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ed789d0 edited this page Apr 17, 2021 · 27 revisions

The Official Guide for Quotobot

Use the prefix ~ or mention the bot (the bot works in DMs too)

List of Commands:

(capitalization doesn't matter)

  • randomquote, randquote, rquote, quote: Prints a random quote
  • shortquote, longquote: Prints a short or long quote respectively. The short quote will be ≤140 characters, and you can click the header to Tweet the quote.
  • ping: Prints "Pong!"
  • weather: Gets the weather. All of these commands work, assuming the prefix is ~:
    • ~weather New York (prints in metric)
    • ~weather imperial Mexico City
    • ~weather metric Paris,us (gets the weather for Paris in the US, not the one in France)
    • ~weather Arlington,va,us (gets the weather for Arlington in Virginia, not the one in Texas)
    • You'll need to wait some time between weather queries (at the moment, it's 2 seconds for our host)
  • stock ABCD, stocks ABCD: Pulls up the stock price for whatever stock (in this example, ABCD).
    • Note that non-US stocks and CFD indices (such as ^N225) aren't supported, and support for crypto prices and other stuff is also not supported but planned for a future release.
    • Clicking the title of the bot's message will take you to Yahoo! Finance for that stock.
    • You'll need to wait some time between stock queries (at the moment, it's 2 seconds for our host)
    • The data and timestamp are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, so don't trade based on the info the bot returns.
  • amiadmin: Returns if you have the administrator permission in the current server. (Doesn't work in a DM, although you can try.)
  • league, lol, lolstats or leaguestats: Returns some stats for a certain League user. For example, assuming the prefix is ~:
    • ~leaguestats ExampleSummoner JP (JP is equivalent to jp1)
    • ~leaguestats Some1234Summoner (defaults to NA)
    • ~leaguestats Multiworded+summoner (looks up Multiworded summoner)
    • You'll need to wait some time between League queries (at the moment, it's 5 seconds for our host)
  • spellcheck: Returns all the spelling mistakes in the text following this command and suggestions for what the correct word may be.
    • Example, assuming the prefix is ~: ~spellcheck helo ther, this is realy mispeled.
    • There's a limit of 500 characters.
    • Currently this command only supports English (United States). Leave a GitHub issue if you want to see another language in the future.
Region Equivalent to (the bot doesn't accept these)
OCE oc1
JP jp1
NA na1
EUNE eun1
EUW euw1
TR tr1
LAN la1
LAS la2
  • help: Brings up a hyperlink to this commands list
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