- Computer Machinery and Intelligece by Alan Turing
- David Neto's code page: Scheme and Ideal Turing
- Bitwise operators (Python)
- Gustavo's IEEE-754 Brain Teaser by William Kennedy
- IEEE Standard 754 Floating Point Numbers by Steve Hollasch
- Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition by randomASCII
- Example: Converting to Float
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic or Why don’t my numbers add up?
- What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
- Efficient Arithmetic on Koblitz Curves by Solinas
- The Yacas Book of Algorithms by the Yacas team
- Hexadecimal Floating-Point Constants by Rick Regan
- A Tutorial on Data Representation: Integers, Floating-point Numbers, and Characters
- Multiplication of Binary Integers
- Binary Arithmetic
- Multiplication in binary
- Binary Multiply - Repeated Shift and Add
- Lecture 8: Binary Multiplication & Division
- Bit field
- Masking
- Least significant bit
- Ancient Egyptian multiplication
- Binary Arithmetic
- Biased Notation
- Computer Science 315 Lecture Notes
- Bit Manipulation
- Advanced bit manipulation-fu
- The bit twiddler
- The Aggregate Magic Algorithms
- How to "Build" a Computer
- Binary Subtraction
- Bit Twiddling Hacks by By Sean Eron Anderson
- Binary Arithmetic by George W. Reitwiesner
- Encoding
- The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings by S. Josefsson
- Golang
- Selection algorithm
- Time Bounds for Selection by Manuel Blum, Robert W. Floyd, Vaughan Pratt, Ronald L. Rivest, and Robert E. Tarjan.
- The Go Blog
- Open My Mind by Karl Seguin.
- Go Playground
- Useful resources
- Go Cheat Sheet
- What's in a name? by Andrew Gerrand
- Name by Effective Go
- Package names
- Some questions
- Init functions in Go by Michał Łowicki
- Understanding Type in Go
- Understanding Golang Type System by shiju varghese
- Type identity
- Optional Parameters?
- Trigger error with number of params
- Self-referential functions and the design of options by Rob Pike
- Controlling Array Growth in Golang by Karl Seguin
- Arrays, Slices and Maps
- Arrays, slices (and strings): The mechanics of 'append'
- Go Slices: usage and internals
- SliceTricks
- Multi-dimesional arrays
- Constant literal
- Go << and >> operators
- What does the >>= operator do in golang?
- What does a >> mean in Go language?
- Invalid operation: shift of type float64
- A Guide to Types and Casting in Golang by Gerard Millares
- GoLang interface{} - 2 type conversions, type assertions, type switches by Swati Soni
- From reader to string
- Illegal octal digit error
- Error handling and Go by Andrew Gerrand
- Errors are values by Rob Pike
- Working with Errors in Go 1.13 by Damien Neil and Jonathan Amsterdam
- Go Data Structures: Interfaces
- Demystifying Golang's io.Reader and io.Writer Interfaces by Nathan LeClaire.
