diff --git a/app/controllers/project/Channels.scala b/app/controllers/project/Channels.scala
index d126c11ee..4aaf4465a 100755
--- a/app/controllers/project/Channels.scala
+++ b/app/controllers/project/Channels.scala
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ class Channels @Inject()(forms: OreForms,
implicit val project: Project = request.data.project
val res = for {
- channelData <- bindFormEitherT[Future](this.forms.ChannelEdit)(hasErrors => Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)).withError(hasErrors.errors.head.message))
- _ <- channelData.saveTo(channelName).toLeft(()).leftMap(error => Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)).withError(error))
+ channelData <- bindFormEitherT[Future](this.forms.ChannelEdit)(hasErrors => Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)).withErrors(hasErrors.errors.flatMap(_.messages)))
+ _ <- channelData.saveTo(channelName).leftMap(errors => Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)).withErrors(errors))
} yield Redirect(self.showList(author, slug))
@@ -103,30 +103,26 @@ class Channels @Inject()(forms: OreForms,
def delete(author: String, slug: String, channelName: String) = ChannelEditAction(author, slug).async { implicit request =>
implicit val data = request.data
- .filterOrElse(_.size == 1, Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)).withError("error.channel.last"))
+ .filterOrElse(_.size != 1, Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)).withError("error.channel.last"))
.flatMap { channels =>
- EitherT.fromEither[Future](channels.find(c => c.name.equals(channelName)).toRight(NotFound))
+ EitherT.fromEither[Future](channels.find(_.name == channelName).toRight(NotFound))
.semiFlatMap { channel =>
- (channel.versions.nonEmpty, Future.sequence(channels.map(_.versions.nonEmpty)).map(l => l.count(_ == true)))
+ (channel.versions.isEmpty, Future.traverse(channels.toSeq)(_.versions.nonEmpty).map(_.count(identity)))
- { case ((nonEmpty, channelCount), _) => nonEmpty && channelCount == 1},
+ { case ((emptyChannel, nonEmptyChannelCount), _) =>
+ emptyChannel || nonEmptyChannelCount > 1},
Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)).withError("error.channel.lastNonEmpty")
- channel => {
- val reviewedChannels = channels.filter(!_.isNonReviewed)
- !channel.isNonReviewed && reviewedChannels.size <= 1 && reviewedChannels.contains(channel)
- },
+ channel => channel.isNonReviewed || channels.count(_.isReviewed) > 1,
Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)).withError("error.channel.lastReviewed")
- .map { channel =>
- this.projects.deleteChannel(channel)
- Redirect(self.showList(author, slug))
- }
+ .semiFlatMap(channel => this.projects.deleteChannel(channel))
+ .map(_ => Redirect(self.showList(author, slug)))
diff --git a/app/controllers/project/Versions.scala b/app/controllers/project/Versions.scala
index 4439f1083..756450f3f 100755
--- a/app/controllers/project/Versions.scala
+++ b/app/controllers/project/Versions.scala
@@ -420,26 +420,24 @@ class Versions @Inject()(stats: StatTracker,
(implicit req: ProjectRequest[_]): Future[Boolean] = {
if (version.isReviewed)
return Future.successful(true)
// check for confirmation
- req.cookies.get(DownloadWarning.COOKIE).map(_.value).orElse(token) match {
- case None =>
- // unconfirmed
- Future.successful(false)
- case Some(tkn) =>
+ OptionT
+ .fromOption[Future](req.cookies.get(DownloadWarning.COOKIE).map(_.value).orElse(token))
+ .flatMap { tkn =>
this.warnings.find { warn =>
(warn.token === tkn) &&
(warn.versionId === version.id.get) &&
(warn.address === InetString(StatTracker.remoteAddress)) &&
- } exists {
- warn =>
- if (!warn.hasExpired) true
- else {
- warn.remove()
- false
- }
- }
+ }.exists { warn =>
+ if (!warn.hasExpired) true
+ else {
+ warn.remove()
+ false
+ }
+ }
private def _sendVersion(project: Project, version: Version)(implicit req: ProjectRequest[_]): Future[Result] = {
@@ -472,7 +470,7 @@ class Versions @Inject()(stats: StatTracker,
implicit val r = request.request
val project = request.data.project
getVersion(project, target)
