For further configuration options (i.e., system properties like -Dlasso.workspace.root=/some/path
) see:
- Clone this repository
- Click
select your cloned repository to import all modules
- Run LASSO platform in embedded (standalone) mode (
# Edit run configuration in your IDE to
- -Dcluster.embedded=true - sets the platfrom into standalone mode in which a local worker node is started in addition to the manager node
- -Dusers=classpath:/users.json - points to user accounts
- -Dcorpus=classpath:/corpus.json - points to the current executable corpus configurations
If text-based search is used, the following method name vectors from code2vec need to be present
- code2vec ->
- -Dmodels.embedding.code2vec=/home/marcus/Downloads/target_vecs.txt
Note: Depending on the module, unit tests are either written in JUnit4 or JUnit5.
Action, script and system (integration tests) are located in module service
Note: Some packages come with their own set of tests.
Note: Integration tests run in embedded mode (manager + worker nodes are deployed on the same machine).
Make sure that the following properties are passed (see above)
- -Dusers=classpath:/users.json - points to user accounts
- -Dcorpus=classpath:/corpus.json - points to the current executable corpus configurations
--add-opens java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED
- LASSO actions:
for Maven-based actions. - LASSO record collectors:
Note: Many LASSO Actions and examples of LASSO's Action API can be found in de.uni_mannheim.swt.lasso.engine.action.*
The API is secured using bearer tokens (jwt + Spring Security).
For interactive API testing, swagger-ui (OpenAPI V3) is available
The RESTful API can be tested directly in the swagger UI. First sign in using /auth/signin to obtain a bearer token and then "Authorize" (top-right button).
User and workspace descriptions are stored in an embedded database.
- http://localhost:10222/h2-console/
- connect with: jdbc:h2:~/lasso-work/lasso-db
To enable DAG visualization (for debugging purposes), graphviz is required (used by plantuml):
- apt install graphviz
An Angular 16 ( web application using Material (
It is located in webui.
Start the test server with Angular CLI:
LASSO's service URL can be defined in environments/
nodejs and npm are automatically downloaded as part of webui's pom.xml.
- http://localhost:4200remote
- e.g., http://localhost:10222/webui/
On some machines, nodejs may run into out of memory issues, see
To fix it, modify
- frontend/lasso-app/package.json#L7
and set the following
"build": "node --max_old_space_size=4096 ./node_modules/.bin/ng build"