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358 lines (303 loc) · 14.6 KB

File metadata and controls

358 lines (303 loc) · 14.6 KB

Plugfest Changelog

All notable changes to Plugfest will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[1.2.1] - 2013-11-29


  • If select all was pressed first on compare than it would always compare all sboms even if one was unchecked

[1.2.0] - 2013-11-28


  • DiffReport now tracks similarity and difference count for metadata and components
  • Download button added to compare and metrics
  • Header on metrics to display passed/total tests as well as which tests are currently displayed


  • package.json updated app name to plugfest

[1.1.0] - 2023-11-08


  • Plugfest can now be launched as either a web app or a standalone application


  • Added the following startup commands for frontend:
    • web-start: Runs an angular instance of the application for development purposes
    • web-build: Generates an index.html and build folder for the angular application for web deployment
    • electron-start: Launches an electron instance of the application
    • windows-build: Generates a standalone application (.exe) file and directory for deployment with the backend built and included with
    • backend-build: Builds the backend with no tests, used for windows build script
    • copy-jar: Copies the latest backend jar built from the backend to the build directory, used for windows build script


[3.9.4] - 2023-06-07



  • TranslatorSPDX Now filters out duplicate CPEs, PURLs, and SWIDs
  • TranslatorCDXJSON tests to make sure if a JSON SBOM is CycloneDX.
    • If not, a more descriptive error message is thrown to prevent SPDX JSON SBOMs from causing errors.
    • Note: TranslatorCDXXML already handles this for SPDX XML SBOMs.


  • Fixed SBOMS from JSON files not having hashes
  • Fixed SBOMS from SPDX files not having hashes

[3.9.3] - 2023-06-07


  • New SPDX Metrics Processor. New tests include:
    • HasDataLicenseSPDXTest - checks to see if the SPDX SBOM DataLicense field in metadata contains the CC0-1.0 license
    • HasSPDXIDTest - checks to see if each component has a valid SPDXID ("SPDXRef:-[idstring]")
    • HasDocumentNamespaceTest - checks to see if the SPDX SBOM contains a valid document namespace
    • HasDownloadLocationTest - checks to see if each component contains a download location
    • HasCreationInfoTest - checks to see if the SPDX SBOM contains creation info (Creator and Created fields in metadata)
    • HasVerificationCodeTest - checks to see if each component has a package verification code (FilesAnalyzed is true) or is omitted (FilesAnalyzed if false)
    • HasExtractedLicensesTest - check if there are any extracted licenses not on the SPDX license list
    • ExtractedLicenseMinElementTest - check any extracted licenses for the required fields: LicenseName, LicenseID, LicenseCrossReference
  • Method in to ensure components with no licenses have no null components
  • Added additional exceptions thrown in TranslatorCDXXML to increase verbosity of error messages.


  • TranslatorSPDX Now filters out duplicate CPEs, PURLs, and SWIDs


  • Fixed broken SBOM file transfers by adding back the @RequestBody decorators to all SBOMFile API request parameters.
  • Fixed issue with CDXJSON translator regarding translating null license objects to components without licenses
  • Fixed errors caused by TranslatorPlugFest.getTranslator() method incorrectly determining filetype.
    • We now check for file extension only, since SPDX JSON and XML are not supported translators.
  • Properly remove SBOM object from QA pipeline

[3.9.2] - 2023-06-06

CDX Metrics processor is not complete, see issue #183


  • New CDX Metrics Processor. New tests include:
    • HasBomRefTest - checks to see if a component has a unique bom-ref to reference inside the BOM
    • HasBomVersionTest - check if the SBOM has a version number declared



  • Fixed broken SBOM file transfers by adding back the @RequestBody decorators to all SBOMFile API request parameters.

