [key: string]: number } = {};
@@ -231,7 +244,7 @@ function mostFrequent(array: string[], return_number: boolean): string | number
function isAcronym(candidate: string): boolean {
- const word_exp = new RegExp('\\b[A-Z]*[a-z]*[A-Z]s?\\d*[A-Z]*[\\-\\w+]\\b');
+ const word_exp = new RegExp("\\b[A-Z]*[a-z]*[A-Z]s?\\d*[A-Z]*[\\-\\w+]\\b");
return word_exp.test(candidate);
diff --git a/src/blueprints/structure.blueprint.ts b/src/blueprints/structure.blueprint.ts
index cc1da748..53c1597d 100644
--- a/src/blueprints/structure.blueprint.ts
+++ b/src/blueprints/structure.blueprint.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import { Blueprint } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { AuthType } from '../types/enums/Admin.enum.js';
+import type { Blueprint } from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { AuthType } from "../types/enums/Admin.enum.ts";
export const StructureBlueprint: Blueprint[] = [
- name: 'if',
- hover: 'if statement flow control',
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ name: "if",
+ hover: "if statement flow control",
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
get: () => undefined,
set: () => undefined,
diff --git a/src/blueprints/variable.blueprint.ts b/src/blueprints/variable.blueprint.ts
index 5e09ce3f..8994f5a3 100644
--- a/src/blueprints/variable.blueprint.ts
+++ b/src/blueprints/variable.blueprint.ts
@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
-import dayjs from 'dayjs';
-import calendar from 'dayjs/plugin/calendar.js';
+import dayjs from "npm:dayjs";
+import calendar from "dayjs/plugin/calendar.js";
-import { getStatusList } from '../libraries/status.library.js';
-import { Blueprint } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { AuthType } from '../types/enums/Admin.enum.js';
+import { getStatusList } from "../libraries/status.library.ts";
+import type { Blueprint } from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { AuthType } from "../types/enums/Admin.enum.ts";
export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
- name: '##',
- hover: 'number of voice channel with #',
+ name: "##",
+ hover: "number of voice channel with #",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
if (!pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel !== undefined) {
let i = 0;
@@ -27,23 +29,25 @@ export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return `#${i}`;
- return '#-';
+ return "#-";
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: '#',
- hover: 'number of voice channel',
+ name: "#",
+ hover: "number of voice channel",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
if (!pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel !== undefined) {
let i = 0;
@@ -53,64 +57,66 @@ export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return `${i}`;
- return '-';
+ return "-";
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'creatorPortal',
- hover: 'creator of portal channel',
+ name: "creatorPortal",
+ hover: "creator of portal channel",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel, pChannels }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
if (!pChannels) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
- const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) => portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id));
+ const pChannel = pChannels.find((portal) =>
+ portal.pVoiceChannels.some((voice) => voice.id === pVoiceChannel.id)
+ );
if (pChannel !== undefined) {
- return '' + pChannel.creatorId;
+ return "" + pChannel.creatorId;
- return '?';
+ return "?";
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'creatorVoice',
- hover: 'creator of voice channel',
+ name: "creatorVoice",
+ hover: "creator of voice channel",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return pVoiceChannel.creatorId;
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'date',
- hover: 'current date',
+ name: "date",
+ hover: "current date",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().subtract(10, 'days').calendar();
+ return dayjs().subtract(10, "days").calendar();
- return dayjs().subtract(10, 'days').calendar();
+ return dayjs().subtract(10, "days").calendar();
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'dayNumber',
- hover: 'current day in number format',
+ name: "dayNumber",
+ hover: "current day in number format",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
return dayjs().date();
@@ -119,109 +125,109 @@ export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return dayjs().date();
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'dayName',
- hover: 'current day in text format',
+ name: "dayName",
+ hover: "current day in text format",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().format('dddd');
+ return dayjs().format("dddd");
- return dayjs().format('dddd');
+ return dayjs().format("dddd");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'monthNumber',
- hover: 'current month in number format',
+ name: "monthNumber",
+ hover: "current month in number format",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().format('M');
+ return dayjs().format("M");
- return dayjs().format('M');
+ return dayjs().format("M");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'monthName',
- hover: 'current month in text format',
+ name: "monthName",
+ hover: "current month in text format",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().startOf('month').format('MMMM');
+ return dayjs().startOf("month").format("MMMM");
- return dayjs().startOf('month').format('MMMM');
+ return dayjs().startOf("month").format("MMMM");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'year',
- hover: 'current year',
+ name: "year",
+ hover: "current year",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().format('yyyy');
+ return dayjs().format("yyyy");
- return dayjs().format('yyyy');
+ return dayjs().format("yyyy");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'time',
- hover: 'current time',
+ name: "time",
+ hover: "current time",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().format('hh:mm:ss');
+ return dayjs().format("hh:mm:ss");
- return dayjs().format('hh:mm:ss');
+ return dayjs().format("hh:mm:ss");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'hour',
- hover: 'current hour',
+ name: "hour",
+ hover: "current hour",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().format('hh');
+ return dayjs().format("hh");
- return dayjs().format('hh');
+ return dayjs().format("hh");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'minute',
- hover: 'current minute',
+ name: "minute",
+ hover: "current minute",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().format('mm');
+ return dayjs().format("mm");
- return dayjs().format('mm');
+ return dayjs().format("mm");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'second',
- hover: 'current second',
+ name: "second",
+ hover: "current second",
get: ({ pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return dayjs().format('ss');
+ return dayjs().format("ss");
- return dayjs().format('ss');
+ return dayjs().format("ss");
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'memberActiveCount',
- hover: 'number of members with status',
+ name: "memberActiveCount",
+ hover: "number of members with status",
get: ({ voiceChannel }) => {
- if (!voiceChannel) return 'N/A';
+ if (!voiceChannel) return "N/A";
let cnt = 0;
voiceChannel.members.forEach((member) => {
if (member.presence?.activities !== null && !member.user.bot) {
@@ -232,13 +238,13 @@ export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return cnt;
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'memberCount',
- hover: 'number of members in channel',
+ name: "memberCount",
+ hover: "number of members in channel",
get: ({ voiceChannel }) => {
- if (!voiceChannel) return 'N/A';
+ if (!voiceChannel) return "N/A";
let cnt = 0;
voiceChannel.members.forEach((member) => {
if (!member.user.bot) {
@@ -249,25 +255,24 @@ export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return cnt;
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'memberHistory',
- hover: 'all members to ever pass through channel',
- get: () =>
- // voiceChannel: VoiceChannel | undefined | null, pVoiceChannel: PVoiceChannel | undefined | null,
+ name: "memberHistory",
+ hover: "all members to ever pass through channel",
+ get: () => // voiceChannel: VoiceChannel | undefined | null, pVoiceChannel: PVoiceChannel | undefined | null,
// pChannels: PChannel[] | undefined | null, pGuild, guild: Guild
- return 'noYetImplemented';
+ return "noYetImplemented";
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'pMembers',
- hover: 'current members names',
+ name: "pMembers",
+ hover: "current members names",
get: ({ voiceChannel }) => {
- if (!voiceChannel) return 'N/A';
+ if (!voiceChannel) return "N/A";
const pMembers: string[] = [];
voiceChannel.members.forEach((member) => {
@@ -276,13 +281,13 @@ export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return pMembers;
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'memberWithStatus',
- hover: 'names of members with statuses',
+ name: "memberWithStatus",
+ hover: "names of members with statuses",
get: ({ voiceChannel }) => {
- if (!voiceChannel) return 'N/A';
+ if (!voiceChannel) return "N/A";
const pMembers: string[] = [];
voiceChannel.members.forEach((member) => {
if (member.presence?.activities !== null) {
@@ -293,17 +298,17 @@ export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return pMembers;
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'statusCount',
- hover: 'number of unique statuses',
+ name: "statusCount",
+ hover: "number of unique statuses",
get: ({ voiceChannel, pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!voiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
// can be faster
@@ -312,34 +317,33 @@ export const VariableBlueprints: Blueprint[] = [
return statusList.length;
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'statusHistory',
- hover: 'all statuses from start',
- get: () =>
- // voiceChannel: VoiceChannel | undefined | null, pVoiceChannel: PVoiceChannel | undefined | null,
+ name: "statusHistory",
+ hover: "all statuses from start",
+ get: () => // voiceChannel: VoiceChannel | undefined | null, pVoiceChannel: PVoiceChannel | undefined | null,
// pChannels: PChannel[] | undefined | null, pGuild, guild: Guild
- return 'noYetImplemented';
+ return "noYetImplemented";
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
- name: 'statusList',
- hover: 'all statuses names',
+ name: "statusList",
+ hover: "all statuses names",
get: ({ voiceChannel, pVoiceChannel }) => {
if (!voiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
if (!pVoiceChannel) {
- return 'N/A';
+ return "N/A";
return getStatusList(voiceChannel, pVoiceChannel);
set: () => undefined,
- auth: AuthType.none,
+ auth: AuthType.NONE,
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/announcement.ts b/src/commands/auth/announcement.ts
index 093c9da4..3e3ad092 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/announcement.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/announcement.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,31 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType, NewsChannel, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+ NewsChannel,
+ type VoiceChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { deleteChannel, doesChannelHaveUsage } from '../../libraries/guild.library.js';
-import { messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { updateGuild } from '../../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { PortalChannelType } from '../../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.js';
+import {
+ deleteChannel,
+ getChannelTypeById,
+} from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import { messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { updateGuild } from "../../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { PortalChannelType } from "../../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.ts";
+import {
+ TextChannelType,
+ TextChannelTypeList,
+} from "../../types/enums/TextChannelType.enum.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'announcement';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'make an announcement to the announcements channel';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "announcement";
+const DESCRIPTION = "set an announcements channel";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -23,47 +38,69 @@ export default {
.addChannelOption((option) =>
- .setName('announcement_channel')
- .setDescription('the channel you want to make the announcement channel')
- .setRequired(true),
+ .setName("announcement_channel")
+ .setDescription("the channel you want to make the announcement channel")
+ .setRequired(true)
- .addChannelOption((option) =>
+ .addBooleanOption((option) =>
- .setName('delete_previous')
- .setDescription('whether or not to delete the previous announcement channel')
- .setRequired(false),
+ .setName("delete_previous")
+ .setDescription(
+ "whether or not to delete the previous announcement channel",
+ )
+ .setRequired(false)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- const announcementChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('announcement_channel');
- const deletePreviousAnnouncementChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('delete_previous');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const announcementChannel = interaction.options.getChannel(
+ "announcement_channel",
+ );
+ const deletePreviousAnnouncementChannel = interaction.options.getChannel(
+ "delete_previous",
+ );
if (!announcementChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'announcement'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "announcement"),
if (!(announcementChannel instanceof NewsChannel)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'announcement', 'channel must be news channel'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "announcement",
+ "channel must be news channel",
+ ),
if (!announcementChannel.isTextBased()) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'announcement', 'channel must be text channel'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "announcement",
+ "channel must be text channel",
+ ),
- const channelHasUsage = await doesChannelHaveUsage(announcementChannel.id, pGuild);
- if (channelHasUsage.result) {
+ const channelType = await getChannelTypeById(
+ announcementChannel.id,
+ pGuild,
+ );
+ if (channelType !== TextChannelType.NONE) {
return {
result: false,
- value: channelHasUsage.value,
+ value: `selected channel is already in use as ${
+ TextChannelTypeList[channelType]
+ } channel`,
@@ -73,15 +110,25 @@ export default {
) as VoiceChannel;
if (announcement) {
- deleteChannel(PortalChannelType.announcement, announcement, interaction);
+ deleteChannel(
+ PortalChannelType.announcement,
+ announcement,
+ interaction,
+ );
- const response = await updateGuild(pGuild.id, 'announcement', announcementChannel.id);
+ const response = await updateGuild(
+ pGuild.id,
+ "announcement",
+ announcementChannel.id,
+ );
return {
result: response,
- value: response ? 'new announcement channel set successfully' : 'failed to set new announcement channel',
+ value: response
+ ? `**${announcementChannel.name}** set to Announcement channel.`
+ : "failed to set new Announcement channel ",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/ban.ts b/src/commands/auth/ban.ts
index 92ba8846..95a4eb30 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/ban.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/ban.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,27 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { BanOptions, ButtonStyle, ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember, InteractionContextType } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type BanOptions,
+ ButtonStyle,
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type GuildMember,
+ InteractionContextType,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { askForApproval, isMod, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { ban } from '../../libraries/user.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import {
+ askForApprovalByInteraction,
+ isMod,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { ban } from "../../libraries/user.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import logger from "../../utilities/log.utility.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'ban';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'ban a user';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "ban";
+const DESCRIPTION = "ban a user";
export default {
time: 1,
@@ -18,54 +32,69 @@ export default {
slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder()
- .addUserOption((option) => option.setName('user_to_ban').setDescription('user to ban').setRequired(true))
- .addNumberOption((option) => option.setName('ban_days').setDescription('days to ban user for').setRequired(true))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('ban_reason').setDescription('ban reason').setRequired(false))
+ .addUserOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("user_to_ban").setDescription("user to ban").setRequired(
+ true,
+ )
+ )
+ .addNumberOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("ban_days").setDescription("days to ban user for")
+ .setRequired(true)
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("ban_reason").setDescription("ban reason").setRequired(
+ false,
+ )
+ )
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- const memberToBan = interaction.options.getMember('user_to_ban') as GuildMember;
- const banDays = interaction.options.getNumber('ban_days');
- const banReason = interaction.options.getString('ban_reason');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ const memberToBan = interaction.options.getMember(
+ "user_to_ban",
+ ) as GuildMember;
+ const banDays = interaction.options.getNumber("ban_days");
+ const banReason = interaction.options.getString("ban_reason");
if (!memberToBan) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'ban', 'user must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "ban", "user must be provided"),
if (!banDays) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'ban', 'days to ban must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "ban", "days to ban must be provided"),
if (!interaction.member) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'message author could not be fetched',
+ value: "message author could not be fetched",
if (!isMod(interaction.member as GuildMember)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'you must be a Portal moderator to ban users',
+ value: "you must be a Portal moderator to ban users",
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'user guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "user guild could not be fetched",
const deleteMessageDays = banDays ?? 1;
- const reason = banReason ?? 'banned by admin';
+ const reason = banReason ?? "banned by admin";
- const response = await askForApproval(
+ const response = await askForApprovalByInteraction(
`*${interaction.user}, are you sure you want to ban **${memberToBan.displayName}** for **${deleteMessageDays}** days*?`,
@@ -74,7 +103,7 @@ export default {
if (!response) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'Ban approval not received',
+ value: "Ban approval not received",
@@ -93,7 +122,11 @@ export default {
: `User ${memberToBan.displayName} could not be banned`,
} catch (e) {
- await interaction.editReply({ content: 'Confirmation not received within 1 minute, cancelling', components: [] });
+ logger.error(`Error while banning: ${e}`);
+ await interaction.editReply({
+ content: "Confirmation not received within 1 minute, cancelling",
+ components: [],
+ });
return {
result: false,
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/delete_messages.ts b/src/commands/auth/delete_messages.ts
index f02b7583..eb9d7964 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/delete_messages.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/delete_messages.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,29 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ ButtonStyle,
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+ type TextChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { ButtonStyle, ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType, TextChannel } from 'discord.js';
-import { askForApproval, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { getChannelTypeById } from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import {
+ askForApprovalByInteraction,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import {
+ TextChannelType,
+ TextChannelTypeList,
+} from "../../types/enums/TextChannelType.enum.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'delete_messages';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'delete n messages';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "delete_messages";
+const DESCRIPTION = "delete n messages";
export default {
time: 1,
@@ -18,34 +35,60 @@ export default {
.addNumberOption((option) =>
- option.setName('message_number').setDescription('number of messages to delete').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("message_number").setDescription(
+ "number of messages to delete",
+ ).setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- const bulkDeleteLength = interaction.options.getNumber('message_number');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const bulkDeleteLength = interaction.options.getNumber("message_number");
if (!bulkDeleteLength) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'delete_messages', 'deleteLength must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "delete_messages",
+ "deleteLength must be provided",
+ ),
if (bulkDeleteLength <= 0 || bulkDeleteLength > 97) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'delete_messages', 'you can delete one, up-to 97 messages'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "delete_messages",
+ "you can delete one, up-to 97 messages",
+ ),
if (!interaction.member) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'message author could not be fetched',
+ value: "message author could not be fetched",
- const result = await askForApproval(
+ const channelType = await getChannelTypeById(
+ interaction.channelId,
+ pGuild,
+ );
+ if (channelType !== TextChannelType.NONE) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: `it is not allowed to delete in ${
+ TextChannelTypeList[channelType]
+ } channels`,
+ };
+ }
+ const result = await askForApprovalByInteraction(
`*${interaction.user}, are you sure you want to delete **${bulkDeleteLength}** messages*?`,
@@ -54,22 +97,26 @@ export default {
if (!result) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to get approval',
+ value: "failed to get approval",
- const messages = await (interaction.channel).bulkDelete(bulkDeleteLength + 1);
+ const messages = await ( interaction.channel).bulkDelete(
+ bulkDeleteLength + 1,
+ );
if (!messages) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'error while bulk delete',
+ value: "error while bulk delete",
return {
result: true,
- value: `User ${interaction.user.displayName}, deleted ${messages.size - 1} messages`,
+ value: `User ${interaction.user.displayName}, deleted ${
+ messages.size - 1
+ } messages`,
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/force.ts b/src/commands/auth/force.ts
index b7e01e46..970ae21e 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/force.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/force.ts
@@ -1,23 +1,41 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js';
-import { deleteChannel, includedInVoiceList, regexInterpreter } from '../../libraries/guild.library.js';
-import { messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { updateVoice } from '../../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { PChannel } from '../../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { PVoiceChannel } from '../../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.js';
-import { PortalChannelType } from '../../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.js';
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'force';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'force refresh your portal channel';
-function isUserInHandledVoiceChannel(member: GuildMember, pGuild: PGuild): boolean {
- return !!member.voice.channel && includedInVoiceList(member.voice.channel.id, pGuild.pChannels);
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type {
+ ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ GuildMember,
+ VoiceChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import {
+ deleteChannel,
+ includedInVoiceList,
+ regexInterpreter,
+} from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import { messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { updateVoice } from "../../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { PChannel } from "../../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import type { PVoiceChannel } from "../../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.ts";
+import { PortalChannelType } from "../../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "force";
+const DESCRIPTION = "force refresh your portal channel";
+function isUserInHandledVoiceChannel(
+ member: GuildMember,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): boolean {
+ return !!member.voice.channel &&
+ includedInVoiceList(member.voice.channel.id, pGuild.pChannels);
-function isChannelCreator(member: GuildMember, pVoiceChannel: PVoiceChannel): boolean {
+function isChannelCreator(
+ member: GuildMember,
+ pVoiceChannel: PVoiceChannel,
+): boolean {
return pVoiceChannel.creatorId === member.id;
@@ -40,25 +58,43 @@ async function cloneAndUpdateVoiceChannel(
const currentVoiceClone = await currentVoice.clone({ name: updatedName });
if (!currentVoiceClone) {
- return { result: false, value: 'Error while cloning channel' };
+ return { result: false, value: "Error while cloning channel" };
for (const member of currentVoice.members.values()) {
- member.voice?.setChannel(currentVoiceClone, 'portal force update').catch(() => {
- return { result: false, value: `Failed to move user ${member.displayName}` };
- });
+ member.voice?.setChannel(currentVoiceClone, "portal force update").catch(
+ () => {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: `Failed to move user ${member.displayName}`,
+ };
+ },
+ );
- const updatedVoice = await updateVoice(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, currentVoice.id, 'id', currentVoiceClone.id);
+ const updatedVoice = await updateVoice(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ currentVoice.id,
+ "id",
+ currentVoiceClone.id,
+ );
if (!updatedVoice) {
- return { result: false, value: 'Failed to force update channel' };
+ return { result: false, value: "Failed to force update channel" };
- await deleteChannel(PortalChannelType.voice, currentVoice, interaction, true).catch((e) => {
- return { result: false, value: `Failed to delete channel: ${e}` };
- });
+ const result = await deleteChannel(
+ PortalChannelType.voice,
+ currentVoice,
+ interaction,
+ true,
+ );
- return { result: true, value: 'Force updated voice' };
+ if (!result) {
+ return { result: false, value: `Failed to delete channel` };
+ }
+ return { result: true, value: "Force updated voice" };
export default {
@@ -67,29 +103,53 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: true,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.MEMBER,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
const member = interaction.member as GuildMember;
- if (!member) return { result: false, value: 'Member could not be fetched' };
- if (!isUserInHandledVoiceChannel(member, pGuild))
+ if (!member) return { result: false, value: "Member could not be fetched" };
+ if (!isUserInHandledVoiceChannel(member, pGuild)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'force', 'The channel you are in is not handled by Portal'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "force",
+ "The channel you are in is not handled by Portal",
+ ),
- if ((member.voice.channel as VoiceChannel).members.size > 10)
+ }
+ if ((member.voice.channel as VoiceChannel).members.size > 10) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'force', 'You can only force a channel with up-to 10 members'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "force",
+ "You can only force a channel with up-to 10 members",
+ ),
+ }
for (const pChannel of pGuild.pChannels) {
for (const pVoiceChannel of pChannel.pVoiceChannels) {
- if (pVoiceChannel.id !== member.voice.channel!.id) continue;
- if (!isChannelCreator(member, pVoiceChannel))
- return { result: false, value: 'You are not the creator of the channel' };
- if (!interaction.guild) return { result: false, value: 'Could not fetch message\'s guild' };
+ if (pVoiceChannel.id !== member.voice.channel!.id) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!isChannelCreator(member, pVoiceChannel)) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: "You are not the creator of the channel",
+ };
+ }
+ if (!interaction.guild) {
+ return { result: false, value: "Could not fetch message's guild" };
+ }
return cloneAndUpdateVoiceChannel(
member.voice.channel as VoiceChannel,
@@ -100,6 +160,7 @@ export default {
- return { result: false, value: 'Force failed' };
+ return { result: false, value: "Force failed" };
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/ignore.ts b/src/commands/auth/ignore.ts
index cf27149c..8da4c337 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/ignore.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/ignore.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
-import { includedInPIgnores } from '../../libraries/guild.library.js';
-import { insertIgnore, removeIgnore } from '../../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "npm:discord.js";
+import { includedInPIgnores } from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import { insertIgnore, removeIgnore } from "../../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'ignore';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'ignore user or channel from spam';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "ignore";
+const DESCRIPTION = "ignore user or channel from spam";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -15,12 +18,17 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: true,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.NONE,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
@@ -29,7 +37,7 @@ export default {
if (!channelId) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not fetch channel',
+ value: "could not fetch channel",
@@ -40,12 +48,14 @@ export default {
if (response) {
return {
result: response,
- value: response ? 'successfully removed ignore channel' : 'failed to remove ignore channel',
+ value: response
+ ? "successfully removed ignore channel"
+ : "failed to remove ignore channel",
} else {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to remove ignore channel',
+ value: "failed to remove ignore channel",
} else {
@@ -54,12 +64,14 @@ export default {
if (response) {
return {
result: response,
- value: response ? 'set as an ignore channel successfully' : 'failed to set as an ignore channel',
+ value: response
+ ? "set as an ignore channel successfully"
+ : "failed to set as an ignore channel",
} else {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to set as an ignore channel',
+ value: "failed to set as an ignore channel",
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/index.ts b/src/commands/auth/index.ts
index 5abf7427..880df432 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/index.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/index.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-export { default as announcement } from './announcement.js';
-export { default as ban } from './ban.js';
-export { default as delete_messages } from './delete_messages.js';
-export { default as force } from './force.js';
-export { default as ignore } from './ignore.js';
-export { default as invite } from './invite.js';
-export { default as kick } from './kick.js';
-export { default as music } from './music.js';
-export { default as portal } from './portal.js';
-export { default as set } from './set.js';
-export { default as set_ranks } from './set_ranks.js';
-export { default as url } from './url.js';
-export { default as vendor } from './vendor.js';
+export { default as announcement } from "./announcement.ts";
+export { default as ban } from "./ban.ts";
+export { default as delete_messages } from "./delete_messages.ts";
+export { default as force } from "./force.ts";
+export { default as ignore } from "./ignore.ts";
+export { default as invite } from "./invite.ts";
+export { default as kick } from "./kick.ts";
+export { default as music } from "./music.ts";
+export { default as portal } from "./portal.ts";
+export { default as set } from "./set.ts";
+export { default as set_ranks } from "./set_ranks.ts";
+export { default as url } from "./url.ts";
+export { default as vendor } from "./vendor.ts";
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/invite.ts b/src/commands/auth/invite.ts
index 55f4dee4..211510f4 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/invite.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/invite.ts
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
import {
- ChatInputCommandInteraction,
- GuildMember,
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type GuildMember,
- InviteCreateOptions,
- TextChannel,
-} from 'discord.js';
-import { isMod, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+ type InviteCreateOptions,
+ type TextChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { isMod, messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'invite';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'generate an invite link';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "invite";
+const DESCRIPTION = "generate an invite link";
export default {
time: 1,
@@ -23,50 +26,67 @@ export default {
.addBooleanOption((option) =>
- option.setName('temporary').setDescription('should invite be temporary').setRequired(false),
+ option.setName("temporary").setDescription("should invite be temporary")
+ .setRequired(false)
+ )
+ .addNumberOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("max_age").setDescription(
+ "what the maximum age of the invitee shall be",
+ ).setRequired(false)
.addNumberOption((option) =>
- option.setName('max_age').setDescription('what the maximum age of the invitee shall be').setRequired(false),
+ option.setName("max_uses").setDescription("maximum usages").setRequired(
+ false,
+ )
+ )
+ .addBooleanOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("unique").setDescription("should invite be unique")
+ .setRequired(false)
- .addNumberOption((option) => option.setName('max_uses').setDescription('maximum usages').setRequired(false))
- .addBooleanOption((option) => option.setName('unique').setDescription('should invite be unique').setRequired(false))
.addStringOption((option) =>
- option.setName('reason').setDescription('the reason for the invite').setRequired(false),
+ option.setName("reason").setDescription("the reason for the invite")
+ .setRequired(false)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
const member = interaction.member as GuildMember;
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
if (!member) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'member could not be fetched',
+ value: "member could not be fetched",
if (!isMod(member)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'you must be a Portal moderator to invite users',
+ value: "you must be a Portal moderator to invite users",
- const temporary = interaction.options.getBoolean('temporary');
- const maxAge = interaction.options.getNumber('max_age');
- const maxUses = interaction.options.getNumber('max_uses');
- const unique = interaction.options.getBoolean('unique');
- const reason = interaction.options.getString('reason');
+ const temporary = interaction.options.getBoolean("temporary");
+ const maxAge = interaction.options.getNumber("max_age");
+ const maxUses = interaction.options.getNumber("max_uses");
+ const unique = interaction.options.getBoolean("unique");
+ const reason = interaction.options.getString("reason");
if (!(temporary && maxAge && maxUses && unique && reason)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'invite', 'all invite options are required'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "invite",
+ "all invite options are required",
+ ),
@@ -78,27 +98,30 @@ export default {
- const createdInvite = await (interaction.channel).createInvite(inviteCreationOptions);
+ const createdInvite = await ( interaction.channel)
+ .createInvite(inviteCreationOptions);
if (!createdInvite) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to remove ignore channel',
+ value: "failed to remove ignore channel",
- const sentMessage = await member?.send(`https://discord.gg/${createdInvite.code}`);
+ const sentMessage = await member?.send(
+ `https://discord.gg/${createdInvite.code}`,
+ );
if (!sentMessage) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to remove ignore channel',
+ value: "failed to remove ignore channel",
return {
result: true,
- value: 'I sent you an invite as a private message',
+ value: "I sent you an invite as a private message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/kick.ts b/src/commands/auth/kick.ts
index 51190c6e..ec63645d 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/kick.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/kick.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,27 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { BanOptions, ButtonStyle, ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember, InteractionContextType } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type BanOptions,
+ ButtonStyle,
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type GuildMember,
+ InteractionContextType,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { askForApproval, isMod, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { ban } from '../../libraries/user.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import {
+ askForApprovalByInteraction,
+ isMod,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { ban } from "../../libraries/user.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import logger from "../../utilities/log.utility.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'kick';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'kick a user';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "kick";
+const DESCRIPTION = "kick a user";
export default {
time: 1,
@@ -18,54 +32,69 @@ export default {
slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder()
- .addUserOption((option) => option.setName('user_to_kick').setDescription('user to kick').setRequired(true))
- .addNumberOption((option) => option.setName('kick_days').setDescription('days to kick user for').setRequired(true))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('kick_reason').setDescription('kick reason').setRequired(false))
+ .addUserOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("user_to_kick").setDescription("user to kick").setRequired(
+ true,
+ )
+ )
