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1359 lines (1092 loc) · 62.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1359 lines (1092 loc) · 62.9 KB


The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[v9.2.0-alpha] - (1/8/2024)


  • OSI Mac Compatibility

[v9.2.0-alpha] - (11/29/2023)


  • New CDX14XMLDeserializer to deserialize CycloneDX 1.4 sboms
    • Now support upload and manipulate with SVIP resources

[v9.1.0-alpha] - (11/28/2023)

OSI v4, add extra tool support and major overhaul of OSI to support future expansion



  • Validation script that runs before launching flask api server in OSI to confirm what languages, package managers, and tools are installed
  • Launch script that sets up flask and runs
  • New Tool config files to use YAML files instead of old Tool mapper
  • Dynamic tool checking to find what tools apply to the project
  • 9 new tools to OSI
    1. Covenant
    2. CycloneDX Bower
    3. CycloneDX Go
    4. CycloneDX Rust
    5. GoBom
    6. SBOM4Files
    7. SBOM4Python
    8. SBOM4Rust
    9. SBOM Tool


  • New SVIP endpoint .../svip/generators/osi/project to upload code to bound directories



  • Fixed installation bugs inside OSI container
  • Fixed bad port mappings inside container
  • Fixed missing permissions in dockerfile for mac
  • Updated Adding Additional OSI Tools to user new configs/scripts
  • Overhaul debug messages inside OSI to provide more inside on tool generation


  • Consolidated OSIv3 java files into Controller / Services for API
  • SVIP endpoint .../svip/generators/osi/tools takes optional list param to get all tools or just the ones that can be used against the uploaded project
  • SVIP endpoint .../svip/generators/osi/ no longer takes project zip file (moved to .../svip/generators/osi/project)
  • SBOMs generated with OSI are removed from database after they have been merged


  • Outdated Docker Binaries from OSI documentation

[v9.0.2-alpha] - (11/28/2023)

  • Added Serialization support for CycloneDX 1.4 XML SBOMs.


  • Class - Serializes CycloneDX 1.4 XML SBOMs

[v9.0.1-alpha] - (11/28/2023)


  • Added repair for "Valid PURL" failing test


  • Skips duplicate components for SPDX23Pipel

[v9.0.0-alpha] - (11/13/2023)

  • Reworked QualityReport and implemented repair


  • Enum - Type of fix for mapping purposes
  • Class - Implements fixes and generates a new repaired SBOM for SPDX23 and CDX14


  • Class - Modified repairStatement and repairSBOM methods to new mapping
  • Class - Components are mapped by hashcode instead of name
  • Class - Removed UID param for process
  • Class - removed UID param for process
  • Class - Removed UID param for process, added copyright test
  • Class - Removed UID param for process, added copyright test
  • Class - Added fixes array for when result fails and solutions are available
  • Class - Finds component by hashcode instead of name, also corrected the CPE build order and implemented FixType
  • Class - Fixed null cases, implemented FixType
  • Class - Added helper functions and FixType param
  • Interface - Renamed repairSubType to componentName and added componentHashCode
  • Class - Corrected fix implementation
  • Class - Removed uid param and changed mapping of components
  • Class - Added FixType param


  • Class - Consolidated to RepairSPDX24CDX14
  • Class - Consolidated to RepairSPDX24CDX14

[v8.2.5-alpha] - (11/12/2023)

Changed / Added

  • Conversion now split up into three different components
    • manipulate
      • manipulates data fields within an SBOM object; typically to modify their values from one standard to another.
    • toSchema
      • converts an SVIP Internal SBOM to an Internal SBOM of a different standard.
    • toSVIP
      • converts an Internal SBOM of any standard into an SVIP Internal SBOM.
    • Conversion
      • Conversion controller reworked to handle different conversion/manipulation scenarios.

[v8.2.4-alpha] - (11/9/2023)


  • Fixed SPDX23TagValue Serializer to display ##### Relationships over relationships

[v8.2.3-alpha] - (11/8/2023)


  • Fixed parsing issues with SPDX23TagValue Deserializer to use regex
  • Update correct number of "#" in the SPDX Tag Value Serializer
  • Correct order of keys in the SPDX Tag Value Serializer

[v8.2.2-alpha] - (10/27/2023)


  • SBOM components objects are now compared by name and version

[v8.2.1-alpha] - (10/20/2023)


  • Improved accuracy when determining the schema and format of an SBOM in
    • resolveSchema()
    • resolveFormat()

[v8.2.0-alpha] - (10/17/2023)


  • Class - Abstract class to obtain information from package managers
  • Class - Obtains information from the Nuget package manager
  • Class - Unit tests for null or empty fixes in repair statements
  • Class - Unit tests for extracting information from nuget
  • null-copyright-cdx.json File - CycloneDX SBOM for testing a component with null copyright
  • null-copyright.spdx File - SPDX SBOM for testing a component with null copyright


  • Class - Implemented copyright fixes to process
  • Class - Implemented copyright fixes to TestSPDX23Package

[v8.1.5-alpha] - (10/12/2023)

  • Reworked Convert into several new features.


  • New manipulate package to alter SVIPSBOM data:
    • ManipulateController Class
    • ManipulateSVIP Class
    • SchemaManipulationMap Class
  • New toSVIP package to convert SBOMs to SVIPSBOMs:
    • CDX14 Class
    • SPDX23 Class
    • ToSVIP Interface
    • ToSVIPController Class


  • New toSchema package to convert SVIPSBOMs into SBOMs:
    • ToCDX14 Class
    • ToSPDX23 Class
    • ToSchema Interface
    • ToSchemaController Class
  • Conversion Class controller has been reworked.