- .filterOrElse(_.isReviewed, Redirect(ShowProject(author, slug)))
+ .filterOrElse(v => !v.isReviewed, Redirect(ShowProject(author, slug)))
.semiFlatMap { version =>
// generate a unique "warning" object to ensure the user has landed
// on the warning before downloading
@@ -530,7 +528,7 @@ class Versions @Inject()(stats: StatTracker,
ProjectAction(author, slug) async { request =>
implicit val r: OreRequest[_] = request.request
getVersion(request.data.project, target)
- .filterOrElse(_.isReviewed, Redirect(ShowProject(author, slug)))
+ .filterOrElse(v => !v.isReviewed, Redirect(ShowProject(author, slug)))
.flatMap(version => confirmDownload0(version.id.get, downloadType, token).toRight(Redirect(ShowProject(author, slug))))
.map { dl =>
dl.downloadType match {
diff --git a/app/controllers/sugar/ActionHelpers.scala b/app/controllers/sugar/ActionHelpers.scala
index 952b87acf..277fc66c2 100644
--- a/app/controllers/sugar/ActionHelpers.scala
+++ b/app/controllers/sugar/ActionHelpers.scala
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package controllers.sugar
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions.{checkArgument, checkNotNull}
import play.api.data.Form
+import play.api.i18n.Messages
import play.api.mvc.Results.Redirect
import play.api.mvc.{Call, Result}
@@ -36,6 +38,20 @@ trait ActionHelpers {
def withError(error: String) = result.flashing("error" -> error)
+ /**
+ * Adds one or more errors messages to the result.
+ *
+ * @param errors Error messages
+ * @return Result with errors
+ */
+ //TODO: Use NEL[String] if we get the type
+ def withErrors(errors: Seq[String])(implicit messages: Messages): Result = errors match {
+ case Seq() => result
+ case Seq(single) => withError(messages(single))
+ case multiple =>
+ result.flashing("error" -> multiple.map(s => messages(s)).mkString("• ", "
• ", ""), "error-israw" -> "true")
+ }
* Adds a success message to the result.
diff --git a/app/db/impl/access/ProjectBase.scala b/app/db/impl/access/ProjectBase.scala
index 5a98f14cb..a1c1904dd 100644
--- a/app/db/impl/access/ProjectBase.scala
+++ b/app/db/impl/access/ProjectBase.scala
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class ProjectBase(override val service: ModelService,
_ = checkArgument(project.id.get == channel.projectId, "invalid project id", "")
channels <- project.channels.all
noVersion <- channel.versions.isEmpty
- nonEmptyChannels <- Future.sequence(channels.map(_.versions.nonEmpty)).map(_.count(_ == true))
+ nonEmptyChannels <- Future.traverse(channels.toSeq)(_.versions.nonEmpty).map(_.count(identity))
_ = checkArgument(channels.size > 1, "only one channel", "")
_ = checkArgument(noVersion || nonEmptyChannels > 1, "last non-empty channel", "")
reviewedChannels = channels.filter(!_.isNonReviewed)
diff --git a/app/form/project/TChannelData.scala b/app/form/project/TChannelData.scala
index 696a5fa93..3cd0ae163 100644
--- a/app/form/project/TChannelData.scala
+++ b/app/form/project/TChannelData.scala
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import ore.OreConfig
import ore.project.factory.ProjectFactory
import util.functional.{EitherT, OptionT}
import util.instances.future._
+import util.syntax._
+import util.StringUtils._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
@@ -37,9 +39,9 @@ trait TChannelData {
def addTo(project: Project)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): EitherT[Future, String, Channel] = {
- .filterOrElse(_.size >= config.projects.get[Int]("max-channels"), "A project may only have up to five channels.")
- .filterOrElse(_.exists(_.name.equalsIgnoreCase(this.channelName)), "A channel with that name already exists.")
- .filterOrElse(_.exists(_.color == this.color), "A channel with that color already exists.")
+ .filterOrElse(_.size <= config.projects.get[Int]("max-channels"), "A project may only have up to five channels.")
+ .filterOrElse(_.forall(ch => !ch.name.equalsIgnoreCase(this.channelName)), "A channel with that name already exists.")
+ .filterOrElse(_.forall(_.color != this.color), "A channel with that color already exists.")
