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We propose the SoccerNet challenges to encourage the development of state-of-the-art algorithm for Soccer Video Understanding.
- Game State Reconstruction: Maintain a complete understanding of the game by predicting :
- top-view player localization (optionally with camera calibration)
- role classification (player, goalkeeper, referee, other)
- team affiliation and team side (left, right)
- jersey number recognition
We provide an evaluation server for the Game State Reconstruction task. The evaluation server handles predictions for the open test sets and the segregated challenge sets of each challenge.
Winners will be announced at CVSports Workshop at CVPR 2024. This challenge will be sponsored by Sportradar, with a prize money of 1000$!
The evaluation metric for the Game State Reconstruction task is the GS-HOTA metric, a modified version of the standard HOTA metric. A detailed description of this metric can be found in the main README and in the official paper.
When running the baseline with the evaluation enabled, a submission .zip file will be automatically generated in the output folder, e.g. 'output_folder/2024-03-14/09-51-08/eval/pred/'. The submission file is a zipped folder containing a json file for each video in the evaluated (test/challenge) set. Each json file should be named after the corresponding video, e.g. 'SNGS-175.json', 'SNGS-013.json', etc. The prediction json format is very similar to the ground truth json format, with the following differences:
- The json contains a dictionary with a single 'predictions' key, which contains a list of dictionaries, one for each predicted detection.
- Each detection contains the following fields: "category_id", "image_id", "track_id", "supercategory", "confidence", "attributes" (with "role", "jersey", "team"), and "bbox_pitch" (with "x_bottom_middle" and "y_bottom_middle", i.e. the 2 position in meters on the pich). The "supercategory" of each detection must be set to "object" and "category_id" to 1.0. Other categories are reserved for predictions related to camera calibration and pitch localization, but ignored in the evaluation procedure. We provide an example submission file for the test set here.
- Any individual can participate in the challenge, except the organizers.
- The participants are recommended to form a team to participate.
- Each team can have one or more members.
- An individual/team can compete on both tasks.
- An individual associated with multiple teams (for a given task) or a team with multiple accounts will be disqualified.
- A participant can only use the video stream as input (visual and/or audio).
- The use of private datasets is not allowed. Teams using any kind of custom datasets, including additionnal annotations will be disqualified.
- The winner is the individual/team who reaches the highest performance on the challenge set.
- The metric taken into consideration is the GS-HOTA, a modified version of the HOTA metric.
- The deadline to submit your results is May 30th 2024 at 11.59 pm Pacific Time.
- To be eligible for the prize, we require the individual/team to provide a short report describing the details of the methodology (CVPR format, max 2 pages), with a short demo video on one SoccerNet challenge sequence showcasing their solution.
Note that these dates are tentative and subject to changes if necessary.
- November 29: Open evaluation server on the test set.
- November 29: Open evaluation server on the challenge set.
- April 24: Close evaluation server.
- May 1: Report submission deadline.
- TBD: CVSports Workshop at CVPR 2025 (awards ceremony).
For any further doubt or concern, please raise an issue in that repository, or contact us directly on Discord.