[v8.1.1-alpha] - (10/06/2023)


  • Changed the max packet size for MySQL to 256M


  • Class - Suggests a list of fixes for deprecated licenses
  • Class - Stores the id, name, and url of a license

[v8.0.7-alpha] - (11/09/2023)

  • Change tool name from SBOM Visualization Integration Platform (SVIP) to SBOM-in-a-Box, to better represent the platform

[v8.0.6-alpha] - (10/27/2023)


  • SBOM components objects are now compared by name and version

[v8.0.5-alpha] - (10/17/2023)

  • Changed the max packet size for MySQL to 256M

[v8.1.0-alpha] - (9/22/2023)


  • Class - Suggests a list of fixes for invalid hashes and hashing algorithms
  • Hash.validAlgorithms() Method - Returns a list of valid hashing algorithms that match a hash
  • Missing unit tests

[v8.0.5-alpha] - (9/22/2023)


  • Changed the port from 5000 to 50001 due to Airplay being on port 5000 for Macs

[v8.0.4-alpha] - (9/14/2023)


  • Updated path so API can connect to the OSI container both inside of and outside the docker container

[v8.0.3-alpha] - (9/13/2023)


  • sboms/repair/statement API endpoint


  • Added docstrings to repair backend
  • Combined RepairStatementSPDX23 and RepairStatementCDX14 into RepairStatementSPDX23CDX14
    • Both SBOM schemas can be repaired similarly

[v8.0.2-alpha] - (8/18/2023)


    • Component licenses can now be created with an id or a name. Previously you could only use name
    • Authors in the metadata now only need at least one of the following: name/email/phone, rather than all three

[v8.0.1-alpha] - (8/23/2023)


  • Implemented the missing creationTool externalReferences to the following files:
      • Added missing externalReferences field for creationTools
    • CDX14JSONDeserializer and CDX14JSONSerializer
      • Integrated creationTool externalReferences into the serialization/deserialization process

[v8.0.0-alpha] - (8/22/2023)

API Refactor Update - Separated >700 line SVIPAPIController into multiple, more testable classes. See the API documentation for all updated endpoints


  • New controller classes to separate responsibility:
    • DiffController Class - Manage /sboms/compare
    • OSIController Class - Manage /generators/osi & /generators/osi/tools
    • ParserController Class - Manage /generators/parsers
    • QAController Class - Manage /sboms/qa
    • SBOMController Class - Manage all SBOM & table CRUD endpoints.
    • VEXController Class - Manage /sboms/vex
  • New entities package to manage database table schemas:
    • ComparisonFile Class - comparison Table
    • ConflictFile Class - conflict Table
    • QualityReportFile Class - quality_report Table
    • SBOM Class - sbom Table
    • VEXFile Class - vex Table
  • New repository interfaces to manage access database tables:
    • ComparisonFileRepository Class
    • ConflictFileRepository Class
    • QualityReportFileRepository Class
    • SBOMRepository Class
    • VEXFileRepository Class
  • New requests package to create and manage request bodies for database file uploads:
    • UploadComparisonFileInput Class
    • UploadConflictFileInput Class
    • UploadQRFileInput Class
    • UploadSBOMFileInput Class
    • UploadVEXFileInput Class
  • New services package to provide utility wrappers for the repository interfaces:
    • DiffService Class
    • QualityReportFileService Class
    • SBOMFileService Class
    • SBOMService Class
    • VEXFileService Class
  • New unit tests to more accurately test controllers, requests, and services with ~80% overall code coverage:
    • controller package:
      • DiffControllerTest Class
      • OSIControllerTest Class
      • ParserControllerTest Class
      • QAControllerTest Class
      • SBOMControllerTest Class
      • VEXControllerTest Class
    • requests package:
      • UploadSBOMFileInputTest Class
    • services package:
      • DiffServiceTest
      • QualityReportFileServiceTest Class
      • SBOMFileServiceTest Class
      • VexFileServiceTest Class


  • Renamed core package ParserController to ParserManager to avoid confusion


  • Old SVIPAPIController class
  • Old model package:
    • MockMultipartFile
    • SBOMFile
  • Old SBOMFile-related classes:
    • SBOMFileIdentifierGenerator
    • SBOMFileRepository
  • Old utils classes:
    • Converter
    • Utils
  • Old Unit Tests:
    • APITest
    • CompareAPITest
    • ConvertFromAPITest
    • DeleteFromAPITest
    • GenerateFromOSIAPITest
    • GenerateFromParserAPITest
    • GenerateVEXAPITest
    • GetSBOMAPITest
    • GetToolsFromOSIAPITest
    • MergeFromAPITest
    • UploadToAPITest
    • ViewAllFromAPITest
    • ViewFromAPITest

[v7.4.1-alpha] - (8/15/2023)


  • Class - Merges two SVIPSBOMs into one
  • ComponentMerger Class - Holds logic to merge two generic Component objects into one of a desired type


  • MergerUtils Class
    • String.equals() fixes
    • Allowed merging of components to SVIPComponentObject
    • Duplicate component issue resolved
      • If two components are of the same name, but one has a version that's null, and the other doesn't, then they can be merged

[v7.4.0-alpha] - (8/11/2023)

OSI v3 - Instead of creating a container dynamically, we now have a Flask API running inside of a container with consistent uptime to send requests to and get/select certain tools to run.



  • /generators/osi/tools Endpoint - Returns a list of supported open source tool names that can be passed to /generators/osi to select what tools to run.


  • OSI Class methods to get tools and generate with specific tools.
  • OSIClient Class - Moved it out of OSI & removed all reliance on docker-java external dependency.
  • server package to hold all Flask API utility files.
    • - Holds all BOM, language, directory, etc. constants relevant to the API and open source tools.
    • - The main controller for the API with two endpoints: /tools & /generate
    • - A dataclass to store attributes of the open source tools supported by OSI.
    • - A list of currently available open source tools represented as OSTools.
    • - Several utilities to clean directories, run tools, detect languages and manifest files, and validate tools.


  • /generators/osi Endpoint - Now takes in an optional tools request body to determine what tools to run.


  • - Separated functionality into multiple files & API.

[v7.3.2-alpha] - (8/14/2023)


  • Added null checks to the deserializers to avoid null metadata or files keys.

[v7.3.1-alpha] - (8/10/2023)

Know Issue: Deleting SBOMs with comparison references in fast succession will cause errors in the database


  • DiffService for handling database operations for Comparisons and Conflicts
  • UploadComaprisonFileInput to handle new Comparisons and ensure relationships are added correctly
  • UploadConflictFileInput to handle new Conflicts and ensure relationships are added correctly
  • ComaprisonFile that acts as a relationship table for sbom comparison
  • ConflictFile holds conflict details


  • Moved /svip/sboms/compare endpoint to DiffController
  • Diff Report logic has changed
    • 1:1 comparisons between sboms are arrogated into a diffreport at request time.
    • Comparisons are stored in the database and used to put diffreports together
  • Made Comparison its own class
  • Single delete sbom will delete any associated comparisons


  • Deprecated file

[v7.2.3-alpha] - (8/7/2023)


    • Core functionality of SBOM conversion
  • interface
  • Class containing comprehensive unit tests for both schema converters

[v7.3.0-alpha] - (8/9/2023)


  • Simplified table names by removing the _file suffix
  • Move toSBOMObject / toSBOMObjectAsJSON to the SBOMFile rather than object
  • Refactored services to reference other services instead of depending on contollers
    • saveQualityReport and saveVEX moved to their respective services
  • Services take objects instead of ids

