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Temporally-Aware Feature Pooling for Dense Video Captioning in Video Broadcasts

This the code for the paper SoccerNet-Caption: Dense Video Captioning for Soccer Broadcasts Commentaries (CVSports2023). The training is divided in two phase : spotting training phase and captioning training phase.

Create Environment

conda create -y -n soccernet-DVC python=3.8
conda activate soccernet-DVC
conda install -y pytorch torchvision torchtext pytorch-cuda -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install SoccerNet matplotlib scikit-learn spacy wandb
pip install git+
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
pip install torchtext

Download weights

mkdir models

Download and extract in the folder models

Train the model

python src/ --SoccerNet_path=path/to/SoccerNet/ --model_name=new_model --features=baidu_soccer_embeddings.npy --framerate 1 --pool=NetVLAD --window_size_caption 45 --window_size_spotting 15 --NMS_window 30 --num_layers 4 --first_stage caption --pretrain --GPU 0

Replace path/to/SoccerNet/ with a local path for the SoccerNet dataset. If you do not have a copy of SoccerNet, this code will automatically download SoccerNet.


python src/ --SoccerNet_path=path/to/SoccerNet/ --model_name=baidu-NetVLAD-pretrain-caption --features=baidu_soccer_embeddings.npy --framerate 1 --pool=NetVLAD --window_size_caption 45 --window_size_spotting 15 --NMS_window 30 --num_layers 4 --first_stage caption --pretrain --GPU 0 --test_only

More encoders

SoccerNet-v3 provide a list of alternative video frame features:

  • --features=ResNET_TF2.npy: ResNET features from SoccerNet-v2
  • --features=ResNET_TF2_PCA512.npy: ResNET features from SoccerNet-v2 reduced at dimension 512 with PCA
  • --features=C3D.npy: C3D features from SoccerNet
  • --features=C3D_PCA512.npy: C3D features from SoccerNet reduced at dimension 512 with PCA
  • --features=I3D.npy: I3D features from SoccerNet
  • --features=I3D_PCA512.npy: I3D features from SoccerNet reduced at dimension 512 with PCA
  • --features=baidu_soccer_embeddings.npy:: Baidu's winner team features for SoccerNet-v2

More aggregator modules

We developed alternative pooling module

  • --pool=NetVLAD: NetVLAD pooling module
  • --pool=NetVLAD++: Temporally aware NetVLAD pooling module
  • --pool=NetRVLAD: NetRVLAD pooling module
  • --pool=NetRVLAD++: Temporally aware NetRVLAD pooling module

More training procedure

  • --first_stage caption --freeze_encoder: Train first on captioning, and then frozen weights are transferred to spotting
  • --first_stage spotting --freeze_encoder: Train first on spotting, and then frozen weights are transferred to captioning
  • --first_stage caption --pretrain: Train first on captioning, and then weights are transferred to spotting and fine-tuned
  • --first_stage spotting --pretrain: Train first on spotting, and then weights are transferred to captioning and fine-tuned
  • ``: Both submodels are trained from scratch independently