Hello everyone hope everyone is doing well. My name is Surya L, The purpose of this blog is to teach all about JavaScript Objects.
Objects are similar to arrays, except that instead of using indexes to access and modify their data, you access the data in objects through what are called properties.
Objects are useful for storing data in a structured way, and can represent real world objects, like a dog.
const dog = {
"name": "puppy",
"legs": 4,
"tails": 1,
"enemies": ["Water", "cats"]
There are two ways to access the properties of an object: dot notation (.) and bracket notation ([]), similar to an array.
Dot notation is what you use when you know the name of the property you're trying to access ahead of time.
const testObj = {
"hat": "ballcap",
"shirt": "jersey",
"shoes": "cleats"
const hatValue = testObj.hat; //hatValue is ballcap
const shirtValue = testObj.shirt;//shirtValue is jersey
Another way to access the properties of an object is bracket notation ([]). If the property of the object you are trying to access has a space in its name, you will need to use bracket notation.
However, you can still use bracket notation on object properties without spaces.
const testObj = {
"an entree": "hamburger",
"my side": "veggies",
"the drink": "water"
const entreeValue = testObj["an entree"]; //entreeValue has a value hamburger
const drinkValue = testObj["the drink"]; //drinkValue has a value water
Another use of bracket notation on objects is to access a property which is stored as the value of a variable. This can be very useful for iterating through an object's properties or when accessing a lookup table.
const testObj = {
12: "Namath",
16: "Montana",
19: "Unitas"
const playerNumber = 16;
const player = testObj[playerNumber]; //player will have a value Montana
After you've created a JavaScript object, you can update its properties at any time just like you would update any other variable. You can use either dot or bracket notation to update.
const myDog = {
"name": "Coder",
"legs": 4,
"tails": 1,
"friends": ["freeCodeCamp Campers"]
// Only change code below this line
myDog.name="Happy Coder";//the value Coder will be replaced by Happy Coder
You can add new properties to existing JavaScript objects the same way you would modify them.
const myDog = {
"name": "Happy Coder",
"legs": 4,
"tails": 1,
"friends": ["freeCodeCamp Campers"]
The output of above code is 👇
const myDog = {
"name": "Happy Coder",
"legs": 4,
"tails": 1,
"friends": ["freeCodeCamp Campers"],
"bark": "woof"
We can also delete properties from objects like this:
delete ourDog.bark;
Credits: I learned this topics in FreeCodeCamp which I explained in minified version
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