- support cross SqlMap reference for #30
- modifying Statement.Ref for delay dependence
- optimize Analyse Statement.SqlCommandType
- optimize CheckIncludeCyclicDependency
- fixed MultipleResultMap.Root result Map
- fixed PreparedCommand Sql log output for IgnoreParameterCase
- add support Statement for Transaction
- optimize Log output for issues:35
- add support [.] PropertyAccessor
- add support alias for SmartSqlOptions
- fixed ObjectUtils key conflicts
- add support for SmartSqlMapper multiple instance injection
- add support for IServiceProvider.GetSmartSqlMapper(string configPath)
var smartSqlMapper = serviceProvider.GetSmartSqlMapper("SmartSql");
var smartSqlMapper_1 = serviceProvider.GetSmartSqlMapper("SmartSql-1");
- optimize Options DI for SmartSqlOptions.UseOptions
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("SmartSqlConfig.json", false, true);
var configuration = builder.Build();
var services = new ServiceCollection();
var smartSqlConfigJson = configuration.GetSection("SmartSqlConfig");
services.Configure<SmartSqlConfigOptions>("SmartSql", smartSqlConfigJson);
services.AddSmartSql(sp =>
return new SmartSqlOptions
ConfigPath= "SmartSql"
- added support Root for MultipleResultMap
- added support ReadDb for Statement
- optimized PreparedCommand.Prepare log output
- optimized ITransaction Extension
- default injection SmartSql for AddRepository DI
- fixed path error for SmartSql.Options
- fixed SqlCommandAnalyzer
- add SqlIdNamingConvert
- add MultipleResultMap
- add GetNested api
- add GetNestedAsync api
- add FillMultiple api
- add FillMultipleAsync api
- optimized ValueTuple result type for Repository
- add support Nested result type for Repository
<MultipleResultMap Id="QueryByPageMReuslt">
<Result Property="Total"/>
<Result Property="List"/>
<Statement Id="MQueryByPage" MultipleResultMap="QueryByPageMReuslt">
Select Count(1) From T_Entity;
Select Top 10 T.* From T_Entity T
public class QueryByPageResponse
public int Total { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<T_Entity> List { get; set; }
QueryByPageResponse MQueryByPage();
- enhanced Maps.Statement support for CommandType and SourceChoice
- fixed Tag.For NotDirectValue bug
- optimized RequestContext.Request is DbParameterCollection
- fixed Generic nested return value bug
- optimized DyRepository DI register
- fixed the same naming problems with different repository interfaces
- enhanced stored procedure support
- fixed the cache penetration problem with the cache value of null
- optimized storage procedure call interface construction
- add support ValueTuple result
(int,User) QueryByPage(object reqParams);
(int,T) QueryByPage<T>(object reqParams);
- add support SmartSqlMapConfig.SmartSqlMap.Type=DirectoryWithAllSub
- add support QueryMultiple and QueryMultipleAsync
- SmartSql.DyRepository add support QueryMultiple And QueryMultipleAsync result
- support change table structure auto Deserializer
- SmartSql.Options add UserOptions for DI
- add support Env SmartSqlConfigPath
- 5.1 Production => SmartSqlMapConfig.xml
- 5.2 Development => SmartSqlMapConfig.Development.xml
- 5.3 Staging => SmartSqlMapConfig.Staging.xml
- fix DyRepository ExecuteBehavior.Auto bug
- optimize DyRepository automatic execute for return int
- optimize default excute DataSourceChoice
- add support StatementAttribute.CommandType and SourceChoice
- fix sqlmap hot update bug
- add support multi SmartSqlMapper instance
- fix Tag.Placeholder Space bug
- optimize SQL output
- Support for returning generic type nesting
- add support IRepositoryAsync
- add support muti custom scope_template
- fix Cache.FlushInterval attr bug
- optimize the resource reading directory
- fix GetDataSetAsync to use NextResultAsync
- fix IsStatementSql.Defalut-Value=true
- SmartSql.DyRepository support ParamAttribute
- add SmartSql.Options DI AddSmartSqlOptionLoader & AddSmartSqlOption
- add ISession
- add ITransaction
- add ISession to DI
- add ITransaction to DI
- add ISmartSqlMapperAsync to DI
- add support ResultMap.Constructor
- add support private ctor entity deser
- SmartSql.DyRepository add support asynchronous function
- add support DEBUG-log output SQL And DBParameters.
