Hello everyone hope you are all doing well, My name is Surya L.
In this blog we will Learn How to Modify Object Nested Within an Object and Delete Object Properties in JavaScript.
- One of JavaScript's data types is the Object class.
- In addition to keyed collections, it can also be used to store more complex entities.
- The Object() constructor or the object initializer / literal syntax can be used to create objects.
- Program
let Personn={
name: "John",
age: 45,
Country: "USA",
- Output
Output for simple Object : { name: 'John', age: 45, Country: 'USA' }
Nested Objects are basically an Object inside another Object.
let Person={
name: "Ayrus",
age: 25,
Country: "India",
hobbies: ["Cricket", "Football", "Reading"],
food: "Pizza",
drink: "Coffee",
music: "Rock",
place: "Mumbai",
movie: "KGF"
- Output
Output For Nested Object : {
name: 'Ayrus',
age: 25,
Country: 'India',
hobbies: [ 'Cricket', 'Football', 'Reading' ],
Favourites: {
food: 'Pizza',
drink: 'Coffee',
music: 'Rock',
place: 'Mumbai',
movie: 'KGF'
- Now Lets change the Favourite food to Burger
//The above code is used to access the food in Favourite and change the value to "Burger"
- Full code:
let Person={
name: "Ayrus",
age: 25,
Country: "India",
hobbies: ["Cricket", "Football", "Reading"],
food: "Pizza",
drink: "Coffee",
music: "Rock",
place: "Mumbai",
movie: "KGF"
console.log("Before Modifying :",Person.Faviourites);
//Modifying the value of the property food to Burger
console.log("After Modifying :",Person.Faviourites);
- Output:
Before Modifying : {
food: 'Pizza',
drink: 'Coffee',
music: 'Rock',
place: 'Mumbai',
movie: 'KGF'
After Modifying : {
food: 'Burger',
drink: 'Coffee',
music: 'Rock',
place: 'Mumbai',
movie: 'KGF'
In JavaScript we can use delete Keyword to delete an Object Properties.
- Syntax:
delete ObjectName.Property
- Program
let cat={
console.log("Before Deleting :",cat);
delete cat.age;
// delete keyword used to delete the age property in cat Object
console.log("After Deleting :",cat);
- Output
Before Deleting :
{ name: 'Tim', age: 2, color: 'Black', breed: 'Persian', legs: 4 }
After Deleting :
{ name: 'Tim', color: 'Black', breed: 'Persian', legs: 4 }
- In JavaScript we can use delete Keyword to delete an Object Properties.
- Nested Objects are basically an Object inside another Object.
Reference: I learned this topic from freecodeCamp which i have minified. You can find me at Showwcase, Linkedin , Twitter , GitHub , Email .