+ .addNumberOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("kick_days").setDescription("days to kick user for")
+ .setRequired(true)
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("kick_reason").setDescription("kick reason").setRequired(
+ false,
+ )
+ )
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- const memberToBan = interaction.options.getMember('user_to_kick') as GuildMember;
- const kickDays = interaction.options.getNumber('kick_days');
- const kickReason = interaction.options.getString('kick_reason');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ const memberToBan = interaction.options.getMember(
+ "user_to_kick",
+ ) as GuildMember;
+ const kickDays = interaction.options.getNumber("kick_days");
+ const kickReason = interaction.options.getString("kick_reason");
if (!memberToBan) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'kick', 'user must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "kick", "user must be provided"),
if (!kickDays) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'kick', 'days to kick must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "kick", "days to kick must be provided"),
if (!interaction.member) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'message author could not be fetched',
+ value: "message author could not be fetched",
if (!isMod(interaction.member as GuildMember)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'you must be a Portal moderator to kick users',
+ value: "you must be a Portal moderator to kick users",
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'user guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "user guild could not be fetched",
const deleteMessageDays = kickDays ?? 1;
- const reason = kickReason ?? 'kicked by admin';
+ const reason = kickReason ?? "kicked by admin";
- const response = await askForApproval(
+ const response = await askForApprovalByInteraction(
`*${interaction.user}, are you sure you want to kick **${memberToBan.displayName}** for **${deleteMessageDays}** days*?`,
@@ -74,7 +103,7 @@ export default {
if (!response) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'kick approval not received',
+ value: "kick approval not received",
@@ -93,7 +122,11 @@ export default {
: `User ${memberToBan.displayName} could not be kicked`,
} catch (e) {
- await interaction.editReply({ content: 'Confirmation not received within 1 minute, cancelling', components: [] });
+ logger.error(`Error while kicking: ${e}`);
+ await interaction.editReply({
+ content: "Confirmation not received within 1 minute, cancelling",
+ components: [],
+ });
return {
result: false,
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/music.ts b/src/commands/auth/music.ts
index 44998c9c..1546d9e1 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/music.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/music.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,34 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType, TextChannel, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+ TextChannel,
+ type VoiceChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { deleteChannel, doesChannelHaveUsage } from '../../libraries/guild.library.js';
-import { createMusicLyricsMessage, createMusicMessage, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { PortalChannelType } from '../../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.js';
+import {
+ deleteChannel,
+ getChannelTypeById,
+} from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import {
+ createMusicLyricsMessage,
+ createMusicMessage,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { PortalChannelType } from "../../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.ts";
+import {
+ TextChannelType,
+ TextChannelTypeList,
+} from "../../types/enums/TextChannelType.enum.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'music';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'set a music channel';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "music";
+const DESCRIPTION = "set a music channel";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -22,47 +41,54 @@ export default {
.addChannelOption((option) =>
- .setName('music_channel')
- .setDescription('the channel you want to make the music channel')
- .setRequired(true),
+ .setName("music_channel")
+ .setDescription("the channel you want to make the music channel")
+ .setRequired(true)
.addChannelOption((option) =>
- .setName('delete_previous')
- .setDescription('whether or not to delete the previous music channel')
- .setRequired(false),
+ .setName("delete_previous")
+ .setDescription("whether or not to delete the previous music channel")
+ .setRequired(false)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- const musicChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('music_channel');
- const deletePreviousMusicChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('delete_previous');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const musicChannel = interaction.options.getChannel("music_channel");
+ const deletePreviousMusicChannel = interaction.options.getChannel(
+ "delete_previous",
+ );
if (!musicChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'music'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "music"),
if (!(musicChannel instanceof TextChannel)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'music', 'channel must be text channel'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "music", "channel must be text channel"),
if (!musicChannel.isTextBased) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'music', 'channel must be text channel'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "music", "channel must be text channel"),
- const channelHasUsage = await doesChannelHaveUsage(musicChannel.id, pGuild);
- if (channelHasUsage.result) {
+ const channelType = await getChannelTypeById(musicChannel.id, pGuild);
+ if (channelType !== TextChannelType.NONE) {
return {
result: false,
- value: channelHasUsage.value,
+ value: `selected channel is already in use as ${
+ TextChannelTypeList[channelType]
+ } channel`,
@@ -81,7 +107,7 @@ export default {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'new music channel set successfully',
+ value: `**${musicChannel.name}** set to Music channel.`,
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/portal.ts b/src/commands/auth/portal.ts
index 08485cfd..bbcd7bbd 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/portal.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/portal.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,26 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember, InteractionContextType, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type GuildMember,
+ InteractionContextType,
+ VoiceChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { insertPortal } from '../../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { IPChannel, PChannel } from '../../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { insertPortal } from "../../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type IPChannel,
+ PChannel,
+} from "../../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'portal';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'set a portal channel';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "portal";
+const DESCRIPTION = "set a portal channel";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -22,39 +33,52 @@ export default {
.addChannelOption((option) =>
- .setName('portal_channel_name')
- .setDescription('the name of the portal channel you want to create')
- .setRequired(true),
+ .setName("portal_channel_name")
+ .setDescription("the name of the portal channel you want to create")
+ .setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- const newPortalChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('portal_channel_name');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const portalChannel = interaction.options.getChannel(
+ "portal_channel_name",
+ );
- if (!newPortalChannel) {
+ if (!portalChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'portal', 'portal channel name is required'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "portal",
+ "portal channel name is required",
+ ),
- if (!(newPortalChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) {
+ if (!(portalChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'portal', 'channel must be voice channel'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "portal",
+ "channel must be voice channel",
+ ),
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
if (!interaction.member) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'member could not be fetched',
+ value: "member could not be fetched",
@@ -70,9 +94,9 @@ export default {
// };
const voiceRegex = pGuild.premium
- ? // ? 'G$#-P$memberCount | $statusList'
- '$#:$memberCount {{"if": "$statusCount", "is": "===", "with": "1","yes": "$statusList", "no": "$statusList|acronym"}}'
- : 'Channel $#';
+ // ? 'G$#-P$memberCount | $statusList'
+ ? '$#:$memberCount {{"if": "$statusCount", "is": "===", "with": "1","yes": "$statusList", "no": "$statusList|acronym"}}'
+ : "Channel $#";
// const newPortalChannelId = await createChannel(currentGuild, portalChannelName, portalOptions, portalChannelCategoryName);
@@ -84,10 +108,10 @@ export default {
// }
const pChannel = new PChannel(
- newPortalChannel.id,
+ portalChannel.id,
- 'portal',
+ "portal",
@@ -99,15 +123,16 @@ export default {
- const portalInserted = await insertPortal(pGuild.id, pChannel as unknown as IPChannel);
+ const portalInserted = await insertPortal(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel as unknown as IPChannel,
+ );
return {
result: !!portalInserted,
value: portalInserted
- ? 'Portal channel has been created.\n' +
- 'Keep in mind that due to Discord\'s limitations,\n' +
- 'channel names will be updated on a five minute interval'
- : 'portal channel failed to be created',
+ ? `**${portalChannel.name}** set to Portal channel.`
+ : "failed to set new Portal channel ",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/set.ts b/src/commands/auth/set.ts
index 6082eed4..8a80a1fd 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/set.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/set.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember, Role, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type {
+ ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ GuildMember,
+ Role,
+ VoiceChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { setAttribute } from '../../Interpreter/attribute.functions.js';
-import { messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { setAttribute } from "../../Interpreter/attribute.functions.ts";
+import { messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'set';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'set the value of an attribute';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "set";
+const DESCRIPTION = "set the value of an attribute";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -21,54 +29,63 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('attribute')
- .setDescription('Attribute\'s name to set')
+ .setName("attribute")
+ .setDescription("Attribute's name to set")
- { name: 'p.annAnnounce', value: 'p.annAnnounce' },
- { name: 'v.annAnnounce', value: 'v.annAnnounce' },
- { name: 'p.noBots', value: 'p.noBots' },
- { name: 'v.noBots', value: 'v.noBots' },
- { name: 'p.allowedRoles', value: 'p.allowedRoles' },
- { name: 'p.v.allowedRoles', value: 'p.v.allowedRoles' },
- { name: 'v.allowedRoles', value: 'v.allowedRoles' },
- { name: 'p.render', value: 'p.render' },
- { name: 'v.render', value: 'v.render' },
- { name: 'p.annUser', value: 'p.annUser' },
- { name: 'v.annUser', value: 'v.annUser' },
- { name: 'v.bitrate', value: 'v.bitrate' },
- { name: 'g.kickAfter', value: 'g.kickAfter' },
- { name: 'g.banAfter', value: 'g.banAfter' },
- { name: 'g.muteRole', value: 'g.muteRole' },
- { name: 'g.rankSpeed', value: 'g.rankSpeed' },
- { name: 'g.profanityLevel', value: 'g.profanityLevel' },
- { name: 'g.initialRole', value: 'g.initialRole' },
- { name: 'g.locale', value: 'g.locale' },
- { name: 'p.locale', value: 'p.locale' },
- { name: 'v.locale', value: 'v.locale' },
- { name: 'v.position', value: 'v.position' },
- { name: 'p.userLimit', value: 'p.userLimit' },
- { name: 'v.userLimit', value: 'v.userLimit' },
+ { name: "p.annAnnounce", value: "p.annAnnounce" },
+ { name: "v.annAnnounce", value: "v.annAnnounce" },
+ { name: "p.noBots", value: "p.noBots" },
+ { name: "v.noBots", value: "v.noBots" },
+ { name: "p.allowedRoles", value: "p.allowedRoles" },
+ { name: "p.v.allowedRoles", value: "p.v.allowedRoles" },
+ { name: "v.allowedRoles", value: "v.allowedRoles" },
+ { name: "p.render", value: "p.render" },
+ { name: "v.render", value: "v.render" },
+ { name: "p.annUser", value: "p.annUser" },
+ { name: "v.annUser", value: "v.annUser" },
+ { name: "v.bitrate", value: "v.bitrate" },
+ { name: "g.kickAfter", value: "g.kickAfter" },
+ { name: "g.banAfter", value: "g.banAfter" },
+ { name: "g.muteRole", value: "g.muteRole" },
+ { name: "g.rankSpeed", value: "g.rankSpeed" },
+ { name: "g.profanityLevel", value: "g.profanityLevel" },
+ { name: "g.initialRole", value: "g.initialRole" },
+ { name: "g.locale", value: "g.locale" },
+ { name: "p.locale", value: "p.locale" },
+ { name: "v.locale", value: "v.locale" },
+ { name: "v.position", value: "v.position" },
+ { name: "p.userLimit", value: "p.userLimit" },
+ { name: "v.userLimit", value: "v.userLimit" },
- .setRequired(true),
+ .setRequired(true)
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('value').setDescription('Value to set attribute to').setRequired(false))
- .addRoleOption((option) => option.setName('role').setDescription('Value to set attribute to').setRequired(false)),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- const attribute = interaction.options.getString('attribute');
- const value = interaction.options.getString('value');
- const role = interaction.options.getRole('role');
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("value").setDescription("Value to set attribute to")
+ .setRequired(false)
+ )
+ .addRoleOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("role").setDescription("Value to set attribute to")
+ .setRequired(false)
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const attribute = interaction.options.getString("attribute");
+ const value = interaction.options.getString("value");
+ const role = interaction.options.getRole("role");
if (!attribute || (!value && !role)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'set'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "set"),
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
@@ -76,7 +93,7 @@ export default {
if (!member) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'member could not be fetched',
+ value: "member could not be fetched",
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/set_ranks.ts b/src/commands/auth/set_ranks.ts
index f5a02597..9d89ff60 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/set_ranks.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/set_ranks.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,24 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType, Role } from 'discord.js';
-import { getJSONFromString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { setRanks } from '../../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { Rank, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+ type Role,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import {
+ getJSONFromString,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { setRanks } from "../../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type Rank,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'set_ranks';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'set ranks for server';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "set_ranks";
+const DESCRIPTION = "set ranks for server";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -19,22 +30,32 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- option.setName('rank_string').setDescription('JSON string of ranks to set (even for one rank)').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("rank_string").setDescription(
+ "JSON string of ranks to set (even for one rank)",
+ ).setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- if (!interaction.guild)
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
+ }
- const rankString = interaction.options.getString('rank_string');
+ const rankString = interaction.options.getString("rank_string");
if (!rankString) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'set_ranks', 'rank string must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "set_ranks",
+ "rank string must be provided",
+ ),
@@ -44,30 +65,46 @@ export default {
if (!newRanksJSON || !Array.isArray(newRanksJSON)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'set_ranks', 'ranking must be an array in JSON format (even for one role)'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "set_ranks",
+ "ranking must be an array in JSON format (even for one role)",
+ ),
- const newRanks = newRanksJSON;
+ const newRanks = newRanksJSON;
if (!newRanks.every((r) => r.level && r.role)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'set_ranks', 'JSON syntax has spelling errors`'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "set_ranks",
+ "JSON syntax has spelling errors`",
+ ),
if (!newRanks.every(isRank)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'set_ranks', 'rankings must be a key-pair from level and role'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "set_ranks",
+ "rankings must be a key-pair from level and role",
+ ),
if (!newRanks.every((r) => isRole(r, roles))) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'set_ranks', 'a role given does not exist in server'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "set_ranks",
+ "a role given does not exist in server",
+ ),
@@ -81,7 +118,9 @@ export default {
return {
result: response,
- value: response ? 'set new ranks successfully' : 'failed to set new ranks',
+ value: response
+ ? "set new ranks successfully"
+ : "failed to set new ranks",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/url.ts b/src/commands/auth/url.ts
index a3d339b1..fdfee223 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/url.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/url.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,26 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType, NewsChannel } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+ NewsChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { doesChannelHaveUsage } from '../../libraries/guild.library.js';
-import { messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { insertURL } from '../../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { getChannelTypeById } from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import { messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { insertURL } from "../../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import {
+ TextChannelType,
+ TextChannelTypeList,
+} from "../../types/enums/TextChannelType.enum.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'url';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'set a channel to URL only';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "url";
+const DESCRIPTION = "set a channel to URL only";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -21,38 +32,45 @@ export default {
.addChannelOption((option) =>
- option.setName('url_channel').setDescription('the channel you want to make the url channel').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("url_channel").setDescription(
+ "the channel you want to make the url channel",
+ ).setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- const urlChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('url_channel');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const urlChannel = interaction.options.getChannel("url_channel");
if (!urlChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'url'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "url"),
if (!(urlChannel instanceof NewsChannel)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'url', 'channel must be news channel'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "url", "channel must be news channel"),
if (!urlChannel.isTextBased()) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'url', 'channel must be text channel'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "url", "channel must be text channel"),
- const channelHasUsage = await doesChannelHaveUsage(urlChannel.id, pGuild);
- if (channelHasUsage.result) {
+ const channelType = await getChannelTypeById(urlChannel.id, pGuild);
+ if (channelType !== TextChannelType.NONE) {
return {
result: false,
- value: channelHasUsage.value,
+ value: `selected channel is already in use as ${
+ TextChannelTypeList[channelType]
+ } channel`,
@@ -60,7 +78,9 @@ export default {
return {
result: response,
- value: response ? 'new url channel set successfully' : 'failed to set new url channel',
+ value: response
+ ? `**${urlChannel.name}** set to URL channel.`
+ : "failed to set new URL channel ",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/auth/vendor.ts b/src/commands/auth/vendor.ts
index b87f3772..792d2350 100644
--- a/src/commands/auth/vendor.ts
+++ b/src/commands/auth/vendor.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,32 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, ColorResolvable, InteractionContextType, TextChannel } from 'discord.js';
-import { getRole } from '../../libraries/guild.library.js';
-import { createEmbed, getJSONFromString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { insertVendor } from '../../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { GiveRole, PGiveRole } from '../../types/classes/PGiveRole.class.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { Field, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'vendor';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'create a vendor message';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type ColorResolvable,
+ InteractionContextType,
+ type TextChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { getRole } from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import {
+ createEmbed,
+ getJSONFromString,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { insertVendor } from "../../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type GiveRole,
+ PGiveRole,
+} from "../../types/classes/PGiveRole.class.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ Field,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "vendor";
+const DESCRIPTION = "create a vendor message";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -22,23 +38,32 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- option.setName('vendor_string').setDescription('JSON string of vendor roles').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("vendor_string").setDescription(
+ "JSON string of vendor roles",
+ ).setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
- const vendorString = interaction.options.getString('vendor_string');
+ const vendorString = interaction.options.getString("vendor_string");
if (!vendorString) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'vendor', 'vendor string must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "vendor",
+ "vendor string must be provided",
+ ),
@@ -47,29 +72,45 @@ export default {
if (!roleMapJson) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'vendor', 'must be an array in JSON format (even for one role)'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "vendor",
+ "must be an array in JSON format (even for one role)",
+ ),
- const roleMap = roleMapJson;
+ const roleMap = roleMapJson;
if (!Array.isArray(roleMap)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'vendor', 'must be an array in JSON format (even for one role)'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "vendor",
+ "must be an array in JSON format (even for one role)",
+ ),
if (multipleSameEmote(roleMap)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'vendor', 'can not have the same emote for multiple actions'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "vendor",
+ "can not have the same emote for multiple actions",
+ ),
if (!roleMap.every((rm) => rm.emote && rm.role)) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'vendor', 'JSON syntax has spelling errors'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "vendor",
+ "JSON syntax has spelling errors",
+ ),
@@ -80,26 +121,31 @@ export default {
const roleEmbDisplay: Field[] = [];
- let returnValue = '';
+ let returnValue = "";
// give roles
const failed = roleMap.some((r) => {
if (interaction.guild) {
- const roleFetched = r.role.map((role) => getRole(interaction.guild, role));
+ const roleFetched = r.role.map((role) =>
+ getRole(interaction.guild, role)
+ );
if (roleFetched.some((role) => !role)) {
- returnValue = 'some of the given roles do not exist';
+ returnValue = "some of the given roles do not exist";
return true;
new Field(
- `\`\`\`${roleFetched.map((role) => `@${role ? role.name : 'undefined'}`).join(', ')}\`\`\``,
+ `\`\`\`${
+ roleFetched.map((role) => `@${role ? role.name : "undefined"}`)
+ .join(", ")
+ }\`\`\``,
} else {
- returnValue = 'could not fetch guild of message';
+ returnValue = "could not fetch guild of message";
return true;
@@ -112,11 +158,11 @@ export default {
const roleMessage = await createRoleMessage(
- interaction.channel,
+ interaction.channel,
- 'Role Assigner',
- 'React with emote to get or remove mentioned role',
- '#FF7F00',
+ "Role Assigner",
+ "React with emote to get or remove mentioned role",
+ "#FF7F00",
@@ -124,7 +170,7 @@ export default {
if (!roleMessage || !roleMessage.result) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'an error occurred while creating role message',
+ value: "an error occurred while creating role message",
@@ -142,7 +188,17 @@ function createRoleMessage(
roleMap: GiveRole[],
): Promise {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
- const roleMessageEmb = createEmbed(title, desc, colour, roleEmb, null, null, null, null, null);
+ const roleMessageEmb = createEmbed(
+ title,
+ desc,
+ colour,
+ roleEmb,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ );
.send({ embeds: [roleMessageEmb] })
@@ -161,22 +217,22 @@ function createRoleMessage(
return resolve({
result: r,
value: r
- ? 'Keep in mind that Portal role must be over any role you wish it to be able to distribute.\n' +
- 'In order to change it, please head to your servers settings and put Portal role above them'
- : 'failed to set new ranks',
+ ? "Keep in mind that Portal role must be over any role you wish it to be able to distribute.\n" +
+ "In order to change it, please head to your servers settings and put Portal role above them"
+ : "failed to set new ranks",
.catch(() => {
return resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'failed to set new ranks',
+ value: "failed to set new ranks",
.catch(() => {
return resolve({
result: false,
- value: 'failed to create role assigner message',
+ value: "failed to create role assigner message",
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/about.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/about.ts
index 6bc0d2b0..1c8bd0d1 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/about.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/about.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import "@std/dotenv/load";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'about';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns information on Portal';
+import { createEmbed } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "about";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns information on Portal";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -12,42 +17,47 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: false,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.NONE,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
async execute(): Promise {
const aboutMessage = [
- 'About',
- 'A fully fledged and feature rich bot for Discord',
- '#1DB954',
+ "About",
+ "A fully fledged and feature rich bot for Discord",
+ "#1DB954",
- emote: 'Website',
- role: '[portal-bot.xyz](https://portal-bot.xyz)',
+ emote: "Website",
+ role: "[portal-bot.xyz](https://portal-bot.xyz)",
inline: true,
- emote: 'Creator',
- role: '[Keybraker](https://github.com/keybraker/Portal)',
+ emote: "Creator",
+ role: "[Keybraker](https://github.com/keybraker/Portal)",
inline: true,
- emote: 'Version',
- role: `[${process.env.VERSION}](https://portal-bot.xyz/blog/${process.env.VERSION})`,
+ emote: "Version",
+ role: `[${Deno.env.get("VERSION")}](https://portal-bot.xyz/blog/${
+ Deno.env.get("VERSION")
+ })`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Official Server',
- role: '[Portal Official](https://discord.gg/WrMUzJYyzJ)',
+ emote: "Official Server",
+ role: "[Portal Official](https://discord.gg/WrMUzJYyzJ)",
inline: true,
- emote: 'Github',
- role: '[keybraker/Portal](https://www.github.com/keybraker/Portal)',
+ emote: "Github",
+ role: "[keybraker/Portal](https://www.github.com/keybraker/Portal)",
inline: true,
- emote: 'Upvote',
- role: '[Top.gg](https://top.gg/bot/704400876860735569) | [Bot.gg](https://discord.bots.gg/bots/704400876860735569)',
+ emote: "Upvote",
+ role:
+ "[Top.gg](https://top.gg/bot/704400876860735569) | [Bot.gg](https://discord.bots.gg/bots/704400876860735569)",
inline: true,
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/announce.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/announce.ts
index 46758546..53a71471 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/announce.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/announce.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember, TextChannel } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type {
+ ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ GuildMember,
+ TextChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'announce';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'send an announcement to the announcement channel';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "announce";
+const DESCRIPTION = "make an announcement to the announcement channel";
export default {
time: 2,
@@ -18,30 +25,45 @@ export default {
slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder()
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('title').setDescription('Announcement title').setRequired(true))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('body').setDescription('Announcement body').setRequired(true)),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- const title = interaction.options.getString('title');
- const body = interaction.options.getString('body');
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("title").setDescription("Announcement title").setRequired(
+ true,
+ )
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("body").setDescription("Announcement body").setRequired(
+ true,
+ )
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const title = interaction.options.getString("title");
+ const body = interaction.options.getString("body");
if (!title || !body) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'announce'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "announce"),
- if (pGuild.announcement === '' || pGuild.announcement === 'null') {
+ if (pGuild.announcement === "" || pGuild.announcement === "null") {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'announce', 'there is no announcement channel'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "announce",
+ "there is no announcement channel",
+ ),
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'message\'s guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "message's guild could not be fetched",
@@ -52,14 +74,18 @@ export default {
if (!announcementChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'announce', 'announcements channel does not exist'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "announce",
+ "announcements channel does not exist",
+ ),
const richMessage = createEmbed(
`@here ${body}`,
- '#022E4E',
+ "#022E4E",
interaction.member as GuildMember,
@@ -72,7 +98,9 @@ export default {
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? 'announcement was sent successfully' : 'could not send message',
+ value: outcome
+ ? "announcement was sent successfully"
+ : "could not send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/bet.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/bet.ts
index d00fe159..56d9ffe4 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/bet.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/bet.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import dayjs from 'dayjs';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
-import { RequestOptions } from 'https';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import dayjs from "npm:dayjs";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "npm:discord.js";
-import { createEmbed, getJSONFromString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { httpsFetch } from '../../libraries/http.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { httpsFetch } from "../../libraries/http.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'bet';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns betting data';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "bet";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns betting data";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -22,108 +24,108 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('provider')
- .setDescription('betting provider')
+ .setName("provider")
+ .setDescription("betting provider")
- .addChoices({ name: 'OPAP', value: 'opap' }),
+ .addChoices({ name: "OPAP", value: "opap" })
.addNumberOption((option) =>
- .setName('game')
- .setDescription('betting game')
+ .setName("game")
+ .setDescription("betting game")
- { name: 'KINO', value: 1100 },
- { name: 'PowerSpin', value: 1110 },
- { name: 'Super3', value: 2100 },
- { name: 'PROTO', value: 2101 },
- { name: 'LOTTO', value: 5103 },
- { name: 'Tzoker', value: 5104 },
- { name: 'extra5', value: 5106 },
- ),
+ { name: "KINO", value: 1100 },
+ { name: "PowerSpin", value: 1110 },
+ { name: "Super3", value: 2100 },
+ { name: "PROTO", value: 2101 },
+ { name: "LOTTO", value: 5103 },
+ { name: "Tzoker", value: 5104 },
+ { name: "extra5", value: 5106 },
+ )
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- const provider = interaction.options.getString('provider');
- const gameCode = interaction.options.getNumber('game');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ const provider = interaction.options.getString("provider");
+ const gameCode = interaction.options.getNumber("game");
if (!provider) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'bet', 'provider must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "bet", "provider must be provided"),
if (!gameCode) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'bet', 'gameCode must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "bet", "gameCode must be provided"),
- const options: RequestOptions = {
- method: 'GET',
- hostname: 'api.opap.gr',
- port: undefined,
- path: `/draws/v3.0/${gameCode}/last-result-and-active`,
+ const url = new URL(
+ `https://api.opap.gr/draws/v3.0/${gameCode}/last-result-and-active`,
+ );
+ const response = await httpsFetch(url, {
+ method: "GET",
headers: {
- 'x-opap-host': 'api.opap.gr',
- useQueryString: 1,
+ "x-opap-host": "api.opap.gr",
+ useQueryString: "1",
- };
- const response = await httpsFetch(options);
- if (!response) {
- return {
- result: false,
- value: 'could not fetch data from OpenAPI',
- };
- }
+ });
- const json = getJSONFromString(response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf('{')));
+ const json = await response.json();
- if (json === null) {
+ if (!json) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'data from source is corrupted',
+ value: "could not parse data from OpenAPI",
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [
- `${gameCode} from ${provider} | ${dayjs(json.last.drawTime).format('DD/MM/YY')}`,
+ `${gameCode} from ${provider} | ${
+ dayjs(json.last.drawTime).format("DD/MM/YY")
+ }`,
`powered by ${provider}`,
- '#0384fc',
+ "#0384fc",
- emote: 'Winning Numbers',
+ emote: "Winning Numbers",
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
- role: `${json.last.winningNumbers.list.map((n: number) => n).join(', ')}`,
+ role: `${
+ json.last.winningNumbers.list.map((n: number) => n).join(", ")
+ }`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Tzoker',
+ emote: "Tzoker",
role: `${json.last.winningNumbers.bonus}`,
inline: true,
- emote: `${json.last.prizeCategories[0].winners > 1 ? 'Winners' : 'Winner'}`,
+ emote: `${
+ json.last.prizeCategories[0].winners > 1 ? "Winners" : "Winner"
+ }`,
role: `${json.last.prizeCategories[0].winners}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Draw Number',
+ emote: "Draw Number",
role: `${json.last.drawId}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Columns Cast',
+ emote: "Columns Cast",
role: `${json.last.wagerStatistics.columns}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Wagers',
+ emote: "Wagers",
role: `${json.last.wagerStatistics.wagers}`,
inline: true,
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ export default {
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/corona.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/corona.ts
index 01e438e7..0949d7c7 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/corona.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/corona.ts
@@ -1,17 +1,27 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import dayjs from 'dayjs';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType } from 'discord.js';
-import { RequestOptions } from 'https';
-import voca from 'voca';
-import { CountryCodes } from '../../assets/lists/countryCodesISO.static.js';
-import { createEmbed, getJSONFromString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { httpsFetch } from '../../libraries/http.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'corona';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns data on COVID19';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import "@std/dotenv/load";
+import dayjs from "npm:dayjs";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import voca from "npm:voca";
+import { CountryCodes } from "../../assets/lists/countryCodesISO.static.ts";
+import {
+ createEmbed,
+ getJSONFromString,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { httpsFetch } from "../../libraries/http.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "corona";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns data on COVID19";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -23,24 +33,28 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- option.setName('country').setDescription('The country you want to get corona data for').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("country").setDescription(
+ "The country you want to get corona data for",
+ ).setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- if (!process.env.COVID_193) {
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ if (!Deno.env.get("COVID_193")) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'COVID_193 API key is not set up',