[v7.2.5-alpha] - (8/7/2023)


  • Relevant exceptions for conversion endpoint
    • DeserializerException
    • SerializerException
    • SBOMBuilderException
  • Convert endpoint in


  • Deleted old

[v7.2.5-alpha] - (8/7/2023)


  • Relevant exceptions for conversion endpoint
    • DeserializerException
    • SerializerException
    • SBOMBuilderException
  • Convert endpoint in


  • Deleted old

[v7.2.4-alpha] - (8/7/2023)


    • Core functionality of SBOM conversion
  • interface
  • Class containing comprehensive unit tests for both schema converters

[v7.2.3-alpha] - (8/3/2023)


  • SBOMService for handling database operations
  • UploadSBOMFileInput to handle new SBOM entries uploaded via API
  • SBOMController to handle SBOM API operations


  • Moved the following endpoints to SBOMController from SVIPApiController
    • POST /sboms

      No longer takes SBOMFile as body, usage has not changed. Uses UploadSBOMFileInput instead

    • GET /sbom

      Note: Now returns a JSON String

    • GET /sboms/content
    • GET /sboms
    • DELETE /sboms

[v7.2.2-alpha] - (8/3/2023)


  • MockMultipartFile for testing uploading binaries
  • ParserController null check
  • SBOMFileIdentifierGenerator ID generator class implementing JPA's IdentifierGenerator for


  • /generators/parsers successfully takes in binary zip files of projects and generates an SBOM
    • passes Postman tests and GenerateFromParserAPITest
  • /generators/osi should take in binary zip files of projects and generates an SBOM
    • passes Postman tests and GenerateFromOSIAPITest
  • Maximum file upload and request size to 2GB in

[v7.2.1-alpha] - (8/1/2023)


  • Fix incorrect OSI filepaths not allowing API to build.

[v7.2.0-alpha] - (8/1/2023)


  • Overhaul directory structure to be feature focused

[v7.1.2-alpha] - (7/28/2023)


  • SBOM Objects have built in comparison methods
  • Added hashcode methods to components to use name and version as UIDs

[v7.1.1-alpha] - (7/26/2023)


  • and updated:
    • Provides results for each field tested in accuracy test instead of a single result
  • Added two new types of MATCHING and NOT_MATCHING
  • Updated QA Results to provide better and more useful information
  • ResultFactory is built for each method-test
  • Endpoints in to match documentation
  • /generators/parsers unzips a zipped project and parses it into an SBOM
  • /sboms/content returns the entire SBOMFile instead of just file contents

[v7.1.0-alpha] - (7/25/2023)


  • VEX API Endpoint
  • VEX API test GenerateVEXAPITest
    • Class that holds both the VEX Object and any errors that occurred for the API endpoint
  • Test SBOMs that contain vulnerable components
  • /svip/generators/osi endpoint to the SVIPAPIController class
  • GenerateFromOSIAPITest class that contains unit tests for the OSI endpoint


  • Updated documentation with the VEX endpoint
  • Updated GenerateFromParserAPITest class to be consistent with GenerateFromOSIAPITest class
  • Cleaned up utilities in api.utils and moved some methods into their respective core classes as there was some duplicate code.
  • Fixed a bug where running OSI in the API would create bind directories in the API package instead of the core package.

[v7.0.1-alpha] - (7/24/2023)


  • /sboms to /sbom when getting SBOM object

[v7.0.0-alpha] - (7/21/2023)

OSI Refactor Update (Docker build steps updated)


  • osi.scripts package
    • called from the inline Dockerfile to install all SBOM utilities to the image.
    • - moved from osi package.
  • DockerNotAvailableExceptionTest unit tests to increase code coverage to >80%.
  • Methods to OSI class resulting in a higher abstraction level above Docker and the filesystem:
    • addSourceFile() - Add a single source file to be processed
    • addSourceDirectory() - Copy the contents of an entire directory to be processed (for unit tests)
    • generateSBOMs() - Runs the container, clears directories, and returns a Map of all SBOM files


  • Updated docker-compose.yml to contain all setup and service details for OSI
  • OSITest unit tests
  • SVIPAPIController now attempts to construct an OSI instance on startup if a constructor flag is enabled, Docker is running, and an image/container exists.
    • The constructor flag allows us to disable OSI construction for unit tests as well as the OSI endpoint itself.


  • osi/Dockerfile as all setup behavior is taken care of in the docker-compose file and the OSI class.

[v6.0.0-alpha] - (7/20/2023)

Endpoint Standardization


[v5.4.0-alpha] - (7/19/2023)


  • Merge API Endpoint
  • Merge API test
    • Allows merging two SBOMs regardless of origin format
  • Utility classes for Merger
    • comparison/utils/
  • New NVD API Client implementation:
    • NVDClient - Class that, when given an SBOM, will create a new VEX Document object with the NVD API database


  • Merger.javaabstract class and overall architecture

[v5.3.0-alpha] - (7/19/2023)


  • QA API Endpoint


  • SBOMBuilders instantiated with empty sets and hashmaps instead of null values
  • .buildAndFlush() methods now clear sets/hashmaps instead of setting to null

[v5.2.0-alpha] - (7/19/2023)


  • /generators/parsers endpoint in SVIPApiController.
  • Relevant unit tests in GenerateFromParserAPITest:
    • sbomFilesNullPropertiesTest
      • Asserts a 'bad request' is returned.
    • CDXTagValueTest
      • Asserts a 'bad request' is returned.
    • generateTest
      • Comprehensive test to ensure generation from parsers works in the API.


    • Is scalable for adding sample projects for future generator tests.

[v5.1.2-alpha] - (7/18/2023)


  • Utility classes to merge SBOMs together:
    • Merger - Core merger class.
    • MergerCDX - Merger for CDX14 SBOMs.
    • MergerController - Controller to handle all SBOM merging.
    • MergerException - Exception thrown for merge errors.
    • MergerSPDX - Merger for SPDX23 SBOMs.
    • MergerSVIP - Merger for SVIP SBOMs.
  • MergerTest class for unit testing.


  • Old Merger Class & Test

[v5.1.1-alpha] - (7/18/2023)


  • Organized all builder interfaces and objects into sbom.builder package.
  • Organized all factory interfaces and objects into sbom.model package.


