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Following Youtube Course:
C# Application From Start to Finish: Tournament Tracker



Lesson 1 - Initial Planning
Lesson 2 - Overview Planning
Lesson 3 - Data Design
Lesson 4 - User Interface Design
Lesson 5 - Logic Planning
Lesson 6 - Class Library Creation
Lesson 7 - Form Building

Visual Studio Shortcuts:

prop + tab + tab

  • tab to got to next property
  • enter to got to end of line


  • xml comment

cw + tab + tab

  • Console.WriteLine()


Lesson 1 - Initial Planning


Your friends come to you and ask you to create a tournament tracker.

They are always playing games and want to determine who is the best.

The idea is that you create a bracket tournament system where the computer will tell them who to play in a single-elimination style bracket.

At the end, the winner should be identified.

Their model is the NCAA Basketball tournament bracket for March Madness.


  1. Tracks games played and their outcome (who won).
  2. Multiple competitors play in the tournament.
  3. Creates a tournament plan (who plays in what order).
  4. Schedules games.
  5. A single loss eliminates a player.
  6. The last player standing is the winner.


  1. How many players will the tournament handle? Is it variable?
  2. If a tournament has less than the full complement of players, how do we handle it?
  3. Should the ordering of who plays each other be random or ordered by input order?
  4. Should we schedule the game or are they just played whenever?
  5. If the games are scheduled, how does the system know when to schedule games for?
  6. If the games are played whenever, can a game from the second round be played before the first round is complete?
  7. Does the system need to store a score of some kind or just who won?
  8. What type of front-end should this system have (form, webpage, app, etc.)?
  9. Where will the data be stored?
  10. Will this system handle entry fees, prizes, or other payouts?
  11. What type of reporting is needed?
  12. Who can fill in the results of a game?
  13. Are there varying levels of access?
  14. Should this system contact users about upcoming games?
  15. Is each player on their own or can teams use this tournament tracker?

Lesson 2 - Overview Planning


  1. How many players will the tournament handle? Is it variable?
    • The application should be able to handle a variable number of players in a tournament.
  2. If a tournament has less than the full complement of players, how do we handle it?
    • A tournament with less that the perfect number (a multiple of 2, so 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.) should add in "byes".
      • Basically, certain people selected at random get to skip the first round and act as if they won.
  3. Should the ordering of who plays each other be random or ordered by input order?
    • The ordering of the tournament should be random.
  4. Should we schedule the game or are they just played whenever?
    • The games should be played in whatever order and whenever the players want to play them.
  5. If the games are scheduled, how does the system know when to schedule games for?
    • They are not scheduled so we do not care.
  6. If the games are played whenever, can a game from the second round be played before the first round is complete?
    • No.
      • Each round should be fully completed before the next round is displayed.
  7. Does the system need to store a score of some kind or just who won?
    • Storing a simple score would be nice.
      • Just a number for each player.
        • That way, the tracker can be flexible enough to handle a checkers tournament (the winner would have a 1 and the loser a 0) or a basketball tournament.
  8. What type of front-end should this system have (form, webpage, app, etc.)?
    • The system should be a desktop system for now, but down the road we might want to turn it into an app or a website.
  9. Where will the data be stored?
    • Ideally, the data should be stored in a Microsoft SQL database but please put in an option to store to a text file instead.
  10. Will this system handle entry fees, prizes, or other payouts?
    • Yes.
      • The tournament should have the option of charging an entry fee.
        • Prizes should also be an option, where the tournament administrator chooses how much money to award a variable number of places.
          • The total cash amount should not exceed the income from the tournament.
            • A percentage-based system would also be nice to specify.
  11. What type of reporting is needed?
    • A simple report specifying the outcome of the games per round as well as a report that specifies who won and how much they won.
      • These can be just displayed on a form or they can be emailed to tournament competitors and the administrator.
  12. Who can fill in the results of a game?
    • Anyone using the application should be able to fill in the game scores.
  13. Are there varying levels of access?
    • No.
      • The only method of varied access is if the competitors are not allowed into the application and instead, they do everything via email.
  14. Should this system contact users about upcoming games?
    • Yes, the system should email users that they are due to play in a round as well as who they are scheduled to play.
  15. Is each player on their own or can teams use this tournament tracker?
    • The tournament tracker should be able to handle the addition of other members.
      • All members should be treated as equals in that they all get tournament emails.
        • Teams should also be able to name their team.

