- To get started, you will require an API Key to begin.
- To register for an API Key, simply sign up for a developer account at our Developer Console.
- All demos are located in this directory
Using Git command line tools, execute the following:
# 1. Clone or download this repository via git terminal.
git clone https://github.com/Temasys/SkylinkJS.git
# 2. Install all required dependencies. Use (sudo npm install) if required.
npm install
# 3. Once you received your API key, navigate to /demos/collection and create a config.js file (take example on config-example.js) and fill it with your information.
# 4. Run the start script to start a local webserver to access the demo and doc folders. This will popup Chrome (Mac). You can configure a different browser in the start.sh file. Alternatively, you can run (sh start.sh)
npm start # Note that this runs in Chrome currently.