  • translators package as the translators have been deprecated by the deserializers
  • Legacy endpoint API unit tests

[v5.1.0-alpha] - (7/18/2023)


  • /convert endpoint
  • Relevant unit tests in ConvertFromAPITest
    • invalidSchemaAndFormatTest()
    • CDXTagValueTest()
    • convertTest()
  • Serializer + deserializer fixes


  • Moved conversion functionality from to

[v5.0.5-alpha] - (7/18/2023)


NOTE: Serializers may serialize null fields; this should be fixed in a later version.

  • Refactored parsers package to use the new SVIPSBOM & SVIPComponentObject.
    • Refactored all parser unit tests to reflect this (100% passing, code coverage TBD).
  • Refactored SBOMGeneratorCLI class to use serializers & parsers packages.
  • New OSV API Client implementation:
    • OSVClient - Class that, when given an SBOM, will create a new VEX Document object with the OSV API database


  • Moved Debug, QueryWorker, & VirtualPath classes to the base utils package.


  • as the new API endpoints don't take string file arguments anymore.
  • generators package as it has now been fully replaced by the serializers & parsers packages.
  • translators unit tests as the translators have been deprecated by the deserializers and will be removed once the API endpoints have been refactored.

[v5.0.4-alpha] - (7/13/2023)


  • All unit tests for the serializers package at ~91% method code coverage.
  • New Metrics refactor to test SBOM and component fields:
    • ATTRIBUTE - Enumeration of all possible test attributes
    • MetricTest - Abstract class that templates all tests (Except EmptyOrNull)
      • CPETest - Class that holds all tests for CPEs
      • HashTest - Class that holds all tests for Hashes
      • LicenseTest - Class that holds all tests for licenses
      • PURLTest - Class that holds all tests for PURLs
    • EmptyOrNullTest
    • QualityReport - Class to report all results through the pipelines
    • QAPipeline - Generic interface for all pipelines
    • CDX14Tests - Interface that hold CycloneDX 1.4 specific tests
    • SPDX23Tests - Interface that holds SPDX 2.3 specific tests
    • CDX14Pipeline - Class that runs through all tests for a CycloneDX 1.4 sbom and components
    • SPDX23Pipeline - Class that runs through all tests for a SPDX 2.3 sbom and components
    • SVIPPipeline - Class that runs through all tests for an SVIP sbom and components
  • New Result class to output tests results:
    • ResultFactory - Class that helps create new Results
    • Result - Class that holds the basic information of a result
    • Text - Class that helps provide messages and details for Results
    • INFO - Enumeration that holds all possible info for a test
    • STATUS - Enumeration that holds all statuses of a result
  • Unit tests to be completed for each test, pipeline, and ResultFactory

[v5.0.3-alpha] - (7/12/2023)


  • New Serializer refactor and implementation of the old generator serializers to use the SBOM object:
    • SerializerFactory Class - Responsible for recieving parameters and constructing/configuring serializers/deserializers
    • Serializer Interface
      • CDX14JSONSerializer Class - CycloneDX v1.4 JSON serializer
      • SPDX23JSONSerializer Class - SPDX v2.3 JSON serializer
      • SPDX23TagValueSerializer Class - SPDX v2.3 Tag-Value (.spdx) serializer
      • SVIPSBOMJSONSerializer Class - Data serializer to represent all fields in an SVIP SBOM object instance
    • Deserializer Interface
      • CDX14JSONDeserializer Class - CycloneDX v1.4 JSON deserializer
      • SPDX23JSONDeserializer Class - SPDX v2.3 JSON deserializer
      • SPDX23TagValueDeserializer Class - SPDX v2.3 Tag-Value (.spdx) deserializer

[v5.0.2-alpha] - (7/12/2023)


  • New VEX and VEXStatement Implementation. This covers the following files:
    • VEX - Class that build a VEX Document object
    • VEXType - An enumeration of the possible VEX file types
    • VEXStatement - Class for a single VEX Statement in a VEX file
    • Product - Class that defines a product inside a VEX Statement
    • Vulnerability - Class that defines the vulnerability for a VEX Statement
    • Status - Class that defines the status of a VEX Statement
    • VulnStatus - An enumeration for all the possible statuses of a VEX Statement
    • Justification - An enumeration of all possible justifications for a NOT_AFFECTED VEX Statement



[v5.0.2-alpha] - (7/12/2023)


  • Unit tests for SBOM and Component Builders.


  • BuildAndFlush() methods now call their base build() method rather than using duplicate code.
  • Fixed a bug where SVIPSBOM.Build() was returning an SBOM rather than an SVIPSBOM.
  • Patched various methods that did not check if a list was null before trying to access it.

[v5.0.2-alpha] - (7/12/2023)


  • Unit tests for SBOM and Component Builders.


  • BuildAndFlush() methods now call their base build() method rather than using duplicate code.
  • Fixed a bug where SVIPSBOM.Build() was returning an SBOM rather than an SVIPSBOM.
  • Patched various methods that did not check if a list was null before trying to access it.

[v5.0.1-alpha] - (7/3/2023)


  • New SBOM Refactor and Implementation. This covers the following files:
    • SBOM - An interface that covers SBOM information that is similar to both CycloneDX and SPDX formats
    • CDX14Schema - An interface that covers SBOM information specific to CycloneDX 1.4 SBOMs
    • SPDX23Schema - An interface that covers SBOM information specific to SPDX 2.3 SBOMs
    • CDX14SBOM - A class that is used to file for CycloneDX 1.4 SBOM information
    • SVIPSBOM - A class that is used to file for SVIP SBOM Generation
    • SPDX23SBOM - A class that is used to file for SPDX 2.3 SBOM information
    • Relationship - A class that holds relationship information between SBOM components
    • ExternalReferences - A class that holds external reference information for an SBOM
    • New Component Refactor and Implementation. This covers the following files:
      • Component - An interface that holds shared component data regardless of SBOM format
      • LicenseCollection - A class that holds the licenses of the component
      • SPDX23Component - An interface that covers SPDX 2.3 specific package/file information
      • SPDX23File - An interface that covers SPDX 2.3 file specific information
      • SPDX23Package - An interface that covers SPDX 2.3 package specific information
      • SBOMPackage - An interface that covers SPDX 2.3 and CycloneDX 1.4 package information
      • Description - A class that holds a package's description
      • SPDX23FileObject - A class that is used to file an SPDX 2.3 File
      • SPDX23PackageObject - A class that is used to file for an SPDX 2.3 package
      • SVIPComponentObject - A class that is used to file for an SVIP component
      • CDX14ComponentObject - A class that is used to file for a CycloneDX 1.4 component



[v5.0.0-alpha] - (6/29/2023)


  • Dockerfile & docker-compose.yml to build the API and run a MySQL server with persistent storage in separate Docker containers.
    • & .env files created to setup Spring and Docker configuration.
  • repository.SBOMFileRepository Class to interact with the MySQL database.
  • New API endpoints (upload, view, viewAll, delete) to run CRUD operations on the files table.
    • Added unit tests that mock the repository.SBOMFileRepository to avoid any local storage during testing.


