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183 lines (162 loc) · 3.62 KB


Using Postman to query your Bitcoin node.


Under development. Not ready for general consumption just yet.


This collection implements some of the functions documented in the Bitcoin RPC API Reference.

Environment variables

This collection uses Postman environment variables. Here's what I've got:


No quote symbols are required in any environment variable.


This collection is a work in progress.


  • ✅ = presently working
  • ❌ = presently broken
  • 🟡 = exists but is still sketch

Blockchain RPCs

  • getbestblockhash ✅
  • getblock ✅
  • getblockchaininfo ✅
  • getblockcount ✅
  • getblockfilter ❌
  • getblockhash ✅
  • getblockheader ✅
  • getblockstats ✅
  • getchaintips ✅
  • getchaintxstats ✅
  • getdifficulty ✅
  • getmempoolancestors
  • getmempooldescendants
  • getmempoolentry
  • getmempoolinfo ✅
  • getrawmempool ✅
  • gettxout ✅
  • gettxoutproof
  • gettxoutsetinfo
  • preciousblock
  • pruneblockchain
  • savemempool
  • scantxoutset
  • verifychain
  • verifytxoutproof

Control RPCs

  • getmemoryinfo ✅
  • getrpcinfo ✅
  • help ✅
  • logging
  • stop
  • uptime ✅

Generating RPCs

  • generateblock
  • generatetoaddress
  • generatetodescriptor

Mining RPCs

  • getblocktemplate ✅
  • getmininginfo ✅
  • getnetworkhashps ✅
  • prioritisetransaction
  • submitblock
  • submitheader

Network RPCs

  • addnode
  • clearbanned
  • disconnectnode
  • getaddednodeinfo
  • getconnectioncount ✅
  • getnettotals ✅
  • getnetworkinfo ✅
  • getnodeaddresses
  • getpeerinfo ✅
  • listbanned ✅
  • ping ✅
  • setban
  • setnetworkactive

Rawtransactions RPCs

  • analyzepsbt
  • combinepsbt
  • combinerawtransaction
  • converttopsbt
  • createpsbt
  • createrawtransaction
  • decodepsbt
  • decoderawtransaction
  • decodescript
  • finalizepsbt
  • fundrawtransaction
  • getrawtransaction
  • joinpsbts
  • sendrawtransaction
  • signrawtransactionwithkey
  • testmempoolaccept
  • utxoupdatepsbt

Util RPCs

  • createmultisig
  • deriveaddresses
  • estimatesmartfee
  • getdescriptorinfo
  • getindexinfo
  • signmessagewithprivkey
  • validateaddress
  • verifymessage

Wallet RPCs

Note: the wallet RPCs are only available if Bitcoin Core was built with wallet support, which is the default.

  • abandontransaction
  • abortrescan
  • addmultisigaddress
  • backupwallet
  • bumpfee
  • createwallet
  • dumpprivkey
  • dumpwallet
  • encryptwallet
  • getaddressesbylabel
  • getaddressinfo
  • getbalance
  • getbalances
  • getnewaddress
  • getrawchangeaddress
  • getreceivedbyaddress
  • getreceivedbylabel
  • gettransaction
  • getunconfirmedbalance
  • getwalletinfo 🟡
  • importaddress
  • importdescriptors
  • importmulti
  • importprivkey
  • importprunedfunds
  • importpubkey
  • importwallet
  • keypoolrefill
  • listaddressgroupings
  • listlabels
  • listlockunspent
  • listreceivedbyaddress
  • listreceivedbylabel
  • listsinceblock
  • listtransactions 🟡
  • listunspent
  • listwalletdir ✅
  • listwallets ✅
  • loadwallet ✅
  • lockunspent
  • psbtbumpfee
  • removeprunedfunds
  • rescanblockchain
  • send
  • sendmany
  • sendtoaddress
  • sethdseed
  • setlabel
  • settxfee
  • setwalletflag
  • signmessage
  • signrawtransactionwithwallet
  • unloadwallet ✅
  • upgradewallet
  • walletcreatefundedpsbt
  • walletlock
  • walletpassphrase
  • walletpassphrasechange
  • walletprocesspsbt