+ value: "COVID_193 API key is not set up",
let code: string | null = null;
- const country = interaction.options.getString('country');
+ const country = interaction.options.getString("country");
if (!country) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'corona', 'country must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "corona", "country must be provided"),
@@ -49,34 +63,37 @@ export default {
if (!code) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'corona', `could not fetch code for country ${country}`),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "corona",
+ `could not fetch code for country ${country}`,
+ ),
- const options: RequestOptions = {
- method: 'GET',
- hostname: 'covid-193.p.rapidapi.com',
- port: undefined,
- path: '/statistics',
+ const url = new URL("https://covid-193.p.rapidapi.com/statistics");
+ const response = await httpsFetch(url, {
+ method: "GET",
headers: {
- 'x-rapidapi-host': 'covid-193.p.rapidapi.com',
- 'x-rapidapi-key': process.env.COVID_193,
- useQueryString: 1,
+ "x-rapidapi-host": "covid-193.p.rapidapi.com",
+ "x-rapidapi-key": Deno.env.get("COVID_193") || "",
+ "Accept": "application/json",
- };
- const response = await httpsFetch(options);
+ });
if (!response) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not fetch data from source',
+ value: "could not fetch data from source",
- const json = getJSONFromString(response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf('{')));
+ const json = getJSONFromString(
+ response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf("{")),
+ );
- if (json.message === 'You are not subscribed to this API.') {
+ if (json.message === "You are not subscribed to this API.") {
return {
result: false,
value: json.message,
@@ -86,25 +103,27 @@ export default {
if (!json) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'data from source was corrupted',
+ value: "data from source was corrupted",
if (json.errors && json.errors.length !== 0) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'source responded with errors',
+ value: "source responded with errors",
if (!json.response) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'source responded without data',
+ value: "source responded without data",
- const countryData = json.response.find((data: { country: string }) => data.country === code);
+ const countryData = json.response.find((data: { country: string }) =>
+ data.country === code
+ );
if (!countryData) {
return {
@@ -116,52 +135,62 @@ export default {
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [
- `${countryData.country} | ${dayjs(countryData.time).format('DD/MM/YY')}`,
- 'Covid19 stats by covid-193',
- '#FF0000',
+ `${countryData.country} | ${
+ dayjs(countryData.time).format("DD/MM/YY")
+ }`,
+ "Covid19 stats by covid-193",
+ "#FF0000",
- emote: 'NEW cases',
- role: `${countryData.cases.new ? countryData.cases.new : 'N/A'}`,
+ emote: "NEW cases",
+ role: `${countryData.cases.new ? countryData.cases.new : "N/A"}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'NEW deaths',
- role: `${countryData.deaths.new ? countryData.deaths.new : 'N/A'}`,
+ emote: "NEW deaths",
+ role: `${
+ countryData.deaths.new ? countryData.deaths.new : "N/A"
+ }`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Tests P1M',
- role: `${countryData.tests['1M_pop']}`,
+ emote: "Tests P1M",
+ role: `${countryData.tests["1M_pop"]}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Cases',
+ emote: "Cases",
role: `${countryData.cases.total}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Deaths',
+ emote: "Deaths",
role: `${countryData.deaths.total}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Recovered',
+ emote: "Recovered",
role: `${countryData.cases.recovered}`,
inline: true,
- emote: '%Recovered',
- role: `${((countryData.cases.recovered / countryData.cases.total) * 100).toFixed(2)}%`,
+ emote: "%Recovered",
+ role: `${
+ ((countryData.cases.recovered / countryData.cases.total) * 100)
+ .toFixed(2)
+ }%`,
inline: true,
- emote: '%Diseased',
- role: `${((countryData.deaths.total / countryData.cases.total) * 100).toFixed(2)}%`,
+ emote: "%Diseased",
+ role: `${
+ ((countryData.deaths.total / countryData.cases.total) * 100)
+ .toFixed(2)
+ }%`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Critical',
+ emote: "Critical",
role: `${countryData.cases.critical}`,
inline: true,
@@ -177,7 +206,7 @@ export default {
return {
result: false,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
@@ -186,8 +215,11 @@ const countryCodes: { name: string; code: string }[] = CountryCodes;
const getCountryCode = function (country: string): string | null {
for (let i = 0; i < countryCodes.length; i++) {
- if (voca.lowerCase(countryCodes[i].name) === voca.lowerCase(country)) return countryCodes[i].name;
- else if (voca.lowerCase(countryCodes[i].code) === voca.lowerCase(country)) return countryCodes[i].name;
+ if (voca.lowerCase(countryCodes[i].name) === voca.lowerCase(country)) {
+ return countryCodes[i].name;
+ } else if (
+ voca.lowerCase(countryCodes[i].code) === voca.lowerCase(country)
+ ) return countryCodes[i].name;
return null;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/crypto.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/crypto.ts
index 0e69cfe1..b5d482c1 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/crypto.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/crypto.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType } from 'discord.js';
-import { RequestOptions } from 'https';
-import voca from 'voca';
-import { createEmbed, getJSONFromString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { httpsFetch } from '../../libraries/http.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import "@std/dotenv/load";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import voca from "npm:voca";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'crypto';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns information about crypto currencies';
+import {
+ createEmbed,
+ getJSONFromString,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { httpsFetch } from "../../libraries/http.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "crypto";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns information about crypto currencies";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -20,74 +31,98 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- option.setName('crypto_name').setDescription('The `name of the crypto currency`').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("crypto_name").setDescription(
+ "The `name of the crypto currency`",
+ ).setRequired(true)
.addStringOption((option) =>
- option.setName('currency_name').setDescription('The name of the fiat currency to compare to').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("currency_name").setDescription(
+ "The name of the fiat currency to compare to",
+ ).setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- if (!process.env.COIN_GECKO) {
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ if (!Deno.env.get("COIN_GECKO")) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'COIN_GECKO API key is not set up',
+ value: "COIN_GECKO API key is not set up",
- const cryptoName = interaction.options.getString('crypto_name');
- const currencyName = interaction.options.getString('currency_name');
+ const cryptoName = interaction.options.getString("crypto_name");
+ const currencyName = interaction.options.getString("currency_name");
if (!cryptoName || !currencyName) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'crypto', 'crypto and fiat name must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "crypto",
+ "crypto and fiat name must be provided",
+ ),
- const options: RequestOptions = {
- method: 'GET',
- hostname: 'coingecko.p.rapidapi.com',
- port: undefined,
- path: `/simple/price?ids=${cryptoName}&vs_currencies=${currencyName}`,
+ const url = new URL("https://coingecko.p.rapidapi.com/simple/price");
+ url.searchParams.append("ids", cryptoName);
+ url.searchParams.append("vs_currencies", currencyName);
+ const response = await httpsFetch(url, {
+ method: "GET",
headers: {
- 'x-rapidapi-host': 'coingecko.p.rapidapi.com',
- 'x-rapidapi-key': process.env.COIN_GECKO,
- useQueryString: 1,
+ "x-rapidapi-host": "coingecko.p.rapidapi.com",
+ "x-rapidapi-key": Deno.env.get("COIN_GECKO") || "",
+ "Accept": "application/json",
- };
- const response = await httpsFetch(options);
+ });
if (!response) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not fetch data from source',
+ value: "could not fetch data from source",
- const json = getJSONFromString(response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf('{')));
+ const json = getJSONFromString(
+ response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf("{")),
+ );
if (!json) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'data from source was corrupted',
+ value: "data from source was corrupted",
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [
- createEmbed(null, null, '#FFE600', null, null, null, false, null, null, undefined, {
- name: `${voca.titleCase(cryptoName)} to ${voca.titleCase(currencyName)} price is ${
- json[cryptoName][currencyName]
- }`,
- icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/coin.gif',
- }),
+ createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#FFE600",
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ undefined,
+ {
+ name: `${voca.titleCase(cryptoName)} to ${
+ voca.titleCase(currencyName)
+ } price is ${json[cryptoName][currencyName]}`,
+ icon:
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/coin.gif",
+ },
+ ),
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/focus.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/focus.ts
index 7a15ce50..350f9a01 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/focus.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/focus.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,28 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
-import { messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'focus';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'creates a dedicated channel for two users to privately talk in';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "npm:discord.js";
+import { ButtonStyle, GuildMember } from "npm:discord.js";
+import {
+ createFocusChannel,
+ includedInVoiceList,
+ moveMembersBack,
+} from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import {
+ askForApprovalByMember,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { VoiceLibrary } from "../../libraries/voice.library.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import logger from "../../utilities/log.utility.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "focus";
+ "creates a dedicated channel for two users to privately talk in";
export default {
time: 1,
@@ -16,143 +33,212 @@ export default {
slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder()
- .addUserOption((option) => option.setName('member').setDescription('member to focus on').setRequired(true))
- .addNumberOption((option) => option.setName('duration').setDescription('duration in seconds').setRequired(true)),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- const member = interaction.options.getMember('member');
- const duration = interaction.options.getNumber('duration');
+ .addUserOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("member").setDescription("member to focus on").setRequired(
+ true,
+ )
+ )
+ .addNumberOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("duration").setDescription("duration in seconds")
+ .setRequired(true)
+ ),
+ // .addStringOption((option) =>
+ // option.setName("name").setDescription("focus channel name")
+ // .setRequired(false)
+ // ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const memberToFocus = interaction.options.getMember("member");
+ if (!memberToFocus) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp("commands", COMMAND_NAME, "user must be provided"),
+ };
+ }
+ if (!(memberToFocus instanceof GuildMember)) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp("commands", COMMAND_NAME, "could not find member"),
+ };
+ }
+ const member = interaction.member;
if (!member) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', COMMAND_NAME, 'user must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", COMMAND_NAME, "could not find member"),
+ };
+ }
+ if (!(member instanceof GuildMember)) {
+ logger.info("member is not a guild member instance");
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "you must be a guild member",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ if (member === memberToFocus) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "you can't focus on yourself",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ const duration = interaction.options.getNumber("duration") ?? (5 * 60);
+ const voiceBasedChannel = VoiceLibrary.getVoiceChannelByMember(member);
+ if (!voiceBasedChannel) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "user not in voice channel",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ if (!includedInVoiceList(voiceBasedChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "lel the channel you are in is not handled by Portal",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ if (voiceBasedChannel.members.size <= 2) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "you can *only* use focus in channels with *more* than 2 members",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ if (
+ voiceBasedChannel.members.some((m) => m.id === memberToFocus.id)
+ ) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "user to focus not in voice channel",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ const gotApproval = await askForApprovalByMember(
+ memberToFocus,
+ `*${memberToFocus.user}, member ${interaction.user}, would like to talk in ` +
+ `private${
+ duration === 0 ? "" : ` for ${duration}'`
+ }*, do you **(yes / no)** ?`,
+ ButtonStyle.Success,
+ );
+ if (!gotApproval) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "user declined the request",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ if (!interaction.guild) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "could not fetch message's guild",
+ ),
- if (!duration) {
+ if (!memberToFocus) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', COMMAND_NAME, 'duration must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "could not fetch message's member",
+ ),
+ const pChannel = pGuild.pChannels.find((p) =>
+ p.pVoiceChannels.some((v) => v.id === memberToFocus?.voice.channel?.id)
+ );
+ if (!pChannel) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "could not find member's portal channel",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ const oldChannel = voiceBasedChannel;
+ const focusChannelOutcome = await createFocusChannel(
+ interaction.guild,
+ memberToFocus,
+ memberToFocus,
+ duration,
+ pChannel,
+ );
+ setTimeout(async () => {
+ if (!memberToFocus) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "could not fetch message's member",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ const movedMembers = await moveMembersBack(
+ oldChannel,
+ memberToFocus,
+ memberToFocus,
+ ).catch((e) => {
+ logger.error(`commands.focus.error on moving members back: ${e}`);
+ });
+ if (!movedMembers) {
+ logger.error("could not move members back");
+ }
+ }, duration * 60 * 1000);
return {
- result: false,
- value: 'focus is currently disabled',
+ result: true,
+ value: focusChannelOutcome,
- // if (!member.voice.channel) {
- // return Promise.reject(messageHelp('commands', 'focus', 'you must be in a channel handled by Portal'));
- // }
- // if (!includedInVoiceList(member.voice.channel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
- // return Promise.reject(messageHelp('commands', 'focus', 'the channel you are in is not handled by Portal'));
- // }
- // if (member.voice.channel.members.size <= 2) {
- // return Promise.reject(
- // messageHelp('commands', 'focus', 'you can *only* use focus in channels with *more* than 2 members')
- // );
- // }
- // const argA = args
- // .join(' ')
- // .substring(0, args.join(' ').indexOf('|') - 1)
- // .replace(/\s/g, ' ');
- // const argB = args.join(' ').substring(args.join(' ').indexOf('|')).replace(/\s/g, ' ');
- // const focusName = (argA === '' ? argB : argA).trim();
- // const focusTime = argA === '' ? 0 : parseFloat(argB);
- // if (isNaN(focusTime)) {
- // return Promise.reject(messageHelp('commands', 'focus', 'focus time must be a number'));
- // }
- // if (!interaction.mentions) {
- // return Promise.reject('no user mentioned to focus');
- // }
- // if (!interaction.mentions.members) {
- // return Promise.reject('no user mentioned to focus');
- // }
- // if (!interaction.guild) {
- // return Promise.reject('user guild could not be fetched');
- // }
- // if (interaction.mentions.members.size === 0) {
- // return Promise.reject(messageHelp('commands', 'focus', 'you must tag a member'));
- // }
- // const memberToFocus = interaction.mentions.members.first() || interaction.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]);
- // if (!memberToFocus) {
- // return Promise.reject(`could not find "**${focusName}**" in current voice channel`);
- // }
- // if (member === memberToFocus) {
- // return Promise.reject(messageHelp('commands', 'focus', 'you can\'t focus on yourself'));
- // }
- // if (member.voice.channel !== memberToFocus.voice.channel) {
- // return Promise.reject(messageHelp('commands', 'focus', 'you can\'t focus on user from another channel'));
- // }
- // const gotApproval = await askForApproval(
- // interaction,
- // memberToFocus,
- // `*${memberToFocus.user}, member ${interaction.user}, would like to talk in ` +
- // `private${focusTime === 0 ? '' : ` for ${focusTime}'`}*, do you **(yes / no)** ?`
- // ).catch((e) => {
- // return Promise.reject(`failed to get approval: ${e}`);
- // });
- // if (!gotApproval) {
- // return Promise.reject('user declined the request');
- // }
- // if (!interaction.guild) {
- // return Promise.reject('could not fetch message\'s guild');
- // }
- // if (!member) {
- // return Promise.reject('could not fetch message\'s member');
- // }
- // const pChannel = pGuild.pChannels.find((p) => p.pVoiceChannels.some((v) => v.id === member?.voice.channel?.id));
- // if (!pChannel) {
- // return Promise.reject('could not find member\'s portal channel');
- // }
- // const oldChannel = member.voice.channel;
- // const focusChannelOutcome = await createFocusChannel(
- // interaction.guild,
- // member,
- // memberToFocus,
- // focusTime,
- // pChannel
- // ).catch((e) => {
- // return Promise.reject(`error while creating focus channel ${e}`);
- // });
- // setTimeout(async () => {
- // if (!member) {
- // return Promise.reject('could not fetch message\'s member');
- // }
- // const movedMembers = await moveMembersBack(oldChannel, member, memberToFocus).catch((e) => {
- // return Promise.reject(e);
- // });
- // if (!movedMembers) {
- // return Promise.reject('could not move members back');
- // }
- // }, focusTime * 60 * 1000);
- // return {
- // result: true,
- // value: focusChannelOutcome,
- // };
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/help.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/help.ts
index 00f65ad5..d780f50c 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/help.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/help.ts
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import { type ChatInputCommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder } from "npm:discord.js";
-import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { Field, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { AttributeDocumentation } from './help/AttributeDocumentation.js';
-import { CommandDocumentation } from './help/CommandDocumentation.js';
-import { PipeDocumentation } from './help/PipeDocumentation.js';
-import { StructureDocumentation } from './help/StructureDocumentation.js';
-import { VariableDocumentation } from './help/VariableDocumentation.js';
+import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type Field,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { AttributeDocumentation } from "./help/AttributeDocumentation.ts";
+import { CommandDocumentation } from "./help/CommandDocumentation.ts";
+import { PipeDocumentation } from "./help/PipeDocumentation.ts";
+import { StructureDocumentation } from "./help/StructureDocumentation.ts";
+import { VariableDocumentation } from "./help/VariableDocumentation.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'help';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns requested help page';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "help";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns requested help page";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -24,206 +28,213 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('category')
- .setDescription('Category to get help for')
+ .setName("category")
+ .setDescription("Category to get help for")
- { name: 'All', value: 'all' },
- { name: 'Command description', value: 'description_commands' },
- { name: 'Variable description', value: 'description_variables' },
- { name: 'Pipe description', value: 'description_pipes' },
- { name: 'Attribute description', value: 'description_attributes' },
- { name: 'Structure description', value: 'description_structures' },
- { name: 'Command guide', value: 'guide_commands' },
- { name: 'Variable guide', value: 'guide_variables' },
- { name: 'Pipe guide', value: 'guide_pipes' },
- { name: 'Attribute guide', value: 'guide_attributes' },
- { name: 'Structure guide', value: 'guide_structures' },
- ),
+ { name: "All", value: "all" },
+ { name: "Command description", value: "description_commands" },
+ { name: "Variable description", value: "description_variables" },
+ { name: "Pipe description", value: "description_pipes" },
+ { name: "Attribute description", value: "description_attributes" },
+ { name: "Structure description", value: "description_structures" },
+ { name: "Command guide", value: "guide_commands" },
+ { name: "Variable guide", value: "guide_variables" },
+ { name: "Pipe guide", value: "guide_pipes" },
+ { name: "Attribute guide", value: "guide_attributes" },
+ { name: "Structure guide", value: "guide_structures" },
+ )
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('command_unauthorised')
- .setDescription('Command to get help for')
+ .setName("command_unauthorised")
+ .setDescription("Command to get help for")
- { name: 'about', value: 'about' },
- { name: 'announce', value: 'announce' },
- { name: 'bet', value: 'bet' },
- { name: 'corona', value: 'corona' },
- { name: 'crypto', value: 'crypto' },
- { name: 'focus', value: 'focus' },
- { name: 'help', value: 'help' },
- { name: 'join', value: 'join' },
- { name: 'leaderboard', value: 'leaderboard' },
- { name: 'leave', value: 'leave' },
- { name: 'level', value: 'level' },
- { name: 'ping', value: 'ping' },
- { name: 'poll', value: 'poll' },
- { name: 'ranks', value: 'ranks' },
- { name: 'roll', value: 'roll' },
- { name: 'run', value: 'run' },
- { name: 'state', value: 'state' },
- { name: 'spam_rules', value: 'spam_rules' },
- { name: 'weather', value: 'weather' },
- { name: 'whoami', value: 'whoami' },
- ),
+ { name: "about", value: "about" },
+ { name: "announce", value: "announce" },
+ { name: "bet", value: "bet" },
+ { name: "corona", value: "corona" },
+ { name: "crypto", value: "crypto" },
+ { name: "focus", value: "focus" },
+ { name: "help", value: "help" },
+ { name: "join", value: "join" },
+ { name: "leaderboard", value: "leaderboard" },
+ { name: "leave", value: "leave" },
+ { name: "level", value: "level" },
+ { name: "ping", value: "ping" },
+ { name: "poll", value: "poll" },
+ { name: "ranks", value: "ranks" },
+ { name: "roll", value: "roll" },
+ { name: "run", value: "run" },
+ { name: "state", value: "state" },
+ { name: "spam_rules", value: "spam_rules" },
+ { name: "weather", value: "weather" },
+ { name: "whoami", value: "whoami" },
+ )
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('command_authorised')
- .setDescription('Command to get help for')
+ .setName("command_authorised")
+ .setDescription("Command to get help for")
- { name: 'announcement', value: 'announcement' },
- { name: 'ban', value: 'ban' },
- { name: 'delete_messages', value: 'delete_messages' },
- { name: 'force', value: 'force' },
- { name: 'ignore', value: 'ignore' },
- { name: 'invite', value: 'invite' },
- { name: 'kick', value: 'kick' },
- { name: 'music', value: 'music' },
- { name: 'portal', value: 'portal' },
- { name: 'vendor', value: 'vendor' },
- { name: 'set_ranks', value: 'set_ranks' },
- { name: 'set', value: 'set' },
- { name: 'url', value: 'url' },
- ),
+ { name: "announcement", value: "announcement" },
+ { name: "ban", value: "ban" },
+ { name: "delete_messages", value: "delete_messages" },
+ { name: "force", value: "force" },
+ { name: "ignore", value: "ignore" },
+ { name: "invite", value: "invite" },
+ { name: "kick", value: "kick" },
+ { name: "music", value: "music" },
+ { name: "portal", value: "portal" },
+ { name: "vendor", value: "vendor" },
+ { name: "set_ranks", value: "set_ranks" },
+ { name: "set", value: "set" },
+ { name: "url", value: "url" },
+ )
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('variable')
- .setDescription('Variable to get help for')
+ .setName("variable")
+ .setDescription("Variable to get help for")
- { name: '##', value: '##' },
- { name: '#', value: '#' },
- { name: 'creatorPortal', value: 'creatorPortal' },
- { name: 'creatorVoice', value: 'creatorVoice' },
- { name: 'date', value: 'date' },
- { name: 'dayNumber', value: 'dayNumber' },
- { name: 'dayName', value: 'dayName' },
- { name: 'monthNumber', value: 'monthNumber' },
- { name: 'monthName', value: 'monthName' },
- { name: 'year', value: 'year' },
- { name: 'time', value: 'time' },
- { name: 'hour', value: 'hour' },
- { name: 'minute', value: 'minute' },
- { name: 'second', value: 'second' },
- { name: 'memberActiveCount', value: 'memberActiveCount' },
- { name: 'memberCount', value: 'memberCount' },
- { name: 'memberHistory', value: 'memberHistory' },
- { name: 'pMembers', value: 'pMembers' },
- { name: 'memberWithStatus', value: 'memberWithStatus' },
- { name: 'statusCount', value: 'statusCount' },
- { name: 'statusHistory', value: 'statusHistory' },
- { name: 'statusList', value: 'statusList' },
- ),
+ { name: "##", value: "##" },
+ { name: "#", value: "#" },
+ { name: "creatorPortal", value: "creatorPortal" },
+ { name: "creatorVoice", value: "creatorVoice" },
+ { name: "date", value: "date" },
+ { name: "dayNumber", value: "dayNumber" },
+ { name: "dayName", value: "dayName" },
+ { name: "monthNumber", value: "monthNumber" },
+ { name: "monthName", value: "monthName" },
+ { name: "year", value: "year" },
+ { name: "time", value: "time" },
+ { name: "hour", value: "hour" },
+ { name: "minute", value: "minute" },
+ { name: "second", value: "second" },
+ { name: "memberActiveCount", value: "memberActiveCount" },
+ { name: "memberCount", value: "memberCount" },
+ { name: "memberHistory", value: "memberHistory" },
+ { name: "pMembers", value: "pMembers" },
+ { name: "memberWithStatus", value: "memberWithStatus" },
+ { name: "statusCount", value: "statusCount" },
+ { name: "statusHistory", value: "statusHistory" },
+ { name: "statusList", value: "statusList" },
+ )
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('pipe')
- .setDescription('Pipe to get help for')
+ .setName("pipe")
+ .setDescription("Pipe to get help for")
- { name: 'acronym', value: 'acronym' },
- { name: 'vowels', value: 'vowels' },
- { name: 'consonants', value: 'consonants' },
- { name: 'camelCase', value: 'camelCase' },
- { name: 'capitalise', value: 'capitalise' },
- { name: 'decapitalise', value: 'decapitalise' },
- { name: 'lowerCase', value: 'lowerCase' },
- { name: 'upperCase', value: 'upperCase' },
- { name: 'populous_count', value: 'populous_count' },
- { name: 'populous', value: 'populous' },
- { name: 'snakeCase', value: 'snakeCase' },
- { name: 'souvlakiCase', value: 'souvlakiCase' },
- { name: 'words', value: 'words' },
- { name: 'titleCase', value: 'titleCase' },
- { name: 'length', value: 'length' },
- ),
+ { name: "acronym", value: "acronym" },
+ { name: "vowels", value: "vowels" },
+ { name: "consonants", value: "consonants" },
+ { name: "camelCase", value: "camelCase" },
+ { name: "capitalise", value: "capitalise" },
+ { name: "decapitalise", value: "decapitalise" },
+ { name: "lowerCase", value: "lowerCase" },
+ { name: "upperCase", value: "upperCase" },
+ { name: "populous_count", value: "populous_count" },
+ { name: "populous", value: "populous" },
+ { name: "snakeCase", value: "snakeCase" },
+ { name: "souvlakiCase", value: "souvlakiCase" },
+ { name: "words", value: "words" },
+ { name: "titleCase", value: "titleCase" },
+ { name: "length", value: "length" },
+ )
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('attribute')
- .setDescription('Attribute to get help for')
+ .setName("attribute")
+ .setDescription("Attribute to get help for")
- { name: 'All', value: 'all' },
- { name: 'Command description', value: 'description_commands' },
- { name: 'Variable description', value: 'description_variables' },
- { name: 'Pipe description', value: 'description_pipes' },
- { name: 'Attribute description', value: 'description_attributes' },
- { name: 'Structure description', value: 'description_structures' },
- { name: 'Command guide', value: 'guide_commands' },
- { name: 'Variable guide', value: 'guide_variables' },
- { name: 'Pipe guide', value: 'guide_pipes' },
- { name: 'Attribute guide', value: 'guide_attributes' },
- { name: 'Structure guide', value: 'guide_structures' },
- ),
+ { name: "All", value: "all" },
+ { name: "Command description", value: "description_commands" },
+ { name: "Variable description", value: "description_variables" },
+ { name: "Pipe description", value: "description_pipes" },
+ { name: "Attribute description", value: "description_attributes" },
+ { name: "Structure description", value: "description_structures" },
+ { name: "Command guide", value: "guide_commands" },
+ { name: "Variable guide", value: "guide_variables" },
+ { name: "Pipe guide", value: "guide_pipes" },
+ { name: "Attribute guide", value: "guide_attributes" },
+ { name: "Structure guide", value: "guide_structures" },
+ )
.addStringOption((option) =>
- .setName('structure')
- .setDescription('Structure to get help for')
+ .setName("structure")
+ .setDescription("Structure to get help for")
- { name: 'annAnnounce', value: 'annAnnounce' },
- { name: 'noBots', value: 'noBots' },
- { name: 'allowedRoles', value: 'allowedRoles' },
- { name: 'render', value: 'render' },
- { name: 'annUser', value: 'annUser' },
- { name: 'bitrate', value: 'bitrate' },
- { name: 'kickAfter', value: 'kickAfter' },
- { name: 'banAfter', value: 'banAfter' },
- { name: 'prefix', value: 'prefix' },
- { name: 'muteRole', value: 'muteRole' },
- { name: 'rankSpeed', value: 'rankSpeed' },
- { name: 'profanityLevel', value: 'profanityLevel' },
- { name: 'initialRole', value: 'initialRole' },
- { name: 'locale', value: 'locale' },
- { name: 'position', value: 'position' },
- { name: 'regexOverwrite', value: 'regexOverwrite' },
- { name: 'regexPortal', value: 'regexPortal' },
- { name: 'regexVoice', value: 'regexVoice' },
- { name: 'regex', value: 'regex' },
- { name: 'userLimitPortal', value: 'userLimitPortal' },
- { name: 'userLimit', value: 'userLimit' },
- ),
+ { name: "annAnnounce", value: "annAnnounce" },
+ { name: "noBots", value: "noBots" },
+ { name: "allowedRoles", value: "allowedRoles" },
+ { name: "render", value: "render" },
+ { name: "annUser", value: "annUser" },
+ { name: "bitrate", value: "bitrate" },
+ { name: "kickAfter", value: "kickAfter" },
+ { name: "banAfter", value: "banAfter" },
+ { name: "prefix", value: "prefix" },
+ { name: "muteRole", value: "muteRole" },
+ { name: "rankSpeed", value: "rankSpeed" },
+ { name: "profanityLevel", value: "profanityLevel" },
+ { name: "initialRole", value: "initialRole" },
+ { name: "locale", value: "locale" },
+ { name: "position", value: "position" },
+ { name: "regexOverwrite", value: "regexOverwrite" },
+ { name: "regexPortal", value: "regexPortal" },
+ { name: "regexVoice", value: "regexVoice" },
+ { name: "regex", value: "regex" },
+ { name: "userLimitPortal", value: "userLimitPortal" },
+ { name: "userLimit", value: "userLimit" },
+ )
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- const category = interaction.options.getString('category');
- const command_unauthorised = interaction.options.getString('command_unauthorised');
- const command_authorised = interaction.options.getString('command_authorised');
- const variable = interaction.options.getString('variable');
- const pipe = interaction.options.getString('pipe');
- const attribute = interaction.options.getString('attribute');
- const structure = interaction.options.getString('structure');
- const specific = command_unauthorised ?? command_authorised ?? variable ?? pipe ?? attribute ?? structure;
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ const category = interaction.options.getString("category");
+ const command_unauthorised = interaction.options.getString(
+ "command_unauthorised",
+ );
+ const command_authorised = interaction.options.getString(
+ "command_authorised",
+ );
+ const variable = interaction.options.getString("variable");
+ const pipe = interaction.options.getString("pipe");
+ const attribute = interaction.options.getString("attribute");
+ const structure = interaction.options.getString("structure");
+ const specific = command_unauthorised ?? command_authorised ?? variable ??
+ pipe ?? attribute ?? structure;
if (!category) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'help', 'category must be provided'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "help", "category must be provided"),
- if (category === 'all') {
+ if (category === "all") {
const response = await simpleReply();
return { result: !!response, value: response };
- if (category.startsWith('description')) {
- const response = await propertyReply(category.split('_')[1], specific);
+ if (category.startsWith("description")) {
+ const response = await propertyReply(category.split("_")[1], specific);
return { result: !!response, value: response };
- if (category.startsWith('guide')) {
- const response = await guideReply(category.split('_')[1]);
+ if (category.startsWith("guide")) {
+ const response = await guideReply(category.split("_")[1]);
return { result: !!response, value: response };
- return { result: false, value: messageHelp('commands', 'help') };
+ return { result: false, value: messageHelp("commands", "help") };
} as Command;
@@ -236,78 +247,78 @@ const structureDocumentation = new StructureDocumentation();
const helpArray: Field[] = [
emote: null,
- role: '**[Commands](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/commands/description)**',
+ role: "**[Commands](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/commands/description)**",
inline: false,
- emote: '`./help commands` or `./help commands guide`',
- role: 'Commands are mini programs you can use to get a response or action\n',
+ emote: "`./help commands` or `./help commands guide`",
+ role:
+ "Commands are mini programs you can use to get a response or action\n",
inline: false,
emote: null,
- role: '**[Text Interpreter](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/description)**',
+ role:
+ "**[Text Interpreter](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/description)**",
inline: false,
- emote: '`./help variables` or `./help variables guide`',
- role:
- 'Variables are live data about the current state of things\n' +
- '_for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/variables/description)_',
+ emote: "`./help variables` or `./help variables guide`",
+ role: "Variables are live data about the current state of things\n" +
+ "_for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/variables/description)_",
inline: false,
- emote: '`./help pipes` or `./help pipes guide`',
+ emote: "`./help pipes` or `./help pipes guide`",
- 'Pipes are mini-programs that manipulate text or even variables and attributes\n' +
- '_for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/pipes/description)_',
+ "Pipes are mini-programs that manipulate text or even variables and attributes\n" +
+ "_for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/pipes/description)_",
inline: false,
- emote: '`./help attributes` or `./help attributes guide`',
+ emote: "`./help attributes` or `./help attributes guide`",
- 'Attributes are options that can be altered with **[set](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/commands/detailed/set)** command\n' +
- '_for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/attributes/description)_',
+ "Attributes are options that can be altered with **[set](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/commands/detailed/set)** command\n" +
+ "_for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/attributes/description)_",
inline: false,
- emote: '`./help structures` or `./help structures guide`',
- role:
- 'Structures are rules to further manipulate the text outcome\n' +
- '_for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/structures/description)_',
+ emote: "`./help structures` or `./help structures guide`",
+ role: "Structures are rules to further manipulate the text outcome\n" +
+ "_for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/interpreter/objects/structures/description)_",
inline: false,
emote: null,
- role: 'Specific help',
+ role: "Specific help",
inline: false,
- emote: '`./help `',
- role:
- 'If you want to get a complete description of any property\n' +
- '_(lets say you want to learn more about variables year, just type **./help year**)_',
+ emote: "`./help `",
+ role: "If you want to get a complete description of any property\n" +
+ "_(lets say you want to learn more about variables year, just type **./help year**)_",
inline: false,
emote: null,
- role: '**[FAQ](https://portal-bot.xyz/help#faq)** _frequently asked questioned_',
+ role:
+ "**[FAQ](https://portal-bot.xyz/help#faq)** _frequently asked questioned_",
inline: false,
-async function simpleReply() {
+function simpleReply() {
const helpMessage = [
- 'Help Card',
- 'Detailed documentation at [portal-bot.xyz/docs](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs)\n\n' +
- '> make a member an **admin**, give role `p.admin`\n' +
- '> make a member an **moderator**, give role `p.mod`\n' +
- '> make a member a **dj**, give role `p.dj`\n' +
- '> to **whitelist** a member, give role `p.mod`\n' +
- '> to **ignore** a member, give role `p.ignore`\n' +
- '> for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/help#q-how-can-i-give-members-authority)',
- '#05d1ff',
+ "Help Card",
+ "Detailed documentation at [portal-bot.xyz/docs](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs)\n\n" +
+ "> make a member an **admin**, give role `p.admin`\n" +
+ "> make a member an **moderator**, give role `p.mod`\n" +
+ "> make a member a **dj**, give role `p.dj`\n" +
+ "> to **whitelist** a member, give role `p.mod`\n" +
+ "> to **ignore** a member, give role `p.ignore`\n" +
+ "> for more click [here](https://portal-bot.xyz/help#q-how-can-i-give-members-authority)",
+ "#05d1ff",
@@ -320,10 +331,9 @@ async function simpleReply() {
return helpMessage;