.semiFlatMap(_ => this.factory.createChannel(project, this.channelName, this.color, this.nonReviewed))
@@ -51,33 +53,27 @@ trait TChannelData {
* @param project Project of channel
* @return Error, if any
- def saveTo(oldName: String)(implicit project: Project, ec: ExecutionContext): OptionT[Future, String] = {
- OptionT(
- project.channels.all.map { channels =>
- val channel = channels.find(_.name.equalsIgnoreCase(oldName)).get
- val colorChan = channels.find(_.color.equals(this.color))
- val colorTaken = colorChan.exists(_ != channel)
- if (colorTaken) {
- Some("A channel with that color already exists.")
- } else {
- val nameChan = channels.find(_.name.equalsIgnoreCase(this.channelName))
- val nameTaken = nameChan.exists(_ != channel)
- if (nameTaken) {
- Some("A channel with that name already exists.")
- } else {
- val reviewedChannels = channels.filter(!_.isNonReviewed)
- if (this.nonReviewed && reviewedChannels.size <= 1 && reviewedChannels.contains(channel)) {
- Some("There must be at least one reviewed channel.")
- } else {
- channel.setName(this.channelName)
- channel.setColor(this.color)
- channel.setNonReviewed(this.nonReviewed)
- None
- }
- }
- }
+ //TODO: Return NEL[String] if we get the type
+ def saveTo(oldName: String)(implicit project: Project, ec: ExecutionContext): EitherT[Future, List[String], Unit] = {
+ EitherT.liftF(project.channels.all).flatMap { allChannels =>
+ val (channelChangeSet, channels) = allChannels.partition(_.name.equalsIgnoreCase(oldName))
+ val channel = channelChangeSet.toSeq.head
+ //TODO: Rewrite this nicer if we ever get a Validated/Validation type
+ val e1 = if(channels.exists(_.color == this.color)) List("error.channel.duplicateColor") else Nil
+ val e2 = if(channels.exists(_.name.equalsIgnoreCase(this.channelName))) List("error.channel.duplicateName") else Nil
+ val e3 = if(nonReviewed && channels.count(_.isReviewed) < 1) List("error.channel.minOneReviewed") else Nil
+ val errors = e1 ::: e2 ::: e3
+ if(errors.nonEmpty) {
+ EitherT.leftT[Future, Unit](errors)
+ }
+ else {
+ val effects = channel.setName(this.channelName) *>
+ channel.setColor(this.color) *>
+ channel.setNonReviewed(this.nonReviewed)
+ EitherT.right[List[String]](effects).map(_ => ())
- )
+ }
diff --git a/app/models/project/Channel.scala b/app/models/project/Channel.scala
index a89196389..e33888c72 100644
--- a/app/models/project/Channel.scala
+++ b/app/models/project/Channel.scala
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package models.project
import java.sql.Timestamp
+import scala.concurrent.Future
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions._
import db.Named
import db.impl.ChannelTable
@@ -76,12 +78,15 @@ case class Channel(override val id: Option[Int] = None,
+ def isReviewed: Boolean = !this._isNonReviewed
def isNonReviewed: Boolean = this._isNonReviewed
def setNonReviewed(isNonReviewed: Boolean) = {
this._isNonReviewed = isNonReviewed
if (isDefined)
+ else Future.unit
diff --git a/app/views/utils/alert.scala.html b/app/views/utils/alert.scala.html
index 440ede7ab..92bfa964d 100644
--- a/app/views/utils/alert.scala.html
+++ b/app/views/utils/alert.scala.html
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
- @(messages(message))
+ @if(flash.get(s"$alertType-israw").contains("true")) {
+ @Html(message)
+ } else {
+ @(messages(message))
+ }
diff --git a/conf/messages b/conf/messages
index eb3269da8..012eb508d 100755
--- a/conf/messages
+++ b/conf/messages
@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ error.project.invalidPluginFile = Invalid plugin file.
error.channel.last = You cannot delete your only channel.
error.channel.lastNonEmpty = You cannot delete your only non-empty channel.
error.channel.lastReviewed = You cannot delete your only reviewed channel.
+error.channel.duplicateColor = A channel with that color already exists.
+error.channel.duplicateName = A channel with that name already exists.
+error.channel.minOneReviewed = There must be at least one reviewed channel.
error.tagline.tooLong = Tagline is too long (max {0}).
error.org.disabled = Apologies, creation of Organizations is temporarily disabled.
error.org.createLimit = You may only create up to {0} organizations!