- monolith - everything in done under single code base , single application.
Disadvantage -
- Overloaded IDE.
- Very tight coupled application(if changed at one module , it might affected other modules and whole application is to tested and deployed)
- scaling is hard.
- module are not independlty deployable and scalable.(If only we want to scale payment service , we need to scale entire system)
Microservices -
THe project is divided into independent services which are deployed as single unit so scaling partitcular module is easy.
Disadvantage -
Debugging in hard , we need to trace request in entire flow.
Single function call in monolith becomes entire netowrk call.(latency)
When a service(say service3) deployed with some new code changes and may be response is changed and service2 was using the response from service3
It will break the service2 is response is changed and its completely dependent on it ,
Now if service1 was dependent on response of service2 , if serice2 breaks then service 1 will also break leads to chaining effect.
So , when a service goes live with new code changes , debugging beceomes hard that what clients might get affected .
So Monitoring becomes difficult.
Transaction management is little bit difficult because
in mononlithicc we have one db so managing and tracking transaction becomes easy , once the db operatio is completed I can stop , if prb occurs it can roll back in single db
In microservice , we have several services with independent databases each , No wif a rquest is to be fulfilled by combination of 2 services ,
Single service can manage the transaction of its own db , so there cannot be a common transaction for request .
What if transaction succeeded in one service but failed in the other one , it becomes difficult to manage .
These patterns state some rules , on how to build microservices system from ground up .
There are various phases in building microservices.(Decomposition , DataBase , Communication , Integration .... Observability ... MOnitoring...so on.)
Decomposition pattern states how to break monolithic service to smaller services (how much small, how to decide), like decomposition by business capability or decomposition by subdomain etc.
Database - After you have created smaller service how to decide whether we need to assign each service a db or keep a common database.
Communication - Ways/patterns to communicate between services like API , or events etc ?
Integration - Also needs to be integrated by other applications , how to integrate - e.g API gateway?
So in every phases , there is design decision problem from decomposition to monitoring everything , which can be solved following Design Patterns at every phase.
E.g Online Order Application
Business functionality includes - Order mangement , product management , Account management , Logging , Billing , Payment .....
So , these all will be our different microservices.
It reuiqres good knowledge of business requirements .
So if order management is one domain (in previous pattern it was microservice) , so this domain can have multiple microservices under it.
Payment can be another domain which can have other microservices within it .