+ Here u can write the basic information about your career like your forte, something about yourself that
+ you want your interviewer to know. Try to keep it brief and only provide necessary information. Do not include information which is
+ already written in your resume in some other section.
Institute name - Passing Year
+ This is the description part of your new section. Try to stay within limit and write something which has less
+ than 400 characters. The spaces and symbols you use will also be included so use them for an indentation effect.
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function remedu(event) {
+ let val = 0;
+ let empty = true;
+ const allInputCheckboxes =
+ event.target.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("input-checkbox");
+ const array = Array.from(allInputCheckboxes);
+ if (array.length === 0) {
+ alert("No fields are present to be deleted!");
+ } else {
+ console.log(array);
+ array.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.checked === true) {
+ val = 1;
+ element.parentElement.parentElement.remove();
+ }
+ });
+ if (val === 0)
+ alert("Please select the checkboxes to delete the required field!");
+ }
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function addskill() {
+ const head = document.createElement("div");
+ document.getElementById("skills").appendChild(head);
+ head.innerHTML =
+ '
write your skill here
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function remskill(event) {
+ let val = 0;
+ const allInputCheckboxes =
+ event.target.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("input-checkbox");
+ const array = Array.from(allInputCheckboxes);
+ if (array.length === 0) {
+ alert("No fields are present to be deleted!");
+ } else {
+ console.log(array);
+ array.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.checked === true) {
+ val = 1;
+ element.parentElement.parentElement.remove();
+ }
+ });
+ if (val === 0)
+ alert("Please select the checkboxes to delete the required field!");
+ }
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function addLang() {
+ const head = document.createElement("div");
+ document.getElementById("languages").appendChild(head);
+ head.innerHTML =
+ '
LANGNAME - level u know
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function remLang(event) {
+ let val = 0;
+ const allInputCheckboxes =
+ event.target.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("input-checkbox");
+ const array = Array.from(allInputCheckboxes);
+ if (array.length === 0) {
+ alert("No fields are present to be deleted!");
+ } else {
+ console.log(array);
+ array.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.checked === true) {
+ val = 1;
+ element.parentElement.parentElement.remove();
+ }
+ });
+ if (val === 0)
+ alert("Please select the checkboxes to delete the required field!");
+ }
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function addAch() {
+ const head = document.createElement("div");
+ document.getElementById("achievement").appendChild(head);
+ head.innerHTML =
+ '
Write your achievement
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function remAch(event) {
+ let val = 0;
+ const allInputCheckboxes =
+ event.target.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("input-checkbox");
+ const array = Array.from(allInputCheckboxes);
+ if (array.length === 0) {
+ alert("No fields are present to be deleted!");
+ } else {
+ console.log(array);
+ array.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.checked === true) {
+ val = 1;
+ element.parentElement.parentElement.remove();
+ }
+ });
+ if (val === 0)
+ alert("Please select the checkboxes to delete the required field!");
+ }
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function addInt() {
+ const head = document.createElement("div");
+ document.getElementById("interest").appendChild(head);
+ head.innerHTML =
+ '
Write interest
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ function remInt(event) {
+ let val = 0;
+ const allInputCheckboxes =
+ event.target.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("input-checkbox");
+ const array = Array.from(allInputCheckboxes);
+ if (array.length === 0) {
+ alert("No fields are present to be deleted!");
+ } else {
+ array.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.checked === true) {
+ val = 1;
+ element.parentElement.parentElement.remove();
+ }
+ });
+ if (val === 0)
+ alert("Please select the checkboxes to delete the required field!");
+ }
+ saveresume();
+ }
+ let maxNewSection = 1;
+ function addsec() {
+ if (maxNewSection < 2) {
+ const head = document.createElement("div");
+ document.getElementById("newsec").appendChild(head);
+ if (maxNewSection === 0) {
+ head.innerHTML =
+ '
This is the description part of your new section. Try to stay within limit and write something which has less than 400 characters. The spaces and symbols you use will also be included so use them for an indentation effect.
+ } else {
+ head.innerHTML =
+ '
This is the description part of your new section. Try to stay within limit and write something which has less than 400 characters. The spaces and symbols you use will also be included so use them for an indentation effect.