  • Refactored NVIPApiController, PlugFestApiController, & NVIPApiController Classes into controller package.
  • Refactored utils.Utils.SBOMFile into its own class model.SBOMFile
    • Uses Hibernate decorators to automatically create a custom files table on the MySQL server.


  • Old API endpoints & tests (compare, generateSBOM, merge, parse, & qa)

[v4.5.0-alpha] - (5/24/2023)

This update focuses on caching the filesystem at program start via the VirtualTree implementation and using this to enable fixing all unit tests.



  • VirtualTree implementation. This covers the following classes:
    • VirtualNode - Represents a node in a VirtualTree. This is either a file or directory. If a VirtualNode is a file, it contains the contents of the file internally. It uses VirtualPaths to store the name of each file/directory, and can then be concatenated recursively by VirtualTree to retrieve the whole filepath.
    • VirtualTree - A complete, internal, in-memory representation of any file tree. A VirtualTree is constructed by adding a several file paths, and an internal structure of VirtualNodes is created to represent each directory and file. It also stores the file contents, and can return a list of all files in the file tree.
  • Unit tests for VirtualPath, VirtualNode, and VirtualTree.
  • Added ParserController.parseAll() method to parse all files in the internal VirtualTree, as well as cache the list of files to pass into parse().
  • Added Parser.setInternalFiles() method to pass in a List<VirtualNode> of internal files to the internalFiles field to use when checking internal files.
    • This is derived from the VirtualTree.getAllFiles() method.


  • ParserController now holds a VirtualTree representation of an arbitrary filesystem on construction.
    • Now, each file can be parsed by looping through all files in the VirtualTree and parsing their contents, completely in-memory.
    • parse() now accepts an additional parameter internalFiles to pass into each parser, regenerated once per call to parseAll() from the VirtualTree representation.
  • LanguageParser.isInternalComponent() refactored to use the internalFiles field instead of using Files.walk().
  • Moved all utilities in sbomfactory.generators to a single utils package with organized sub-packages.
  • Renamed GeneratorsTestMain to SBOMGeneratorCLI and moved it to the svip package along with the other main classes.
  • Changed SBOMGeneratorCLI to use the VirtualTree.buildTree() static method to read all files and file contents from a source directory into a VirtualTree, which can then be passed into a ParserController instance.
  • Updated OSITest to check if Docker is running, and if not simply ignore the tests.

[v4.4.2-alpha] - (05/19/2023)

This update focuses mainly on adding several test cases for most generator classes and fixing bugs in the stores, serializers, and translators.


  • Added tests for SBOMGenerator.writeFileToString() in SBOMGeneratorTest.
    • These test for cases where pretty-printing is enabled and disabled.
  • Added a mostly complete suite of test cases for all non-dataclasses in the sbomfactory.generators.generators package.
    • BOMStoreTestCore - An abstract test class to setup an SBOM and test component behavior for all classes that extend BOMStore.
    • CycloneDXStoreTest - Tests all CycloneDX BOM manipulation methods
    • SPDXStoreTest - Tests all SPDX Document manipulation methods
  • Added test cases for all custom serializer classes in the sbomfactory.generators.generators package.
    • For each class, a generator serializes a test SBOM object to a file. Then, the SVIP translators are used to translate the SBOM file back into an SBOM object. The two are then checked to ensure equality, and if so the test passes. This allows us to ensure that an SBOM can go both ways, via the generators and translators.
      • CycloneDXSerializerTest
      • CycloneDXXMLSerializerTest
      • SPDXTagValueWriterTest
    • Note that because there are no translators for SPDX JSON and XML formats (yet), we cannot test the outputs of those corresponding serializers.
  • Added INTERNAL SBOM comparison methods:
    • SBOM.equals() - This tests for equality of all relevant fields, including the SBOM DependencyTree.
    • DependencyTree.equals() - This is a quick-and-dirty fix to compare two instances of a DependencyTree WITHOUT regard to UUIDs. This allows us to have two separate SBOMs with the same components (with randomly generated UUIDs) and still be equal.
    • DependencyTree.toString() & DependencyTree.dependencyMapToString(), which were both added to support DependencyTree.equals(). The equals() method simply compares the toString() methods of each DependencyTree, which are generated by the dependencyMapToString() method.
      • This is a simple recursive method that uses indentations to represent how an individual component is nested, thus removing a reliance on UUIDs.
      • Each component can then be compared by checking its string representation (which is currently just the component name)
  • Added "copy" constructor to ParserComponent Class to construct an instance from a Component instance.
    • Updated SBOMGenerator to allow processing SBOMs that contain Component instances.


  • All tests in SBOMGeneratorTest now use Debug.log() instead of default system I/O.
  • Both output methods in SBOMGenerator (writeFile() & writeFileToString) now throw a GeneratorException for ease of testing.
  • SBOMGeneratorTest.addTestComponentsToSBOM() is now static to allow re-use in other tests.
  • SBOMGeneratorTest.generatePathToSBOM() is now public to allow use for filepath generation in tests.
  • Translator fixes:
    • Fixed TranslatorCDXJSON Class parsing in timestamps in the wrong format.
    • Fixed TranslatorCDXJSON & TranslatorCDXXML Classes parsing in an incorrect tool string.
    • Fixed TranslatorSPDX Class incorrectly parsing an SPDX document namespace UUID.
  • SPDXTagValueWriter Class now re-uses as many tags as possible from TranslatorSPDX Class for accuracy.
  • Fixed SPDXStore not containing the default SPDXRef-DOCUMENT DESCRIBES SPDXRef-DOCUMENT relationship.


  • Removed file parsing in SBOMGeneratorTest. Instead, a sample SBOM is created from scratch.
  • Removed default root wrapping property of ObjectMapper-based serializers, as it was causing the class name to be the top-level object of the generated SBOM.
  • Removed bom: namespace prefix from generated CycloneDX XML SBOMs, as it was interfering with the corresponding translator.
  • Removed all old sample SBOMs in doc/Sample SBOMs.

[v4.4.1-alpha] - (05/17/2023)


  • Added a new APPLICATION type to ParserComponent.Type Enum to reflect the type of subprocess calls.
  • Added checking for duplicate components in the SBOM as well as in the components parsed in the ParserController.parse() Method.