- Go Data Structures: Interfaces by Russ Cox
- Conditional compilation in Golang by Svetlin Ralchev
- Debugging Go Routine leaks by Karthic Rao
- Debuggin code
- Debugging Go programs with Delve by Derek Parker
- A brief intro of delve by Nan Xiao
- Advanced Vector Extensions
- Generating code
- A Quick Guide to Go's Assembler
- How to Use the Plan 9 C Compiler
- A Manual for the Plan 9 assembler
- Tutorial
- The MASM32 SDK
- Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
- x86 Instruction Set Reference
- Instructions
- INT (x86 instruction)
- x86 memory segmentation
- Intel x86 JUMP quick reference by Steve Friedl
- X86 Assembly/X86 Architecture
- db, dw, dd
- X86 Assembly/X86 Architecture
- Assembly - Registers
- x86 Assembly Guide
- Yasm User Manual
- 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs by Kyle Quest
- When in Go, do as Gophers do
- CodeReviewComments
- Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Golang
- Everyday hassles in Go by crufter
- General
- 5 things I love (or why you should learn Go) by Andrew Gerrand
- How go was made (or why you should learn Go) by Andrew Gerrand
- Closing day keynote by Andrew Gerrand
- Stupid Gopher Tricks by Andrew Gerrand
- The path to Go 1 by Rob Pike and Andrew Gerrand
- Go Concurrency Patterns by Rob Pike. Slides
- Advanced Go Concurrency Patterns by Sameer Ajmani
- Organizing Go Code Slides, by David Crawshaw
- 10 things you (probably) don't know about Go
- The cover story by Rob Pike
- Migrating to Go Modules by Jean de Klerk
- Go Modules: v2 and Beyond
- Module queries
- Go Module Mirror, Index, and Checksum Database
- Writing table driven tests in Go by Dave Cheney
- Test fixtures in Go by Dave Cheney
- How to write benchmarks in Go by Dave Cheney
- Stress test your Go packages by Dave Cheney
- Special Packages and Directories in Go by Inanc Gumus
- Pointers
- Don't Get Bitten by Pointer vs Non-Pointer Method Receivers in Golang by Nathan Leclaire
- C Programming/Pointers and arrays
- 6.30 Declaring Attributes of Functions
- 3.8 Options to Request or Suppress Warnings
- Options to Request or Suppress Warnings
- Undefined Behavior: What Happened to My Code? by Xi Wang, Haogang Chen, Alvin Cheung, Zhihao Jia, Nickolai Zeldovich M. and Frans Kaashoek
- Beware of compiler optimizations
- The compiler could delete the 'memset' function call, which is used to flush 'Foo' buffer. The RtlSecureZeroMemory() function should be used to erase the private data
- Overwriting memory
- Safe Clearing of Private Data
- Security, security! But do you test it?
- Zero and forget -- caveats of zeroing memory in C
- The most dangerous function in the C/C++ world 03.12.2015
- automake
- automake: tutorial
- Automake silence
- Creating an Open-source Program in C With Autotools
- Test coverage
- Gnome Autotools
- autoconf
- Autotools Mythbuster
- The Basics of Autotools
- Common Shell Constructs
- Working With External Software
- How to Use Variables
- x86 built-in funcs
- Limitations of Shell Builtins
- Conditional Builds
- on osx
- Checking C code with Valgrind on Yosemite
- errors on os
- Using Valgrind to Find Memory Leaks and Invalid Memory Use by Alex Allain
- Memcheck: a memory error detector
- ctgrind by Adam Langley
- Valgrind: introduction by Paul Floyd
- Basic Memcheck by Paul Floyd
- Advanced memcheck by Paul Floyd
- Massif by Paul Floyd
- Cachegrind and Callgrind by Paul Floyd
- Helgrind and DRD by Paul Floyd
- DRD: a thread error detector
- Helgrind: a thread error detector
- Cachegrind: a cache and branch-prediction profiler
- SGCheck: an experimental stack and global array overrun detector
- glade tutorial
- Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial
- Other Advanced and Specific Guides
- Tutorials
- Beautiful Buttons
- GTK parasite github
- GTK parasite website
- Goings on by Mathias Clasen.
- GTK+ Development Blog by the GTK people.
- How Do I do gnome wiki
- Rewrite commits
- Change author info
- Backup
- Commit history
- Rebase and change commits
- Get author name of commit
- Git Tools - Submodules
- Squashing
- Interesting table by Cindy Sridharan
- Hardware Memory Tagging to make C_C++ memory safe(r) - iSecCon 2018.pdf by Kostya Serebryany
- Memory Tagging and how it improvesC/C++ memory safety
- Xterm256 color names for console Vim
- Use Vim by Alex R. Young
- Being sorta useful in vim
- Why I use Vim by Pascal Precht
- How to use spell check with vim
- A tmux Crash Course by Josh Clayton
- config
- config 2
- Remote pairing with tmux and tmate
- ADR tools
- Topological math: Topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter
- dirEnv
- lint
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