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LevelEditor Getting Started

Gary edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 7 revisions

The LevelEditor is a standalone tool, built on the ATF. Previous versions of the ATF included a sample Level Editor. This standalone version is shipped in its own package, and does not require the full ATF package. The LevelEditor package includes the LevelEditor User's Guide and the LevelEditor Programmer's Guide, which are in the Doc directory of the LevelEditor package.

Installing the LevelEditor

Use Package Manager to install the LevelEditor distribution. You can download it from the Package Manager download page on SHIP. For more information about Package Manager, see WWS SDK Package Manager. Also, be sure to check the LevelEditor system requirements.

To install LevelEditor, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a folder in which to install LevelEditor, such as C:\LevelEditor36.
  2. Open a Windows Command Prompt window, and enter the following command:
wwspm install wws_leveleditor -path C:\LevelEditor36 Package Manager then installs the required components.

You can run the LevelEditor as soon as the installation is complete.

If you are a programmer, you can build your own LevelEditor executable from the source code by performing the following tasks with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (or later):

  1. Build the native rendering engine using the following solution: \build\LvEdRenderingEngine.sln.
  2. Build the LevelEditor.exe using the following solution: \build\LevelEditor.vs2010.sln.
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Launching the LevelEditor

To launch the LevelEditor:

  1. Navigate to the directory into which you installed the LevelEditor.
  2. Double-click the file LevelEditor.exe.