  • Updated LicenseManager.parseLicense() Method to more accurately and efficiently match an arbitrary license string to

[v4.4.1-alpha] - (05/XX/2023)


  • NugetParser which parses the main configuration file of Nuget projects, and queries the Nuget package-manager for any existing licenses.


  • Updated LicenseManager.parseLicense() method to more accurately and efficiently match an arbitrary license string to
    • This is done by quantifying the number of token matches per license string and then choosing the string with the most matches.
    • It also contains checks for common license keywords and short identifiers to increase speed.
  • Updated ParserComponent.resolveLicenses() Method to support finding multiple licenses in a single, comma-separated .
    • This increases the license parsing accuracy, as one string can now be separated into multiple licenses.
    • However, any invalid license after the first one is found will be discarded to avoid "garbage" licenses occuring in the SBOM.
  • Updated LanguageParser Class to check for and handle import wildcards.
    • If any import wildcards are found while parsing a file, the component name will be replaced with the next-highest-level package in the import statement and the component group will be changed to reflect that.
  • Fixed some backslashes not being changed to forward slashes to improve file readability.
    • Ex: \\ in a filepath will now always be changed to /.
  • Fixed components generated from subprocess calls not containing the files they were found in.
  • Fixed duplicates being added to the internal SBOM in ParserController.parse() Method because of the way the ContextParsers were set up to store components.

[v4.4.0-alpha] - (05/15/2023)


  • Add SPDXTagValueWriter Class to serialize an instance of SPDXStore to a tag-value document and output to either a string or file.
    • Contains methods for writeToString() and writeToFile()
  • Add new SPDX GeneratorFormat Enum Value in GeneratorSchema Class to support file output for this value.


  • Changed SBOMGenerator Class to use an SPDXTagValueWriter instead of an ObjectMapper when dealing with the SPDX tag-value format.

[v4.3.2-alpha] - (05/12/2023)


  • Add LicenseManager.getConcatenatedLicenseString() method to concisely concatenate all tool licenses to use when representing a Collection of licenses as a string.


  • Ensure SPDXSerializer Class properly serializes an XML Document according to the documentation and official example.
  • Update SPDXSerializer Class to ensure the XML root element is Document when serializing using an instance of ToXmlGenerator.

[v4.3.1-alpha] - (05/11/2023)


  • Add CycloneDXXMLSerializer Class.
    • Similar to CycloneDXSerializer, this class overrides the Jackson StdSerializer Class to allow serialization of a CycloneDXStore instance to an XML file according to the CycloneDX v1.4 XML specification.
    • A separate serializer is required due to the inherent difference between JSON and XML.
  • Add abstract TranslatorCore Class that all other translators extend to increase modularity.
    • This will eventually replace the current implementation of Translator, which used to act as a controller for the translators and is no longer needed. Instead, it will remain the abstract core class of the translators, to be extended to support a new schema/format easily.
  • Add abstract TranslatorTestCore Class that allows the tests to have a similar level of modularity.
  • Add CSProjParserTest to test the C# Package Parser.


  • Update GeneratorSchema.getObjectMapper() to take a schema argument to register all serializers with their respective ObjectMapper
    • Previously, registering the custom serializers was done using Jackson decorators on all BOMStore classes. However, this made it difficult to have multiple different types of serializers.
    • Now, all ObjectMapper configuration and serialization setup is done in getObjectMapper(). This allows for simply calling the method on a specific format and passing in the schema to get a completely set up ObjectMapper whose serializer is dependent on the file format back.
  • Update ObjectMapper pretty-printing to stop indenting each line of an array to enhance SBOM readability.
  • Refactor all translator tests (see below) to reflect the updated translator (and TranslatorTestCore) architecture.
    • TranslatorCDXJSONTest
    • TranslatorCDXXMLTest
    • TranslatorSPDXTest
  • Rename GradleParserParseTest to GradleParserTest for semantics.
  • Update CommentParser, DeadImportParser, & SubprocessParser to add parsed contexts to SBOM components.
    • CommentParser could use a look in terms of the value of the data collected, as many comments provide no real, valuable information to our SBOM.

[v4.3.0-alpha] - (05/08/2023)


  • Add CPE Class that generates CPE format strings by adding properties one-at-a-time as they are found.
  • Add SBOMGeneratorTest Test to begin testing our generators' file-writing capacities.
    • SBOMGeneratorTest also currently tests the correct creation of various BOMStore Objects.
  • Add writeFileToString() Method to SBOMGenerator to return a generated SBOM with a specified filetype as a string rather than as written to a file.
    • Includes the option to remove whitespace from or pretty-print the string output.
  • Add GradleParserParseTest & RequirementsParserParseTest


  • Update POMParser to build and add CPEs to individual components as they are discovered.
  • Update GradleParser to properly cover and parse a wide variety of edge cases.
    • Gradle documentation reference provided a fairly comprehensive set of different styles of dependency declaration to support.
  • Update PackageMangerParser (& implementations) to make better use of inheritance when initializing
    • Common fields moved up levels of inheritance, constructors updated to simplify child class creation and better delegate the responsibilities of each class
  • Update PackageMangerParser to handle property resolution
    • Generified code to resolve properties and fixed deep recursive edge cases
      • This allows better access to the properties list that PackageManagerParser implementations store, and reduces all token replacement code to two methods
      • Any value read in from a PackageManagerParser has the potential to be or contain property reference tokens, this change makes the process of "resolving" any given value extremely easy and generic.
  • Update CycloneDXSerializer & SPDXSerializer Classes to include discovered CPE data.
  • Fix ParserController's toFile() test to ensure each file is being generated as expected.
    • Method also changed from type void to type String, giving the method the ability to output both directly to file, as well as return the stringified file contents instead.
      • This allows for our integration with the API, where we are not reading and writing directly to and from files, but passing stringified file contents around.
  • Fix GoParser edge case bugs found during dataset development
  • Fix ParserTestCore (& implementations) typing
    • Instead of now storing a generic instance of Parser and casting it to a child class in order to access protected fields, ParserTestCore was properly generalized (ParserTestCore<T extends Parser>).
  • Update POMParserParseTest (& all new test files) to include two main tests
    • testProperties - Checks multiple properties for correctness
      • Includes recursive property resolution edge cases
    • testDependencies - Checks multiple dependencies for correctness
      • Includes recursive dependency resolution edge cases
    • NOTE: These may end up being broken into more granular tests


  • Remove CPEQueryWorker Class as no API requests need to be made.
  • Remove UNKNOWN Type from ParserComponent as it doesn't make sense to default to.