- add support pure SQL parameters For RequestContext.RealSql
- add support SmartSql.DyRepository Sql Attribute For StatementAttribute.Sql
SmartSql.DyRepository Demo
[Statement(Sql = "Select Top(@Taken) T.* From T_Entity T With(NoLock);")]
IEnumerable<T_Entity> QueryBySql(int Taken);
- add GetDataTable Method
- add GetDataSet Method
- add GetDataTableAsync Method
- add GetDataSetAsync Method
The lightest ORM in history! 107kb
- Remove Dapper dependency
- Support stored procedures
- Enhanced extensibility
- Refactoring code
- Optimal cache trigger strategy
- Dynamic implementation of Repository interface
- Support Parameter & Result Map & TypeHandler
- High performance
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.10.14, OS=Windows 10.0.17134
Intel Core i7-6700K CPU 4.00GHz (Skylake), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=2.1.201
[Host] : .NET Core 2.0.7 (CoreCLR 4.6.26328.01, CoreFX 4.6.26403.03), 64bit RyuJIT
DefaultJob : .NET Core 2.0.7 (CoreCLR 4.6.26328.01, CoreFX 4.6.26403.03), 64bit RyuJIT
ORM | Type | Method | Return | Mean | Error | StdDev | Rank | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated |
Native | NativeBenchmarks | Query_GetValue_DbNull | IEnumerable | 78.39 ms | 0.8935 ms | 0.7921 ms | 1 | 3000.0000 | 1125.0000 | 500.0000 | 15.97 MB |
SmartSql | SmartSqlBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable | 78.46 ms | 0.2402 ms | 0.1875 ms | 1 | 2312.5000 | 1000.0000 | 312.5000 | 12.92 MB |
SmartSqlDapper | SmartSqlDapperBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable | 78.65 ms | 1.2094 ms | 1.1312 ms | 1 | 3687.5000 | 1437.5000 | 687.5000 | 19.03 MB |
Native | NativeBenchmarks | Query_IsDBNull_GetValue | IEnumerable | 78.84 ms | 0.8984 ms | 0.7502 ms | 1 | 2312.5000 | 1000.0000 | 312.5000 | 12.92 MB |
Dapper | DapperBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable | 79.00 ms | 1.0949 ms | 0.9706 ms | 1 | 3312.5000 | 1312.5000 | 625.0000 | 17.19 MB |
EF | EFBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable | 79.44 ms | 1.6880 ms | 1.5789 ms | 1 | 6250.0000 | - | - | 26.05 MB |
SqlSugar | SqlSugarBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable | 81.09 ms | 0.8718 ms | 0.7728 ms | 2 | 2187.5000 | 875.0000 | 250.0000 | 12.64 MB |
Chloe | ChloeBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable | 83.86 ms | 1.2714 ms | 1.1893 ms | 3 | 2250.0000 | 937.5000 | 312.5000 | 12.62 MB |
EF | EFBenchmarks | SqlQuery | IEnumerable | 89.11 ms | 0.7562 ms | 0.6314 ms | 4 | 8187.5000 | 125.0000 | - | 33.68 MB |
EF | EFBenchmarks | Query_NoTracking | IEnumerable | 93.13 ms | 0.8458 ms | 0.7912 ms | 5 | 5875.0000 | 2250.0000 | 1062.5000 | 29.71 MB |
EF | EFBenchmarks | SqlQuery_NoTracking | IEnumerable | 106.89 ms | 1.0998 ms | 1.0288 ms | 6 | 7437.5000 | 2875.0000 | 1312.5000 | 37.34 MB |