-async function propertyReply(type: string, specific: string | null) {
+function propertyReply(type: string, specific: string | null) {
if (specific) {
- const detailed =
- commandDocumentation.getHelpDetailed(specific) ||
+ const detailed = commandDocumentation.getHelpDetailed(specific) ||
variableDocumentation.getHelpDetailed(specific) ||
pipeDocumentation.getHelpDetailed(specific) ||
attributeDocumentation.getHelpDetailed(specific) ||
@@ -332,49 +342,57 @@ async function propertyReply(type: string, specific: string | null) {
if (detailed instanceof EmbedBuilder) {
return [detailed];
} else {
- return messageHelp('commands', 'help', `*${specific}* does not exist in portal`);
+ return messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "help",
+ `*${specific}* does not exist in portal`,
+ );
switch (type) {
- case 'commands':
- return commandDocumentation.getHelp();
- case 'variables':
- return variableDocumentation.getHelp();
- case 'pipes':
- return pipeDocumentation.getHelp();
- case 'attributes':
- return attributeDocumentation.getHelp();
- case 'structures':
- return structureDocumentation.getHelp();
+ case "commands":
+ return commandDocumentation.getHelp();
+ case "variables":
+ return variableDocumentation.getHelp();
+ case "pipes":
+ return pipeDocumentation.getHelp();
+ case "attributes":
+ return attributeDocumentation.getHelp();
+ case "structures":
+ return structureDocumentation.getHelp();
- return messageHelp('commands', 'help', `*${type}* does not exist in portal`);
+ return messageHelp("commands", "help", `*${type}* does not exist in portal`);
-async function guideReply(type: string) {
+function guideReply(type: string) {
let guide: EmbedBuilder | null = null;
switch (type) {
- case 'commands':
- guide = commandDocumentation.getGuide();
- break;
- case 'variables':
- guide = variableDocumentation.getGuide();
- break;
- case 'pipes':
- guide = pipeDocumentation.getGuide();
- break;
- case 'attributes':
- guide = attributeDocumentation.getGuide();
- break;
- case 'structures':
- guide = structureDocumentation.getGuide();
- break;
+ case "commands":
+ guide = commandDocumentation.getGuide();
+ break;
+ case "variables":
+ guide = variableDocumentation.getGuide();
+ break;
+ case "pipes":
+ guide = pipeDocumentation.getGuide();
+ break;
+ case "attributes":
+ guide = attributeDocumentation.getGuide();
+ break;
+ case "structures":
+ guide = structureDocumentation.getGuide();
+ break;
if (!guide) {
- return messageHelp('commands', 'help', `*${type}* does not exist in portal`);
+ return messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "help",
+ `*${type}* does not exist in portal`,
+ );
return [guide];
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/help/AttributeDocumentation.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/help/AttributeDocumentation.ts
index 7d4d03f0..00e9deb8 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/help/AttributeDocumentation.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/help/AttributeDocumentation.ts
@@ -1,62 +1,72 @@
-import { EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';
+import type { EmbedBuilder } from "npm:discord.js";
-import { AttributeBlueprints } from '../../../blueprints/attribute.blueprint.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Field, HelpDocumentation } from '../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { Prefix } from '../../../types/enums/Prefix.enum.js';
+import { AttributeBlueprints } from "../../../blueprints/attribute.blueprint.ts";
+import { createEmbed } from "../../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type {
+ Field,
+ HelpDocumentation,
+} from "../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { Prefix } from "../../../types/enums/Prefix.enum.ts";
-const PORTAL_URL = 'https://portal-bot.xyz/docs';
-const INTERPRETER_URL = '/interpreter/objects';
+const PORTAL_URL = "https://portal-bot.xyz/docs";
+const INTERPRETER_URL = "/interpreter/objects";
export class AttributeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
public getGuide(): EmbedBuilder {
const attrArray: Field[] = [
- emote: 'Used in Regex Interpreter',
- role: '*used by channel name (regex, regexVoice, regexPortal) and run command*',
+ emote: "Used in Regex Interpreter",
+ role:
+ "*used by channel name (regex, regexVoice, regexPortal) and run command*",
inline: true,
- emote: 'attributes are mutable data options',
- role: '*options correspond to server, portal or voice channels*',
+ emote: "attributes are mutable data options",
+ role: "*options correspond to server, portal or voice channels*",
inline: true,
- emote: '1.\tIn any text channel execute command `./run`',
- role: './run just like channel name generation uses the text interpreter',
+ emote: "1.\tIn any text channel execute command `./run`",
+ role:
+ "./run just like channel name generation uses the text interpreter",
inline: false,
- emote: '2.\t`./run My set locale is = &g.locale`',
- role: './run executes the given text and replies with the processed output',
+ emote: "2.\t`./run My set locale is = &g.locale`",
+ role:
+ "./run executes the given text and replies with the processed output",
inline: false,
- emote: '3.\tAwait a reply from portal which will be gr, de or en',
- role: '*The replied string will look like this: `My set locale is = gr`*',
+ emote: "3.\tAwait a reply from portal which will be gr, de or en",
+ role:
+ "*The replied string will look like this: `My set locale is = gr`*",
inline: false,
- emote: '4.\t`./set g.locale de` (no prefix & needed)',
- role: '*set command, updates the data of an attribute in this case **locale** to **de***',
+ emote: "4.\t`./set g.locale de` (no prefix & needed)",
+ role:
+ "*set command, updates the data of an attribute in this case **locale** to **de***",
inline: false,
- emote: '5.\tWait for portal response which will be inform you if it was executed without issues',
- role: '*portal will either confirm update or inform you of the error it faced*',
+ emote:
+ "5.\tWait for portal response which will be inform you if it was executed without issues",
+ role:
+ "*portal will either confirm update or inform you of the error it faced*",
inline: false,
return createEmbed(
- 'Attribute Guide',
- '[Attributes](' +
+ "Attribute Guide",
+ "[Attributes](" +
- '/attributes/description) ' +
- 'are options that can be manipulated by whomever has clearance.\n' +
- 'How to use attributes with the Text Interpreter',
- '#FF5714',
+ "/attributes/description) " +
+ "are options that can be manipulated by whomever has clearance.\n" +
+ "How to use attributes with the Text Interpreter",
+ "#FF5714",
@@ -71,10 +81,16 @@ export class AttributeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
for (let l = 0; l <= AttributeBlueprints.length / 25; l++) {
attributeArray[l] = [];
- for (let i = 24 * l; i < AttributeBlueprints.length && i < 24 * (l + 1); i++) {
+ for (
+ let i = 24 * l;
+ i < AttributeBlueprints.length && i < 24 * (l + 1);
+ i++
+ ) {
emote: `${i + 1}. ${AttributeBlueprints[i].name}`,
- role: `[hover or click](${this.getLink(AttributeBlueprints[i].name)} "${AttributeBlueprints[i].hover}")`,
+ role: `[hover or click](${
+ this.getLink(AttributeBlueprints[i].name)
+ } "${AttributeBlueprints[i].hover}")`,
inline: true,
@@ -83,15 +99,15 @@ export class AttributeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return attributeArray.map((_attribute, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
return createEmbed(
- 'Attributes',
- '[Attributes](' +
+ "Attributes",
+ "[Attributes](" +
- '/attributes/description) ' +
- 'are options that can be manipulated by whomever has clearance.\n' +
- 'Prefix: ' +
+ "/attributes/description) " +
+ "are options that can be manipulated by whomever has clearance.\n" +
+ "Prefix: " +
- '#FF5714',
+ "#FF5714",
@@ -100,7 +116,17 @@ export class AttributeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
} else {
- return createEmbed(null, null, '#FF5714', attributeArray[index], null, null, null, null, null);
+ return createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#FF5714",
+ attributeArray[index],
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ );
@@ -111,13 +137,15 @@ export class AttributeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return createEmbed(
- '#FF5714',
+ "#FF5714",
- { emote: 'Type', role: 'Attribute', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Prefix', role: `${Prefix.ATTRIBUTE}`, inline: true },
+ { emote: "Type", role: "Attribute", inline: true },
+ { emote: "Prefix", role: `${Prefix.ATTRIBUTE}`, inline: true },
- emote: 'Description',
- role: `[hover or click](${this.getLink(candidate)} "${AttributeBlueprints[i].hover}")`,
+ emote: "Description",
+ role: `[hover or click](${this.getLink(candidate)} "${
+ AttributeBlueprints[i].hover
+ }")`,
inline: true,
@@ -134,15 +162,15 @@ export class AttributeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
private getLink(attribute: string): string {
- const url = PORTAL_URL + INTERPRETER_URL + '/attributes';
+ const url = PORTAL_URL + INTERPRETER_URL + "/attributes";
- if (attribute.indexOf('g.') > -1) {
+ if (attribute.indexOf("g.") > -1) {
return `${url}/detailed/global/${attribute}`;
- } else if (attribute.indexOf('m.') > -1) {
+ } else if (attribute.indexOf("m.") > -1) {
return `${url}/detailed/member/${attribute}`;
- } else if (attribute.indexOf('p.') > -1) {
+ } else if (attribute.indexOf("p.") > -1) {
return `${url}/detailed/portal/${attribute}`;
- } else if (attribute.indexOf('v.') > -1) {
+ } else if (attribute.indexOf("v.") > -1) {
return `${url}/detailed/voice/${attribute}`;
} else {
return `${url}/description`;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/help/CommandDocumentation.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/help/CommandDocumentation.ts
index fc767fb7..eadf500d 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/help/CommandDocumentation.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/help/CommandDocumentation.ts
@@ -1,36 +1,41 @@
-import { EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';
+import type { EmbedBuilder } from "npm:discord.js";
-import * as auth from '../../../commands/auth/index.js';
-import * as noAuth from '../../../commands/noAuth/index.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Field, HelpDocumentation } from '../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import * as auth from "../../../commands/auth/index.ts";
+import * as noAuth from "../../../commands/noAuth/index.ts";
+import { createEmbed } from "../../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type {
+ Field,
+ HelpDocumentation,
+} from "../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const PORTAL_URL = 'https://portal-bot.xyz/docs';
+const PORTAL_URL = "https://portal-bot.xyz/docs";
export class CommandDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
public getGuide(): EmbedBuilder {
const commandArray: Field[] = [
- emote: '1. Go to any channel',
- role: '*you can write commands in any channel and Portal will see them*',
+ emote: "1. Go to any channel",
+ role:
+ "*you can write commands in any channel and Portal will see them*",
inline: false,
- emote: '2. `./help`',
- role: '*write your command, for example help*',
+ emote: "2. `./help`",
+ role: "*write your command, for example help*",
inline: false,
- emote: '3. Wait for portal response',
- role: '*portal will reply to almost all commands with an action or/and message*',
+ emote: "3. Wait for portal response",
+ role:
+ "*portal will reply to almost all commands with an action or/and message*",
inline: false,
return createEmbed(
- 'Command Guide',
+ "Command Guide",
`[Commands](${PORTAL_URL}/commands/description) are the way you communicate with Portal.\nhow to use commands`,
- '#9775A9',
+ "#9775A9",
@@ -49,7 +54,9 @@ export class CommandDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
for (let i = 24 * l; i < commands.length && i < 24 * (l + 1); i++) {
emote: `${i + 1}. ${commands[i].name}`,
- role: `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}/commands/detailed/${commands[i].name} "${commands[i].hover}")`,
+ role: `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}/commands/detailed/${
+ commands[i].name
+ } "${commands[i].hover}")`,
inline: true,
@@ -58,9 +65,9 @@ export class CommandDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return commandArray.map((_command, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
return createEmbed(
- 'Commands',
+ "Commands",
`[Commands](${PORTAL_URL}/commands/description) are the way you communicate with Portal.`,
- '#9775A9',
+ "#9775A9",
@@ -69,7 +76,17 @@ export class CommandDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
} else {
- return createEmbed(null, null, '#9775A9', commandArray[index], null, null, null, null, null);
+ return createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#9775A9",
+ commandArray[index],
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ );
@@ -82,12 +99,15 @@ export class CommandDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return createEmbed(
- '#9775A9',
+ "#9775A9",
- { emote: 'Type', role: 'Command', inline: true },
+ { emote: "Type", role: "Command", inline: true },
- emote: 'Description',
- role: `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}/commands/detailed/${candidate} "${commands[i].hover}")`,
+ emote: "Description",
+ role:
+ `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}/commands/detailed/${candidate} "${
+ commands[i].hover
+ }")`,
inline: true,
@@ -104,7 +124,9 @@ export class CommandDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
private getCommandList() {
- return [...Object.values(auth), ...Object.values(noAuth)].map((command) => ({
+ return [...Object.values(auth), ...Object.values(noAuth)].map((
+ command,
+ ) => ({
name: command.slashCommand.name,
hover: command.slashCommand.description,
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/help/PipeDocumentation.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/help/PipeDocumentation.ts
index 707bc531..2bda2095 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/help/PipeDocumentation.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/help/PipeDocumentation.ts
@@ -1,52 +1,59 @@
-import { EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';
+import type { EmbedBuilder } from "npm:discord.js";
-import { PipeBlueprints } from '../../../blueprints/pipe.blueprint.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Field, HelpDocumentation } from '../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { Prefix } from '../../../types/enums/Prefix.enum.js';
+import { PipeBlueprints } from "../../../blueprints/pipe.blueprint.ts";
+import { createEmbed } from "../../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type {
+ Field,
+ HelpDocumentation,
+} from "../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { Prefix } from "../../../types/enums/Prefix.enum.ts";
-const PORTAL_URL = 'https://portal-bot.xyz/docs';
-const INTERPRETER_URL = '/interpreter/objects';
+const PORTAL_URL = "https://portal-bot.xyz/docs";
+const INTERPRETER_URL = "/interpreter/objects";
export class PipeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
public getGuide(): EmbedBuilder {
const pipe_array: Field[] = [
- emote: 'Used in Regex Interpreter',
- role: '*used by channel name (regex, regex_voice, regex_portal) and run command*',
+ emote: "Used in Regex Interpreter",
+ role:
+ "*used by channel name (regex, regex_voice, regex_portal) and run command*",
inline: true,
- emote: 'Pipes are inextricably linked with text',
- role: '*pipes can used on plain text or even variables and attributes*',
+ emote: "Pipes are inextricably linked with text",
+ role: "*pipes can used on plain text or even variables and attributes*",
inline: true,
- emote: '1.\tIn any text channel execute command `./run`',
- role: './run just like channel name generation uses the text interpreter',
+ emote: "1.\tIn any text channel execute command `./run`",
+ role:
+ "./run just like channel name generation uses the text interpreter",
inline: false,
- emote: '2.\t`./run My locale in caps is = &g.locale | upperCase`',
- role: './run executes the given text and replies with the processed output',
+ emote: "2.\t`./run My locale in caps is = &g.locale | upperCase`",
+ role:
+ "./run executes the given text and replies with the processed output",
inline: false,
- emote: '3.\tAwait a reply from portal which will be gr, de or en',
- role: '*The replied string will look like this: `My locale in caps is = GR`*',
+ emote: "3.\tAwait a reply from portal which will be gr, de or en",
+ role:
+ "*The replied string will look like this: `My locale in caps is = GR`*",
inline: false,
return createEmbed(
- 'Pipe Guide',
- '[Pipes](' +
+ "Pipe Guide",
+ "[Pipes](" +
- '/pipes/description) ' +
- 'are small programs you can pass text, variables or attributes, to manipulate their outcome\n' +
- 'How to use pipes with the Text Interpreter',
- '#6EEB83',
+ "/pipes/description) " +
+ "are small programs you can pass text, variables or attributes, to manipulate their outcome\n" +
+ "How to use pipes with the Text Interpreter",
+ "#6EEB83",
@@ -64,9 +71,10 @@ export class PipeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
for (let i = 24 * l; i < PipeBlueprints.length && i < 24 * (l + 1); i++) {
emote: `${i + 1}. ${PipeBlueprints[i].name}`,
- role:
- `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}${INTERPRETER_URL}` +
- `/pipes/detailed/${PipeBlueprints[i].name} "${PipeBlueprints[i].hover}")`,
+ role: `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}${INTERPRETER_URL}` +
+ `/pipes/detailed/${PipeBlueprints[i].name} "${
+ PipeBlueprints[i].hover
+ }")`,
inline: true,
@@ -75,15 +83,15 @@ export class PipeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return pipeArray.map((_pipe, index): EmbedBuilder => {
if (index === 0) {
return createEmbed(
- 'Pipes',
- '[Pipes](' +
+ "Pipes",
+ "[Pipes](" +
- '/pipes/description) ' +
- 'are small programs you can pass text, variables or attributes, to manipulate their outcome\n' +
- 'Prefix: ' +
+ "/pipes/description) " +
+ "are small programs you can pass text, variables or attributes, to manipulate their outcome\n" +
+ "Prefix: " +
- '#6EEB83',
+ "#6EEB83",
@@ -92,7 +100,17 @@ export class PipeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
} else {
- return createEmbed(null, null, '#6EEB83', pipeArray[index], null, null, null, null, null);
+ return createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#6EEB83",
+ pipeArray[index],
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ );
@@ -103,14 +121,13 @@ export class PipeDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return createEmbed(
- '#6EEB83',
+ "#6EEB83",
- { emote: 'Type', role: 'Pipe', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Prefix', role: `${Prefix.PIPE}`, inline: true },
+ { emote: "Type", role: "Pipe", inline: true },
+ { emote: "Prefix", role: `${Prefix.PIPE}`, inline: true },
- emote: 'Description',
- role:
- `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}${INTERPRETER_URL}` +
+ emote: "Description",
+ role: `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}${INTERPRETER_URL}` +
`/pipes/detailed/${candidate} "${PipeBlueprints[i].hover}")`,
inline: true,
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/help/StructureDocumentation.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/help/StructureDocumentation.ts
index cb05b3fc..0ef820d3 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/help/StructureDocumentation.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/help/StructureDocumentation.ts
@@ -1,53 +1,61 @@
-import { EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';
+import type { EmbedBuilder } from "npm:discord.js";
-import { StructureBlueprint } from '../../../blueprints/structure.blueprint.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Field, HelpDocumentation } from '../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { Prefix } from '../../../types/enums/Prefix.enum.js';
+import { StructureBlueprint } from "../../../blueprints/structure.blueprint.ts";
+import { createEmbed } from "../../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type {
+ Field,
+ HelpDocumentation,
+} from "../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { Prefix } from "../../../types/enums/Prefix.enum.ts";
-const PORTAL_URL = 'https://portal-bot.xyz/docs';
-const INTERPRETER_URL = '/interpreter/objects';
+const PORTAL_URL = "https://portal-bot.xyz/docs";
+const INTERPRETER_URL = "/interpreter/objects";
export class StructureDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
public getGuide(): EmbedBuilder {
const structArray: Field[] = [
- emote: 'Used in Regex Interpreter',
- role: '*used by channel name (regex, regex_voice, regex_portal) and run command*',
+ emote: "Used in Regex Interpreter",
+ role:
+ "*used by channel name (regex, regex_voice, regex_portal) and run command*",
inline: true,
- emote: 'structures are flow manipulators',
- role: '*you can change the outcome of the regex corresponding with live data*',
+ emote: "structures are flow manipulators",
+ role:
+ "*you can change the outcome of the regex corresponding with live data*",
inline: true,
- emote: '1.\tIn any text channel execute command `./run`',
- role: './run just like channel name generation uses the text interpreter',
+ emote: "1.\tIn any text channel execute command `./run`",
+ role:
+ "./run just like channel name generation uses the text interpreter",
inline: false,
'2.\t`./run Is it 2020 ? {{ "if": "$year", "is": "===", "with": "2020", "yes": "yes it is", "no": "no it is not" }}!`',
- role: './run executes the given text and replies with the processed output',
+ role:
+ "./run executes the given text and replies with the processed output",
inline: false,
- emote: '3.\tAwait a reply from portal which will be `Is it 2020 ? no it is not!` (it is currently not 2020)',
- role: '*note that year is variable as it is preceded by &*',
+ emote:
+ "3.\tAwait a reply from portal which will be `Is it 2020 ? no it is not!` (it is currently not 2020)",
+ role: "*note that year is variable as it is preceded by &*",
inline: false,
return createEmbed(
- 'Structure Guide',
- '[Structures](' +
+ "Structure Guide",
+ "[Structures](" +
- '/structures/description) ' +
- 'conditional flow manipulators (if this do that, or if that do this).\n' +
- 'How to use structures with the Text Interpreter',
- '#EEB902',
+ "/structures/description) " +
+ "conditional flow manipulators (if this do that, or if that do this).\n" +
+ "How to use structures with the Text Interpreter",
+ "#EEB902",
@@ -62,12 +70,17 @@ export class StructureDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
for (let l = 0; l <= StructureBlueprint.length / 25; l++) {
structArray[l] = [];
- for (let i = 24 * l; i < StructureBlueprint.length && i < 24 * (l + 1); i++) {
+ for (
+ let i = 24 * l;
+ i < StructureBlueprint.length && i < 24 * (l + 1);
+ i++
+ ) {
emote: `${i + 1}. ${StructureBlueprint[i].name}`,
- role:
- `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}${INTERPRETER_URL}` +
- `/structures/detailed/${StructureBlueprint[i].name} "${StructureBlueprint[i].hover}")`,
+ role: `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}${INTERPRETER_URL}` +
+ `/structures/detailed/${StructureBlueprint[i].name} "${
+ StructureBlueprint[i].hover
+ }")`,
inline: true,
@@ -76,15 +89,15 @@ export class StructureDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return structArray.map((_structure, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
return createEmbed(
- 'Structures',
- '[Structures](' +
+ "Structures",
+ "[Structures](" +
- '/structures/description) ' +
- 'conditional flow manipulators (if this do that, or if that do this).\n' +
- 'Prefix: ' +
+ "/structures/description) " +
+ "conditional flow manipulators (if this do that, or if that do this).\n" +
+ "Prefix: " +
- '#EEB902',
+ "#EEB902",
@@ -93,7 +106,17 @@ export class StructureDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
} else {
- return createEmbed(null, null, '#EEB902', structArray[index], null, null, null, null, null);
+ return createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#EEB902",
+ structArray[index],
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ );
@@ -104,15 +127,16 @@ export class StructureDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return createEmbed(
- '#EEB902',
+ "#EEB902",
- { emote: 'Type', role: 'structures', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Prefix', role: `${Prefix.STRUCTURE}`, inline: true },
+ { emote: "Type", role: "structures", inline: true },
+ { emote: "Prefix", role: `${Prefix.STRUCTURE}`, inline: true },
- emote: 'Description',
- role:
- `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}${INTERPRETER_URL}` +
- `/structures/detailed/${candidate} "${StructureBlueprint[i].name}")`,
+ emote: "Description",
+ role: `[hover or click](${PORTAL_URL}${INTERPRETER_URL}` +
+ `/structures/detailed/${candidate} "${
+ StructureBlueprint[i].name
+ }")`,
inline: true,
@@ -129,27 +153,33 @@ export class StructureDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
private getLink(variable: string): string {
- const url = PORTAL_URL + INTERPRETER_URL + '/variables';
- const general = ['creatorPortal', 'creatorVoice', '##', '#'];
- const member = ['pMembers', 'memberCount', 'memberActiveCount', 'memberWithStatus', 'memberHistory'];
- const status = ['statusList', 'statusCount', 'statusHistory'];
+ const url = PORTAL_URL + INTERPRETER_URL + "/variables";
+ const general = ["creatorPortal", "creatorVoice", "##", "#"];
+ const member = [
+ "pMembers",
+ "memberCount",
+ "memberActiveCount",
+ "memberWithStatus",
+ "memberHistory",
+ ];
+ const status = ["statusList", "statusCount", "statusHistory"];
const time = [
- 'date',
- 'dayNumber',
- 'dayName',
- 'monthNumber',
- 'monthName',
- 'year',
- 'time',
- 'hour',
- 'minute',
- 'second',
+ "date",
+ "dayNumber",
+ "dayName",
+ "monthNumber",
+ "monthName",
+ "year",
+ "time",
+ "hour",
+ "minute",
+ "second",
if (general.includes(variable)) {
- if (variable === '##') {
+ if (variable === "##") {
return `${url}/detailed/general/slash`;
- } else if (variable === '#') {
+ } else if (variable === "#") {
return `${url}/detailed/general/doubleSlash`;
} else {
return `${url}/detailed/general/${variable}`;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/help/VariableDocumentation.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/help/VariableDocumentation.ts
index 03402c4b..f45bcfc2 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/help/VariableDocumentation.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/help/VariableDocumentation.ts
@@ -1,52 +1,58 @@
-import { EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';
+import type { EmbedBuilder } from "npm:discord.js";
-import { VariableBlueprints } from '../../../blueprints/variable.blueprint.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Field, HelpDocumentation } from '../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { Prefix } from '../../../types/enums/Prefix.enum.js';
+import { VariableBlueprints } from "../../../blueprints/variable.blueprint.ts";
+import { createEmbed } from "../../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type {
+ Field,
+ HelpDocumentation,
+} from "../../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { Prefix } from "../../../types/enums/Prefix.enum.ts";
-const PORTAL_URL = 'https://portal-bot.xyz/docs';
-const INTERPRETER_URL = '/interpreter/objects';
+const PORTAL_URL = "https://portal-bot.xyz/docs";
+const INTERPRETER_URL = "/interpreter/objects";
export class VariableDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
public getGuide(): EmbedBuilder {
const structArray: Field[] = [
- emote: 'Used in Regex Interpreter',
- role: '*used by channel name (regex, regexVoice, regexPortal) and run command*',
+ emote: "Used in Regex Interpreter",
+ role:
+ "*used by channel name (regex, regexVoice, regexPortal) and run command*",
inline: true,
- emote: 'variables are immutable and live data',
- role: '*data corresponds to server, portal or voice channel live data*',
+ emote: "variables are immutable and live data",
+ role: "*data corresponds to server, portal or voice channel live data*",
inline: true,
- emote: '1.\tIn any text channel execute command `./run`',
- role: './run just like channel name generation uses the text interpreter',
+ emote: "1.\tIn any text channel execute command `./run`",
+ role:
+ "./run just like channel name generation uses the text interpreter",
inline: false,
- emote: '2.\t`./run The year is $year`',
- role: './run executes the given text and replies with the processed output',
+ emote: "2.\t`./run The year is $year`",
+ role:
+ "./run executes the given text and replies with the processed output",
inline: false,
- emote: '3.\tAwait a reply from portal which will be `The year is 2021',
- role: '*note that at the time of writhing it is 2021*',
+ emote: "3.\tAwait a reply from portal which will be `The year is 2021",
+ role: "*note that at the time of writhing it is 2021*",
inline: false,
return createEmbed(
- 'Variable Guide',
- '[Variables](' +
+ "Variable Guide",
+ "[Variables](" +
- '/variables/description) ' +
- 'are immutable and live data that return information about your current voice channel.\n' +
- 'how to use variables with text interpreter',
- '#1BE7FF',
+ "/variables/description) " +
+ "are immutable and live data that return information about your current voice channel.\n" +
+ "how to use variables with text interpreter",
+ "#1BE7FF",
@@ -61,10 +67,16 @@ export class VariableDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
for (let l = 0; l <= VariableBlueprints.length / 25; l++) {
variableArray[l] = [];
- for (let i = 24 * l; i < VariableBlueprints.length && i < 24 * (l + 1); i++) {
+ for (
+ let i = 24 * l;
+ i < VariableBlueprints.length && i < 24 * (l + 1);
+ i++
+ ) {
emote: `${i + 1}. ${VariableBlueprints[i].name}`,
- role: `[hover or click](${this.getLink(VariableBlueprints[i].name)} "${VariableBlueprints[i].hover}")`,
+ role: `[hover or click](${
+ this.getLink(VariableBlueprints[i].name)
+ } "${VariableBlueprints[i].hover}")`,
inline: true,
@@ -73,15 +85,15 @@ export class VariableDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return variableArray.map((_variable, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
return createEmbed(
- 'Variables',
- '[Variables](' +
+ "Variables",
+ "[Variables](" +
- '/variables/description) ' +
- 'are immutable and live data that return information about your current voice channel.\n' +
- 'Prefix: ' +
+ "/variables/description) " +
+ "are immutable and live data that return information about your current voice channel.\n" +
+ "Prefix: " +
- '#1BE7FF',
+ "#1BE7FF",
@@ -90,7 +102,17 @@ export class VariableDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
} else {
- return createEmbed(null, null, '#1BE7FF', variableArray[index], null, null, null, null, null);
+ return createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#1BE7FF",
+ variableArray[index],
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ );
@@ -101,13 +123,15 @@ export class VariableDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
return createEmbed(
- '#1BE7FF',
+ "#1BE7FF",
- { emote: 'Type', role: 'Variables', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Prefix', role: `${Prefix.VARIABLE}`, inline: true },
+ { emote: "Type", role: "Variables", inline: true },
+ { emote: "Prefix", role: `${Prefix.VARIABLE}`, inline: true },
- emote: 'Description',
- role: `[hover or click](${this.getLink(candidate)} "${VariableBlueprints[i].hover}")`,
+ emote: "Description",
+ role: `[hover or click](${this.getLink(candidate)} "${
+ VariableBlueprints[i].hover
+ }")`,
inline: true,
@@ -124,27 +148,33 @@ export class VariableDocumentation implements HelpDocumentation {
private getLink(variable: string): string {
- const url = PORTAL_URL + INTERPRETER_URL + '/variables';
- const general = ['creatorPortal', 'creatorVoice', '##', '#'];
- const member = ['pMembers', 'memberCount', 'memberActiveCount', 'memberWithStatus', 'memberHistory'];
- const status = ['statusList', 'statusCount', 'statusHistory'];
+ const url = PORTAL_URL + INTERPRETER_URL + "/variables";
+ const general = ["creatorPortal", "creatorVoice", "##", "#"];
+ const member = [
+ "pMembers",
+ "memberCount",
+ "memberActiveCount",
+ "memberWithStatus",
+ "memberHistory",
+ ];
+ const status = ["statusList", "statusCount", "statusHistory"];
const time = [
- 'date',
- 'dayNumber',
- 'dayName',
- 'monthNumber',
- 'monthName',
- 'year',
- 'time',
- 'hour',
- 'minute',
- 'second',
+ "date",
+ "dayNumber",
+ "dayName",
+ "monthNumber",
+ "monthName",
+ "year",
+ "time",
+ "hour",
+ "minute",
+ "second",
if (general.includes(variable)) {
- if (variable === '##') {
+ if (variable === "##") {
return `${url}/detailed/general/slash`;
- } else if (variable === '#') {
+ } else if (variable === "#") {
return `${url}/detailed/general/doubleSlash`;
} else {
return `${url}/detailed/general/${variable}`;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/index.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/index.ts
index 72e7fe5d..b84bcc31 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/index.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/index.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-export { default as about } from './about.js';
-export { default as announce } from './announce.js';
-export { default as bet } from './bet.js';
-export { default as corona } from './corona.js';
-export { default as crypto } from './crypto.js';
-export { default as focus } from './focus.js';
-export { default as help } from './help.js';
-export { default as join } from './join.js';
-export { default as leaderboard } from './leaderboard.js';
-export { default as leave } from './leave.js';
-export { default as level } from './level.js';
-export { default as ping } from './ping.js';
-export { default as poll } from './poll.js';
-export { default as ranks } from './ranks.js';
-export { default as roll } from './roll.js';
-export { default as run } from './run.js';
-export { default as spam_rules } from './spam_rules.js';
-export { default as state } from './state.js';
-export { default as weather } from './weather.js';
-export { default as whoami } from './whoami.js';
+export { default as about } from "./about.ts";
+export { default as announce } from "./announce.ts";
+export { default as bet } from "./bet.ts";
+export { default as corona } from "./corona.ts";
+export { default as crypto } from "./crypto.ts";
+export { default as focus } from "./focus.ts";
+export { default as help } from "./help.ts";
+export { default as join } from "./join.ts";
+export { default as leaderboard } from "./leaderboard.ts";
+export { default as leave } from "./leave.ts";
+export { default as level } from "./level.ts";
+export { default as ping } from "./ping.ts";
+export { default as poll } from "./poll.ts";
+export { default as ranks } from "./ranks.ts";
+export { default as roll } from "./roll.ts";
+export { default as run } from "./run.ts";
+export { default as spam_rules } from "./spam_rules.ts";
+export { default as state } from "./state.ts";
+export { default as weather } from "./weather.ts";
+export { default as whoami } from "./whoami.ts";
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/join.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/join.ts
index cc8032d6..c75e77ac 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/join.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/join.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import { type ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember } from "npm:discord.js";
-import logger from '../../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import logger from "../../utilities/log.utility.ts";
-import { joinUserVoiceChannelByInteraction, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { clientTalk } from '../../libraries/localisation.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { AnnouncementAction, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import {
+ type joinUserVoiceChannelByInteraction,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { clientTalk } from "../../libraries/localisation.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ AnnouncementAction,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { VoiceLibrary } from "../../libraries/voice.library.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'join';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'makes portal join your voice channel';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "join";
+const DESCRIPTION = "makes portal join your voice channel";
export default {
time: 1,
@@ -18,15 +26,50 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: false,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.MEMBER,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
try {
- const voiceChannel = await joinUserVoiceChannelByInteraction(interaction, pGuild);
+ const member = interaction?.member;
+ if (!member || !(member instanceof GuildMember)) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "join", "member not found"),
+ };
+ }
+ const channelId = member.voice.channelId;
+ if (!channelId) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "join",
+ "user must be in voice channel",
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ const guild = interaction.guild;
+ if (!guild) {
+ return {
+ result: false,
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "join", "guild not found"),
+ };
+ }
+ const joinedChannel = VoiceLibrary.joinUserVoiceChannelById(
+ channelId,
+ guild,
+ );
- if (!voiceChannel) {
+ if (!joinedChannel) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to join voice channel',
+ value: "failed to join voice channel",
@@ -34,14 +77,14 @@ export default {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'successfully joined voice channel',
+ value: "successfully joined voice channel",
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`commands.join.error: ${error}`);
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'join', 'failed to join voice channel'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "join", "failed to join voice channel"),
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/leaderboard.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/leaderboard.ts
index cdf1468a..3d3cc153 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/leaderboard.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/leaderboard.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType } from 'discord.js';
-import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { PMember } from '../../types/classes/PMember.class.js';
-import { Field, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { PMember } from "../../types/classes/PMember.class.ts";
+import {
+ type Field,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'leaderboard';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns server\'s leaderboard';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "leaderboard";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns server's leaderboard";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -19,53 +26,63 @@ export default {
.addNumberOption((option) =>
- option.setName('requested_number').setDescription('Number of members to display').setRequired(false),
+ option.setName("requested_number").setDescription(
+ "Number of members to display",
