If you found a bug or issue, please ensure the bug was not already reported by searching in GitHub issues. If you are unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, the SDK version, and a code sample demonstrating the issue.
If you open a PR to fix any issue, please reference the ticket in the PR title. A Symphony SDK team member will have to approve before it is merged and eventually released.
If you want to request an enhancement or feature, please open a Github issue if none has been opened before. New feature requests on the legacy SDK will not be accepted.
Code is structured into two main parts:
- apiClientDotNet which contains the source code;
- apiClientDotNetTest which contains unit tests.
Unit tests should be added or updated each time a PR is submitted.
Please stick to the official C# coding conventions.
Public classes and methods should be properly documented using XML comments.