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Chapter 3

Sandra Moen edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 5 revisions

Extended Starfish Collector


Value-Based Animations uses a single image and continuously changes associated values (such as position or rotation). These effects can easily be added to the game by using LibGDX's Action class.

animation of square rotating and changing color animation of circle fading animation of square growing and shrinking

Image-Based Animations is created from images that are rapidly displayed in sequence to create the illusion of movement. In LibGDX this is accomplished by using the Animation class.

spritesheet of mario walking

Texture Filtering

In computer graphics, texture filtering or texture smoothing is the method used to determine the texture color for a texture mapped pixel, using the colors of nearby texels (pixels of the texture). There are two main categories of texture filtering, magnification filtering and minification filtering.

Texture filtering: nearest vs Linear Texture filtering: nearest vs Linear

New Imports

import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.array - A resizable, ordered or unordered array of objects. If unordered, this class avoids a memory copy when removing elements (the last element is moved to the removed element's position).

import - A color class, holding the r, g, b and alpha component as floats in the range [0,1]. All methods perform clamping on the internal values after execution.

import com.badlogic.gdx.texture.TextureFilter - In computer graphics, texture filtering or texture smoothing is the method used to determine the texture color for a texture mapped pixel, using the colors of nearby texels (pixels of the texture). There are two main categories of texture filtering, magnification filtering and minification filtering.

import com.badlogic.gdx.g2d.Animation - An Animation stores a list of objects representing an animated sequence, e.g. for running or jumping. Each object in the Animation is called a key frame, and multiple key frames make up the animation.

import com.badlogic.gdx.g2d.Animation.PlayMode - Defines possible playback modes for an Animation.

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