+ ).setRequired(false)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
const pMembers = pGuild.pMembers;
if (!pMembers) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'server has no members',
+ value: "server has no members",
- const requestedNumber = interaction.options.getNumber('requested_number');
+ const requestedNumber = interaction.options.getNumber("requested_number");
- let entries =
- requestedNumber && pMembers.length >= requestedNumber
- ? requestedNumber > 25
- ? 24
- : requestedNumber
- : pMembers.length > 25
- ? 24
- : pMembers.length;
+ let entries = requestedNumber && pMembers.length >= requestedNumber
+ ? requestedNumber > 25 ? 24 : requestedNumber
+ : pMembers.length > 25
+ ? 24
+ : pMembers.length;
if (entries <= 0) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'leaderboard', 'leaderboard entries must be at least one'),
+ value: messageHelp(
+ "commands",
+ "leaderboard",
+ "leaderboard entries must be at least one",
+ ),
if (!pGuild.pMembers) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'there are no members for this server',
+ value: "there are no members for this server",
const memberLevels: Field[] = [];
pMembers.sort(compare).forEach((pMember, i) => {
if (interaction.guild && entries > i) {
- const thisPMember = interaction.guild.members.cache.find((member) => member.id === pMember.id);
+ const thisPMember = interaction.guild.members.cache.find((member) =>
+ member.id === pMember.id
+ );
if (thisPMember) {
emote: `${i + 1}. ${thisPMember.displayName}`,
- role: `level ${pMember.level}\t|\tpoints: ${Math.round(pMember.points)}`,
+ role: `level ${pMember.level}\t|\tpoints: ${
+ Math.round(pMember.points)
+ }`,
inline: false,
@@ -73,7 +90,7 @@ export default {
} else {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'a member has been stored incorrectly',
+ value: "a member has been stored incorrectly",
@@ -82,9 +99,9 @@ export default {
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [
- '[Ranking System](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/ranking)',
- '#00FFFF',
+ "[Ranking System](https://portal-bot.xyz/docs/ranking)",
+ "#00FFFF",
@@ -97,17 +114,15 @@ export default {
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
function compare(memberA: PMember, memberB: PMember) {
return memberB.level === memberA.level
- ? memberB.points > memberA.points
- ? 1
- : -1
+ ? memberB.points > memberA.points ? 1 : -1
: memberB.level > memberA.level
- ? 1
- : -1;
+ ? 1
+ : -1;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/leave.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/leave.ts
index 0a707fff..4b083f5f 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/leave.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/leave.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { getVoiceConnection, VoiceConnectionStatus } from '@discordjs/voice';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
-import { clientTalk, clientWrite } from '../../libraries/localisation.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { AnnouncementAction, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ getVoiceConnection,
+ VoiceConnectionStatus,
+} from "npm:@discordjs/voice";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "npm:discord.js";
+import {
+ clientTalk,
+ clientWrite,
+} from "../../libraries/localisation.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ AnnouncementAction,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'leave';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'makes portal leave your voice channel';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "leave";
+const DESCRIPTION = "makes portal leave your voice channel";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -15,12 +25,17 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: false,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.NONE,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
@@ -29,7 +44,7 @@ export default {
if (!voiceConnection) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'portal must be connected to a voice channel with you',
+ value: "portal must be connected to a voice channel with you",
@@ -37,7 +52,7 @@ export default {
// await voiceConnection.destroy();
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to destroy voice connection',
+ value: "failed to destroy voice connection",
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/level.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/level.ts
index 30af53fe..605bbf53 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/level.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/level.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember, InteractionContextType } from 'discord.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type GuildMember,
+ InteractionContextType,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { createEmbed } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'level';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns your level';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "level";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns your level";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -18,14 +25,17 @@ export default {
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
const member = interaction.member as GuildMember;
const pMember = pGuild.pMembers.find((m) => m.id === member.id);
if (!pMember) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not find member',
+ value: "could not find member",
@@ -34,13 +44,17 @@ export default {
- '#00FFFF',
+ "#00FFFF",
- { emote: 'Level', role: `${pMember.level}`, inline: true },
- { emote: 'Points', role: `${Math.round(pMember.points)}`, inline: true },
+ { emote: "Level", role: `${pMember.level}`, inline: true },
+ {
+ emote: "Points",
+ role: `${Math.round(pMember.points)}`,
+ inline: true,
+ },
// { emote: '', role: '', inline: false },
// { emote: 'Rank', role: `${pMember.rank}`, inline: true },
- { emote: 'Tier', role: `${pMember.tier}`, inline: true },
+ { emote: "Tier", role: `${pMember.tier}`, inline: true },
@@ -55,7 +69,7 @@ export default {
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/ping.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/ping.ts
index 588492d6..dc8ba566 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/ping.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/ping.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, Client } from 'discord.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction, Client } from "npm:discord.js";
+import { createEmbed } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'ping';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'pings portal';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "ping";
+const DESCRIPTION = "pings portal";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -14,14 +17,33 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: false,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.NONE,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild, client: Client): Promise {
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ _pGuild: PGuild,
+ client: Client,
+ ): Promise {
const message = {
embeds: [
- createEmbed(null, null, '#0093ff', null, null, null, false, null, null, undefined, {
- name: 'Request sent',
- icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/ping.gif',
- }),
+ createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#0093ff",
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ undefined,
+ {
+ name: "Request sent",
+ icon:
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/ping.gif",
+ },
+ ),
@@ -30,24 +52,39 @@ export default {
if (!outcome) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'error while sending pong message',
+ value: "error while sending pong message",
const editMessage = await outcome.edit({
embeds: [
- createEmbed(null, null, '#0093ff', null, null, null, false, null, null, undefined, {
- name:
- `RTT latency\t${outcome.createdTimestamp - interaction.createdTimestamp} ms\n` +
- `Portal latency\t${client.ws.ping} ms`,
- icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/ping.gif',
- }),
+ createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#0093ff",
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ undefined,
+ {
+ name:
+ `RTT latency\t${
+ outcome.createdTimestamp - interaction.createdTimestamp
+ } ms\n` +
+ `Portal latency\t${client.ws.ping} ms`,
+ icon:
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/ping.gif",
+ },
+ ),
return {
result: !!editMessage,
- value: editMessage ? '' : 'error while editing pong message',
+ value: editMessage ? "" : "error while editing pong message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/poll.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/poll.ts
index f9bed38b..72a33f59 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/poll.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/poll.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, ColorResolvable, TextChannel } from 'discord.js';
-import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { insertPoll } from '../../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { PPoll } from '../../types/classes/PPoll.class.js';
-import { Field, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'poll';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'create a new poll';
-const emoji = ['1️⃣', '2️⃣', '3️⃣', '4️⃣', '5️⃣', '6️⃣', '7️⃣', '8️⃣', '9️⃣'];
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type {
+ ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ColorResolvable,
+ TextChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { createEmbed, messageHelp } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { insertPoll } from "../../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { PPoll } from "../../types/classes/PPoll.class.ts";
+import {
+ type Field,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "poll";
+const DESCRIPTION = "create a new poll";
+const emoji = ["1️⃣", "2️⃣", "3️⃣", "4️⃣", "5️⃣", "6️⃣", "7️⃣", "8️⃣", "9️⃣"];
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -20,34 +28,51 @@ export default {
slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder()
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('title').setDescription('Poll title').setRequired(true))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('option_1').setDescription('option 1').setRequired(true))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('option_2').setDescription('option 2').setRequired(true))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('option_3').setDescription('option 3').setRequired(false))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('option_4').setDescription('option 4').setRequired(false))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('option_5').setDescription('option 5').setRequired(false))
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('option_6').setDescription('option 6').setRequired(false)),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("title").setDescription("Poll title").setRequired(true)
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("option_1").setDescription("option 1").setRequired(true)
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("option_2").setDescription("option 2").setRequired(true)
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("option_3").setDescription("option 3").setRequired(false)
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("option_4").setDescription("option 4").setRequired(false)
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("option_5").setDescription("option 5").setRequired(false)
+ )
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("option_6").setDescription("option 6").setRequired(false)
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
- const title = interaction.options.getString('title');
+ const title = interaction.options.getString("title");
- const option_1 = interaction.options.getString('option_1');
- const option_2 = interaction.options.getString('option_2');
- const option_3 = interaction.options.getString('option_3');
- const option_4 = interaction.options.getString('option_4');
- const option_5 = interaction.options.getString('option_5');
- const option_6 = interaction.options.getString('option_6');
+ const option_1 = interaction.options.getString("option_1");
+ const option_2 = interaction.options.getString("option_2");
+ const option_3 = interaction.options.getString("option_3");
+ const option_4 = interaction.options.getString("option_4");
+ const option_5 = interaction.options.getString("option_5");
+ const option_6 = interaction.options.getString("option_6");
if (!title || !option_1 || !option_2) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'poll'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "poll"),
@@ -69,15 +94,15 @@ export default {
pollMap.filter((poll) => !!poll).map((poll) => poll.trim());
const pollMapField = pollMap.map((p, i) => {
- return { emote: emoji[i], role: p, inline: true };
+ return { emote: emoji[i], role: p, inline: true };
const response = await createRoleMessage(
- interaction.channel,
+ interaction.channel,
- '',
- '#9900ff',
+ "",
+ "#9900ff",
@@ -85,13 +110,13 @@ export default {
if (!response) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'error creating role message',
+ value: "error creating role message",
return {
result: response.result,
- value: response.result ? '' : response.value,
+ value: response.result ? "" : response.value,
} as Command;
@@ -105,29 +130,39 @@ async function createRoleMessage(
pollMap: Field[],
memberId: string,
): Promise {
- const roleMessageEmbed = createEmbed(title, desc, colour, pollMap, null, null, true, null, null);
+ const roleMessageEmbed = createEmbed(
+ title,
+ desc,
+ colour,
+ pollMap,
+ null,
+ null,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ );
const sentMessage = await channel.send({ embeds: [roleMessageEmbed] });
if (!sentMessage) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to create role assigner message',
+ value: "failed to create role assigner message",
- const reactionCheckered = await sentMessage.react('🏁');
+ const reactionCheckered = await sentMessage.react("🏁");
if (!reactionCheckered) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'failed to react to message',
+ value: "failed to react to message",
for (let i = 0; i < pollMap.length; i++) {
- if (typeof pollMap[i].emote === 'string') {
- sentMessage.react(pollMap[i].emote).catch((e) => {
+ if (typeof pollMap[i].emote === "string") {
+ sentMessage.react( pollMap[i].emote).catch((e) => {
return {
result: true,
value: `failed to react to message: ${e}`,
@@ -142,12 +177,12 @@ async function createRoleMessage(
if (!newPoll) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'failed to set new ranks',
+ value: "failed to set new ranks",
return {
result: newPoll,
- value: newPoll ? 'successfully created poll' : 'failed to create poll',
+ value: newPoll ? "successfully created poll" : "failed to create poll",
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/ranks.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/ranks.ts
index 6a4c107c..be7bac9f 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/ranks.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/ranks.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { Field, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "npm:discord.js";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'ranks';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'display server ranks';
+import { createEmbed } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type Field,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "ranks";
+const DESCRIPTION = "display server ranks";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -14,19 +19,26 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: false,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.NONE,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
if (!pGuild.ranks || pGuild.ranks.length === 0) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'there is no ranking yet',
+ value: "there is no ranking yet",
const ranksMessage: Field[] = [];
pGuild.ranks.forEach((rank) => {
- const role = interaction.guild?.roles.cache.find((r) => r.id === rank.role);
+ const role = interaction.guild?.roles.cache.find((r) =>
+ r.id === rank.role
+ );
emote: `At level ${rank.level}, you get role`,
role: `${role ? role : rank.role}`,
@@ -35,12 +47,24 @@ export default {
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
- embeds: [createEmbed('Ranking System', null, '#FF4500', ranksMessage, null, null, true, null, null)],
+ embeds: [
+ createEmbed(
+ "Ranking System",
+ null,
+ "#FF4500",
+ ranksMessage,
+ null,
+ null,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ ),
+ ],
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/roll.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/roll.ts
index 2ed67fcd..97096414 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/roll.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/roll.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember } from 'discord.js';
-import Roll from 'roll';
-import { createEmbed, maxString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember } from "npm:discord.js";
+import Roll from "roll";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'roll';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'roll a dice';
+import {
+ createEmbed,
+ maxString,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import logger from "../../utilities/log.utility.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "roll";
+const DESCRIPTION = "roll a dice";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -17,47 +26,69 @@ export default {
slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder()
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('roll_command').setDescription('Roll command').setRequired(true))
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("roll_command").setDescription("Roll command").setRequired(
+ true,
+ )
+ )
.addBooleanOption((option) =>
- option.setName('show').setDescription('show rolled dice in detail').setRequired(false),
+ option.setName("show").setDescription("show rolled dice in detail")
+ .setRequired(false)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- let rollCommand = interaction.options.getString('roll_command');
- const show = interaction.options.getBoolean('show');
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ let rollCommand = interaction.options.getString("roll_command");
+ const show = interaction.options.getBoolean("show");
if (!rollCommand) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'roll'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "roll"),
- rollCommand = rollCommand.replace(/\s/g, '');
+ rollCommand = rollCommand.replace(/\s/g, "");
try {
const member = interaction.member as GuildMember;
const rollLibrary = new Roll();
const roll = rollLibrary.roll(rollCommand);
- const rollDetail = show ? ` (${roll.rolled} from ${rollCommand})` : '';
- const rollMsg = `${member.displayName} rolled ${roll.result}${rollDetail}`;
+ const rollDetail = show ? ` (${roll.rolled} from ${rollCommand})` : "";
+ const rollMsg =
+ `${member.displayName} rolled ${roll.result}${rollDetail}`;
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [
- createEmbed(null, null, '#FF0000', null, null, null, false, null, null, undefined, {
- name: maxString(rollMsg, 256),
- icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/dice.gif',
- }),
+ createEmbed(
+ null,
+ null,
+ "#FF0000",
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ undefined,
+ {
+ name: maxString(rollMsg, 256),
+ icon:
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/dice.gif",
+ },
+ ),
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} catch (e) {
+ logger.error(`Error while rolling: ${e}`);
return {
result: false,
- value: 'error while rolling',
+ value: "error while rolling",
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/run.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/run.ts
index a59d37fd..a835e3dc 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/run.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/run.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, GuildMember, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js';
-import { regexInterpreter } from '../../libraries/guild.library.js';
-import { createEmbed, maxString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { Field, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { PVoiceChannel } from '../../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type {
+ ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ GuildMember,
+ VoiceChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'run';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'execute given code';
+import { regexInterpreter } from "../../libraries/guild.library.ts";
+import {
+ createEmbed,
+ maxString,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type Field,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import type { PVoiceChannel } from "../../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "run";
+const DESCRIPTION = "execute given code";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -19,28 +32,35 @@ export default {
slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder()
- .addStringOption((option) => option.setName('command').setDescription('Command to run').setRequired(true)),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- const command = interaction.options.getString('command');
+ .addStringOption((option) =>
+ option.setName("command").setDescription("Command to run").setRequired(
+ true,
+ )
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const command = interaction.options.getString("command");
if (!command) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'run'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "run"),
if (!interaction.guild) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'guild could not be fetched',
+ value: "guild could not be fetched",
if (!interaction.member) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'member could not be fetched',
+ value: "member could not be fetched",
@@ -53,7 +73,9 @@ export default {
if (currentVoiceChannel) {
for (let i = 0; i < pGuild.pChannels.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels.length; j++) {
- if (pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].id === currentVoiceChannel.id) {
+ if (
+ pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].id === currentVoiceChannel.id
+ ) {
pVoice = pGuild.pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j];
@@ -64,9 +86,9 @@ export default {
const message = {
embeds: [
- 'executing: ' + command,
+ "executing: " + command,
- '#00ffb3',
+ "#00ffb3",
@@ -84,34 +106,36 @@ export default {
if (!outcome) {
return {
result: true,
- value: 'failed to send message',
+ value: "failed to send message",
const editedMessage = await outcome.edit({
embeds: [
- 'Text Interpreter',
+ "Text Interpreter",
- '#00ffb3',
- [
+ "#00ffb3",
+ [
- emote: 'input',
+ emote: "input",
role: maxString(`\`\`\`\n${command}\n\`\`\``, 256),
inline: false,
- emote: 'output',
+ emote: "output",
role: maxString(
- `\`\`\`\n${regexInterpreter(
- command,
- currentVoiceChannel as VoiceChannel,
- pVoice,
- pGuild.pChannels,
- pGuild,
- interaction.guild,
- interaction.user.id,
- )}\n\`\`\``,
+ `\`\`\`\n${
+ regexInterpreter(
+ command,
+ currentVoiceChannel as VoiceChannel,
+ pVoice,
+ pGuild.pChannels,
+ pGuild,
+ interaction.guild,
+ interaction.user.id,
+ )
+ }\n\`\`\``,
inline: false,
@@ -130,7 +154,7 @@ export default {
return {
result: !!editedMessage,
- value: editedMessage ? '' : 'failed to edit message',
+ value: editedMessage ? "" : "failed to edit message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/spam_rules.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/spam_rules.ts
index b0271212..d2334982 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/spam_rules.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/spam_rules.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, Client } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction, Client } from "npm:discord.js";
-import SPAM_CONFIG from '../../config.spam.json' assert { type: 'json' };
-import { createEmbed } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import SPAM_CONFIG from "../../config.spam.json" with { type: "json" };
+import { createEmbed } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'spam_rules';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns server\'s spam rules';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "spam_rules";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns server's spam rules";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -16,40 +19,68 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: false,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.NONE,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild, client: Client): Promise {
- const guild = client.guilds.cache.find((guild) => guild.id === interaction?.guild?.id);
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ client: Client,
+ ): Promise {
+ const guild = client.guilds.cache.find((guild) =>
+ guild.id === interaction?.guild?.id
+ );
if (!guild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not fetch guild',
+ value: "could not fetch guild",
const rules =
`**Duplicate spam warning after ${SPAM_CONFIG.DUPLICATE_AFTER}.**\n` +
`**Spam warning after ${SPAM_CONFIG.WARN_AFTER}.**\n` +
- `**Mute after ${SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_AFTER} ${SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_AFTER === 1 ? 'warning' : 'warnings'} ` +
- `for ${SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_PERIOD} ${SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_PERIOD === 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes'}.**\n\n` +
+ `**Mute after ${SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_AFTER} ${
+ SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_AFTER === 1 ? "warning" : "warnings"
+ } ` +
+ SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_PERIOD === 1 ? "minute" : "minutes"
+ }.**\n\n` +
pGuild.kickAfter && pGuild.kickAfter > 0
- ? `***Member kicked after ${pGuild.kickAfter} ${SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_AFTER === 1 ? 'penalty' : 'penalties'}.***\n`
- : '***Automatic kick has not been set yet.***\n'
+ ? `***Member kicked after ${pGuild.kickAfter} ${
+ SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_AFTER === 1 ? "penalty" : "penalties"
+ }.***\n`
+ : "***Automatic kick has not been set yet.***\n"
}` +
pGuild.banAfter && pGuild.banAfter > 0
- ? `***Member banned after ${pGuild.banAfter} ${SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_AFTER === 1 ? 'penalty' : 'penalties'}.***`
- : '***Automatic ban has not been set yet.***'
+ ? `***Member banned after ${pGuild.banAfter} ${
+ SPAM_CONFIG.MUTE_AFTER === 1 ? "penalty" : "penalties"
+ }.***`
+ : "***Automatic ban has not been set yet.***"
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
- embeds: [createEmbed('Spam Rules', rules, '#006996', null, null, null, true, null, null)],
+ embeds: [
+ createEmbed(
+ "Spam Rules",
+ rules,
+ "#006996",
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ ),
+ ],
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/state.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/state.ts
index 0aa596ce..629936c1 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/state.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/state.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, Client } from 'discord.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { Field, ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction, Client } from "npm:discord.js";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'state';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns server\'s state';
+import { createEmbed } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type Field,
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "state";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns server's state";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -14,21 +19,29 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: false,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.NONE,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild, client: Client): Promise {
- const guild = client.guilds.cache.find((g) => g.id === interaction?.guild?.id);
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ client: Client,
+ ): Promise {
+ const guild = client.guilds.cache.find((g) =>
+ g.id === interaction?.guild?.id
+ );
if (!guild) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not fetch guild',
+ value: "could not fetch guild",
let portalState = [
- {
- emote: 'Portal Channels',
- role: '',
+ {
+ emote: "Portal Channels",
+ role: "",
inline: false,
@@ -40,13 +53,15 @@ export default {
.map((v, indexV) => {
const voiceChannel = guild.channels.cache.find((c) => c.id === v.id);
- return `${indexV + 1}. ${voiceChannel ? voiceChannel.name : 'unavailable'}`;
+ return `${indexV + 1}. ${
+ voiceChannel ? voiceChannel.name : "unavailable"
+ }`;
- .join('\n');
+ .join("\n");
- return {
- emote: `${portalChannel ? portalChannel.name : 'unavailable'}`,
- role: '```\n' + voices ? voices : 'no voice' + '\n```',
+ return {
+ emote: `${portalChannel ? portalChannel.name : "unavailable"}`,
+ role: "```\n" + voices ? voices : "no voice" + "\n```",
inline: true,
@@ -55,99 +70,133 @@ export default {
portalState = portalState.concat(portals);
- portalState.push({
- emote: '',
- role: '',
- inline: false,
- });
+ portalState.push(
+ {
+ emote: "",
+ role: "",
+ inline: false,
+ },
+ );
- const music = guild.channels.cache.find((c) => c.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId);
+ const music = guild.channels.cache.find((c) =>
+ c.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId
+ );
if (music) {
- portalState.push({
- emote: 'Music channel',
- role: '```\n' + music ? music.name : 'unavailable' + '\n```',
- inline: true,
- });
+ portalState.push(
+ {
+ emote: "Music channel",
+ role: "```\n" + music ? music.name : "unavailable" + "\n```",
+ inline: true,
+ },
+ );
} else {
- portalState.push({
- emote: 'Music channel',
- role: '```\nnone\n```',
- inline: true,
- });
+ portalState.push(
+ {
+ emote: "Music channel",
+ role: "```\nnone\n```",
+ inline: true,
+ },
+ );
- const announcement = guild.channels.cache.find((c) => c.id === pGuild.announcement);
+ const announcement = guild.channels.cache.find((c) =>
+ c.id === pGuild.announcement
+ );
if (announcement) {
- portalState.push({
- emote: 'Announcement channel',
- role: '```\n' + announcement ? announcement.name : 'unavailable' + '\n```',
- inline: true,
- });
+ portalState.push(
+ {
+ emote: "Announcement channel",
+ role: "```\n" + announcement
+ ? announcement.name
+ : "unavailable" + "\n```",
+ inline: true,
+ },
+ );
} else {
- portalState.push({
- emote: 'Announcement channel',
- role: '```\nnone\n```',
- inline: true,
- });
+ portalState.push(
+ {
+ emote: "Announcement channel",
+ role: "```\nnone\n```",
+ inline: true,
+ },
+ );
- portalState.push({
- emote: '',
- role: '',
- inline: false,
- });
+ portalState.push(
+ {
+ emote: "",
+ role: "",
+ inline: false,
+ },
+ );
const urls = pGuild.pURLs.map((uId, indexU) => {
const channel = guild.channels.cache.find((c) => c.id === uId);
- return `${indexU + 1}. ${channel ? channel.name : 'unavailable'}`;
+ return `${indexU + 1}. ${channel ? channel.name : "unavailable"}`;
if (urls.length > 0) {
- const urlSum = {
- emote: 'URL channels',
- role: '```\n' + urls ? urls.join('\n') : 'unavailable' + '\n```',
+ const urlSum = {
+ emote: "URL channels",
+ role: "```\n" + urls ? urls.join("\n") : "unavailable" + "\n```",
inline: true,
portalState = portalState.concat(urlSum);
} else {
- portalState.push({
- emote: 'URL channels',
- role: '```\nnone\n```',
- inline: true,
- });
+ portalState.push(
+ {
+ emote: "URL channels",
+ role: "```\nnone\n```",
+ inline: true,
+ },
+ );
const ignore = pGuild.pIgnores.map((uId, indexU) => {
const channel = guild.channels.cache.find((c) => c.id === uId);
- return `${indexU + 1}. ${channel ? channel.name : 'unavailable'}`;
+ return `${indexU + 1}. ${channel ? channel.name : "unavailable"}`;
if (ignore.length > 0) {
- const ignoreSum = {
- emote: 'Ignored channels',
- role: '```\n' + ignore ? ignore.join('\n') : 'unavailable' + '\n```',
+ const ignoreSum = {
+ emote: "Ignored channels",
+ role: "```\n" + ignore ? ignore.join("\n") : "unavailable" + "\n```",
inline: true,
portalState = portalState.concat(ignoreSum);
} else {
- portalState.push({
- emote: 'Ignored channels',
- role: '```\nnone\n```',
- inline: true,
- });
+ portalState.push(
+ {
+ emote: "Ignored channels",
+ role: "```\nnone\n```",
+ inline: true,
+ },
+ );
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
- embeds: [createEmbed('State of Portal', null, '#eba000', portalState, null, null, true, null, null)],
+ embeds: [
+ createEmbed(
+ "State of Portal",
+ null,
+ "#eba000",
+ portalState,
+ null,
+ null,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ ),
+ ],
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/stock.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/stock.ts
index edb79d69..b0c28a35 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/stock.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/stock.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import dayjs from 'dayjs';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
-import { RequestOptions } from 'https';
-import { createEmbed, getJSONFromString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { httpsFetch } from '../../libraries/http.library.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-// import { CountryCodes } from '../../data/lists/countryCodesISO.static.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import "@std/dotenv/load";
+import dayjs from "npm:dayjs";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "npm:discord.js";
+import {
+ createEmbed,
+ getJSONFromString,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { httpsFetch } from "../../libraries/http.library.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+// import { CountryCodes } from '../../data/lists/countryCodesISO.static.ts';
// const country_codes: { name: string; code: string; }[] = CountryCodes;
@@ -20,8 +29,8 @@ import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.
// return null;
// };
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'stock';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns data on stocks';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "stock";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns data on stocks";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -33,51 +42,56 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- option.setName('stock').setDescription('Stock you want to get data for').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("stock").setDescription("Stock you want to get data for")
+ .setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- if (!process.env.YAHOO_FINANCE) {
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ if (!Deno.env.get("YAHOO_FINANCE")) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'YAHOO_FINANCE API key is not set up',
+ value: "YAHOO_FINANCE API key is not set up",
- const stock = interaction.options.getString('stock');
+ const stock = interaction.options.getString("stock");
if (!stock) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'stock'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "stock"),
- const options: RequestOptions = {
- method: 'GET',
- hostname: 'yahoo-finance-low-latency.p.rapidapi.com',
- port: undefined,
- path: `/v8/finance/chart/${stock}?events=div%2Csplit`,
+ const url = new URL(
+ `https://yahoo-finance-low-latency.p.rapidapi.com/v8/finance/chart/${stock}`,
+ );
+ url.searchParams.append("events", "div,split");
+ const response = await httpsFetch(url, {
+ method: "GET",
headers: {
- 'x-rapidapi-host': 'yahoo-finance-low-latency.p.rapidapi.com',
- 'x-rapidapi-key': process.env.YAHOO_FINANCE,
- useQueryString: 1,
+ "x-rapidapi-host": "yahoo-finance-low-latency.p.rapidapi.com",
+ "x-rapidapi-key": Deno.env.get("YAHOO_FINANCE") || "",
+ "Accept": "application/json",
- };
- const response = await httpsFetch(options);
+ });
if (!response) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not access the server',
+ value: "could not access the server",
- const json = getJSONFromString(response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf('{')));
+ const json = getJSONFromString(
+ response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf("{")),
+ );
if (json === null) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'data from source was corrupted',
+ value: "data from source was corrupted",
@@ -86,7 +100,7 @@ export default {
if (chart === null) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not find any stock',
+ value: "could not find any stock",
@@ -95,7 +109,7 @@ export default {
if (result === null) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'there were no results',
+ value: "there were no results",
@@ -104,16 +118,18 @@ export default {
if (meta === null) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'there were no meta data',
+ value: "there were no meta data",
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [
- `STOCK ${meta.symbol} (${meta.regularMarketPrice}) - ${dayjs().format('DD/MM/YY')}`,
- 'powered by yahoo finance',
- '#FF0000',
+ `STOCK ${meta.symbol} (${meta.regularMarketPrice}) - ${
+ dayjs().format("DD/MM/YY")
+ }`,
+ "powered by yahoo finance",
+ "#FF0000",
// [
// {
@@ -133,7 +149,7 @@ export default {
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/weather.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/weather.ts
index 4df4ea8b..8267c0d6 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/weather.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/weather.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import dayjs from 'dayjs';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, InteractionContextType } from 'discord.js';
-import { RequestOptions } from 'https';
-import { createEmbed, getJSONFromString, messageHelp } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { httpsFetch } from '../../libraries/http.library.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'weather';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns weather data';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import "@std/dotenv/load";
+import dayjs from "npm:dayjs";
+import {
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ InteractionContextType,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import {
+ createEmbed,
+ getJSONFromString,
+ messageHelp,
+} from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { httpsFetch } from "../../libraries/http.library.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
+const COMMAND_NAME = "weather";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns weather data";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -20,55 +31,64 @@ export default {
.addStringOption((option) =>
- option.setName('country').setDescription('The country you want to get weather data for').setRequired(true),
+ option.setName("country").setDescription(
+ "The country you want to get weather data for",
+ ).setRequired(true)
