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Fulfillment service

The backend for the Google FSI Pattern project to provide functionality around financial advices, assets, transactions, and more.

Built with Cookiecutter Django Black code style Imports: isort

Libraries and tools

Main libraries and tools:

  • python 3.9 - a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively;
  • MySQL - a relational database for metadata;
  • Django - web-framework that follows the model–template–views (MTV) architectural pattern, used as the main service library;
  • Django REST framework - a toolkit for building API;
  • dj-rest-auth - Authentication for Django Rest Framework;
  • gunicorn - a WSGI HTTP Server.

For local development:

  • Swagger - describes RESTful API on the swagger/ endpoint;
  • pytest - testing framework;
  • flake8 - tool for style guide enforcement;
  • isort - a library to sort Python imports;
  • black - the Python code formatter;
  • coverage- a tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs;
  • pre-commit - identifies simple issues and forces code style before commit;
  • debug_toolbar - a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response in local environment.

Service setup

Set up the virtual environment (anaconda, virtualenv, etc.) and install requirements for local (requirements/local.txt) or production (requirements/production.txt) purposes:

$ pip install -r requirements/{local.txt/production.txt}

If you are using the local environment, you can install the pre-commit hook which will run black, isort, flake8 utils before commit:

$ pre-commit install


To run any command, you have to specify the list of environment variables.

Mandatory environment variables for local deployment:

  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE - tells which configuration to use - production (config.settings.production) or for local purposes (config.settings.local);
  • DATABASE_URL - MySQL address and credentials, must be provided in format mysql://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db_name>;
  • ML_SERVICE_URL - the address of Portfolio Optimization service.

To run production deployment, you also have to specify additional variables:

  • DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS - A list of strings representing the host/domain names that backend can serve, e.g.;
  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY - used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value.

If you want to be able to access all data from admin page, you should also specify variables:

  • DJANGO_ADMIN_URL - a string that will be used for the backend admin page, defaults to admin/;
  • GS_BUCKET_NAME - a name of GCP bucket where the static files will be collected.

Optional variables:

  • DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT - If True, the SecurityMiddleware redirects all non-HTTPS requests to HTTPS.

You can use DJANGO_READ_DOT_ENV_FILE=True variable if you want to read all the specified variables from the .env file.

List of environment variables with examples for production usage:

  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.production;
  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=222wWuBvHue7hFLDsRqYb4jwF5vXTeS8;
  • GS_BUCKET_NAME=static-files-bucket;
  • DATABASE_URL="mysql://user:password@/database?unix_socket=/tmp/gcp-project:location:database-name";

Creating DB with schema

Create MySQL database:

mysql$ create database <db_name>;

Create schema in the DB. To do that, use Django migrations feature which will define tables for all Django models.

To create a DB schema, run the command:

$ python migrate

Also, each application contains sql/ folder where dummy data is localed. Each application contains migration file which fills DB with the dummy data.

(Optional) Creating the superuser

Superuser can access ADMIN_URL and create/modify tables conveniently.

To create a superuser, run the command:

$ DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=<password> python createsuperuser --no-input --email <email@email> --username <username>

(Optional) Collecting static files

If you want to serve admin site, you should collect static files using command:

$ python collectstatic --no-input

Don't forget to specify GS_BUCKET_NAME - it will be used to save the static files.

(Optional) Testing

If you set up the local environment, you can run tests:

$ pytest

Also, you can check code coverage and generate coverage report:

$ coverage run -m pytest
$ coverage html
$ open htmlcov/index.html


  1. To run the service in the local environment, you can use the built-in server:

    $ python runserver
  2. To run the service in production, you can use gunicorn:

    $ gunicorn --bind :<port> config.wsgi:application
  3. You can also use Dockerfile to run the application.


At the start, the service contains 3 predefined users with some wallets, transactions, and purchased assets. You can log in with these credentials to purchase a portfolio, serve home page, and more:

  1. John Wick
    • username: johnwick;
    • password: johnwick;
    • wallets: 1;
    • purchased assets: 5;
    • ML UUID: user-0000000000000001.
  2. Lyra King
    • username: lyraking;
    • password: lyraking;
    • wallets: 2;
    • purchased assets: 7;
    • ML UUID: user-0000000000000501.
  3. Alex Ray
    • username: alexray;
    • password: alexray;
    • wallets: 1;
    • purchased assets: 0;
    • ML UUID: user-0000000000000999.

Service structure

All Django settings and entry points are located in config folder:

  • settings folder contains local and production Django settings;
  • file contains endpoints for requests: admin/ (or any other url which you can specify via environment variable), api/v1/, swagger/ (for debug purposes).

All Django apps are located in fulfillment_service/ folder:

  • users - custom User model with additional fields;
  • wallets - an application for manipulation with user's wallets and transactions;
  • assets - an application that provides functionality around assets and metrics - to list user's assets, getting investment advice, detailed statistics of assets, purchase of assets.


To access most of the endpoints, you have to log-in and receive token. The token should be specified for every request in the header:

Authorization: token <TOKEN>
  1. User:
  • POST /api/v1/auth/login/ - checks provided credentials and returns token;
  • POST /api/v1/auth/logout/ - deletes Token object assigned to a user;
  • GET /api/v1/auth/user - returns user fields;
  1. Wallets:
  • GET /api/v1/wallets/ - returns a list of user's wallets;
  • POST /api/v1/wallets/ - creates a new wallet for the user;
  • GET /api/v1/wallets/expenses/stat/ - provides total purchases and sells by day for user;
  • POST /api/v1/wallets/<wallet_id>/topup/ - creates positive transaction for the specified wallet;
  • GET /api/v1/wallets/<wallet_id>/transactions/ - return a list transactions for the specified wallet.
  1. Assets:
  • GET /api/v1/assets/ - returns purchased assets and metrics if exists;
  • POST /api/v1/assets/ - sells existing portfolio (if exists) and purchases the new one;
  • GET /api/v1/assets/advice/ - requests ML service to provide investment advice for the specified user with optional risk level;
  • GET /api/v1/assets/<asset_name>/stat/ - provides detailed info about an asset.