[v4.2.0-alpha] - (05/01/2023)


  • Add CycloneDXStore & CycloneDXSerializer Classes
    • The CycloneDXStore class stores all components and metadata associated with a CDX BOM.
    • The CycloneDXSerializer class can serialize an instance of CycloneDXStore to a CDX output file, using a custom implementation of a Jackson JSON serializer
  • Add Tool Class
    • A simple dataclass that allows storage of information about our generator tool.
  • Add License Class
    • Contains methods to store a license string and its SPDX short identifier, parsed using the now-static LicenseManager Class.
    • Replaced storage via strings in all stores, serializers, and Tool.
  • Refactored common functionality from SPDXStore & CycloneDXStore into a BOMStore Class.
  • Add version, internalType, & bomStoreType fields to GeneratorSchema Class.
    • This allows us to construct an SBOMGenerator with only an SBOM object and GeneratorSchema.


  • Refactored SPDX-specific class names into generic class names to promote semantics.
    • SPDXRelationship -> Relationship
    • SPDXLicenseManager -> LicenseManager
  • Refactored SPDXStoreException Class into GeneratorException Class to use between different generators.
  • Create generators.utils package, moved the following classes in:
    • GeneratorException, GeneratorSchema, License, LicenseManager, Tool
  • LicenseManager Class is now static and queries the SPDX license URL only once when first referenced.
  • SBOMGenerator Class is no longer abstract and contains all methods to construct a BOMStore instance.
  • ParserComponent Class now stores multiple License's and all files analyzed when constructing.
  • ParserComponent Class now contains a generateHash() method to obtain the checksum of a component.


  • Java_SPDX_old.json as we now implement more fields than the previous implementation that used spdx-java-library.
  • SPDXGenerator & CycloneDXGenerator Class
    • All functionality has been moved into SBOMGenerator

[v4.1.1-alpha] - (04/21/2023)


  • Added SPDXStore, SPDXStoreSerializer, & SPDXStoreException Classes
    • The SPDXStore class holds responsibility for storing all data and relationships required by an SPDX document.
    • It can then be serialized to a file using the SPDXStoreSerializer, which is a custom implementation of a JSON serializer from the Jackson library.
    • The SPDXStoreException class is a useful exception to allow us to throw and catch any inconsistencies or errors while constructing the SPDX document. This also allows us to log more verbose details.
  • Added SPDXRelationship Class
    • Holds the data of a single SPDX relationship between packages.
    • Defines allowed relationships between packages.
  • Added SPDXLicenseManager & SPDXLicenseQueryWorker Classes
    • These two classes work together to first query the page of the SPDX website that describes what licenses are allowed and what format they need to be in.
    • Then, the license manager holds that data and allows us to test to see if a parsed license of a package is a valid string and if it can be inserted into the package information.
      • The license manager can also assume the license based on a tokenized string and a version if the license is not recognized.


  • The SPDXGenerator class now uses an instance of SPDXStore and a Jackson ObjectMapper to write an SPDX document to a file.
  • The hash() method in the SBOMGenerator class has been removed as an abstract method and replaced by the getHash() method that generates a unique SHA-256 hash of each generator instance.
    • getHash() is now used to generate an SBOM's serial number when one is passed into SBOMGenerator.
  • The GeneratorFormat enumeration now contains a Jackson ObjectMapper field to allow file type selection.
    • This allows us to pass in a GeneratorFormat to the SBOMGenerator.writeFile() method and automatically generate an ObjectMapper for each unique file format.


  • DependencyTreeSerializer as it has been deprecated by the SPDXStoreSerializer class.

[v4.1.0-alpha] - (04/21/2023)


  • Added GeneratorSchema & GeneratorFormat Enumerations
    • These enums are tightly coupled to each other and the generators to ensure proper schema/format validation while allowing the user full control over the output file.
  • Added LanguageParser extends Parser Class
    • Holds the language parsing logic previously accounted for by Parser
  • Added abstract ParserTestCore Class
    • Holds the general testing logic for our testing structure
  • Added abstract ParseDepFileTestCore Class
    • Holds the logic relating to testing the package manager data that is parsed from generated dependency files.
  • Added POMParserParseTest Class
    • Stubbed out an implementation of ParseDepFileTestCore and began planning the testing structure for PackageManagerParsers.
  • Added abstract QueryWorker Class
    • Runnable implementation that queries a given url and stores the information within a given component.
      • The specific information storage is done by implementations of this class, which will have context on the information being queried.
    • PackageManagerParser.queryURLs() allows for execution of any number of any class that extend QueryWorker to be run in parallel via an ExecuterService and a CachedThreadPool
      • Slow package manager index query times would increase time to parse some files more than 20x over, this fixes the speed issue, at the risk of hitting rate limits if we cannot find a specific index site without one.
  • Added POMQueryWorker, CPEQueryWorker & RequirementsQueryWorker Classes
    • These query their own respective package indexes and store found relevant information within ParserComponents.
  • Added RequirementsParser
    • Implemented to read in pip requirements files for dependency information
  • Added GradleParser & CSProjParser
    • Stubbed out


  • Parser Class is now responsible for only general parsing logic, while abstract children will hold greater categorical logic, to be further implemented in the form of the individual parsers
    • What this means is that a LanguageParser can be treated very similarly to a PackageManagerParser, and any new types of parsers that are added. The plan is to expand this system to include an abstract ContextParser (name pending).
    • This abstraction will allow for easy combination of data (in any way we want) within ParserController.
  • ParseRegexTestCore Class modified to only be responsible for logic relating to testing the regex of the language parsers.
  • POMParser Class collects package license info and pom.xml properties (local variables)
    • This allows us to replace values like this: ${java_version} with values like this: 1.8 when storing the information
      • Work still needs to be done to handle recursive variable referencing, i.e. a property references another property, to the n-th level. This code is mostly written, but it is not functional currently

[v4.0.0-alpha] - (04/14/2023)