[3.9.1] - 2023-06-05

Uniqueness processor is not complete, see issue #160


  • New Uniqueness Processor. New tests include:
    • HasHashDataTest - checks to see if component contains Hashes
    • ValidHashDataTest - checks to see if component Hashes are a supported type
    • AccuratePURLTest - checks to see if a component's PURL(s) matches stored component data
    • AccurateCPETest - checks to see if a component's CPE(s) matches stored component data



[3.9.0] - 2023-06-04

Completeness processor is not complete, see issue #159


  • Several fields to Component:
    • group - The group of the component, found either in the PURL or the CycloneDX component itself.
    • downloadLocation - SPDX-only field
    • filesAnalyzed - SPDX-only field
    • verificationCode - SPDX-only field
    • extractedLicenses - SPDX-only field - this is a map from a license ID to its attributes, and contains all extracted licenses found in the component. These licenses are not contained in the normal licenses set.
  • SBOM.getName() method to get the name of the project described by the SBOM.
  • New Completeness Processor. New tests include:
    • ValidCPETest - checks to see if valid CPE
    • ValidPurlTest - checks to see if valid CPE
  • New CPE object for testing


  • Updated TranslatorSPDX and TranslatorSPDXTest to reflect the added translation of the above fields.
  • Refactored EmptyOrNullTest into MinElementTest
    • Missing Relationships check
  • Temporary removed ValidSWIDTest and HasRelationshipsTest


[3.8.3] - 2023-06-02


    • Now creates the SBOM object and top component after components have been parsed
    • Top component defaulting changed to execute upon empty top component data collection
    • resolveMetadata now returns before assigning top component data if the top component collection is empty

[3.8.2] - 2023-06-02



  • Updated the Quick Start guide in


  • Fixed UTF-8 Not Supported Error caused by using the @RequestBody annotation with a class object.
  • Debug.log() had an unchecked cast to Exception; this was fixed by checking the type.

[3.8.1] - 2023-06-01


  • Added test file cdxgen-8.4.6-source.json .
    • Added test data entry for the Authors of the metadata in the downloaded file above.


  • Stringify the authors object in .
  • Modified TranslatorCDXJSONTest to run the newly added test source file cdxgen-8.4.6-source.json .


[3.8.0] - 2023-06-01


  • Debug class from SVIP and replace (most) system calls with this to improve verbosity of our output.
  • TranslatorException class to catch translator errors at the top-level.
    • This allows error handling at the API level with a simple failure message.


  • TranslatorSPDX now uses regex and string manipulation to parse through an SPDX tag-value file instead of attempting to read it line-by-line.
  • TranslatorCDXJSONTest now adds UIDs to each component only if they are not null.
    • Component construction was changed to only use the constructor with name, version, and publisher attributes.
  • Most translator error logs now throw a TranslatorException


  • Removed PURL class usage from Component and replaced it with a simple string. The PURl class should now only be used in metric tests.

[3.7.1] - 2023-05-31


  • Tests in TranslatorCDXJSONTest, TranslatorCDXXMLest, & TranslatorSPDXTest to check for null UIDs in all translated components and ensure correct processing of SBOMs with no metadata.
  • TranslatorSPDX now has the capability to read in multiple external licenses. See the specification for details.
  • New License processor. New tests include:
    • HasLicenseDataTest - checks to see if has license data
    • ValidSPDXLicenseTest - validates SPDX Licensing information

      Checks to see if the SPDX License Name/ID is valid and if it's depreciated


  • TranslatorPlugfest now checks for key tokens in file contents as well as the file extension to determine the translator to use.
  • TranslatorCDXJSONTest now adds UIDs to each component only if they are not null.
    • Component construction was changed to only use the constructor with name, version, and publisher attributes.


[3.7.0] - 2023-05-31


  • New QA Refactor
    • Unified Metric testing process
      • UniquenessProcessor - Collection of Tests for checking a component's UIDs (Hashes, PURLs, etc)
        • HasHashDataTest - Test if a component has any hash values and the number of hashes if present ValidTestDataTest - Test hashes if they match a valid hash schema
        • AccuratePURLTest - Test a component's PURL(s) if its data matches the component's stored data
      • RegisteredProcessor - Collection of Tests for checking if components are registered in their package manager
        • IsRegisteredTest - Using a component's purl(s), check if package is registered with their package manager
  • Add dev launcher that launches just the front end.
  • When internal failure occurs, Translators throw a top-level TranslatorException which contains information regarding the specific error
  • /compare tests are implemented that check for user input that will produce a HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST response


