Example RESTful API "Fattura" (Invoice) developed with JAX-RS (Jersey) on JakartaEE9 and Tomcat 10
This is the full implementation of the "Fattura" (invoice) RESTful API developed during the course lectures. It shows how to model the service using JAX-RS, including sub-resources, bearer token authorization, CORS headers injection, custom serializers and custom exception mappers.
This is a sample application developed during the lectures of the Sviluppo Web Avanzato course. The code is organized to best match the lecture topics and examples. It is not intended for production use and is not optimized in any way.
This example code will be shown and described approximately during the 10th lecture of the course, so wait to download it, since it may get updated in the meanwhile.
This is a Maven-based project. Simply download the code and open it in any Maven-enabled IDE such as Netbeans or Eclipse. Additionally, you may need to configure the deploy settings: the application is intended to be run on the JakartaEE 9 platform inside Apache Tomcat version 10. Refer to your IDE help files to perform this step. For example, in Apache Netbeans, you must enter these settings in Project properties > Run.