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise {
- if (!process.env.OPEN_WEATHER_MAP) {
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ ): Promise {
+ if (!Deno.env.get("OPEN_WEATHER_MAP")) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'OPEN_WEATHER_MAP API key is not set up',
+ value: "OPEN_WEATHER_MAP API key is not set up",
- const country = interaction.options.getString('country');
+ const country = interaction.options.getString("country");
if (!country) {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'weather'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "weather"),
- const location = country.split(' ').join('%2C%20');
- const options: RequestOptions = {
- method: 'GET',
- hostname: 'api.openweathermap.org',
- port: undefined,
- path: `/data/2.5/weather?q=${location}&appid=${process.env.OPEN_WEATHER_MAP}`,
- };
+ const url = new URL(`https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather`);
+ const location = country.split(" ").join("%2C%20");
+ url.searchParams.append("q", location);
+ url.searchParams.append("appid", Deno.env.get("OPEN_WEATHER_MAP") || "");
- const response = await httpsFetch(options);
+ const response = await httpsFetch(url, {
+ method: "GET",
+ headers: {
+ "Accept": "application/json",
+ },
+ });
if (!response) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not access the server',
+ value: "could not access the server",
- const json = getJSONFromString(response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf('{')));
+ const json = getJSONFromString(
+ response.toString().substring(response.toString().indexOf("{")),
+ );
if (json === null) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'data from source was corrupted',
+ value: "data from source was corrupted",
- if (json.cod === '404') {
+ if (json.cod === "404") {
return {
result: false,
- value: messageHelp('commands', 'weather', 'city not found'),
+ value: messageHelp("commands", "weather", "city not found"),
@@ -82,18 +102,22 @@ export default {
const outcome = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [
- `${json.name}, ${json.sys.country} at ${dayjs().format('DD/MM/YY')}`,
- 'powered by OpenWeatherMap',
- '#BFEFFF',
+ `${json.name}, ${json.sys.country} at ${dayjs().format("DD/MM/YY")}`,
+ "powered by OpenWeatherMap",
+ "#BFEFFF",
- emote: 'Temperature',
- role: `${kelvinToCelsius(json.main.temp)}°C / ${kelvinToFahrenheit(json.main.temp)}°F`,
+ emote: "Temperature",
+ role: `${kelvinToCelsius(json.main.temp)}°C / ${
+ kelvinToFahrenheit(json.main.temp)
+ }°F`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Feels like',
- role: `${kelvinToCelsius(json.main.feels_like)}°C / ${kelvinToFahrenheit(json.main.feels_like)}°F`,
+ emote: "Feels like",
+ role: `${kelvinToCelsius(json.main.feels_like)}°C / ${
+ kelvinToFahrenheit(json.main.feels_like)
+ }°F`,
inline: true,
@@ -102,28 +126,32 @@ export default {
inline: false,
- emote: 'Humidity',
+ emote: "Humidity",
role: `${json.main.humidity}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Wind Speed',
- role: `${msToKs(json.wind.speed)}kmh / ${msToMlh(json.wind.speed)}mlh`,
+ emote: "Wind Speed",
+ role: `${msToKs(json.wind.speed)}kmh / ${
+ msToMlh(json.wind.speed)
+ }mlh`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Cloudiness',
+ emote: "Cloudiness",
role: `${json.clouds.all}%`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Condition',
+ emote: "Condition",
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
- role: `${json.weather
- .map((weather: { main: string; description: string }) => {
- return `${weather.main} (${weather.description})`;
- })
- .join(', ')}`,
+ role: `${
+ json.weather
+ .map((weather: { main: string; description: string }) => {
+ return `${weather.main} (${weather.description})`;
+ })
+ .join(", ")
+ }`,
inline: false,
@@ -138,7 +166,7 @@ export default {
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? `${json.name} weather` : 'failed to send message',
+ value: outcome ? `${json.name} weather` : "failed to send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/commands/noAuth/whoami.ts b/src/commands/noAuth/whoami.ts
index 9b01ad1b..7c9cf8c8 100644
--- a/src/commands/noAuth/whoami.ts
+++ b/src/commands/noAuth/whoami.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, User } from 'discord.js';
+import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction, User } from "npm:discord.js";
-import { createEmbed } from '../../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ReturnPromise, ScopeLimit } from '../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { Command } from '../../types/Command.js';
+import { createEmbed } from "../../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ReturnPromise,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import type { Command } from "../../types/Command.ts";
-const COMMAND_NAME = 'whoami';
-const DESCRIPTION = 'returns your personal card';
+const COMMAND_NAME = "whoami";
+const DESCRIPTION = "returns your personal card";
export default {
time: 0,
@@ -15,13 +18,20 @@ export default {
ephemeral: true,
auth: false,
scopeLimit: ScopeLimit.NONE,
- slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(DESCRIPTION),
- async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
- const pMember = pGuild.pMembers.find((pMember) => pMember.id === interaction.user.id);
+ slashCommand: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(COMMAND_NAME).setDescription(
+ ),
+ async execute(
+ interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ ): Promise {
+ const pMember = pGuild.pMembers.find((pMember) =>
+ pMember.id === interaction.user.id
+ );
if (!pMember || !interaction.member) {
return {
result: false,
- value: 'could not find guild',
+ value: "could not find guild",
@@ -30,25 +40,27 @@ export default {
- '#ddff00',
+ "#ddff00",
- emote: 'Level',
+ emote: "Level",
role: pMember.level,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Regex',
- role: !pMember.regex || pMember.regex === 'null' ? 'not set' : pMember.regex,
+ emote: "Regex",
+ role: !pMember.regex || pMember.regex === "null"
+ ? "not set"
+ : pMember.regex,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Penalties',
+ emote: "Penalties",
role: `${pMember.penalties ? pMember.penalties : 0}`,
inline: true,
- emote: 'Id',
+ emote: "Id",
role: pMember.id,
inline: false,
@@ -64,7 +76,7 @@ export default {
return {
result: !!outcome,
- value: outcome ? '' : 'could not send message',
+ value: outcome ? "" : "could not send message",
} as Command;
diff --git a/src/events/channelDelete.event.ts b/src/events/channelDelete.event.ts
index ff7f16f6..dfe49848 100644
--- a/src/events/channelDelete.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/channelDelete.event.ts
@@ -1,27 +1,40 @@
-import { ChannelType, DMChannel, GuildChannel, TextChannel, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js';
-import { handleChannelDeletion } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
+import {
+ ChannelType,
+ type DMChannel,
+ type GuildChannel,
+ type TextChannel,
+ VoiceChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { handleChannelDeletion } from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
-import { PortalChannelType } from '../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.js';
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import { PortalChannelType } from "../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
-export async function channelDelete(channel: DMChannel | GuildChannel): Promise {
- if (channel.type !== ChannelType.GuildText && channel.type !== ChannelType.GuildVoice) {
- logger.error('only voice and text channels are handled');
+export async function channelDelete(
+ channel: DMChannel | GuildChannel,
+): Promise {
+ if (
+ channel.type !== ChannelType.GuildText &&
+ channel.type !== ChannelType.GuildVoice
+ ) {
+ logger.error("only voice and text channels are handled");
- const deletedChannel = channel instanceof VoiceChannel ? channel : (channel as TextChannel);
+ const deletedChannel = channel instanceof VoiceChannel
+ ? channel
+ : (channel as TextChannel);
const deletedChannelPortalType = await handleChannelDeletion(deletedChannel);
if (!Object.values(PortalChannelType).includes(deletedChannelPortalType)) {
- throw new Error('Only guild voice and text channels are handled');
+ throw new Error("Only guild voice and text channels are handled");
if (deletedChannelPortalType > 0) {
- `${PortalChannelType[deletedChannelPortalType].toString()} channel removed from ${deletedChannel.guild.name}|${
- deletedChannel.guild.id
- }`,
+ `${
+ PortalChannelType[deletedChannelPortalType].toString()
+ } channel removed from ${deletedChannel.guild.name}|${deletedChannel.guild.id}`,
diff --git a/src/events/guildCreate.event.ts b/src/events/guildCreate.event.ts
index 5341f95a..42dd8eb8 100644
--- a/src/events/guildCreate.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/guildCreate.event.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { Client, Guild } from 'discord.js';
-import { guildExists, insertGuild } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
+import type { Client, Guild } from "npm:discord.js";
+import { guildExists, insertGuild } from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
export async function guildCreate(client: Client, guild: Guild): Promise {
const exists = await guildExists(guild.id);
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ export async function guildCreate(client: Client, guild: Guild): Promise {
if (guildInserted) {
logger.info(`inserted guild ${guild.name} [${guild.id}] into database`);
} else {
- logger.error(`failed to insert guild ${guild.name} [${guild.id}] into database`);
+ logger.error(
+ `failed to insert guild ${guild.name} [${guild.id}] into database`,
+ );
diff --git a/src/events/guildDelete.event.ts b/src/events/guildDelete.event.ts
index 8dbe6246..a62ebdbe 100644
--- a/src/events/guildDelete.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/guildDelete.event.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { Guild } from 'discord.js';
-import { removeGuild } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
+import type { Guild } from "npm:discord.js";
+import { removeGuild } from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
export async function guildDelete(guild: Guild): Promise {
const guildRemoved = await removeGuild(guild.id);
diff --git a/src/events/guildMemberAdd.event.ts b/src/events/guildMemberAdd.event.ts
index 9123f965..ca6e0679 100644
--- a/src/events/guildMemberAdd.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/guildMemberAdd.event.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
-import { GuildMember, PartialGuildMember, TextChannel } from 'discord.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { fetchAnnouncementChannelByGuildId, insertMember } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
+import type {
+ GuildMember,
+ PartialGuildMember,
+ TextChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { createEmbed } from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import {
+ fetchAnnouncementChannelByGuildId,
+ insertMember,
+} from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
-export async function guildMemberAdd(member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember): Promise {
+export async function guildMemberAdd(
+ member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember,
+): Promise {
if (member.user.bot) {
- logger.info('new member is a bot, bots are not handled');
+ logger.info("new member is a bot, bots are not handled");
@@ -22,8 +31,10 @@ export async function guildMemberAdd(member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember):
- if (pGuild?.initialRole !== 'null') {
- const initialRole = member.guild.roles.cache.find((r) => r.id === pGuild.initialRole);
+ if (pGuild?.initialRole !== "null") {
+ const initialRole = member.guild.roles.cache.find((r) =>
+ r.id === pGuild.initialRole
+ );
if (initialRole) {
const roleAdded = await member.roles.add(initialRole);
@@ -34,23 +45,37 @@ export async function guildMemberAdd(member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember):
- const joinMessage =
- `member: ${member.presence?.user}\n` + `id: ${member.guild.id}\n` + `\thas joined ${member.guild}`;
+ const joinMessage = `member: ${member.presence?.user}\n` +
+ `id: ${member.guild.id}\n` + `\thas joined ${member.guild}`;
- const announcementChannel = (
- member.guild.channels.cache.find((channel) => channel.id === pGuild.announcement)
+ const announcementChannel = (
+ member.guild.channels.cache.find((channel) =>
+ channel.id === pGuild.announcement
+ )
if (announcementChannel) {
const message = {
embeds: [
- createEmbed('member joined', joinMessage, '#00C70D', [], member.user.avatarURL(), null, true, null, null),
+ createEmbed(
+ "member joined",
+ joinMessage,
+ "#00C70D",
+ [],
+ member.user.avatarURL(),
+ null,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ ),
const messageSent = await announcementChannel.send(message);
if (!messageSent) {
- logger.warn(`failed to send join message for ${member.id} to ${member.guild.id}`);
+ logger.warn(
+ `failed to send join message for ${member.id} to ${member.guild.id}`,
+ );
diff --git a/src/events/guildMemberRemove.event.ts b/src/events/guildMemberRemove.event.ts
index c9098745..cba4a52f 100644
--- a/src/events/guildMemberRemove.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/guildMemberRemove.event.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,29 @@
-import { GuildMember, PartialGuildMember, TextChannel } from 'discord.js';
-import { createEmbed } from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { fetchAnnouncementChannelByGuildId, removeMember } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
+import type {
+ GuildMember,
+ PartialGuildMember,
+ TextChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { createEmbed } from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import {
+ fetchAnnouncementChannelByGuildId,
+ removeMember,
+} from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
-export async function guildMemberRemove(member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember): Promise {
+export async function guildMemberRemove(
+ member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember,
+): Promise {
if (member.user.bot) {
- logger.info('new member is a bot, bots are not handled');
+ logger.info("new member is a bot, bots are not handled");
const removedMember = await removeMember(member.id, member.guild.id);
if (!removedMember) {
- logger.error(`failed to remove member ${member.id} from ${member.guild.id}`);
+ logger.error(
+ `failed to remove member ${member.id} from ${member.guild.id}`,
+ );
@@ -23,23 +34,37 @@ export async function guildMemberRemove(member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember
- const announcementChannel = (
- member.guild.channels.cache.find((channel) => channel.id === pGuild.announcement)
+ const announcementChannel = (
+ member.guild.channels.cache.find((channel) =>
+ channel.id === pGuild.announcement
+ )
if (announcementChannel) {
- const leaveMessage =
- `member: ${member.presence?.user}\n` + `id: ${member.guild.id}\n` + `\thas left ${member.guild}`;
+ const leaveMessage = `member: ${member.presence?.user}\n` +
+ `id: ${member.guild.id}\n` + `\thas left ${member.guild}`;
const message = {
embeds: [
- createEmbed('member left', leaveMessage, '#FC0303', [], member.user.avatarURL(), null, true, null, null),
+ createEmbed(
+ "member left",
+ leaveMessage,
+ "#FC0303",
+ [],
+ member.user.avatarURL(),
+ null,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ ),
const messageSent = await announcementChannel.send(message);
if (!messageSent) {
- logger.warn(`failed to send leave message for ${member.id} to ${member.guild.id}`);
+ logger.warn(
+ `failed to send leave message for ${member.id} to ${member.guild.id}`,
+ );
diff --git a/src/events/index.ts b/src/events/index.ts
index 4187e260..98306800 100644
--- a/src/events/index.ts
+++ b/src/events/index.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-export { channelDelete } from './channelDelete.event.js';
-export { guildCreate } from './guildCreate.event.js';
-export { guildDelete } from './guildDelete.event.js';
-export { guildMemberAdd } from './guildMemberAdd.event.js';
-export { guildMemberRemove } from './guildMemberRemove.event.js';
-export { interactionCreate } from './interactionCreate.event.js';
-export { messageDelete } from './messageDelete.event.js';
-export { messageReactionAdd } from './messageReactionAdd.event.js';
-export { ready } from './ready.event.js';
-export { voiceStateUpdate } from './voiceStateUpdate.event.js';
+export { channelDelete } from "./channelDelete.event.ts";
+export { guildCreate } from "./guildCreate.event.ts";
+export { guildDelete } from "./guildDelete.event.ts";
+export { guildMemberAdd } from "./guildMemberAdd.event.ts";
+export { guildMemberRemove } from "./guildMemberRemove.event.ts";
+export { interactionCreate } from "./interactionCreate.event.ts";
+export { messageCreate } from "./messageCreate.event.ts";
+export { messageDelete } from "./messageDelete.event.ts";
+export { messageReactionAdd } from "./messageReactionAdd.event.ts";
+export { ready } from "./ready.event.ts";
+export { voiceStateUpdate } from "./voiceStateUpdate.event.ts";
diff --git a/src/events/interactionCreate.event.ts b/src/events/interactionCreate.event.ts
index a4bea715..84a52218 100644
--- a/src/events/interactionCreate.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/interactionCreate.event.ts
@@ -1,55 +1,94 @@
-import { BaseInteraction, ChannelType, ChatInputCommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder, GuildMember } from 'discord.js';
-import { commandLoader } from '../handlers/command.handler.js';
-import { isUserAuthorised } from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { fetchGuildPreData, fetchGuildRest, insertMember } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { commandFetcher } from '../libraries/preprocessor.library.js';
-import { ActiveCooldowns, AuthCommands, NoAuthCommands } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
-function validateBaseInteractionIsCommand(interaction: BaseInteraction): interaction is ChatInputCommandInteraction {
+import {
+ type BaseInteraction,
+ ChannelType,
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type EmbedBuilder,
+ type GuildMember,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import { commandLoader } from "../handlers/command.handler.ts";
+import { isUserAuthorised } from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import {
+ fetchGuildPreData,
+ fetchGuildRest,
+ insertMember,
+} from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import { commandFetcher } from "../libraries/preprocessor.library.ts";
+import type {
+ ActiveCooldowns,
+ AuthCommands,
+ NoAuthCommands,
+} from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
+function validateBaseInteractionIsCommand(
+ interaction: BaseInteraction,
+): interaction is ChatInputCommandInteraction {
return interaction.isCommand();
-export async function interactionCreate(interaction: BaseInteraction, activeCooldowns: ActiveCooldowns): Promise {
+export async function interactionCreate(
+ interaction: BaseInteraction,
+ activeCooldowns: ActiveCooldowns,
+): Promise {
if (!validateBaseInteractionIsCommand(interaction)) {
- if (!interaction || !interaction.user || !interaction.member || !interaction.guild || !interaction.channel) {
+ if (
+ !interaction || !interaction.user || !interaction.member ||
+ !interaction.guild || !interaction.channel
+ ) {
return await InteractionReply(interaction, {
- content: 'interaction is missing data',
+ content: "interaction is missing data",
ephemeral: false,
if (interaction.channel.type === ChannelType.DM || interaction.user.bot) {
return await InteractionReply(interaction, {
- content: 'interaction was made in DM or by bot',
+ content: "interaction was made in DM or by bot",
ephemeral: false,
- const pGuild = await fetchGuildPreData(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id);
+ const pGuild = await fetchGuildPreData(
+ interaction.guild.id,
+ interaction.user.id,
+ );
if (!pGuild) {
- logger.error('fetching guild pre data failed');
- return await InteractionReply(interaction, { content: 'fetching guild pre data failed', ephemeral: false });
+ logger.error("fetching guild pre data failed");
+ return await InteractionReply(interaction, {
+ content: "fetching guild pre data failed",
+ ephemeral: false,
+ });
if (!pGuild.pMembers.some((pMember) => pMember.id === interaction.user.id)) {
- const insertResponse = await insertMember(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id);
+ const insertResponse = await insertMember(
+ interaction.guild.id,
+ interaction.user.id,
+ );
if (!insertResponse) {
- logger.error('failed to late-insert member');
- return await InteractionReply(interaction, { content: 'failed to late-insert member', ephemeral: false });
+ logger.error("failed to late-insert member");
+ return await InteractionReply(interaction, {
+ content: "failed to late-insert member",
+ ephemeral: false,
+ });
if (interaction.guild) {
- logger.info(`late-insert ${interaction.user.id} to ${interaction.guild.name} [${interaction.guild.id}]`);
+ logger.info(
+ `late-insert ${interaction.user.id} to ${interaction.guild.name} [${interaction.guild.id}]`,
+ );
- return await InteractionReply(interaction, { content: 'late-inserted member', ephemeral: false });
+ return await InteractionReply(interaction, {
+ content: "late-inserted member",
+ ephemeral: false,
+ });
const commandName = interaction.commandName as AuthCommands | NoAuthCommands;
@@ -65,7 +104,9 @@ export async function interactionCreate(interaction: BaseInteraction, activeCool
if (
commandData.auth &&
interaction.member &&
- !isUserAuthorised(interaction.member as GuildMember /* needs better implementation */)
+ !isUserAuthorised(
+ interaction.member as GuildMember, /* needs better implementation */
+ )
) {
return await InteractionReply(interaction, {
content: `you are not authorised to use ${interaction.commandName}`,
@@ -76,8 +117,11 @@ export async function interactionCreate(interaction: BaseInteraction, activeCool
const pGuildRest = await fetchGuildRest(interaction.guild.id);
if (!pGuildRest) {
- logger.error('fetching guild rest data failed');
- return await InteractionReply(interaction, { content: 'fetching guild rest data failed', ephemeral: false });
+ logger.error("fetching guild rest data failed");
+ return await InteractionReply(interaction, {
+ content: "fetching guild rest data failed",
+ ephemeral: false,
+ });
pGuild.pMembers = pGuildRest.pMembers;
@@ -99,11 +143,19 @@ export async function interactionCreate(interaction: BaseInteraction, activeCool
if (!commandResponse) {
- logger.error(`something went wrong with command ${interaction.commandName}`);
- return await InteractionReply(interaction, { content: 'something went wrong', ephemeral: false });
+ logger.error(
+ `something went wrong with command ${interaction.commandName}`,
+ );
+ return await InteractionReply(interaction, {
+ content: "something went wrong",
+ ephemeral: false,
+ });
- const content = commandResponse.value !== '' ? commandResponse.value : 'command succeeded';
+ const content = commandResponse.value !== ""
+ ? commandResponse.value
+ : "command succeeded";
const ephemeral = commandData.ephemeral;
return await InteractionReply(interaction, { content, ephemeral });
@@ -117,10 +169,9 @@ async function InteractionReply(
- const reply =
- typeof response.content === 'string'
- ? { content: response.content, ephemeral: response.ephemeral }
- : { embeds: response.content, ephemeral: response.ephemeral };
+ const reply = typeof response.content === "string"
+ ? { content: response.content, ephemeral: response.ephemeral }
+ : { embeds: response.content, ephemeral: response.ephemeral };
if (interaction.isRepliable()) {
await interaction.reply(reply);
diff --git a/src/events/messageCreate.event.ts b/src/events/messageCreate.event.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e058014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/events/messageCreate.event.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import type { GuildMember, Message, PartialMessage } from "npm:discord.js";
+import { fetchGuild } from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import {} from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { searchYoutube } from "../libraries/music.library2.ts";
+import { VoiceLibrary } from "../libraries/voice.library.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
+export async function messageCreate(
+ message: Message | PartialMessage,
+): Promise {
+ if (!message.guild) {
+ logger.error("message does not have guild");
+ return;
+ }
+ const pGuild = await fetchGuild(message.guild.id);
+ if (!pGuild) {
+ logger.error(`failed to fetch guild ${message.guild.id}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (message.author?.bot) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pGuild.musicData.channelId === message.channelId) {
+ await handleMusicMessageCreation(message, pGuild);
+ }
+async function handleMusicMessageCreation(
+ message: Message | PartialMessage,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): Promise {
+ try {
+ // Delete message right away
+ deleteMessage(message);
+ const content = message.content;
+ if (!content) {
+ logger.error("Message does not have content");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Validate guild and channel
+ if (
+ !message.guild?.channels.cache.some((channel) =>
+ channel.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId
+ )
+ ) {
+ logger.error(
+ `Failed to find music channel ${pGuild.musicData.channelId}`,
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ const member = message.member;
+ if (!member) {
+ logger.error("Message does not have member");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if user is in a voice channel
+ const voiceChannel = member.voice.channel;
+ if (!voiceChannel) {
+ await sendUserDM(
+ member,
+ "You must be in a voice channel to use music commands",
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Validate voice channel state
+ if (!voiceChannel.joinable) {
+ await sendUserDM(
+ member,
+ "I don't have permission to join your voice channel",
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check existing connection
+ const currentVoiceConnection = VoiceLibrary.getVoiceConnectionByGuildId(
+ member.guild.id,
+ );
+ // If already connected to the right channel, proceed with search
+ if (currentVoiceConnection) {
+ if (currentVoiceConnection.joinConfig.channelId === voiceChannel.id) {
+ const video = await searchYoutube(content);
+ if (!video) {
+ logger.error("Failed to search youtube");
+ return;
+ }
+ logger.info(`Selected video ${video.title}`);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // Connected to wrong channel - need to switch
+ currentVoiceConnection.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ // Try to join voice channel
+ try {
+ const newVoiceConnection = await VoiceLibrary.joinUserVoiceChannelById(
+ voiceChannel.id,
+ member.guild,
+ );
+ if (!newVoiceConnection) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to establish voice connection");
+ }
+ const video = await searchYoutube(content);
+ if (!video) {
+ logger.error("Failed to search youtube");
+ return;
+ }
+ logger.info(`Selected video ${video.title}`);
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.error(`Failed to join voice channel: ${error}`);
+ await sendUserDM(
+ member,
+ "Failed to join voice channel. Please ensure you are connected and try again.",
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.error(`Error in handleMusicMessageCreation: ${error}`);
+ }
+// Helper function for sending DMs
+async function sendUserDM(
+ member: GuildMember,
+ content: string,
+): Promise {
+ try {
+ const dmChannel = await member.createDM();
+ await dmChannel.send(content);
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.error(`Failed to send DM to user ${member.id}: ${error}`);
+ }
+function deleteMessage(message: Message | PartialMessage): void {
+ if (!message.deletable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ message.delete();
diff --git a/src/events/messageDelete.event.ts b/src/events/messageDelete.event.ts
index b26e6c2f..bf71678f 100644
--- a/src/events/messageDelete.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/messageDelete.event.ts
@@ -1,17 +1,24 @@
-import { Message, PartialMessage, TextChannel } from 'discord.js';
+import type { Message, PartialMessage, TextChannel } from "npm:discord.js";
import {
-} from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { fetchGuild, removePoll, removeVendor } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
+} from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import {
+ fetchGuild,
+ removePoll,
+ removeVendor,
+} from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import type { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
-export async function messageDelete(message: Message | PartialMessage): Promise {
+export async function messageDelete(
+ message: Message | PartialMessage,
+): Promise {
if (!message.guild) {
- logger.error('message does not have guild');
+ logger.error("message does not have guild");
@@ -21,75 +28,120 @@ export async function messageDelete(message: Message | PartialMessage):
- const pRoles = pGuild.pRoles;
- const pMusicData = pGuild.musicData;
+ if (pGuild.musicData.messageId === message.id) {
+ await handleMusicMessageDeletion(message, pGuild);
+ } else if (pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId === message.id) {
+ await handleLyricMessageDeletion(message, pGuild);
+ } else if (pGuild.pPolls.some((p) => p.messageId === message.id)) {
+ await handlePollMessageDeletion(message, pGuild);
+ } else if (
+ pGuild.pRoles.some((roleGiver) => roleGiver.messageId === message.id)
+ ) {
+ await handleVendorMessageDeletion(message, pGuild);
+ }
- if (pMusicData.messageId === message.id) {
- const musicChannel = (
- message.guild?.channels.cache.find((channel) => channel.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId)
- );
+async function handleMusicMessageDeletion(
+ message: Message | PartialMessage,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): Promise {
+ const musicChannel = (
+ message.guild?.channels.cache.find((channel) =>
+ channel.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId
+ )
+ );
- if (!musicChannel) {
- logger.error(`failed to find music channel ${pGuild.musicData.channelId}`);
- return;
- }
+ if (!musicChannel) {
+ logger.error(
+ `failed to find music channel ${pGuild.musicData.channelId}`,
+ );
+ return;
+ }
- const musicMessage = await createMusicMessage(musicChannel, pGuild);
- if (!musicMessage) {
- logger.error('failed to create music message');
- return;
- }
+ const musicMessage = await createMusicMessage(musicChannel, pGuild);
+ if (!musicMessage) {
+ logger.error("failed to create music message");
+ return;
+ }
- if (pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId) {
- if (musicChannel) {
- const lyricMessage = await musicChannel.messages.fetch(pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId);
+ if (pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId) {
+ if (musicChannel) {
+ const lyricMessage = await musicChannel.messages.fetch(
+ pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId,
+ );
- if (!lyricMessage) {
- logger.error(`failed to fetch lyrics message ${pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId}`);
- return;
- }
+ if (!lyricMessage) {
+ logger.error(
+ `failed to fetch lyrics message ${pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId}`,
+ );
+ return;
+ }
- if (isMessageDeleted(lyricMessage)) {
- const deletedMessage = await lyricMessage.delete();
+ if (isMessageDeleted(lyricMessage)) {
+ const deletedMessage = await lyricMessage.delete();
- if (deletedMessage) {
- markMessageAsDeleted(deletedMessage);
- logger.info(`deleted lyrics message ${pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId}`);
- }
+ if (deletedMessage) {
+ markMessageAsDeleted(deletedMessage);
+ logger.info(
+ `deleted lyrics message ${pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId}`,
+ );
- } else if (pMusicData.messageLyricsId === message.id) {
- const musicChannel = (
- message?.guild?.channels.cache.find((channel) => channel.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId)
- );
+ }
- if (musicChannel && pGuild.musicData.messageId) {
- const lyricMessage = await createMusicLyricsMessage(musicChannel, pGuild, pGuild.musicData.messageId);
- if (!lyricMessage) {
- logger.warn('failed to create lyrics message');
- }
- }
- } else if (pGuild.pPolls.some((p) => p.messageId === message.id)) {
- // const poll = pGuild.pPolls.find((p) => p.messageId === message.id);
- // if (!poll) {
- // logger.warn(`failed to find poll ${message.id}`);
- // }
- const removedPoll = await removePoll(pGuild.id, message.id);
- if (!removedPoll) {
- logger.warn(`failed to remove poll ${message.id}`);
- }
- } else {
- const roleGiver = pRoles.find((roleGiver) => roleGiver.messageId === message.id);
- if (!roleGiver) {
- logger.warn(`failed to find role giver ${message.id}`);
- return;
- }
+async function handleLyricMessageDeletion(
+ message: Message | PartialMessage,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): Promise {
+ const musicChannel = (
+ message?.guild?.channels.cache.find((channel) =>
+ channel.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId
+ )
+ );
- const response = await removeVendor(pGuild.id, roleGiver.messageId);
- if (!response) {
- logger.warn(`failed to remove vendor ${roleGiver.messageId}`);
+ if (musicChannel && pGuild.musicData.messageId) {
+ const lyricMessage = await createMusicLyricsMessage(
+ musicChannel,
+ pGuild,
+ pGuild.musicData.messageId,
+ );
+ if (!lyricMessage) {
+ logger.warn("failed to create lyrics message");
+async function handlePollMessageDeletion(
+ message: Message | PartialMessage,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): Promise {
+ // const poll = pGuild.pPolls.find((p) => p.messageId === message.id);
+ // if (!poll) {
+ // logger.warn(`failed to find poll ${message.id}`);
+ // }
+ const removedPoll = await removePoll(pGuild.id, message.id);
+ if (!removedPoll) {
+ logger.warn(`failed to remove poll ${message.id}`);
+ }
+async function handleVendorMessageDeletion(
+ message: Message | PartialMessage,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): Promise {
+ const roleGiver = pGuild.pRoles.find((roleGiver) =>
+ roleGiver.messageId === message.id
+ );
+ if (!roleGiver) {
+ logger.warn(`failed to find role giver ${message.id}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const response = await removeVendor(pGuild.id, roleGiver.messageId);
+ if (!response) {
+ logger.warn(`failed to remove vendor ${roleGiver.messageId}`);
+ }
diff --git a/src/events/messageReactionAdd.event.ts b/src/events/messageReactionAdd.event.ts
index 534785bc..dc3d1ecc 100644
--- a/src/events/messageReactionAdd.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/messageReactionAdd.event.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-// import { entersState, getVoiceConnection, VoiceConnectionStatus } from "@discordjs/voice";
-// import { Client, MessageReaction, Role, User } from "discord.js";
+// import { entersState, getVoiceConnection, VoiceConnectionStatus } from "npm:@discordjs/voice";
+// import { Client, MessageReaction, Role, User } from "npm:discord.js";
// import { getRole } from "../libraries/guild.library";
// import { createEmbed, isUserAuthorised, isUserDj, logger, updateMusicLyricsMessage, updateMusicMessage } from "../libraries/help.library";
// import { clearMusicVote, fetchGuildReactionData, insertMusicVote, removePoll, setMusicData, updateGuild } from "../libraries/mongo.library";
// // import { export_txt, get_lyrics, pause, play, skip } from "../libraries/music.library";
// import { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class";
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
// import { Client, MessageReaction, PartialMessageReaction, PartialUser, User } from 'discord.js';
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
// }
// }
-export async function messageReactionAdd(
+export function messageReactionAdd(
// @ts-expect-error: description
client: Client,
// @ts-expect-error: description
@@ -470,7 +470,11 @@ export async function messageReactionAdd(
): Promise {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
logger.info(`${client} ${messageReaction} ${user}`);
- return reject('under construction');
+ if (Date.now() > 0) {
+ return resolve();
+ }
+ return reject("under construction");
// if (user.bot) {
// return resolve(''); // 'not handling bot reactions'
// } else if (messageReaction.message?.guild) {
diff --git a/src/events/ready.event.ts b/src/events/ready.event.ts
index b6b9cba4..36066e1a 100644
--- a/src/events/ready.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/ready.event.ts
@@ -1,47 +1,67 @@
-import { ActivityOptions, ActivityType, Client, Guild, PresenceData, PresenceStatusData } from 'discord.js';
-import { removeDeletedChannels, removeEmptyVoiceChannels } from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { getFunction } from '../libraries/localisation.library.js';
-import { fetchGuildMembers, guildExists, insertGuild, insertMember, removeMember } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { PMember } from '../types/classes/PMember.class.js';
-import { LogActions } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import {
+ type ActivityOptions,
+ ActivityType,
+ type Client,
+ type Guild,
+ type PresenceData,
+ type PresenceStatusData,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import {
+ removeDeletedChannels,
+ removeEmptyVoiceChannels,
+} from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import { getFunction } from "../libraries/localisation.library.ts";
+import {
+ fetchGuildMembers,
+ guildExists,
+ insertGuild,
+ insertMember,
+ removeMember,
+} from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import type { PMember } from "../types/classes/PMember.class.ts";
+import { LogActions } from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
export async function ready(client: Client): Promise {
if (!client.user) {
- logger.warn('could not fetch user from client');
+ logger.warn("could not fetch user from client");
const activitiesOptions: ActivityOptions = {
- name: './help', // `in ${client.guilds.cache.size} servers``
+ name: "./help", // `in ${client.guilds.cache.size} servers``
type: ActivityType.Listening,
- url: 'https://github.com/keybraker',
+ url: "https://github.com/keybraker",
const presenceData: PresenceData = {
activities: [activitiesOptions],
- status: 'online' satisfies PresenceStatusData,
+ status: "online" satisfies PresenceStatusData,
afk: false,
- client.user.setPresence(presenceData);
+ await client.user.setPresence(presenceData);
let index = 0;
client.guilds.cache.forEach((guild: Guild) => {
logger.info(`${index++}. logged onto guild ${guild} (${guild.id})`);
- addGuildAgain(guild, client).catch((e) => logger.warn(`failed to add guild ${guild.name} [${guild.id}] (${e})`));
+ addGuildAgain(guild, client).catch((e) =>
+ logger.warn(`failed to add guild ${guild.name} [${guild.id}] (${e})`)
+ );
- const func = getFunction('console', 1, LogActions.ready) as unknown as (args: {
- memberLength: number;
- channelLength: number;
- guildLength: number;
- }) => string;
