Solved : Detect Cycle in an Undirected Graph | BFS + DFS
How to think : (My first unsuccessfull attempt)
if graph has n vertices then edges should less than n-1 , so that it doesn't have cycles.(Tree property).
if edges becomes equal to n or more , then definitely there will be a cycle.
Few test cases passed , rest failed. Why? I didnt consider cases for disconnected graphs , the above property hold true only for graph which is connected i.e (every vertices has path to any other vertices)
so for disconnected graphs we have statregy to detect cycles using DFS and BFS , I personally favour DFS as its easy to implement ans seems straight forward in this case.
Traverse using DFS/BFS and if we encounter already visited node again , that means we found a cycle ..
Wait ! one twist . Here we have undirected graph , so in adjacency list we would store e.g :
{{1}, {0, 2, 4}, {1, 3}, {2, 4}, {1, 3}}
now if we start with 0 (mark 0 as visited) and get to 1 (mark 1 as visited) now when checking 1's edges where to go next we again encounter 0 (already visited node). Does that means we hit a cycle !! HEll no!!
its just an edge , so we also have to keep a mark that the new node which found already visited , should not be previous node or parent node.
Now that completes the logic , if we hit a already visited node and its not previous node , Yeah! we encounter a cycle then.
My complete solution : { public boolean detectCycle(int[] visited , int curr , int prev ,ArrayList<ArrayList> adj ){
visited[curr] =1; for(int i=0;i<adj.get(curr).size();i++){ int connectedNode = adj.get(curr).get(i); if(visited[connectedNode] ==1 && prev!=connectedNode) { return true; } if(visited[connectedNode] == 0 && detectCycle(visited , connectedNode , curr ,adj )){ return true; } } return false;
} }
public boolean isCycle(int V, ArrayList<ArrayList> adj) {
int[] visited = new int[adj.size()]; for(int i=0;i<adj.size();i++){ if(visited[i]==0){ if(detectCycle(visited , i , -1 ,adj)){ return true; } } } return false;
Why are we doing this - for(int i=0;i<adj.size();i++){ if(visited[i]==0){ if(detectCycle(visited , i , -1 ,adj)){ return true; } } } return false;
and not only { return detectCycle(visited , 0 , -1 , adj) }
because to handle disconnected graphs .
If we not have a loop , we only start with a particular node i.e 0 and check its edges is there is cycle , but it can be only a component of graph , may be we never check other nodes which were disconnected with vertex 0 for the cycle.
So we allow a loop , to check on the component that is not already visited to make sure we are checking all the nodes and components for cycle.