[x] Display a map
[x] Display bicycle paths
[x] Show danger reports
[x] Show danger reports in clusters when zooming out
[x] Display user gps position
[x] Allow viewport to follow user position on button click
[x] Allow creating a bike route between 2 points
[x] Detect if route goes near a danger
[] Avoid dangerous zones if possible
[x] Fit route in viewport when calculated
[x] Show route summary when calculated (time, distance, number of dangers, start button)
[x] Show a pin on selected coordinates
[x] Show flag icon for destination
[x] Allow searching for a place from a search bar
[x] Select a place from search results
[x] Simple click to select a poi, long click to select coordinates anywhere
[x] Use current position as start if available when choosing destination
[x] On click show a modal to ask "route from" or "route to"
[x] Connect to the ESP in BLE
[x] Receive object detection messages in BLE from ESP
[X] If gps active, store reports in database
[X] If gps not active, discard reports
[x] Update map when updating the database
[x] Warning pop-up when connecting BLE but GPS inactive
[x] Fetch classification criteria from server on start
[x] Use fetched classification to display relevant reports on the map
[x] Show local reports in a different color from others
[x] Show button to upload reports
[x] Show recap modal with the list of reports to upload
[x] Clicking on a report in the list will lower the modal and select the report on the map
[x] Allow removing selected local report
[] Remove old non-dangerous or uploaded reports (2 weeks) on start