  • DiffReport is now more JSON friendly object
    • Consolidated Comparer, Comparison, and ComponentVersion
  • now holds SBOMFile class


[3.6.0] - 2023-05-30



  • Consolidate SBOM object and removed redundant classes


[3.5.0] - 2023-05-26


  • New QA Refactor
    • Unified Metric testing process
      • CompletenessProcesser - Collection of Tests for checking for SBOM content
        • NullOrEmptyTest - Test if field is null or empty string


  • Modified API Plugfest endpoints to use HTTP Body for data
  • Removed Stateful QAPipeline
  • Removed old QAPipeline and all previously existing Processors/Metrics


[3.3.0] - 2023-05-22

See issue #92


  • updated PURL object to have more robust fields and utility



[3.2.1] - 2023-05-18

TODO: Add dev launcher that launches just the front end. See issue #118




  • Frontend launches backend and kills process on exit
  • removed full filepath from upload screen

[3.2.0] - 2023-05-09


  • Allow marking of components as appearing in target SBOM
  • Added individual loading spinners for each uploaded SBOM in GUI



  • Fixed API bug preventing non-ASCII characters from being processed during request
  • Fix bug causing formatting issues with the data verification test

[3.1.0] - 2023-05-02


  • Added support for non-ASCII characters when pulling from package manager databases
  • Display which SBOM an identifier or quality came from in GUI


  • Remove all empty tests to prevent duplicated component lists


  • Fix Comparison bug that showed duplicate UIDs in the comparison report

[3.0.0] - 2023-04-21


  • Translators support translating from a file's contents without needing the file on the system
  • Opened an API endpoint for QualityReport generating
  • Opened an API endpoint for ComparisonReport generating
  • Report objects can now be Jacksonized and sent to frontend


  • Comparison now maintains the list of SBOMs in which a quality appeared
  • Reformatted project into API and Core
  • General documentation and cleanup


  • Hotfix to allow translating SBOMs that have non-ASCII characters

[2.2.0] - 2023-04-14


  • Build a comparison report object to send to the frontend which will compare a list of SBOMs to some target SBOM
  • Built a comparison function which generates the report from a target SBOM and list of SBOMs
  • Built a new metrics object to send to frontend for displaying SBOM quality
  • Added an ActionableTest to preliminarily check if an SBOM is actionable
  • Created sidebar and component display for SBOM differences with mockup data.



[2.1.0] - 2023-04-07


  • added Documented TimelinessTest
    • TimelinessTest now checks to see if version numbers and publishers match the resource (package manager database)
  • Added to track weekly changes to the project
  • Added to hold usage instructions and project breakdown
  • Removed quality metrics from the SBOM class
  • Added PURL class to allow for easier PURL parsing



[2.0.0] - 2023-03-23


  • Differ
    • Add support for comparing across SBOM formats
  • Metrics
    • Developed QA Pipeline structure from start to finish
      • Developed several Custom Metrics
        • ContextualProcessor
          • CompletenessTest
          • AppropriateAmountTest
          • RelevancyTest
      • Implement Test and TestResults to standardize test results returned from metrics
        • All metrics are now ran on one component at a time for a more informative per-component output
      • Integrated several OS Metrics
        • SPDXProcessor
        • CDXProcessor
  • SBOM
    • Add supplier information to SBOMs to store the manufacturer of the software
  • Created a new Translator package that can now be integrated into plugfest
    • Includes CDX Translator, SPDX Translator, SVIP Translator Driver, PlugFest Translator Driver
  • Created Wireframe GUI for Plugfest


  • Differ
    • Rewrite the line-by-line system to digest SBOM data into an object for comparison
    • Differ now does not display differences for differently ordered components
    • Use the SVIP SBOM and SVIP Translators to find differences in SBOMs
  • SBOM
    • Replace SBOM object with the SBOM object from SVIP
    • Represent SBOM information agnostically rather than in a specified format
  • Translators
    • Translators have received a slight rework.
    • Integrated different google Multimap over Glassfish.
    • Now more accurately extracts data from SBOMs.
