- https://github.com/R1cebank/AmiMat Simple tool to make simple animations
- https://github.com/motord/cottontail
- https://github.com/revcore/revcore Yulgang Emulator Revolution Core http://revcore.meximas.com
- https://github.com/biscuitWizard/Angels_8 An interactive fiction video game based on post-cyberpunk media such as Transmetropolitan.
- https://github.com/Craftitude-Team/Craftitude New minecraft launcher allowing one-click mod installation and much more!
- https://github.com/noogai03sprojects/AerialArchitect An RTS about building floating cities.
- https://github.com/evoxalien/Lua2012
- https://github.com/viniciusjarina/SpriteLua NLua + SpriteKit sample.
- https://github.com/codefoco/NLuaBox NLua iOS Application
- https://github.com/drew-r/Goose Runtime C# compilation and integrated Lua scripting for fun and profit.
- https://github.com/cmark89/Eglantine A spooky point-and-click adventure game.
- https://github.com/zeta0134/drunken-archer My individual project for Game Programming at TAMUCC in Spring of 2014
- https://github.com/MasterQ32/OpenWorld.Engine A C# game engine based on OpenGL and OpenTK.
- https://github.com/nrother/dynamiclua Wrapper for NLua, making access to lua more idomatic from .NET. Heavily using the "dynamic" keyword.
- https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA An open-source implementation of the Red Alert engine using .NET/mono and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. http://open-ra.org
- https://github.com/TheBerkin/RNGTV Watch randomly generated TV shows with your friends.
- https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vs-erc ~/.erc for Visual Studio
- https://github.com/umby24/Hypercube Hypercube Classic Minecraft Server
- https://github.com/RustOxide/Oxide Oxide is a modding API for the game Rust.
- https://github.com/drew-r/Maverick
- https://github.com/Schumix/Schumix2 Schumix2 C# IRC Bot and Framework http://schumix.eu
- https://github.com/bertjohnson/Multipath Video search engine and Plex channel. http://multipath.tv
- https://github.com/Mitch528/SharpStar A Starbound proxy server with support for Javascript and Lua plugins
- https://github.com/XepicxnoobX/XepicxnoobX.xna.lib General API and Engine
- https://github.com/GregoryLand/Lorei Lorei
- https://github.com/Rush-Forward/Amarathia Amarathia is a time-travel retro 2D MMORPG inspired by Nexus TK and developed by our awesome team of game enthusiasts.
- https://github.com/okdhryk/RtcMyTask