Contribution to scilab for google summer of code 2018
Work done during the community bonding period
Standalone Scilab Machine Learning Toolbox. Sub directories
This directory contains macros for machine learning algorithms with their usage
Linear regression
linearRegressionTrain(x, y) : Parameters x (feature matrix) and y (target vector) and returns [a, b] where they represent the line fit for a*x + b.
linearRegressionPredict(x, a, b) : Parameters x (test feature matrix) and [a, b] from linearRegressionTrain() to get predicted vector.
Polynomial regression
PolynomialRegressionTrain(x, y, degree) : Parameters x (feature matrix), y (target vector) and degree of the curve to be fit to return model coefficient cf.
PolynomialRegressionPredict(x, cf) : Parameters x (test feature matrix) and cf from PolynomialRegressionTrain() to get predicted vector.
Logistic regression
logisticRegressionTrain(x, y, rate, iter) : Parameters x (feature matrix), y (target vector), rate of learning and number of iterations to return model parameter theta
logisticRegressionPredict(x, theta) : Parameters x (test feature matrix) and theta from logisticRegressionTrain() to get predicted vector.
Kmeans clustering
- kmeansCluster(x, centres) : Parameters x (feature matrix) and number of centres (clusters) and returns the flag for the category of each data point
Naive Bayes
naiveBayes(x, y) : Parameters x (feature matrix) and y (target vector) and returns the matrix of prior probabilities (of size of unique entries in y) as probMat
naiveBayesGaussian(x, y, probMat, xtest) : Parameters x (feature matrix), y (target vector), probMat (from naiveBayes) and xtest (the test matrix) and returns the predicted vector
Decision Tree
decisionTreeFit(x, y) : Parameters x (feature matrix) and y (target vector) and returns [questions, flags] the set of questions (splitting criterion) and flags (leaf node have models)
decisionTreePredict(x, questions, flag) : Parameters x (feature matrix), questions and flag from decisionTreeFit() and get the predicted vector.
This directory contains macros for preprocessing datasets which include the following :
- Scale (Mean 0 and variance 1)
- Normalize (0-1)
- Train test split
This directory contains scripts for plotting different models. The usage can be described as follows :
- visualizeFit(x, y, pred) : visualize the data points and predicted
- visualizeSplit(x, y, flags) : visualize the data points with the colour defined by flags
Jupyter integration for python libraries availability within Scilab. The flow is explained as (from the scripts in Automated) :
- Script <algorithm.sci> is called from a directory on the local server. This script calls
- Script <> clears all already running jupyter kernels and starts a new kernel in a nohup fashion, thus appending the output to nohup.out. After the kernel starts, the script copies the dataset and python script to the server to directory /home/username/Shared/
- Then the script runs the <> with the parameters of the running kernel obtained from <>.
- The script <> then starts a connection to the kernel and runs the training script with the results stored in <attributes.p>
- Then our process returns back to <> which then copies back the <attributes.p> pickle file in protocol 2.
- Then <algorithm.sci> reads the pickle file and then uses it as and so required.
Files on the GCP server to ensure smooth running of the experimentation scripts