+ const func = getFunction("console", 1, LogActions.ready) as unknown as (
+ args: {
+ memberLength: number;
+ channelLength: number;
+ guildLength: number;
+ },
+ ) => string;
@@ -54,31 +74,44 @@ export async function ready(client: Client): Promise {
async function addedWhenDown(guild: Guild, pMembers: PMember[]): Promise {
const membersFetched = await guild.members.fetch();
- const members = membersFetched.map((member) => member).filter((member) => !member.user.bot);
+ const members = membersFetched.map((member) => member).filter((member) =>
+ !member.user.bot
+ );
for (let j = 0; j < members.length; j++) {
- const alreadyInDatabase = pMembers.find((pMember) => pMember.id === members[j].id);
+ const alreadyInDatabase = pMembers.find((pMember) =>
+ pMember.id === members[j].id
+ );
if (alreadyInDatabase) {
- logger.info(`inserting member: ${members[j].id} to ${guild.name} [${guild.id}]`);
+ logger.info(
+ `inserting member: ${members[j].id} to ${guild.name} [${guild.id}]`,
+ );
// if member is inside guild but not in portal db, add member
const memberInserted = await insertMember(guild.id, members[j].id);
if (!memberInserted) {
- logger.error('failed to late-insert member');
+ logger.error("failed to late-insert member");
} else {
- logger.info(`late-insert ${members[j].id} to ${guild.name} [${guild.id}]`);
+ logger.info(
+ `late-insert ${members[j].id} to ${guild.name} [${guild.id}]`,
+ );
-async function removedWhenDown(guild: Guild, pMembers: PMember[]): Promise {
+async function removedWhenDown(
+ guild: Guild,
+ pMembers: PMember[],
+): Promise {
const membersFetched = await guild.members.fetch();
- const members = membersFetched.map((member) => member).filter((member) => !member.user.bot);
+ const members = membersFetched.map((member) => member).filter((member) =>
+ !member.user.bot
+ );
for (let j = 0; j < pMembers.length; j++) {
const member = members.find((member) => member.id === pMembers[j].id);
@@ -87,14 +120,18 @@ async function removedWhenDown(guild: Guild, pMembers: PMember[]): Promise
- logger.info(`removing member: ${pMembers[j].id} from ${guild.name} [${guild.id}]`);
+ logger.info(
+ `removing member: ${pMembers[j].id} from ${guild.name} [${guild.id}]`,
+ );
const memberRemoved = await removeMember(pMembers[j].id, guild.id);
if (!memberRemoved) {
- logger.error('failed to late-remove member');
+ logger.error("failed to late-remove member");
} else {
- logger.info(`late-remove ${pMembers[j].id} to ${guild.name} [${guild.id}]`);
+ logger.info(
+ `late-remove ${pMembers[j].id} to ${guild.name} [${guild.id}]`,
+ );
diff --git a/src/events/voiceStateUpdate.event.ts b/src/events/voiceStateUpdate.event.ts
index 0b39ce17..acf84a10 100644
--- a/src/events/voiceStateUpdate.event.ts
+++ b/src/events/voiceStateUpdate.event.ts
@@ -1,33 +1,52 @@
-import { VoiceConnectionStatus, getVoiceConnection } from '@discordjs/voice';
-import { Client, Guild, TextChannel, VoiceChannel, VoiceState } from 'discord.js';
+import {
+ getVoiceConnection,
+ VoiceConnectionStatus,
+} from "npm:@discordjs/voice";
+import type {
+ Client,
+ Guild,
+ TextChannel,
+ VoiceChannel,
+ VoiceState,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
import {
-} from '../libraries/guild.library.js';
+} from "../libraries/guild.library.ts";
import {
-} from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { fetchGuild, removeVoice, setMusicData, updateGuild } from '../libraries/mongo.library.js';
-import { updateTimestamp } from '../libraries/user.library.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { PChannel } from '../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.js';
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
-export async function voiceStateUpdate(client: Client, oldState: VoiceState, newState: VoiceState): Promise {
- logger.info(`voiceStateUpdate event triggered with ${oldState.channelId} to ${newState.channelId}`);
- if (oldState.channel?.id === newState.channel?.id) {
- logger.warn('channel change detected');
+} from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import {
+ fetchGuild,
+ removeVoice,
+ setMusicData,
+ updateGuild,
+} from "../libraries/mongo.library.ts";
+import { updateTimestamp } from "../libraries/user.library.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { PChannel } from "../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
+export async function voiceStateUpdate(
+ client: Client,
+ oldState: VoiceState,
+ newState: VoiceState,
+): Promise {
+ logger.info(
+ `voiceStateUpdate event triggered with ${oldState.channelId} to ${newState.channelId}`,
+ );
+ if (newState.channel?.id === oldState.channel?.id) {
if (!newState?.guild) {
- logger.warn('could not find guild in Portal');
+ logger.warn("could not find guild in Portal");
@@ -37,12 +56,12 @@ export async function voiceStateUpdate(client: Client, oldState: VoiceState, new
const pGuild = await fetchGuild(newState?.guild.id);
if (!pGuild) {
- logger.warn('could not find guild in Portal');
+ logger.warn("could not find guild in Portal");
if (!pGuild) {
- logger.warn('could not find guild in Portal');
+ logger.warn("could not find guild in Portal");
@@ -52,16 +71,20 @@ export async function voiceStateUpdate(client: Client, oldState: VoiceState, new
if (p.id === newChannel.id) {
if (p.noBots && newState.member?.user.bot) {
- newState.disconnect('voice channel does not allow bots').catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to kick: ${e}`);
- return;
- });
+ newState.disconnect("voice channel does not allow bots").catch(
+ (e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to kick: ${e}`);
+ return;
+ },
+ );
- channelEmptyCheck(newChannel as VoiceChannel, pGuild, client).catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to check channel state: ${e}`);
- });
+ channelEmptyCheck(newChannel as VoiceChannel, pGuild, client).catch(
+ (e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to check channel state: ${e}`);
+ },
+ );
- logger.warn('portal channel does not allow bots');
+ logger.warn("portal channel does not allow bots");
@@ -71,16 +94,20 @@ export async function voiceStateUpdate(client: Client, oldState: VoiceState, new
if (v.id === newChannel.id) {
if (v.noBots) {
- newState.disconnect('voice channel does not allow bots').catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to kick: ${e}`);
- return;
- });
- channelEmptyCheck(newChannel as VoiceChannel, pGuild, client).catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to check channel state: ${e}`);
- });
- logger.warn('voice channel does not allow bots');
+ newState.disconnect("voice channel does not allow bots").catch(
+ (e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to kick: ${e}`);
+ return;
+ },
+ );
+ channelEmptyCheck(newChannel as VoiceChannel, pGuild, client).catch(
+ (e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to check channel state: ${e}`);
+ },
+ );
+ logger.warn("voice channel does not allow bots");
@@ -107,10 +134,14 @@ export async function voiceStateUpdate(client: Client, oldState: VoiceState, new
// }
if (!oldChannel) {
- const response = await fromNull(newChannel as VoiceChannel | null, pGuild, newState);
+ const response = await fromNull(
+ newChannel as VoiceChannel | null,
+ pGuild,
+ newState,
+ );
if (!response) {
- logger.warn('failed to create voice channel');
+ logger.warn("failed to create voice channel");
@@ -126,7 +157,7 @@ export async function voiceStateUpdate(client: Client, oldState: VoiceState, new
if (!response) {
- logger.warn('failed to create voice channel');
+ logger.warn("failed to create voice channel");
@@ -136,7 +167,10 @@ export async function voiceStateUpdate(client: Client, oldState: VoiceState, new
// delete portal's voice channel
-async function deleteVoiceChannel(channel: VoiceChannel | TextChannel, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+async function deleteVoiceChannel(
+ channel: VoiceChannel | TextChannel,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): Promise {
if (!channel.deletable) {
return `channel ${channel.name} (${channel.id}) is not deletable`;
@@ -146,12 +180,17 @@ async function deleteVoiceChannel(channel: VoiceChannel | TextChannel, pGuild: P
if (pVoiceChannel.id === channel.id) {
try {
const deletedChannel = await channel.delete();
- const response = await removeVoice(pGuild.id, pChannel.id, pVoiceChannel.id);
+ const response = await removeVoice(
+ pGuild.id,
+ pChannel.id,
+ pVoiceChannel.id,
+ );
return response
? `channel (${deletedChannel.id}) deleted`
: `channel (${deletedChannel.id}) failed to be deleted`;
} catch (e) {
+ logger.error(`failed to delete channel: ${e}`);
return `channel ${channel.name} (${channel.id}) failed to be delete`;
@@ -168,12 +207,14 @@ async function fiveMinuteRefresher(
minutes: number,
): Promise {
if (isGuildDeleted(guild) || isChannelDeleted(voiceChannel)) {
- logger.info(`voice channel with id ${voiceChannel.id} is deleted, stopping refreshers`);
+ logger.info(
+ `voice channel with id ${voiceChannel.id} is deleted, stopping refreshers`,
+ );
const pGuild = await fetchGuild(guild.id).catch(() => {
- logger.error('failed to fetch guild');
+ logger.error("failed to fetch guild");
if (!pGuild) {
@@ -181,15 +222,17 @@ async function fiveMinuteRefresher(
generateChannelName(voiceChannel, portalList, pGuild, guild).catch(() => {
- logger.error('failed to generate channel name');
+ logger.error("failed to generate channel name");
() => {
if (!isGuildDeleted(guild) && !isChannelDeleted(voiceChannel)) {
- generateChannelName(voiceChannel, portalList, pGuild, guild).catch(() => {
- logger.error('failed to generate channel name');
- });
+ generateChannelName(voiceChannel, portalList, pGuild, guild).catch(
+ () => {
+ logger.error("failed to generate channel name");
+ },
+ );
fiveMinuteRefresher(voiceChannel, portalList, guild, minutes);
@@ -203,26 +246,30 @@ async function channelEmptyCheck(
pGuild: PGuild,
client: Client,
): Promise {
- if (oldChannel.members.size === 0 && includedInVoiceList(oldChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
+ if (
+ oldChannel.members.size === 0 &&
+ includedInVoiceList(oldChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)
+ ) {
return await deleteVoiceChannel(oldChannel, pGuild).catch((e) => {
return `an error occurred while deleting voice | ${e}`;
} else if (oldChannel.members.size === 1) {
if (!client.voice) {
- return 'Portal is not connected';
+ return "Portal is not connected";
const voiceConnection = getVoiceConnection(oldChannel.guild.id);
if (
!voiceConnection ||
- [VoiceConnectionStatus.Destroyed, VoiceConnectionStatus.Disconnected].includes(voiceConnection.state.status)
+ [VoiceConnectionStatus.Destroyed, VoiceConnectionStatus.Disconnected]
+ .includes(voiceConnection.state.status)
) {
- return 'Portal is not connected';
+ return "Portal is not connected";
pGuild.musicQueue = [];
- updateGuild(pGuild.id, 'musicQueue', pGuild.musicQueue).catch((e) => {
+ updateGuild(pGuild.id, "musicQueue", pGuild.musicQueue).catch((e) => {
return `failed to update guild: ${e}`;
@@ -238,13 +285,13 @@ async function channelEmptyCheck(
pGuild.musicQueue.length > 0 ? pGuild.musicQueue[0] : undefined,
- 'left last',
+ "left last",
).catch((e) => {
return `failed to update music message: ${e}`;
- updateMusicLyricsMessage(oldChannel.guild, pGuild, '').catch((e) => {
+ updateMusicLyricsMessage(oldChannel.guild, pGuild, "").catch((e) => {
return `failed to update music lyrics: ${e}`;
@@ -253,16 +300,20 @@ async function channelEmptyCheck(
return `an error occurred while deleting voice | ${e}`;
} else {
- return 'Portal left voice channel';
+ return "Portal left voice channel";
- return 'channel is not handled by Portal';
+ return "channel is not handled by Portal";
-async function fromNull(newChannel: VoiceChannel | null, pGuild: PGuild, newState: VoiceState): Promise {
+async function fromNull(
+ newChannel: VoiceChannel | null,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+ newState: VoiceState,
+): Promise {
if (!newChannel) {
- return 'strange, from null to null';
+ return "strange, from null to null";
// joined from null
@@ -271,7 +322,7 @@ async function fromNull(newChannel: VoiceChannel | null, pGuild: PGuild, newStat
const pChannel = pGuild.pChannels.find((p) => p.id === newChannel.id);
if (!pChannel) {
- return 'null->existing (source: null | dest: portalList) / could not find pChannel';
+ return "null->existing (source: null | dest: portalList) / could not find pChannel";
await createVoiceChannel(newState, pChannel).catch((e) => {
@@ -284,12 +335,13 @@ async function fromNull(newChannel: VoiceChannel | null, pGuild: PGuild, newStat
if (level) {
- newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`).catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
- });
+ newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`)
+ .catch((e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
+ });
- return 'null->existing (source: null | dest: portalList)';
+ return "null->existing (source: null | dest: portalList)";
} else if (includedInVoiceList(newChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
// joined voice channel
fiveMinuteRefresher(newChannel, pGuild.pChannels, newState.guild, 5);
@@ -299,12 +351,13 @@ async function fromNull(newChannel: VoiceChannel | null, pGuild: PGuild, newStat
if (level) {
- newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`).catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
- });
+ newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`)
+ .catch((e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
+ });
- return 'null->existing (source: null | dest: voiceList)';
+ return "null->existing (source: null | dest: voiceList)";
} else {
// joined other channel
const level = await updateTimestamp(newState, pGuild) // points for voice
@@ -313,12 +366,13 @@ async function fromNull(newChannel: VoiceChannel | null, pGuild: PGuild, newStat
if (level) {
- newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`).catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
- });
+ newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`)
+ .catch((e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
+ });
- return 'null->existing (source: null | dest: other channel)';
+ return "null->existing (source: null | dest: other channel)";
@@ -336,16 +390,17 @@ async function fromExisting(
if (level) {
- newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`).catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
- });
+ newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`)
+ .catch((e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
+ });
channelEmptyCheck(oldChannel, pGuild, client).catch((e) => {
logger.error(`failed to check channel state: ${e}`);
- return 'existing->null';
+ return "existing->null";
// Moved from channel to channel
@@ -355,20 +410,21 @@ async function fromExisting(
if (level) {
- newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`).catch((e) => {
- logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
- });
+ newState.member?.send(`you reached level ${level} in ${newState.guild}!`)
+ .catch((e) => {
+ logger.error(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
+ });
if (includedInPChannels(oldChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
if (!includedInVoiceList(newChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
- return 'not handled by portal';
+ return "not handled by portal";
// has been handled before
await fiveMinuteRefresher(newChannel, pGuild.pChannels, newState.guild, 5);
- return 'existing->existing (source: portalList | dest: voiceList) / has been handled before';
+ return "existing->existing (source: portalList | dest: voiceList) / has been handled before";
} else if (includedInVoiceList(oldChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
await channelEmptyCheck(oldChannel, pGuild, client).catch((e) => {
logger.error(`failed to check channel state: ${e}`);
@@ -379,22 +435,27 @@ async function fromExisting(
const pChannel = pGuild.pChannels.find((p) => p.id === newChannel.id);
if (!pChannel) {
- return 'could not find Portal in database';
+ return "could not find Portal in database";
await createVoiceChannel(newState, pChannel).catch((e) => {
return `an error occurred while creating voice channel: ${e}`;
- return 'existing->existing (source: voiceList | dest: portalList) has been handled before';
+ return "existing->existing (source: voiceList | dest: portalList) has been handled before";
} else if (includedInVoiceList(newChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
// moved from voice to voice
- await fiveMinuteRefresher(newChannel, pGuild.pChannels, newState.guild, 5);
- return 'existing->existing (source: voiceList | dest: voiceList)';
+ await fiveMinuteRefresher(
+ newChannel,
+ pGuild.pChannels,
+ newState.guild,
+ 5,
+ );
+ return "existing->existing (source: voiceList | dest: voiceList)";
} else {
// moved from voice to other refresher(newChannel, pGuild.portalList, newState.guild, 5);
- return 'existing->existing (source: voiceList | dest: other)';
+ return "existing->existing (source: voiceList | dest: other)";
} else {
// Joined portal channel
@@ -402,20 +463,25 @@ async function fromExisting(
const pChannel = pGuild.pChannels.find((p) => p.id === newChannel.id);
if (!pChannel) {
- return 'existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: portalList) / could not find portal in DB, contact Portal support';
+ return "existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: portalList) / could not find portal in DB, contact Portal support";
await createVoiceChannel(newState, pChannel).catch((e) => {
return `existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: portalList ): ${e}`;
- return 'existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: portalList)';
+ return "existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: portalList)";
} else if (includedInVoiceList(newChannel.id, pGuild.pChannels)) {
// left created channel and joins another created
- await fiveMinuteRefresher(newChannel, pGuild.pChannels, newState.guild, 5);
- return 'existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: voiceList)';
+ await fiveMinuteRefresher(
+ newChannel,
+ pGuild.pChannels,
+ newState.guild,
+ 5,
+ );
+ return "existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: voiceList)";
- return 'existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: voiceList)';
+ return "existing->existing (source: other voice | dest: voiceList)";
diff --git a/src/handlers/command.handler.ts b/src/handlers/command.handler.ts
index 8519051c..b1abed5c 100644
--- a/src/handlers/command.handler.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/command.handler.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
-import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
-import * as auth from '../commands/auth/index.js';
-import * as noAuth from '../commands/noAuth/index.js';
-import { getElapsedTime, pad } from '../libraries/help.library.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { ActiveCooldowns, AuthCommands, NoAuthCommands, ScopeLimit } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "npm:discord.js";
+import * as auth from "../commands/auth/index.ts";
+import * as noAuth from "../commands/noAuth/index.ts";
+import { getElapsedTime, pad } from "../libraries/help.library.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import {
+ type ActiveCooldowns,
+ type AuthCommands,
+ type NoAuthCommands,
+ ScopeLimit,
+} from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
export async function commandLoader(
interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
@@ -19,19 +24,29 @@ export async function commandLoader(
return await commandExecution(interaction, command, pGuild);
- const cooldown = hasActiveCooldown(interaction, command, scopeLimit, activeCooldowns);
+ const cooldown = hasActiveCooldown(
+ interaction,
+ command,
+ scopeLimit,
+ activeCooldowns,
+ );
if (cooldown) {
- logger.info(`User ${interaction.user.id} tried to use ${command} but is on cooldown`);
+ logger.info(
+ `User ${interaction.user.id} tried to use ${command} but is on cooldown`,
+ );
const elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(cooldown.timestamp, time);
- const ending =
- scopeLimit !== ScopeLimit.MEMBER ? `, as it was used again in* **${interaction.guild?.name}**` : '.*';
+ const ending = scopeLimit !== ScopeLimit.MEMBER
+ ? `, as it was used again in* **${interaction.guild?.name}**`
+ : ".*";
const awaitMessage =
`you need to wait **${pad(elapsedTime.remainingMin)}:` +
`${pad(elapsedTime.remainingSec)}/${pad(elapsedTime.timeoutMin)}:` +
- `${pad(elapsedTime.timeoutSec)}** *to use* **${command}** *again${ending}`;
+ `${
+ pad(elapsedTime.timeoutSec)
+ }** *to use* **${command}** *again${ending}`;
return {
result: false,
@@ -42,12 +57,13 @@ export async function commandLoader(
const commandReturn = await commandExecution(interaction, command, pGuild);
if (commandReturn.result) {
- const activeCooldown =
- scopeLimit === ScopeLimit.GUILD ? activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.GUILD] : activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.MEMBER];
+ const activeCooldown = scopeLimit === ScopeLimit.GUILD
+ ? activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.GUILD]
+ : activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.MEMBER];
member: interaction.user.id,
- guild: interaction?.guild?.id ?? 'null',
+ guild: interaction?.guild?.id ?? "null",
command: command,
timestamp: Date.now(),
@@ -55,7 +71,9 @@ export async function commandLoader(
if (time) {
() => {
- const updatedCooldown = activeCooldown.filter((active) => active.command !== command);
+ const updatedCooldown = activeCooldown.filter((active) =>
+ active.command !== command
+ );
if (scopeLimit === ScopeLimit.GUILD) {
activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.GUILD] = updatedCooldown;
} else {
@@ -88,12 +106,16 @@ function hasActiveCooldown(
scopeLimit: Omit,
activeCooldowns: ActiveCooldowns,
) {
- const activeCooldown =
- scopeLimit === ScopeLimit.GUILD ? activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.GUILD] : activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.MEMBER];
+ const activeCooldown = scopeLimit === ScopeLimit.GUILD
+ ? activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.GUILD]
+ : activeCooldowns[ScopeLimit.MEMBER];
return activeCooldown.find((activeCurrent) => {
if (activeCurrent.command === command) {
- if (scopeLimit === ScopeLimit.MEMBER && activeCurrent.member === interaction?.user.id) {
+ if (
+ scopeLimit === ScopeLimit.MEMBER &&
+ activeCurrent.member === interaction?.user.id
+ ) {
if (interaction.guild && activeCurrent.guild === interaction.guild.id) {
return true;
diff --git a/src/handlers/discord.handler.ts b/src/handlers/discord.handler.ts
index 5a6b0a49..4fbd266d 100644
--- a/src/handlers/discord.handler.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/discord.handler.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
-import { CacheFactory, Client, ClientOptions, GatewayIntentBits, Partials, Options } from 'discord.js';
+import {
+ type CacheFactory,
+ Client,
+ type ClientOptions,
+ GatewayIntentBits,
+ Options,
+ Partials,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
export function clientHandler() {
- const makeCache: CacheFactory = Options.cacheWithLimits({ MessageManager: 200 });
+ const makeCache: CacheFactory = Options.cacheWithLimits({
+ MessageManager: 200,
+ });
const partials = [
- Partials.Reaction
+ Partials.Reaction,
const intents = [
@@ -29,5 +38,5 @@ export function clientHandler() {
export async function connectToDiscord(client: Client, token: string) {
- return client.login(token);
+ return await client.login(token);
diff --git a/src/handlers/event.handler.ts b/src/handlers/event.handler.ts
index fd9ac3ac..86a4893a 100644
--- a/src/handlers/event.handler.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/event.handler.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {
+import type {
@@ -13,49 +13,78 @@ import {
-} from 'discord.js';
+} from "npm:discord.js";
-import * as events from '../events/index.js';
-import { ActiveCooldowns } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import * as events from "../events/index.ts";
+import type { ActiveCooldowns } from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
-export async function eventHandler(
+export function eventHandler(
client: Client,
activeCooldowns: ActiveCooldowns = { guild: [], member: [] },
-): Promise {
+): void {
// This event will run if the bot starts, and logs in, successfully.
- client.once('ready', async () => await events.ready(client));
+ client.once("ready", async () => await events.ready(client));
// This event triggers when a channel is deleted
- client.on('channelDelete', async (channel: DMChannel | GuildChannel) => await events.channelDelete(channel));
+ client.on(
+ "channelDelete",
+ async (channel: DMChannel | GuildChannel) =>
+ await events.channelDelete(channel),
+ );
// This event triggers when the bot joins a guild
- client.on('guildCreate', async (guild: Guild) => await events.guildCreate(client, guild));
+ client.on(
+ "guildCreate",
+ async (guild: Guild) => await events.guildCreate(client, guild),
+ );
// this event triggers when the bot is removed from a guild
- client.on('guildDelete', async (guild: Guild) => await events.guildDelete(guild));
+ client.on(
+ "guildDelete",
+ async (guild: Guild) => await events.guildDelete(guild),
+ );
// This event triggers when a new member joins a guild.
- client.on('guildMemberAdd', async (member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember) => await events.guildMemberAdd(member));
+ client.on(
+ "guildMemberAdd",
+ async (member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember) =>
+ await events.guildMemberAdd(member),
+ );
// This event triggers when a new member leaves a guild.
- 'guildMemberRemove',
- async (member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember) => await events.guildMemberRemove(member),
+ "guildMemberRemove",
+ async (member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember) =>
+ await events.guildMemberRemove(member),
+ );
+ // This event triggers when a message is created
+ client.on(
+ "messageCreate",
+ async (message: Message | PartialMessage) =>
+ await events.messageCreate(message),
// This event triggers when a message is deleted
- client.on('messageDelete', async (message: Message | PartialMessage) => await events.messageDelete(message));
+ client.on(
+ "messageDelete",
+ async (message: Message | PartialMessage) =>
+ await events.messageDelete(message),
+ );
// This event triggers when a member reacts to a message
- 'messageReactionAdd',
- async (messageReaction: MessageReaction | PartialMessageReaction, user: User | PartialUser) =>
- await events.messageReactionAdd(client, messageReaction, user),
+ "messageReactionAdd",
+ async (
+ messageReaction: MessageReaction | PartialMessageReaction,
+ user: User | PartialUser,
+ ) => await events.messageReactionAdd(client, messageReaction, user),
// This event triggers when a member joins or leaves a voice channel
- 'voiceStateUpdate',
- async (oldState: VoiceState, newState: VoiceState) => await events.voiceStateUpdate(client, oldState, newState),
+ "voiceStateUpdate",
+ async (oldState: VoiceState, newState: VoiceState) =>
+ await events.voiceStateUpdate(client, oldState, newState),
// This event will run when a slash command is called.
- 'interactionCreate',
- async (interaction: BaseInteraction) => await events.interactionCreate(interaction, activeCooldowns),
+ "interactionCreate",
+ async (interaction: BaseInteraction) =>
+ await events.interactionCreate(interaction, activeCooldowns),
- logger.info('Event handlers registered');
+ logger.info("event handlers registered");
diff --git a/src/handlers/mongo.handler.ts b/src/handlers/mongo.handler.ts
index 12dfe157..606265fc 100644
--- a/src/handlers/mongo.handler.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/mongo.handler.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-import mongoose, { ConnectOptions } from 'mongoose';
+import mongoose, { type ConnectOptions } from "npm:mongoose";
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
export async function mongoHandler(mongoUrl: string) {
- mongoose.connection.on('connecting', () => {
- logger.info('connecting to mongo', { service: 'mongse' });
+ mongoose.connection.on("connecting", () => {
+ logger.info("connecting to mongo", { service: "mongse" });
- mongoose.connection.on('connected', () => {
- logger.info('connected to mongo', { service: 'mongse' });
+ mongoose.connection.on("connected", () => {
+ logger.info("connected to mongo", { service: "mongse" });
const connectOptions: ConnectOptions = {
- dbName: 'portal',
- compressors: 'zlib',
+ dbName: "portal",
+ compressors: "zlib",
maxPoolSize: 50,
wtimeoutMS: 2500,
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ export async function mongoHandler(mongoUrl: string) {
// compressors: 'zlib'
// }
- return mongoose.connect(mongoUrl, connectOptions);
+ return await mongoose.connect(mongoUrl, connectOptions);
diff --git a/src/libraries/adapter.library.ts b/src/libraries/adapter.library.ts
index e32d0d25..54f52b3d 100644
--- a/src/libraries/adapter.library.ts
+++ b/src/libraries/adapter.library.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
-import { DiscordGatewayAdapterCreator, DiscordGatewayAdapterLibraryMethods } from '@discordjs/voice';
-// import { GatewayVoiceServerUpdateDispatchData } from 'discord-api-types/v9';
-import { Client, Events, GatewayDispatchEvents, Guild, Snowflake, Status, VoiceBasedChannel } from 'discord.js';
+import type {
+ DiscordGatewayAdapterCreator,
+ DiscordGatewayAdapterLibraryMethods,
+} from "npm:@discordjs/voice";
+import {
+ type Client,
+ Events,
+ GatewayDispatchEvents,
+ type Guild,
+ type Snowflake,
+ Status,
+ type VoiceBasedChannel,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
const adapters = new Map();
const trackedClients = new Set();
@@ -17,7 +27,10 @@ function trackClient(client: Client) {
client.ws.on(GatewayDispatchEvents.VoiceStateUpdate, (payload) => {
- if (payload.guild_id && payload.session_id && payload.user_id === client.user?.id) {
+ if (
+ payload.guild_id && payload.session_id &&
+ payload.user_id === client.user?.id
+ ) {
@@ -48,7 +61,9 @@ function trackGuild(guild: Guild) {
* @param channel - The channel to create the adapter for
-export function createDiscordJSAdapter(channel: VoiceBasedChannel): DiscordGatewayAdapterCreator {
+export function createDiscordJSAdapter(
+ channel: VoiceBasedChannel,
+): DiscordGatewayAdapterCreator {
return (methods) => {
adapters.set(channel.guild.id, methods);
diff --git a/src/libraries/guild.library.ts b/src/libraries/guild.library.ts
index 99dbc5f7..fa2ee191 100644
--- a/src/libraries/guild.library.ts
+++ b/src/libraries/guild.library.ts
@@ -1,57 +1,67 @@
-import dayjs from 'dayjs';
+import "@std/dotenv/load";
+import dayjs from "npm:dayjs";
import {
- CategoryChannel,
- CategoryChannelResolvable,
+ type CategoryChannel,
+ type CategoryChannelResolvable,
- ChatInputCommandInteraction,
- Guild,
- GuildChannelCreateOptions,
- GuildMember,
- Message,
- OverwriteResolvable,
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type Guild,
+ type GuildChannelCreateOptions,
+ type GuildMember,
+ type Message,
+ type OverwriteResolvable,
- Role,
- TextBasedChannel,
- TextChannel,
- VoiceBasedChannel,
- VoiceChannel,
- VoiceState
-} from 'discord.js';
-import voca from 'voca';
-import { getAttribute, isAttribute } from '../Interpreter/attribute.functions.js';
-import { getPipe, isPipe } from '../Interpreter/pipe.functions.js';
-import { getVariable, isVariable } from '../Interpreter/variable.functions.js';
-import { PGuild } from '../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { PChannel } from '../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.js';
-import { PVoiceChannel } from '../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.js';
-import { PortalChannelType } from '../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.js';
-import { Prefix } from '../types/enums/Prefix.enum.js';
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
-import { createMusicLyricsMessage, createMusicMessage, getJSONFromString, maxString } from './help.library.js';
-import { insertVoice, updateGuild } from './mongo.library.js';
+ type Role,
+ type TextBasedChannel,
+ type TextChannel,
+ type VoiceBasedChannel,
+ type VoiceChannel,
+ type VoiceState,
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import voca from "npm:voca";
+import {
+ getAttribute,
+ isAttribute,
+} from "../Interpreter/attribute.functions.ts";
+import { getPipe, isPipe } from "../Interpreter/pipe.functions.ts";
+import { getVariable, isVariable } from "../Interpreter/variable.functions.ts";
+import type { PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { PChannel } from "../types/classes/PPortalChannel.class.ts";
+import { PVoiceChannel } from "../types/classes/PVoiceChannel.class.ts";
+import type { PortalChannelType } from "../types/enums/PortalChannel.enum.ts";
+import { Prefix } from "../types/enums/Prefix.enum.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
+import {
+ createMusicLyricsMessage,
+ createMusicMessage,
+ getJSONFromString,
+ maxString,
+} from "./help.library.ts";
+import { insertVoice, updateGuild } from "./mongo.library.ts";
+import { TextChannelType } from "../types/enums/TextChannelType.enum.ts";
function inlineOperator(str: string) {
switch (str) {
- case '==':
- return (a: string, b: string) => a == b;
- case '===':
- return (a: string, b: string) => a === b;
- case '!=':
- return (a: string, b: string) => a != b;
- case '!==':
- return (a: string, b: string) => a !== b;
- case '>':
- return (a: string, b: string) => a > b;
- case '<':
- return (a: string, b: string) => a < b;
- case '>=':
- return (a: string, b: string) => a >= b;
- case '<=':
- return (a: string, b: string) => a <= b;
- default:
- return (a: string, b: string) => a == b;
+ case "==":
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a == b;
+ case "===":
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a === b;
+ case "!=":
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a != b;
+ case "!==":
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a !== b;
+ case ">":
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a > b;
+ case "<":
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a < b;
+ case ">=":
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a >= b;
+ case "<=":
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a <= b;
+ default:
+ return (a: string, b: string) => a == b;
@@ -60,7 +70,7 @@ export function getOptions(
topic: string,
canWrite = true,
parent?: CategoryChannelResolvable,
- type: ChannelType = ChannelType.GuildText
+ type: ChannelType = ChannelType.GuildText,
) {
return {
name: topic,
@@ -79,16 +89,27 @@ export function getOptions(
} as GuildChannelCreateOptions;
-export function includedInPortalGuilds(guildId: string, pGuilds: PGuild[]): boolean {
+export function includedInPortalGuilds(
+ guildId: string,
+ pGuilds: PGuild[],
+): boolean {
return pGuilds ? pGuilds.some((pGuild) => pGuild.id === guildId) : false;
-export function includedInPChannels(channelId: string, pChannels: PChannel[]): boolean {
+export function includedInPChannels(
+ channelId: string,
+ pChannels: PChannel[],
+): boolean {
return pChannels ? pChannels.some((p) => p.id === channelId) : false;
-export function includedInVoiceList(channelId: string, pChannels: PChannel[]): boolean {
- return pChannels ? pChannels.some((p) => p.pVoiceChannels.some((v) => v.id === channelId)) : false;
+export function includedInVoiceList(
+ channelId: string,
+ pChannels: PChannel[],
+): boolean {
+ return pChannels
+ ? pChannels.some((p) => p.pVoiceChannels.some((v) => v.id === channelId))
+ : false;
export function includedInPIgnores(channelId: string, pGuild: PGuild): boolean {
@@ -103,27 +124,38 @@ export function isMusicChannel(channelId: string, pGuild: PGuild): boolean {
return pGuild ? pGuild.musicData.channelId === channelId : false;
-export function isAnnouncementChannel(channelId: string, pGuild: PGuild): boolean {
+export function isAnnouncementChannel(
+ channelId: string,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): boolean {
return pGuild ? pGuild.announcement === channelId : false;
-export function getRole(guild: Guild | null, roleIdOrName: string): Role | undefined {
- return guild?.roles.cache.find((role) => role.id === roleIdOrName || role.name === roleIdOrName);
+export function getRole(
+ guild: Guild | null,
+ roleIdOrName: string,
+): Role | undefined {
+ return guild?.roles.cache.find((role) =>
+ role.id === roleIdOrName || role.name === roleIdOrName
+ );
export async function createChannel(
guild: Guild,
channelName: string,
channelOptions: GuildChannelCreateOptions,
- channelCategory: string | null
+ channelCategory: string | null,
): Promise {
- const newGuildChannel = await guild.channels.create({ ...channelOptions, name: channelName });
+ const newGuildChannel = await guild.channels.create({
+ ...channelOptions,
+ name: channelName,
+ });
if (!newGuildChannel) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('failed to create new channel'));
+ return Promise.reject(new Error("failed to create new channel"));
- if (typeof channelCategory === 'string') {
+ if (typeof channelCategory === "string") {
// create category
const newGuildCategoryChannel = await guild.channels.create({
name: channelName,
@@ -131,7 +163,7 @@ export async function createChannel(
}); // channelName
if (!newGuildCategoryChannel) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('failed to create new category channel'));
+ return Promise.reject(new Error("failed to create new category channel"));
newGuildChannel.setParent(newGuildCategoryChannel).catch((e) => {
@@ -142,18 +174,23 @@ export async function createChannel(
return newGuildChannel.id;
-function createVoiceOptions(state: VoiceState, pChannel: PChannel): GuildChannelCreateOptions {
+function createVoiceOptions(
+ state: VoiceState,
+ pChannel: PChannel,
+): GuildChannelCreateOptions {
let permissionOverwrites = null;
if (pChannel.allowedRoles) {
permissionOverwrites = pChannel.allowedRoles.map(
(id) =>
- {
+ {
allow: PermissionsBitField.Flags.Connect, // ['CONNECT']
- }
+ },
- if (!pChannel.allowedRoles.some((id) => id === state.guild.roles.everyone.id)) {
+ if (
+ !pChannel.allowedRoles.some((id) => id === state.guild.roles.everyone.id)
+ ) {
id: state.guild.roles.everyone.id,
deny: PermissionsBitField.Flags.Connect, // ['CONNECT']
@@ -169,7 +206,7 @@ function createVoiceOptions(state: VoiceState, pChannel: PChannel): GuildChannel
return {
- name: 'loading..',
+ name: "loading..",
type: ChannelType.GuildVoice,
bitrate: 96000,
userLimit: pChannel.userLimitPortal,
@@ -178,18 +215,27 @@ function createVoiceOptions(state: VoiceState, pChannel: PChannel): GuildChannel
} as GuildChannelCreateOptions;
-export async function createVoiceChannel(state: VoiceState, pChannel: PChannel): Promise {
+export async function createVoiceChannel(
+ state: VoiceState,
+ pChannel: PChannel,
+): Promise {
if (!state) {
- return Promise.reject('there is no state');
+ return Promise.reject("there is no state");
} else if (!state.channel) {
- return Promise.reject('state has no channel');
+ return Promise.reject("state has no channel");
} else if (!state.member) {
- return Promise.reject('state has no member');
+ return Promise.reject("state has no member");
- const voiceOptions: GuildChannelCreateOptions = createVoiceOptions(state, pChannel);
