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80 lines (57 loc) · 3.26 KB

Building the sample app


Android Installation

  • check you are in react-native-sdk-2.x/sample-app directory
  • npm install
  • in /sample-app/android create a file and add the line sdk.dir = /Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk
  • in /sample-app create a file app-config.js and copy the contents of app-config-example.js replacing the placeholder values with your own key and secret*
  • run sudo react-native run-android
  • ensure that you have an Android device plugged in and USB debugging enabled
  • grant permission for USB installation when prompted

iOS Installation

  • check you are in react-native-sdk-2.x/sample-app directory

  • npm install

  • navigate to /sample-app/ios and open ReactNativeWebRTC.xcodeproj in Xcode

  • in /sample-app create a file app-config.js and copy the contents of app-config-example.js replacing the placeholder values with your own key and secret*

    In Xcode

  • Step 1: Add temasys-react-native-webrtc library

    • in the Libraries panel, if there is an existing RCTWebRTV.xcodeproj, delete it
    • right click Libraries and click Add Files to [project]
    • from project root folder, navigate to node_modules/temasys-react-native-webrtc/ios/RCTWebRTV.xcodeproj then Add

    Step 1

  • Step 2: Add Library Search Path

    • click on the main project file in the left panel - the top most file named ReactNativeWebRTC
    • select Build settings, scroll down to find Search Paths
    • edit BOTH Framework Search Paths and Library Search Paths entries
    • add path on BOTH sections with: $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/temasys-react-native-webrtc/ios with recursive

    Step 2

  • Step 3: Add libRCTWebRTC.a library

    • click Build Phases tab and open Link Binary With Libraries
    • enter libRCTWebRTC.a in the search bar and click Add

    Step 3a

    • check that the following libraries have been added

      • AVFoundation.framework
      • AudioToolbox.framework
      • CoreGraphics.framework
      • GLKit.framework
      • CoreAudio.framework
      • CoreVideo.framework
      • VideoToolbox.framework
      • libc.tbd
      • libc++.tbd
      • libsqlite3.tbd
    • if they are not, add them following the same steps as libRCTWebRTC.a

    • check that WebRTC.framework is linked

    Step 3b

    • under Linking check that Dead Code Stripping and under Build Options that Enable Bitcode are set to No
  • Step 4: Permissions

    • navigate to <ProjectFolder>/ios/<ProjectName>/Info.plist
    • check that Camera Usage and Microphone Usage are set, otherwise edit to add the values

    Step 4

  • Step 5:

*Obtain your key from Temasys Developer's Console