Big Picture Design

Structure: Windows Forms application and Class Library
Data: SQL and/or Text File
Users: One at a time on one application

Key Concepts

  • Email
  • SQL
  • Custom Events
  • Error Handling
  • Interfaces
  • Random Ordering
  • Texting

Lesson 3 - Data Design

Mapping the Data


  • TeamMembers (List<Person>)
  • TeamName (string)


  • FirstName (string)
  • LastName (string)
  • EmailAddress (string)
  • CellphoneNumber (string)


  • TournamentName (string)
  • EntryFee (decimal)
  • EnteredTeams (List<Team>)
  • Prizes (List<Prize>)
  • Rounds (List<List<Matchup>>)


  • PlaceNumber (int)
  • PlaceName (string)
  • PrizeAmount (decimal)
  • PrizePercentage (double)


  • Entries (List<MatchupEntry>)
  • Winner (Team)
  • MatchupRound (int)

Matchup Entry

  • TeamCompeting (Team)
  • Score (double)
  • ParentMatchup (Matchup)

Lesson 4 - User Interface Design


Tournament Viewer Tournament Viewer

Create Tournament Create Tournament

Create Team Create Team

Create Prize Create Prize

Tournament Dashboard Tournament Dashboard

Lesson 5 - Logic Planning

Create Tournament Create Tournament

create new (link)

  • Creates a new team
  • Opens a new form
  • When finished, closes form, and new data is on create tournament form
  • Probably a good place to have an interface

Add Team (button)

  • Looks in Select Team Box and add to tournamentPlayersListBox
  • Remove from dropdown list it pulled it from
  • Refresh dropdown and listbox

Create Prize (button)

  • works like create new
  • open form
  • wait till prize is created
  • put in prizesListBox

Delete Selected (button)

  • delete item selected in listbox to its left
  • for teams, the team will go back into the Select Team dropdown box

Create Tournament (button)

  • Validate information
    • Have Tournament Name
    • Make sure Entry Fee isn't a negative number
    • Make sure have at least 2 teams
    • Create Schedule
      • Number of teams (ex: have 10 teams, then make a tournament of 16 teams)
        • Number of byes
      • Randomize order for first round

Create Team Create Team

Add Member (button)

  • Take existing Team Member from dropdown list and add to tournamentPlayersListBox on right
    • Remove member from dropdown list and refresh both lists

Create Member (button)

  • Take 4 fields, make new Team Member, and add to tournamentPlayersListBox
    • Clear out 4 fields

Create Team (button)

  • Validate Team and create them
  • Send info back to the caller

Missing Delete Player button (Delete Selected).

Create Prize Create Prize

Create Prize (button)

  • Validate info and send info back to calling form and close form.

Tournament Dashboard Tournament Dashboard

Has list of existing tournaments.
If select a tournament and click Load Tournament (button), is going to load selected Tournament in Tournament Viewer.

Create Tournament (button)

  • Opens Create Tournament form.
  • Capture created tournament and load into dropdown.

Tournament Viewer Tournament Viewer

Tournament: <name> will be updated when form is loaded.

Round (dropdown)

  • Will figure out how many rounds are in a rounds object.
  • If a tournament has 4 rounds -> Round 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • Has to know which round to go to.
  • Will change what the matchupListBox shows.

Unplayed Only (checkbox)

  • Checked by default.
  • If checked, will filter matchupListBox further by if a game is played or not (not just round #).


  • Display, update, and change scores.
  • Depends on what's selected in matchupListBox
    • Update Team Names
    • If have scores, put scores in score boxes

Score (button)

  • Change that matchup's scores.
  • The matchup is over, this is who won.
  • Last unplayed game in the round, triggers next round.
    • email, end of tournament, assignment of prizes, results, etc.
  • Can we mark played games with a new score?
    • Yes, as long as still in current round.

Other Pieces

  • Data Access
  • Data Storage
  • How deal with 2 different data sources?
  • How email out information?
    • What triggers that?
  • What triggers knowing who plays the next matchup?

Lesson 6 - Class Library Creation

Solution: Tournament Tracker

prop + tab + tab

  • tab to got to next property
  • enter to got to end of line


  • xml comment

cw + tab + tab

  • Console.WriteLine()


Team Model.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TrackerLibrary
    public class TeamModel
        public List<PersonModel> TeamMembers { get; set; } = new List<PersonModel>();
        public string TeamName { get; set; }

Person Model.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TrackerLibrary
    public class PersonModel
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
        public string CellphoneNumber { get; set; }


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TrackerLibrary
    public class TournamentModel
        public string TournamentName { get; set; }
        public decimal EntryFee { get; set; }
        public List<TeamModel> EnteredTeams { get; set; } = new List<TeamModel>();
        public List<PrizeModel> Prizes { get; set; } = new List<PrizeModel>();
        public List<List<MatchupModel>> Rounds { get; set; } = new List<List<MatchupModel>>();


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TrackerLibrary
    public class PrizeModel
        public int PlaceNumber { get; set; }
        public string PlaceName { get; set; }
        public decimal PrizeAmount { get; set; }
        public double PrizePercentage { get; set; }


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TrackerLibrary
    public class MatchupModel
        public List<MatchupEntryModel> matchupEntries { get; set; } = new List<MatchupEntryModel>();
        public TeamModel Winner { get; set; }
        public int MatchupRound { get; set; }


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TrackerLibrary
    public class MatchupEntryModel
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents one team in the matchup.
        /// </summary>
        public TeamModel TeamCompeting { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Represents the score for this particular team.
        /// </summary>
        public double Score { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Represents the matchup that this team came 
        /// from as the winner.
        /// </summary>
        public MatchupModel ParentMatchup { get; set; }

Lesson 7 - Form Building

Created Icon in Syncfusion Metro Studio. Size: 16 x 16 Padding: 0 Export: TournamentViewer.ico

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