  • Added SBOMGenerator Class
    • Base abstract class for our suite of generators
    • Added FORMAT Enum
      • Holds valid filetypes, eventually this will also validate that any given filetype is valid for the specified schema (e.x. we do not want an instance of CDXGenerator writing to .spdx)
  • Added CDXGenerator extends SBOMGenerator Class
    • This file implements our base generator class, and serves solely to perform CycloneDX-specific data manipulation and write to file. We make use of CycloneDX's open-source, officially supported library cyclonedx-core-java to convert our internal objects to theirs, then are able to use their BomGeneratorFactory to format the data into stringified xml/json
      • We plan to write custom serializers to replace the usage of these OS libraries, however, this was a very simple solution that allowed us to output SBOMs quickly, and refine our generators right away.
  • Added work-in-progress SPDXGenerator extends SBOMGenerator Class
    • This file will also implement the base generator class and perform SPDX-specific data manipulation and file writing. This makes use of SPDX's open-source, officially supported library: spdx-java-library. We will be able to use their internal representation of documents and packages to convert our objects to theirs and then write the resulting SBOM to a file.
  • Added PackageManagerParser extends Parser Class
    • This new type of parser aims to build on existing functionality around dependency parsing, while also expanding the range of data we can parse from only language files to also include managed dependency files.
  • Added POMParser extends PackageManagerParser Class
    • This implementation of PackageManagerParser was a spike into the value of including information gathered from managed dependency files / package managers, specifically, pom.xml files.
    • We were able to gather relevant dependency information, akin to what we are parsing from language files, however, often with more information on each dependency (enough to build a PURL)
  • Temporarily added copies of SVIP->SBOM/DependencyTree/Component/etc. for data class merge
    • This will be pulled from a single source in the future, but for now, they are just development artifacts


  • System now uses SBOM Objects from SVIP when collecting information
  • Component Class -> ParserComponent extends SVIP.Component Class
    • This allows for seamless use of existing functionality regarding SBOM/DependencyTree/Component/etc. within our system
  • System now writes to CycloneDX SBOM format instead of "depFile" format, with a modular design meant to support more SBOM formats and schemas
    • Both JSON and XML formats are currently supported


  • All deprecated parser files removed
    • Old language implementations
    • Old tests
    • Old data classes
  • Filter feature removed

[v3.0.1-alpha] - (04/05/2023)


  • SRC Property to ParserCore and Parser to store a static reference to project src.
    • Previously, PWD was being used as both a moving directory pointer, as well as the static project reference. Obviously, this caused some wierd issues, and is now fixed.


  • All deprecated parser classes updated (as well as their tests)
  • Parent Component selection was occurring for each file (of the new project) during an append, it now only happens once, as intended.
    • This was not apparent until a conflicting name was chosen, and a source project was appended.
  • Uniqueness checking fixed once and for all (until it breaks)
    • On a more serious note, this is now in a relatively stable place after the big rework, and it's a miracle that it worked as well as it did out of the box, and will now (hopefully) function flawlessly until its use case changes.
  • PythonParser.isLanguageComponent() URL structure fixed to properly query multipart URLs
    • e.x. "foo/bar" -> ""
  • Fixed bug when appending absolute paths instead of relative paths


  • DepFileObject Class modified to allow for short representations of filters.
    • i.e. -f="external, internal" -> -f="e, i"
    • Both are valid, and the quotes can be removed if the spaces between filters are removed.


[v3.0.0-alpha] - (03/24/2023)


  • ParserController Class added to house the logic in-between the Main file driver and the language-specific parsers. Previously, this logic was bloating ParserCore.
  • Parser Class added to house the code responsible for being the core of the language parsers. This includes the code previously assigned to ParserCore.
  • DepFileObject Class added to represent a collection of found Components. This Class is meant to house the logic and data related to that collection. Previously, this logic was also handled in ParserCore.
  • Debug Class added to house static methods used for debugging, the primary use of this class is the log method.


  • Main Class reworked to perform only argument handling and file driving.
    • Argument handling is complex enough to warrant its own Class/File/Subsystem, and should be separated into one when possible.
    • Required arguments changed:
      • parser.jar: targetPath language <optArgs> -> targetPath <optArgs>
  • Component Class reworked into a dedicated file instead of as an internal class of ParserCore.
  • Append feature reworked
    • Usage changed:
      • parser.jar: oldPath -a=newPath:parentCName -> oldPath:parentCName -a=newPath
    • Appending now functions in logical order, parse oldPath -> verify parent Component exists and acquire it -> parse newPath -> append to parent.
  • PythonParser Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • CSharpParser Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • CParser Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • CPPParser Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • PythonParserRegexTest Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • PythonParserRegexBlockCommentTest Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • PythonParserRegexLineCommentTest Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • CSharpParserRegexTest Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • CParserRegexTest Class reworked to function with the new system design.
  • CppParserRegexTest Class reworked to function with the new system design.


  • ParserCore Class, and its implementations, are now deprecated. Its responsibilities have been delegated accordingly and its implementations can and will be updated with relative ease.

[v2.0.1] - (03/2/2023)


  • Backend now kills after closing app
  • Backend no longer uses static constant file paths for OSI.

Known Issues

  • VEXFactory has an incompatibility with NVIP API. This breaks vulnerability discovery and all features which rely on VEX data.

[v2.0.0] - (03/24/2023)


  • Conflicts: Now when creating a master SBOM, conflicts between SBOMS are noted and sent to user.
  • Download Report: Users can now download SBOM reports


  • Node graph zoom in/zoom out
  • Node graph now fits within the frame
  • Node graph node names no longer get cut off after a certain length
  • SBOM Conflicts now save
  • When there are no licenses, the SPDX translator now returns an empty array instead of "NONE"
  • Log in errors are now shown to users


  • OSI: Docker image builds upon app start up and remains open.

Known Issues

  • VEXFactory has an incompatibility with NVIP API. This breaks vulnerability discovery and all features which rely on VEX data.

[v1.0.0] - (02/27/2023)


  • WebApp : Contains the frontend which uses Angular and ElectronJS.
  • SVIP : Folder containing the backend which now utilizes Apache Maven with Springboot framework.
  • SVIP Core : Uses a Docker Container to generate SBOMs, merges them, and creates a D3 JSON Visual


  • UI layout is more visually appealing


  • OSI: OSI Now handles coverting projects into SBOMS and then formatting them for Node Graps
  • Frontend: The frontend has been completly reworked
    • Electron JS now wraps the GUI to open as an app and obtain folder paths
    • Angular is the framework used to create GUI design and implementation
  • Backend: SVIP controller handles api requests using Springboot Framework.
    • OSI: Uses docker to create SBOM using multiple tools when given a user's project filepath
    • Merger: Merges multiple SBOMS into one 'master SBOM'
    • Translator: Translates SBOMS of different formats into an internal format
    • VEXFactory: Communicates with the National Vulnerability Intelligence Program to get CVEs for components


  • Tree.html, testSBOMS, Converter: all were removed after the introduction of Apache Maven Springboot & Angular/Electron.

Known Issues

  • VEXFactory has an incompatibility with NVIP API. This breaks vulnerability discovery and all features which rely on VEX data.