+ const voiceOptions: GuildChannelCreateOptions = createVoiceOptions(
+ state,
+ pChannel,
+ );
- const newGuildVoiceChannel = await state.guild.channels.create({ ...voiceOptions, name: 'loading..' });
+ const newGuildVoiceChannel = await state.guild.channels.create({
+ ...voiceOptions,
+ name: "loading..",
+ });
if (!newGuildVoiceChannel) {
return false;
@@ -202,16 +248,18 @@ export async function createVoiceChannel(state: VoiceState, pChannel: PChannel):
- pChannel.annUser
+ pChannel.annUser,
insertVoice(state.member.guild.id, pChannel.id, newVoice).catch((e) => {
return Promise.reject(`failed to store voice channel: ${e}`);
- await state.member.voice.setChannel(newGuildVoiceChannel as unknown as VoiceBasedChannel); // as VoiceBasedChannel)
+ await state.member.voice.setChannel(
+ newGuildVoiceChannel as unknown as VoiceBasedChannel,
+ ); // as VoiceBasedChannel)
- return 'created channel and moved member to new voice';
+ return "created channel and moved member to new voice";
// @deprecated replaced by music.ts
@@ -219,10 +267,10 @@ export async function createMusicChannel(
guild: Guild,
musicChannel: string,
musicCategory: string | CategoryChannel | null,
- pGuild: PGuild
+ pGuild: PGuild,
): Promise {
let newMusicCategoryGuildChannel: CategoryChannel | undefined;
- if (musicCategory && typeof musicCategory === 'string') {
+ if (musicCategory && typeof musicCategory === "string") {
// with category
newMusicCategoryGuildChannel = await guild.channels
.create({ name: musicCategory, type: ChannelType.GuildCategory })
@@ -239,7 +287,8 @@ export async function createMusicChannel(
name: `${musicChannel}`,
parent: newMusicCategoryGuildChannel,
type: ChannelType.GuildText,
- topic: 'play:▶️, pause:⏸, skip:⏭, pin last:📌, lyrics:📄, queue text:⬇️, clear queue:🧹, leave:🚪', // , vol dwn ➖, vol up ➕
+ topic:
+ "play:▶️, pause:⏸, skip:⏭, pin last:📌, lyrics:📄, queue text:⬇️, clear queue:🧹, leave:🚪", // , vol dwn ➖, vol up ➕
.catch((e) => {
return Promise.reject(`failed to create focus channel: ${e}`);
@@ -251,18 +300,25 @@ export async function createMusicChannel(
pGuild.musicData.channelId = newMusicGuildChannel.id;
- const musicMessageId = await createMusicMessage(newMusicGuildChannel, pGuild).catch((e) => {
- return Promise.reject(`failed to send music message: ${e}`);
- });
+ const musicMessageId = await createMusicMessage(newMusicGuildChannel, pGuild)
+ .catch((e) => {
+ return Promise.reject(`failed to send music message: ${e}`);
+ });
if (!musicMessageId) {
return false;
- logger.log({ level: 'info', type: 'none', message: `send music message ${musicMessageId}` });
- createMusicLyricsMessage(newMusicGuildChannel, pGuild, musicMessageId).catch((e) => {
- return Promise.reject(`failed to send music lyrics message: ${e}`);
+ logger.log({
+ level: "info",
+ type: "none",
+ message: `send music message ${musicMessageId}`,
+ createMusicLyricsMessage(newMusicGuildChannel, pGuild, musicMessageId).catch(
+ (e) => {
+ return Promise.reject(`failed to send music lyrics message: ${e}`);
+ },
+ );
return true;
@@ -270,29 +326,34 @@ export async function createMusicChannel(
export async function moveMembersBack(
oldChannel: VoiceBasedChannel,
member: GuildMember,
- memberFound: GuildMember
+ memberFound: GuildMember,
): Promise {
if (!oldChannel.deletable) {
- return Promise.reject('could not move to original voice channel because it was deleted');
+ return Promise.reject(
+ "could not move to original voice channel because it was deleted",
+ );
- const setUserBackToOriginalChannel = await member.voice.setChannel(oldChannel).catch((e) => {
- return Promise.reject(`focus did not end properly: ${e}`);
- });
+ const setUserBackToOriginalChannel = await member.voice.setChannel(oldChannel)
+ .catch((e) => {
+ return Promise.reject(`focus did not end properly: ${e}`);
+ });
if (!setUserBackToOriginalChannel) {
- return Promise.reject('did not move requester back to original channel');
+ return Promise.reject("did not move requester back to original channel");
- const setUserFocusBackToOriginalChannel = await memberFound.voice.setChannel(oldChannel).catch((e) => {
- return Promise.reject(`focus did not end properly: ${e}`);
- });
+ const setUserFocusBackToOriginalChannel = await memberFound.voice
+ .setChannel(oldChannel)
+ .catch((e) => {
+ return Promise.reject(`focus did not end properly: ${e}`);
+ });
if (!setUserFocusBackToOriginalChannel) {
- return Promise.reject('did not move requested back to original channel');
+ return Promise.reject("did not move requested back to original channel");
- return 'focus ended properly';
+ return "focus ended properly";
export async function createFocusChannel(
@@ -300,17 +361,18 @@ export async function createFocusChannel(
member: GuildMember,
memberFound: GuildMember,
focusTime: number,
- pChannel: PChannel
+ pChannel: PChannel,
): Promise {
if (!member.voice.channel) {
- return Promise.reject('member is not in a voice channel');
+ return Promise.reject("member is not in a voice channel");
- const chatRoomName = `${focusTime === 0
- ? 'Private Room'
- : `PR-${focusTime}' $hour:$minute/${dayjs()
- .add(focusTime, focusTime === 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes')
- .format('hh:mm')}`
+ const chatRoomName = `${
+ focusTime === 0 ? "Private Room" : `PR-${focusTime}' $hour:$minute/${
+ dayjs()
+ .add(focusTime, focusTime === 1 ? "minute" : "minutes")
+ .format("hh:mm")
+ }`
const voiceOptions: GuildChannelCreateOptions = {
@@ -320,12 +382,14 @@ export async function createFocusChannel(
userLimit: 2,
- const newVoiceChannel = await guild.channels.create(voiceOptions).catch((e) => {
- return Promise.reject(`failed to create focus channel: ${e}`);
- });
+ const newVoiceChannel = await guild.channels.create(voiceOptions).catch(
+ (error) => {
+ return Promise.reject(`failed to create focus channel: ${error}`);
+ },
+ );
if (!newVoiceChannel) {
- return Promise.reject('failed to create new voice channel');
+ return Promise.reject("failed to create new voice channel");
@@ -351,26 +415,32 @@ export async function createFocusChannel(
- pChannel.annUser
- )
+ pChannel.annUser,
+ ),
).catch((e) => {
return Promise.reject(`failed to store voice channel: ${e}`);
if (focusTime === 0) {
- return 'private room successfully created';
+ return "private room successfully created";
- return focusTime === 0 ? 'private room successfully created' : 'focus channel successfully created';
+ return focusTime === 0
+ ? "private room successfully created"
+ : "focus channel successfully created";
-export async function deleteChannel(
+export function deleteChannel(
type: PortalChannelType,
channelToDelete: VoiceChannel | TextChannel,
interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction | null,
- isPortal = false
-): Promise {
- logger.log({ level: 'info', type: 'none', message: `${type}, ${channelToDelete}, ${interaction}, ${isPortal}` });
+ isPortal = false,
+): boolean {
+ logger.log({
+ level: "info",
+ type: "none",
+ message: `${type}, ${channelToDelete}, ${interaction}, ${isPortal}`,
+ });
return true;
// if (isPortal && channelToDelete.deletable) {
// const channelDeleted = await channelToDelete.delete().catch((e) => {
@@ -490,12 +560,14 @@ export async function deleteChannel(
// return true;
-export async function deleteMessage(message: Message): Promise {
+export function deleteMessage(message: Message): Promise {
if (!message || !message.deletable) {
- return false;
+ return new Promise(
+ (resolve) => resolve(false),
+ );
- const delay = (process.env.DELETE_DELAY as unknown as number) * 1000;
+ const delay = (Deno.env.get("DELETE_DELAY") as unknown as number) * 1000;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(async () => {
@@ -513,7 +585,7 @@ export async function generateChannelName(
voiceChannel: VoiceChannel,
pChannels: PChannel[],
pGuild: PGuild,
- guild: Guild
+ guild: Guild,
): Promise {
for (let i = 0; i < pChannels.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels.length; j++) {
@@ -523,12 +595,14 @@ export async function generateChannelName(
// me creating an database spam
let regex = pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].regex;
if (pChannels[i].regexOverwrite) {
- const member = voiceChannel.members.find((m) => m.id === pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].creatorId);
+ const member = voiceChannel.members.find(
+ (m) => m.id === pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].creatorId,
+ );
if (member) {
const pMember = pGuild.pMembers.find((m) => m.id === member.id);
- if (pMember?.regex && pMember.regex !== 'null') {
+ if (pMember?.regex && pMember.regex !== "null") {
regex = pMember.regex;
@@ -542,7 +616,7 @@ export async function generateChannelName(
- pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].creatorId
+ pChannels[i].pVoiceChannels[j].creatorId,
: regex;
@@ -574,28 +648,30 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
pChannels: PChannel[],
pGuild: PGuild,
guild: Guild,
- memberId: string
+ memberId: string,
): string {
let lastSpaceIndex = 0;
let lastVariableEndIndex = 0;
let lastAttributeEndIndex = 0;
- let lastVariable = '';
- let lastAttribute = '';
- let newChannelName = '';
+ let lastVariable = "";
+ let lastAttribute = "";
+ let newChannelName = "";
for (let i = 0; i < regex.length; i++) {
if (regex[i] === Prefix.VARIABLE) {
const variable = isVariable(regex.substring(i));
if (variable.length !== 0) {
- const returnValue: string | number = getVariable(
- voiceChannel,
- pVoiceChannel,
- pChannels,
- pGuild,
- guild,
- variable
+ const returnValue: string | number = (
+ getVariable(
+ voiceChannel,
+ pVoiceChannel,
+ pChannels,
+ pGuild,
+ guild,
+ variable,
+ )
if (returnValue !== null) {
@@ -621,7 +697,7 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
- attr //, pMember
+ attr, //, pMember
// voiceChannel, pVoiceChannel, p, pGuild, attr, pMember
@@ -646,7 +722,8 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
if (returnValue !== null) {
newChannelName = newChannelName.substring(
- voca.chars(newChannelName).length - voca.chars(lastVariable).length
+ voca.chars(newChannelName).length -
+ voca.chars(lastVariable).length,
newChannelName += returnValue;
i += voca.chars(pipe).length;
@@ -659,7 +736,8 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
if (returnValue !== null) {
newChannelName = newChannelName.substring(
- voca.chars(newChannelName).length - voca.chars(lastAttribute).length
+ voca.chars(newChannelName).length -
+ voca.chars(lastAttribute).length,
newChannelName += returnValue;
i += voca.chars(pipe).length;
@@ -667,7 +745,10 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
newChannelName += regex[i];
} else {
- const returnValue = getPipe(newChannelName.substring(lastSpaceIndex, newChannelName.length), pipe);
+ const returnValue = getPipe(
+ newChannelName.substring(lastSpaceIndex, newChannelName.length),
+ pipe,
+ );
if (returnValue !== null) {
const str_for_pipe = returnValue;
@@ -681,22 +762,27 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
} else {
newChannelName += regex[i];
- } else if (regex[i] === '{' && regex[i + 1] !== undefined && regex[i + 1] === '{') {
+ } else if (
+ regex[i] === "{" && regex[i + 1] !== undefined && regex[i + 1] === "{"
+ ) {
try {
// did not put into structure_list due to many unnecessary function calls
let isValid = false;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const statement = getJSONFromString(
- regex.substring(i + 1, i + 1 + regex.substring(i + 1).indexOf('}}') + 1)
+ regex.substring(
+ i + 1,
+ i + 1 + regex.substring(i + 1).indexOf("}}") + 1,
+ ),
- if (!statement) return 'error';
+ if (!statement) return "error";
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, 'if')) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, 'is')) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, 'with')) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, 'yes')) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, 'no')) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, "if")) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, "is")) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, "with")) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, "yes")) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(statement, "no")) {
isValid = true;
@@ -706,19 +792,19 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
if (!isValid) {
newChannelName += regex[i];
- if (regex[i] === ' ') {
+ if (regex[i] === " ") {
lastSpaceIndex = i + 1;
} else {
if (
- statement.is === '==' ||
- statement.is === '===' ||
- statement.is === '!=' ||
- statement.is === '!==' ||
- statement.is === '>' ||
- statement.is === '<' ||
- statement.is === '>=' ||
- statement.is === '<='
+ statement.is === "==" ||
+ statement.is === "===" ||
+ statement.is === "!=" ||
+ statement.is === "!==" ||
+ statement.is === ">" ||
+ statement.is === "<" ||
+ statement.is === ">=" ||
+ statement.is === "<="
) {
if (
@@ -729,7 +815,7 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
- memberId
+ memberId,
@@ -738,8 +824,8 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
- memberId
- )
+ memberId,
+ ),
) {
const value = regexInterpreter(
@@ -749,9 +835,9 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
- memberId
+ memberId,
- if (value !== '--') {
+ if (value !== "--") {
newChannelName += value;
} else {
@@ -762,74 +848,59 @@ export function regexInterpreter(
- memberId
+ memberId,
- if (value !== '--') {
+ if (value !== "--") {
newChannelName += value;
- i += regex.substring(i + 1).indexOf('}}') + 2;
+ i += regex.substring(i + 1).indexOf("}}") + 2;
} else {
- return 'error';
+ return "error";
} catch (e) {
- logger.log({ level: 'info', type: 'none', message: `failed to parse json: ${e}` });
+ logger.log({
+ level: "info",
+ type: "none",
+ message: `failed to parse json: ${e}`,
+ });
newChannelName += regex[i];
} else {
newChannelName += regex[i];
- if (regex[i] === ' ') {
+ if (regex[i] === " ") {
lastSpaceIndex = i + 1;
- if (newChannelName === '') {
- return '';
+ if (newChannelName === "") {
+ return "";
return newChannelName;
-export async function doesChannelHaveUsage(textBasedChannelId: TextBasedChannel['id'], pGuild: PGuild) {
+export function getChannelTypeById(
+ textBasedChannelId: string,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): TextChannelType {
if (!textBasedChannelId) {
- return {
- result: false,
- value: 'could not get channel id',
- };
+ return TextChannelType.NONE;
if (isAnnouncementChannel(textBasedChannelId, pGuild)) {
- const response = await updateGuild(pGuild.id, 'announcement', 'null').catch(() => {
- return {
- result: true,
- value: 'failed to remove announcement channel',
- };
- });
- return {
- result: true,
- value: response ? 'successfully removed announcement channel' : 'failed to remove announcement channel',
- };
+ return TextChannelType.ANNOUNCEMENT;
if (isMusicChannel(textBasedChannelId, pGuild)) {
- return {
- result: true,
- value: 'this can\'t be set as an announcement channel for it is the music channel',
- };
+ return TextChannelType.MUSIC;
if (isUrlOnlyChannel(textBasedChannelId, pGuild)) {
- return {
- result: true,
- value: 'this can\'t be set as the announcement channel for it is an url channel',
- };
+ return TextChannelType.URL;
- return {
- result: false,
- value: '',
- };
+ return TextChannelType.NONE;
diff --git a/src/libraries/help.library.ts b/src/libraries/help.library.ts
index 87fee4ad..a3b5c340 100644
--- a/src/libraries/help.library.ts
+++ b/src/libraries/help.library.ts
@@ -1,43 +1,47 @@
-import { getVoiceConnection, joinVoiceChannel, VoiceConnection } from '@discordjs/voice';
-import dayjs from 'dayjs';
-import duration from 'dayjs/plugin/duration.js';
-import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js';
+import "@std/dotenv/load";
+import duration from "dayjs/plugin/duration.js";
+import relativeTime from "dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js";
+import dayjs from "npm:dayjs";
import {
- ChatInputCommandInteraction,
- Collection,
- ColorResolvable,
- EmbedAuthorOptions,
+ type ChatInputCommandInteraction,
+ type Collection,
+ type ColorResolvable,
+ type EmbedAuthorOptions,
- Guild,
- GuildBasedChannel,
- GuildMember,
- Message,
- MessageComponentInteraction,
- PermissionResolvable,
- TextBasedChannel,
+ type Guild,
+ type GuildBasedChannel,
+ type GuildMember,
+ type Message,
+ type MessageComponentInteraction,
+ type PermissionResolvable,
+ type TextBasedChannel,
-} from 'discord.js';
-import { VideoSearchResult } from 'yt-search';
-import { MusicData, PGuild } from '../types/classes/PGuild.class.js';
-import { Field, TimeElapsed } from '../types/classes/PTypes.interface.js';
-import { Locale } from '../types/enums/Locales.enum.js';
-import { OpapGameId } from '../types/enums/OpapGames.enum.js';
-import { ProfanityLevel } from '../types/enums/ProfanityLevel.enum.js';
-import { RankSpeed } from '../types/enums/RankSpeed.enum.js';
-import logger from '../utilities/log.utility.js';
-import { createDiscordJSAdapter } from './adapter.library.js';
-import { fetchGuild, fetchGuildList, setMusicData } from './mongo.library.js';
+} from "npm:discord.js";
+import type { VideoSearchResult } from "yt-search";
+import { MusicData, type PGuild } from "../types/classes/PGuild.class.ts";
+import type { Field, TimeElapsed } from "../types/classes/PTypes.interface.ts";
+import { Locale } from "../types/enums/Locales.enum.ts";
+import { OpapGameId } from "../types/enums/OpapGames.enum.ts";
+import { ProfanityLevel } from "../types/enums/ProfanityLevel.enum.ts";
+import { RankSpeed } from "../types/enums/RankSpeed.enum.ts";
+import logger from "../utilities/log.utility.ts";
+import { fetchGuild, fetchGuildList, setMusicData } from "./mongo.library.ts";
-type enumTypes = typeof OpapGameId | typeof RankSpeed | typeof ProfanityLevel | typeof Locale;
+type enumTypes =
+ | typeof OpapGameId
+ | typeof RankSpeed
+ | typeof ProfanityLevel
+ | typeof Locale;
-const idleThumbnail = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/' + 'Portal/master/src/assets/img/emptyQueue.png';
+const idleThumbnail =
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/empty_queue.png";
const deletedMessages = new WeakSet();
const deletedChannel = new WeakSet();
@@ -51,7 +55,9 @@ export function markMessageAsDeleted(message: Message) {
-export function isChannelDeleted(channel: GuildBasedChannel | TextBasedChannel) {
+export function isChannelDeleted(
+ channel: GuildBasedChannel | TextBasedChannel,
+) {
return deletedChannel.has(channel);
@@ -67,16 +73,25 @@ export function markGuildAsDeleted(guild: Guild) {
-export async function askForApproval(
+export async function askForApprovalByInteraction(
interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
question: string,
buttonStyle: ButtonStyle,
): Promise {
- const confirm = new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId('confirm').setLabel('Confirm').setStyle(buttonStyle);
- const cancel = new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId('cancel').setLabel('Cancel').setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary);
- const row = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(cancel, confirm);
+ const confirm = new ButtonBuilder()
+ .setCustomId("confirm")
+ .setLabel("Confirm")
+ .setStyle(buttonStyle);
+ const cancel = new ButtonBuilder()
+ .setCustomId("cancel")
+ .setLabel("Cancel")
+ .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary);
+ const row = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(
+ cancel,
+ confirm,
+ );
const reply = await interaction.reply({
fetchReply: true,
@@ -84,16 +99,66 @@ export async function askForApproval(
components: [row],
- const filter = (i: MessageComponentInteraction) => i.customId === 'confirm' || i.customId === 'cancel';
+ const filter = (i: MessageComponentInteraction) =>
+ i.customId === "confirm" || i.customId === "cancel";
const collected = await reply.awaitMessageComponent({ filter, time: 10_000 });
- if (collected.customId === 'confirm') {
+ if (collected.customId === "confirm") {
await collected.update({ content: `${question} **Confirmed**` });
} else {
await collected.update({ content: `${question} **Cancelled**` });
- return collected.customId === 'confirm';
+ return collected.customId === "confirm";
+export async function askForApprovalByMember(
+ member: GuildMember,
+ question: string,
+ buttonStyle: ButtonStyle,
+): Promise {
+ const confirm = new ButtonBuilder()
+ .setCustomId("confirm")
+ .setLabel("Confirm")
+ .setStyle(buttonStyle);
+ const cancel = new ButtonBuilder()
+ .setCustomId("cancel")
+ .setLabel("Cancel")
+ .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary);
+ const row = new ActionRowBuilder()
+ .addComponents(cancel, confirm);
+ const dmChannel = await member.createDM();
+ const message = await dmChannel.send({
+ content: question,
+ components: [row],
+ });
+ try {
+ const filter = (i: MessageComponentInteraction) =>
+ i.customId === "confirm" || i.customId === "cancel";
+ const collected = await message.awaitMessageComponent({
+ filter,
+ time: 10_000,
+ });
+ if (collected.customId === "confirm") {
+ await collected.update({ content: `${question} **Confirmed**` });
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ await collected.update({ content: `${question} **Cancelled**` });
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.error(`failed to collect message: ${error}`);
+ await message.edit({
+ content: `${question} **Timed out**`,
+ components: [],
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
export function getJSONFromString(str: string) {
@@ -102,6 +167,7 @@ export function getJSONFromString(str: string) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(str);
} catch (error) {
+ logger.error(`failed to parse JSON: ${error}`);
return null;
@@ -109,26 +175,31 @@ export function getJSONFromString(str: string) {
export function maxString(abstract: string, max: number): string {
- return abstract.length < max ? abstract : abstract.substring(0, max - 3) + '...';
+ return abstract.length < max
+ ? abstract
+ : abstract.substring(0, max - 3) + "...";
-export function getKeyFromEnum(value: string, enumeration: enumTypes): string | number | undefined {
+export function getKeyFromEnum(
+ value: string,
+ enumeration: enumTypes,
+): string | number | undefined {
let enumerationArray;
switch (enumeration) {
- case OpapGameId:
- enumerationArray = Object.values(OpapGameId);
- break;
- case RankSpeed:
- enumerationArray = Object.values(RankSpeed);
- break;
- case ProfanityLevel:
- enumerationArray = Object.values(ProfanityLevel);
- break;
- case Locale:
- enumerationArray = Object.values(Locale);
- break;
- default:
- return undefined;
+ case OpapGameId:
+ enumerationArray = Object.values(OpapGameId);
+ break;
+ case RankSpeed:
+ enumerationArray = Object.values(RankSpeed);
+ break;
+ case ProfanityLevel:
+ enumerationArray = Object.values(ProfanityLevel);
+ break;
+ case Locale:
+ enumerationArray = Object.values(Locale);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return undefined;
for (const enumerationValue of enumerationArray) {
@@ -140,42 +211,57 @@ export function getKeyFromEnum(value: string, enumeration: enumTypes): string |
return undefined;
-export async function createMusicMessage(channel: TextChannel, pGuild: PGuild): Promise {
+export async function createMusicMessage(
+ channel: TextChannel,
+ pGuild: PGuild,
+): Promise {
const musicMessageEmb = createEmbed(
- 'Music Player',
- 'Type and Portal will play it !',
- '#e60026',
+ "Music Player",
+ "Type and Portal will play it !",
+ "#e60026",
- { emote: 'Duration', role: '-', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Views', role: '-', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Pinned', role: pGuild.musicData.pinned ? 'yes' : 'no', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Queue', role: 'empty', inline: false },
- { emote: 'Latest Action', role: '```music message created```', inline: false },
+ { emote: "Duration", role: "-", inline: true },
+ { emote: "Views", role: "-", inline: true },
+ {
+ emote: "Pinned",
+ role: pGuild.musicData.pinned ? "yes" : "no",
+ inline: true,
+ },
+ { emote: "Queue", role: "empty", inline: false },
+ {
+ emote: "Latest Action",
+ role: "```music message created```",
+ inline: false,
+ },
- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/music.png',
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/music.png",
const sentMessage = await channel.send({ embeds: [musicMessageEmb] });
if (!sentMessage) {
- return 'failed to send message to channel';
+ return "failed to send message to channel";
- const emojis = ['▶️', '⏸', '⏭', '📌', '📄', '⬇️', '🧹', '🚪'];
+ const emojis = ["▶️", "⏸", "⏭", "📌", "📄", "⬇️", "🧹", "🚪"];
for (const emoji of emojis) {
- sentMessage.react(emoji).catch((e) => logger.error(`failed to react to message: ${e}`));
+ sentMessage.react(emoji).catch((e) =>
+ logger.error(`failed to react to message: ${e}`)
+ );
const musicData = new MusicData(
- pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId ? pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId : 'null',
+ pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId
+ ? pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId
+ : "null",
@@ -190,15 +276,33 @@ export async function createMusicLyricsMessage(
pGuild: PGuild,
messageId: string,
): Promise {
- const musicLyricsMessageEmb = createEmbed('Lyrics 📄', '', '#e60026', null, null, null, false, null, null);
+ const musicLyricsMessageEmb = createEmbed(
+ "Lyrics 📄",
+ "",
+ "#e60026",
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ );
- const sentMessageLyrics = await channel.send({ embeds: [musicLyricsMessageEmb] });
+ const sentMessageLyrics = await channel.send({
+ embeds: [musicLyricsMessageEmb],
+ });
if (!sentMessageLyrics) {
return undefined;
- const musicData = new MusicData(channel.id, messageId, sentMessageLyrics.id, [], false);
+ const musicData = new MusicData(
+ channel.id,
+ messageId,
+ sentMessageLyrics.id,
+ [],
+ false,
+ );
await setMusicData(pGuild.id, musicData);
return sentMessageLyrics.id;
@@ -219,7 +323,7 @@ export async function updateMusicMessage(
return false;
- const channel: TextChannel = guildChannel;
+ const channel: TextChannel = guildChannel;
if (!channel || !pGuild.musicData.messageId) {
return false;
@@ -236,22 +340,30 @@ export async function updateMusicMessage(
.filter((v) => !!v)
- .join('\n')
- : 'empty'
- : 'empty';
+ .join("\n")
+ : "empty"
+ : "empty";
const musicMessageEmb = createEmbed(
- yts ? yts.title : 'Music Player',
- yts ? yts.url : 'Type and Portal will play it !',
- '#e60026',
+ yts ? yts.title : "Music Player",
+ yts ? yts.url : "Type and Portal will play it !",
+ "#e60026",
- { emote: 'Duration', role: yts ? yts.timestamp : '-', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Views', role: (yts ? yts.timestamp : 0) === 0 ? '-' : yts ? yts.views : '-', inline: true },
- { emote: 'Pinned', role: pGuild.musicData.pinned ? 'yes' : 'no', inline: true },
+ { emote: "Duration", role: yts ? yts.timestamp : "-", inline: true },
+ {
+ emote: "Views",
+ role: (yts ? yts.timestamp : 0) === 0 ? "-" : yts ? yts.views : "-",
+ inline: true,
+ },
+ {
+ emote: "Pinned",
+ role: pGuild.musicData.pinned ? "yes" : "no",
+ inline: true,
+ },
// { emote: null, role: null, inline: true },
- { emote: 'Queue', role: musicQueue, inline: false },
+ { emote: "Queue", role: musicQueue, inline: false },
// { emote: null, role: null, inline: true },
- { emote: 'Latest Action', role: '```' + status + '```', inline: false },
+ { emote: "Latest Action", role: "```" + status + "```", inline: false },
@@ -259,8 +371,8 @@ export async function updateMusicMessage(
yts ? yts.thumbnail : idleThumbnail,
- ? 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/music.gif'
- : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/music.png',
+ ? "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/music.gif"
+ : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker/Portal/master/src/assets/img/music.png",
if (!pGuild.musicData.messageId || !channel) {
@@ -284,22 +396,24 @@ export async function updateMusicLyricsMessage(
lyrics: string,
url?: string,
): Promise {
- const guildChannel = guild.channels.cache.find((c) => c.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId);
+ const guildChannel = guild.channels.cache.find((c) =>
+ c.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId
+ );
if (!guildChannel) {
return false;
- const channel: TextChannel = guildChannel;
+ const channel: TextChannel = guildChannel;
if (!channel || !pGuild.musicData.messageId) {
return false;
const musicMessageEmb = createEmbed(
- `Lyrics 📄 ${url ? `at ${url}` : ''}`,
+ `Lyrics 📄 ${url ? `at ${url}` : ""}`,
maxString(lyrics, 2000),
- '#e60026',
+ "#e60026",
@@ -312,77 +426,21 @@ export async function updateMusicLyricsMessage(
return false;
- const fetchedMessage = await channel.messages.fetch(pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId);
+ const fetchedMessage = await channel.messages.fetch(
+ pGuild.musicData.messageLyricsId,
+ );
if (!fetchedMessage) {
return false;
- const editedMessage = await fetchedMessage.edit({ embeds: [musicMessageEmb] });
+ const editedMessage = await fetchedMessage.edit({
+ embeds: [musicMessageEmb],
+ });
return !!editedMessage;
-export async function joinUserVoiceChannelByInteraction(
- interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
- pGuild: PGuild,
-): Promise {
- const member = interaction.member;
- if (!member) {
- return undefined; // throw('user could not be fetched for message');
- }
- if (!(member instanceof GuildMember)) {
- return undefined; // throw('member is not a guild member instance');
- }
- if (!member.voice) {
- return undefined; // throw('voice could not be fetched for member');
- }
- const voiceChannel = member.voice.channel;
- if (!voiceChannel) {
- return undefined; // throw('you aren\'t in a voice channel');
- }
- const guild = interaction.guild;
- if (!guild) {
- return undefined; // throw('guild could not be fetched for message');
- }
- if (!guild.voiceAdapterCreator) {
- return undefined; // throw('voiceAdapterCreator could not be fetched for guild');
- }
- if (!pGuild) {
- return undefined; // throw('could not find guild of message');
- }
- let voiceConnection = getVoiceConnection(voiceChannel.id);
- const clientVoiceState = guild.voiceStates.cache.get(guild.client.user.id);
- if (voiceConnection && clientVoiceState?.channelId === voiceChannel?.id) {
- clientVoiceState.setDeaf(true);
- } else {
- voiceConnection = joinVoiceChannel({
- channelId: voiceChannel.id,
- guildId: guild.id,
- adapterCreator: createDiscordJSAdapter(voiceChannel),
- });
- if (!voiceConnection) {
- return undefined; // throw('could not join voice channel');
- }
- if (clientVoiceState) {
- clientVoiceState.setDeaf(true);
- }
- }
- return voiceConnection;
export function createEmbed(
title: string | null | undefined,
description: string | null | undefined,
@@ -397,8 +455,8 @@ export function createEmbed(
author?: { name: string; icon: string },
footer?: string,
): EmbedBuilder {
- const portalIconUrl: string =
- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker' + '/Portal/master/src/assets/img/portal_logo_spinr.gif';
+ const portalIconUrl: string = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keybraker" +
+ "/Portal/master/src/assets/img/portal_logo_spinr.gif";
const richMessage = new EmbedBuilder();
@@ -407,26 +465,28 @@ export function createEmbed(
if (colour) richMessage.setColor(colour);
if (description) richMessage.setDescription(description);
if (footer) richMessage.setFooter({ text: footer });
- if (fromBot)
+ if (fromBot) {
- text: footer ?? 'Portal',
+ text: footer ?? "Portal",
iconURL: customGif ?? portalIconUrl,
+ }
if (thumbnail) richMessage.setThumbnail(thumbnail);
if (image) richMessage.setImage(image);
- if (author)
+ if (author) {
name: author.name,
iconURL: author.icon,
// url: 'https://discord.js.org'
+ }
if (fieldArray) {
fieldArray.forEach((row) => {
- name: row.emote === '' || !row.emote ? '\u200b' : `${row.emote}`,
- value: row.role === '' || !row.role ? '\u200b' : `${row.role}`,
+ name: row.emote === "" || !row.emote ? "\u200b" : `${row.emote}`,
+ value: row.role === "" || !row.role ? "\u200b" : `${row.role}`,
inline: row.inline,
@@ -445,14 +505,14 @@ export function createEmbed(
export function isUserAuthorised(member: GuildMember): boolean {
- const administrator: PermissionResolvable = 'Administrator';
+ const administrator: PermissionResolvable = "Administrator";
if (member.permissions.has(administrator, true)) {
return true;
if (member.roles.cache) {
- return member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === 'p.admin');
+ return member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === "p.admin");
return false;
@@ -460,14 +520,14 @@ export function isUserAuthorised(member: GuildMember): boolean {
export function isUserDj(member: GuildMember): boolean {
if (member.roles.cache) {
- return member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === 'p.dj');
+ return member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === "p.dj");
return false;
export function isUserIgnored(member: GuildMember): boolean {
- return member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === 'p.ignore');
+ return member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === "p.ignore");
export function isMod(member: GuildMember | null): boolean {
@@ -475,27 +535,31 @@ export function isMod(member: GuildMember | null): boolean {
return false;
- return member.guild.ownerId === member.id || member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === 'p.mod');
+ return member.guild.ownerId === member.id ||
+ member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === "p.mod");
export function isWhitelist(member: GuildMember | null): boolean {
if (member && member.roles.cache) {
- return member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === 'p.whitelist');
+ return member.roles.cache.some((r) =>
+ r.name.toLowerCase() === "p.whitelist"
+ );
return false;
-export function messageHelp(type: string, argument: string, info = ''): string {
- let message = '';
+export function messageHelp(type: string, argument: string, info = ""): string {
+ let message = "";
if (info) {
message += `**Info:** ${info}\n`;
- message += '**Help:** ';
+ message += "**Help:** ";
message += `You can get detailed guidance by typing \`/help ${argument}\` `;
- message += `or by visiting [our documentation]().`;
+ message +=
+ `or by visiting [our documentation]().`;
return message;
@@ -506,24 +570,27 @@ export async function messageReply(
replyString: string,
deleteSource = false,
deleteReply = false,
- emotePass = '✔️',
- emoteFail = '❌',
+ emotePass = "✔️",
+ emoteFail = "❌",
): Promise {
if (!message) {
- return Promise.reject('failed to find message');
+ return Promise.reject("failed to find message");
- if (!isChannelDeleted(message.channel) && replyString !== null && replyString !== '') {
+ if (
+ !isChannelDeleted(message.channel) && replyString !== null &&
+ replyString !== ""
+ ) {
const sentMessage = await message.reply(replyString).catch((e) => {
return Promise.reject(`failed to send message: ${e}`);
if (!sentMessage) {
- return Promise.reject('failed to send message');
+ return Promise.reject("failed to send message");
if (deleteReply) {
- const delay = (process.env.DELETE_DELAY as unknown as number) * 1000;
+ const delay = (Deno.env.get("DELETE_DELAY") as unknown as number) * 1000;
setTimeout(async () => {
if (isMessageDeleted(sentMessage)) {
const deletedMessage = await sentMessage.delete().catch((e) => {
@@ -539,15 +606,17 @@ export async function messageReply(
if (deleteSource) {
- const reaction = await message.react(status ? emotePass : emoteFail).catch((e) => {
- return Promise.reject(`failed to react to message: ${e}`);
- });
+ const reaction = await message.react(status ? emotePass : emoteFail).catch(
+ (e) => {
+ return Promise.reject(`failed to react to message: ${e}`);
+ },
+ );
if (!reaction) {
- return Promise.reject('failed to react to message');
+ return Promise.reject("failed to react to message");
- const delay = (process.env.DELETE_DELAY as unknown as number) * 1000;
+ const delay = (Deno.env.get("DELETE_DELAY") as unknown as number) * 1000;
setTimeout(async () => {
if (isMessageDeleted(message)) {
const deletedMessage = await message.delete().catch((e) => {
@@ -568,13 +637,13 @@ export async function messageReply(
export function isUrl(potentialURL: string): boolean {
const pattern = new RegExp(
- '^(https?:\\/\\/)?' + // protocol
- '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|' + // domain name
- '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))' + // OR ip (v4) address
- '(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%.~+]*)*' + // port and path
- '(\\?[;&a-z\\d%.~+=-]*)?' + // query string
- '(\\#[-a-z\\d]*)?$',
- 'i',
+ "^(https?:\\/\\/)?" + // protocol
+ "((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|" + // domain name
+ "((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))" + // OR ip (v4) address
+ "(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%.~+]*)*" + // port and path
+ "(\\?[;&a-z\\d%.~+=-]*)?" + // query string
+ "(\\#[-a-z\\d]*)?$",
+ "i",
); // fragment locator
return pattern.test(potentialURL);
@@ -584,9 +653,16 @@ export function pad(num: number): string {
return num.toString().length >= 2 ? `${num}` : `0${num}`;
-export function getElapsedTime(timestamp: Date | number, timeout: number): TimeElapsed {
+export function getElapsedTime(
+ timestamp: Date | number,
+ timeout: number,
+): TimeElapsed {
const timeoutTime = timeout * 60 * 1000;
- const el = dayjs.duration(dayjs().diff(dayjs(typeof timestamp === 'number' ? timestamp : timestamp.getTime())));
+ const el = dayjs.duration(
+ dayjs().diff(
+ dayjs(typeof timestamp === "number" ? timestamp : timestamp.getTime()),
+ ),
+ );
const timeoutMin = dayjs.duration(timeoutTime).minutes();
const timeoutSec = dayjs.duration(timeoutTime).seconds();
@@ -606,11 +682,15 @@ export async function removeDeletedChannels(guild: Guild): Promise {
pGuild.pChannels.forEach((portalChannel, indexP) => {
- if (!guild.channels.cache.some((channel) => channel.id === portalChannel.id)) {
+ if (
+ !guild.channels.cache.some((channel) => channel.id === portalChannel.id)
+ ) {
pGuild.pChannels.splice(indexP, 1);
portalChannel.pVoiceChannels.forEach((portalVoice, indexV) => {
- if (!guild.channels.cache.some((channel) => channel.id === portalVoice.id)) {
+ if (
+ !guild.channels.cache.some((channel) => channel.id === portalVoice.id)
+ ) {
portalChannel.pVoiceChannels.splice(indexV, 1);
@@ -652,13 +732,19 @@ export async function removeDeletedChannels(guild: Guild): Promise {
- if (!guild.channels.cache.some((channel) => channel.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId)) {
+ if (
+ !guild.channels.cache.some((channel) =>
+ channel.id === pGuild.musicData.channelId
+ )
+ ) {
pGuild.musicData.channelId = undefined;
pGuild.musicData.messageId = undefined;
pGuild.musicData.votes = undefined;
- if (!guild.channels.cache.some((channel) => channel.id === pGuild.announcement)) {
+ if (
+ !guild.channels.cache.some((channel) => channel.id === pGuild.announcement)
+ ) {
pGuild.announcement = null;
@@ -681,25 +767,33 @@ export async function removeEmptyVoiceChannels(guild: Guild): Promise {
guildList.some((portalGuild) =>
portalGuild.pChannels.some((portalChannel) =>
portalChannel.pVoiceChannels.some((portalVoice, index) => {
- if (portalVoice.id === channel.id && (>channel.members).size === 0) {
+ if (
+ portalVoice.id === channel.id &&
+ (